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主题 : 新手必读:怎么获得下载权限?怎么获得下载流量?什么情况会被扣流量并封号或者封IP?
级别: 中级博友
390楼  发表于: 2010-02-27   
2009年考博英语---清华大学模拟试题 Xou#38&p>  
Part II   Vocabulary :HE]P)wz-  
21. All the students in this university are requested to comply with the regulations. kr*c?^b  
    A. required J@GfO\ o  
    B. demanded  `JE>GZ Y  
    C. ordered >#:/ GN?  
    D. expected NI1HUU Zz  
22. Individuals have applied “positive thinking” either to particular external circumstances or to some particular habit or character defect. XsOOkf\_  
    A. used…for…for ob] lCX)  
    B. employed…upon…upon Z M+Hb_6f  
    C. adapted…to…to w}.'Tebu  
    D. suited…to…to Ft7a\vn*B  
23. Everyone who heard the story found it incredible /SXz_ e  
    A. irresistible gr 5]5u  
    B. immaterial P*PL6UQ  
    C. unbelievable |\a:]SlH  
    D. nonsensical 3\KII9  
24. They conceded that her statement was true. 8`G{1lr4o  
    A. proved (oXN>^-D  
    B. doubled &{ {DS  
    C. denied Z% ;4Ed  
    D. admitted 7I(t,AKJ  
25. Absent impartiality on the part of the psychotherapist, a patient’s conflicts may be exacerbated. j#e.rNG  
    A. indifference Z) Xs;7  
    B. objectivity <KwK tgzs  
    C. voiced concern @LKG\zYBu  
    D. engagement jAK{<7v4U  
26. I was extremely exasperated when I saw that my room was littered with wood shavings. b|dCEmFt  
    A. startled "F"_G  
    B. exalted {1MGb%xW  
    C. rapturous EB>B,#  
    D. irritated JYd7@Msfc  
27. If that is what he said, his reasoning must be fallacious. DvX3/z#T  
    A. faulty A,gx5!J  
    B. fascinating HB7(  
    C. fastidious ^ L ^F=qx  
    D. fantastic )M'UASB;8  
28. They awoke to find the maid had left the remnants of dinner on the table. yIIET E  
    A. list of items for 5}eQaW48  
    B. invitations to 3%R{"Q"  
    C. leftovers of R|1xXDLm*E  
    D. preparations for ck+b/.gw`  
29. Some would consider that an infringement of good manners whereas others would not. `4%;qLxngP  
    A. an example 5!AV!A_Jp  
    B. a violation h `ME(U~<<  
    C. a problem Vf 0fT?/K  
    D. an indication 90s;/y(  
30. The report was unusual in that it insinuated corruption on the part of minister. rKzlK 'U  
    A. denied MCeu0e^)  
    B. suggested qWO]s=V!  
    C. proposed ALd]1a&  
    D. stated vUYJf99B  
31. Current data suggest that although ______ states between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically. |mxNUo-  
    A. simultaneous /2e%s:")h  
    B. serious _1sMYhI  
    C. partial &$qF4B*  
    D. transitional > BNw  
32. Are we going to see an end to the Arab-Israeli ______. hr$S a  
    A. disaster gg-};0P-  
    B. controversy ,?g=U8y|  
    C. confrontation z2w;oM$g  
    D. aggression yGiP[d|tRc  
33. He promised me a letter; he ought to ______ it days ago. zF5q=9 4$  
    A. have written (*,8KLV_i  
    B. write <% z@  
    C. had written |gnAqkW0  
    D. be writing   bj@xqAGl  
34. The government requires that a census be taken every five years so that accurate statistics may be ______. 3;*z3;#}  
    A. composed Ge~q3"  
    B. complemented \M5P+Wk '  
    C. completed 9ilM@SR  
    D. compiled vsKl#R B  
35. I was not alone in my knowledge, the woman had also seen my father’s eyes gleaming with ______ pride. iTh xVD  
    A. contracted 2;G98H  
    B. contested K@HQrv <  
    C. contented %3M95UZ2  
    D. contrasted |olNA*4  
36. Industry ______ only ten percent of the smog in Los Angeles. T2wv0sHlt  
    A. calls on &Yp+k}XU  
    B. mounts to t5paY w-b  
    C. appeals to :B ZMnCfA  
    D. accounts for &5u BNpH  
37. I let my children make their own decisions now they are older; I wouldn’t ______ to interfere. u_.HPA  
    A. presume gN?0m4[$i  
    B. resume c3] C:t+  
    C. assume I}+;ME|<2  
    D. consume =}v ;1m  
38. The minister’s ______ answer led to an outcry from the Opposition. (S F1y/g@=  
    A. impressive ?; [ T  
    B. evasive ?E<c[*F05  
    C. intensive :a.0he s  
    D. abusive -`7$Qu 2  
39. The first two assumptions made about the ______ of TV were dead wrong: that it would bury radio and it would be a threat to movies. \ZS TKi?  
    A. recession |SQ|qbe=  
    B. advent < Dd%  
    C. diversity Uk,g> LG  
    D. bias WPo:^BD   
40. The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its ______ life, but by its immeasurable difference from life. =g~W%})  
    A. significance in @2 =z}S3O  
    B. imagination at KE.D t  
    C. resemblance to d(7NO;S8  
    D. predominance over aMTFW_w  
Part III   Reading Comprehension /0lC KU!=  
一、 !msNEE@[  
       Britain and Spain have the highest proportion of cocaine users in the EU, according to a pan-European drugs survey published today. The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction 2004 report found 2% of all adults in the UK and Spain reported recent cocaine use, close to figures for the US, compared to less than 1% across the EU as a whole. +=eR%|!@  
       It reported that cocaine use was increasing in Denmark and Germany and that more Europeans were seeking treatment for cocaine-related problems. In most countries, treatment is demanded for the use of cocaine powder rather than smoked crack cocaine—but in the Netherlands around two-thirds of cocaine treatment demands were crack related. r_U>VT^E:  
       Crack use was increasing in a number of cities in Germany, Spain, France and the UK, the survey found. }`o? /!X   
       Heroin use is relatively stable in many EU countries, with new users failing, but limited data from the new member states in central and Eastern Europe may localized increases. >(3\k iYS  
       Deep concern surrounds the continuing HIV epidemic in some of the new EU member stats and their bordering countries, where heroin injecting is more common than it is the western states. Estonia, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine are the countries with the fastest growing HIV epidemic in the world, though there are signs it is stabilizing in the Baltic states. ``|AgIg  
       The director of the EU drugs agency, Georges Estievenart, identified positive signs in the downwards trend of drug-related deaths and better access to treatment and care but warned of future problems.  !aNh!  
       “There is a risk that some of these positive trends may be short-lived and real concerns surround potential drug epidemics, particularly in some of the new members of our Union.” >7b)y  
       “And we should not forget that drug use in general remains at historically high levels—many countries are reporting rising cocaine use and more people are using cannabis and ecstasy in parts of Europe.” kl}Xmw{tJ  
       The Home Office minister, Caroline Flint, said the report was based ion old data and the British Crime Survey showed that crack and cocaine use bad stabilized. ,9of(T(~  
       “We are not complacent about the drugs situation in Britain,” she said, “Drug use is still too high and we are planning new legislation aimed at getting more users into treatment—including testing on arrest—and strengthening police powers to tackle drug dealers.” rmd;\)#*`  
41. Which of the following countries has the highest proportion of cocaine users? H&4~Uo.5  
A. Britain. zY=jXa)K~  
B. Spain. OP! R[27>  
C. the US }Hcx=}j  
D. Denmark. U BZ9 A  
42. Which of the following can not be found in the survey? aeP[+I9  
A. Crack use was increasing in a number of cities in Germany, Spain, France and the UK. xT*d/Oaw  
B. In most countries, treatment is demanded for the use of crack cocaine. g(hOg~S\E  
C. In central and eastern Europe the number of Heroin use is increasing. < <Y}~N  
D. There may be a deep connection between HIV epidemic and Heroin use. *>q/WLR  
43. Why does HIV epidemic in some of the new EU member states and their bording countries keep growing? aFj.i8+  
A. In these countries heroin injecting is more common. @f1*eo5f  
B. People in these countries are not always seeking treatment for cocaine-ralated problems. y\c"b-lQX  
C. People in these countries like to use crack rather than heroin. ~DF:lqwWP  
D. These countries are poorer than their western neighbors and can not provide adequate healthcare. r8/l P}(F  
44. What can we read from Georges Estievenart’s warning? \3XqHf3|o  
A. Drug use in general remains at historically high levels, especially in eastern European countries. x/fX`y|(}*  
B. Most people are using cannabis and ecstasy in parts of Europe. T*[ VY1  
C. There is a risk that some of these positive trends may be short-lived. 1wj:aD?g  
D. The drug situation in some countries is actually not very satisfactory because of the old data. n,'OiVl[  
45. This passage mainly talks about ______? Shr,#wwM`B  
A. The drug situation in EU as a whole and in some countries specifically. EbY,N:LK  
B. The reason why Britain and Spain have the highest proportion of cocaine users in the EU. }8K4-[\  
C. The connection between HIV epidemic and heroin injecting. b=;nm#cAI  
D. The future steps the EU will take to reduce the rate of drug use. *OjKc s  
二、 Cby;?F6w  
       Thailand confirmed three new human bird flu cases Thursday as healthy officials warned it could take two years to conquer Asia’s outbreak. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization said the latest tests show no sign of a killer hybrid virus that could easily pass between people. #Pk$L+C  
       Tests on a cluster of bird flu cases in a Vietnamese family showed there was no mixing of genes between the bird flu strain and human flu, according to WHO. L1{GL #qV  
       In the United States, a strain of bird flu was found at four live chicken markets in northern New Jersey, just days after outbreaks at two farms in Delaware led to the destruction of thousands of birds. 23F/\2MSG  
       WHO has said the best way to control the spread of the disease is by culling the birds. In Asia, tens of millions of chickens have been killed by infecting or slaughtered in containment efforts as bird flu spread, jumping to people in Vietnam and Thailand. o{:xp r=(  
       The human death toll stood at 19 on Thursday. XOP"Px@  
       While two of the three people labeled as new cases in Thailand have recovered, the third, a 13-yearo-old boys, was in intensive care in northeastern Chaiyaphum province, Thai officials said. fxcc<h4  
       Fears of an outbreak prompted Singapore, believed free of bird flu, to announce plans to euthanize 5,000 healthy chickens in a drill to prepare for any possible infection. ~uWOdm-"[  
       Ten governments in the region have dealt with the disease over the past couple of months, with China boosting its culling efforts as reports of infections there increased. }yn0IWVa  
       Beijing said Thursday it was mobilizing 16,000 workers for anti-bird flu efforts in a province bordering Vietnam where China’s first bird flu case of the season was confirmed in late January. Among their tasks is to try to pinpoint the source of the first infection. 21X`h3+=  
       Destroying infected fowl is the best way to contain the outbreak, according to WHO. / 1UOT\8U  
       Thai officials have said slaughters of more than 26 million chickens have brought the disease largely under control there, while Vietnam has said its outbreak is easing. In Pakistan, U. N. officials said the disease has been contained. But the U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization said it would take much longer to bring the region outbreak under control. b}^S.;vNj  
       “I would have though that we’d be looking at a period of six months… but it could be as long as two years,” FAO animal health officer Peter Roeder said in Geneva. In New Jersey, state veterinarian Nancy Halpern said the markers likely got the virus from one of their many farms and distributors. New Jersey has about 35 live chicken markets. BaI $S>/Q  
46. Which of the following is true according to WHO? Vv.r8IGYm  
A. It could take two years to conquer Asia’s outbreak of bird flu. p{A}pnjf  
B. The bird flu is dangerous because it is very easy to spread between people. =ac_,]z  
C. The best way to control the spread of the bird flu is by killing the infected birds. s8"8y`u  
D. The outbreak of bird flu is hard to control because the genes of the bird flu areain and human flu are mixing very quickly. S{t+>/  
47. Which one of the following countries has not been infected with human bird flu? s9;#!7ms  
A. Singapore. Rk<@?(l!6x  
B. Thailand. C@ZK~Y_g  
C. China. VZr>U*J[:  
D. Pakistan v4,h&JLt  
48. According to the passage, which one of the following countries has not announced the containment of bird flu? F_ iXd/  
A. Pakistan. GG064zPq7  
B. Thailand. lz#GbXn.  
C. Vietnam. j`'`)3f  
D. the United States. h+ p*=|j`  
49. Which of the following is false according to the passage? g6@Fp7T  
A. Three new cases of human bird flu have been confirmed by Thailand until Thursday. 6fH@wQ"wN  
B. Two of the three patients in Thailand have recovered while the other died. TNCgaTJ{h  
C. The best way to control the bird flu is to slaughter infected fowl. l& 4,v  
D. The spread of bird flu may last as long as two years, while six months as least. s4Sd>D 7  
50. This passage is most likely to come from ______. LZJA4?C  
A. a piece of news ;__9TN  
B. a science book 7Dzui i?1  
C. a survey by WHO Nk=JBIsKv  
D. a report by FAO O ,rwP  
三、 Y$N)^=7  
       Despite ongoing negotiations with its unions, United Airlines has told the bankruptcy court that the “likely result” will be a decision to terminate all of its pension plans. !TZhQiorC  
That would precipitate the biggest pension default in history, more than twice the size of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation default in 2002. The move is expected to destabilize the already struggling airline industry, prompting other old-line carriers like Delta to eventually follow suit to maintain competitiveness. 3czeTj  
It would also put additional pressure on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the federal agency that insures traditional pensions in case companies go belly up. It’s already facing more than a $9 billion shortfall. A default by United would saddle it with an additional $8.4 billion in unfunded obligations. If other airlines follow, the PBGC may have to go to Congress and plead for a bailout that some experts say would be bigger than the Saving and Loan debacle of the 1980s. GRb*EeT  
       More broadly, what all this means is that retirement for US workers just isn’t what it used to be. Forget the gold watch and reliable pension check after 30 years of service. The impact of globalization and competition from low-wage companies that don’t provide benefits has shifted the onus of retirement security from larger firms onto individuals. F(4?tX T  
       Twenty years ago, 40 percent of American workers were covered by traditional pensions known as defined-benefit plans. Today that number’s dropped to 20 percent. As the Bethlehem Steel and United examples show, even that 20 percent may not be able to count on what they’ve been promised. Currently, about 75 percent of those corporate plazas are underfunded. “There are numerous threats to retirement in the future,” says Brad Belt, executive director of the PBGC. “So it’s incumbent on individuals to be well informed, prudent about their investment and to save accordingly.” V/ cP4 {L  
       To get a sense of the impact of the pension crisis on individuals, look at what United employees can expect. Pilots, who by law must retire at 60, could see their retirement income cut by 75 percent. RZM"~ 0  
       Betty, who asked that her name not be used, has been flying for United for 26 years, She was expecting to retire with $140,000 a year. After the recent round of give-backs, that was cut to $90,000. But of United defaults as expected, she’d receive only $28,000 from the PBGC. If she waits until 65 to start collecting, she could be eligible for as much $44,500 a year. A(?\>X 9g  
       Either way, once pilots are forced to leave the cockpit at 60, most will probably look for another job rather than lounge on the golf course. Betty has already started a mediation business on the side. “All of the benefits that I’d been promised during those 26 years have been erased by corporate American greed,” she says. “And yet I can see the big picture. I’ve said for three years that our pensions are history. No matter how many promise they make us, if the money isn’t there, it isn’t there.” a#mNE*Dg  
       For the pilot union, which negotiated the pension benefits over the years, often giving up wage increases for better retirement package, the current situation is infuriating. They see pensions as benefits that are earned, like employee paychecks, not a bonus to be given as long as a company can afford it. “It seems immoral that just because they happen to be in a legal situation, they can walk away from those obligations,” says Steve Derebey, spokesman for Air Line Pilots Association. “Why this isn’t a burning, blazing campaign issue is beyond me.” 8N:owK  
51. Which of the following conclusions is not compatible with the main ideas of the article? {x'GJtpb  
A. The trouble that the airline industry faces id due to the impact of globalization and competition from low-wage companies. O: @}lK+H  
B. Retirement for US workers just id not what it used to be. D9`0Dr}/2  
C. The dispute over United’s pension has become a burning, blazing campaign issue. )jq?lw'&  
D. There are numerous threats to retirement in the future. ~/mw x8~  
52. “Either way, once pilots are forced to leave the cockpit at 60, most will probably look for another job rather than lounge on the golf course. ” In the 8th paragraph, this sentence means that ______. R[ 49(>7H4  
A. those pilots’ pensions have been severely cut back MCU_Z[N#10  
B. they prefer working to idling after retirement Q{k At%  
C. the pensions originally promised to those pilots were not enough for a luxurious life after their retirement qwIa?!8 o  
D. after their retirement, those pilots are forced to continue their work 'J,T{s1J  
53. Which of the following is not suggested by the author as far as getting better prepared for retirement is concerned? !LkW zn3  
A. It’s incumbent on individuals to be well informed, prudent about their investments, and to save accordingly. \*,=S52  
B. To pleas for social support against corporate greed. dt~YW  
C. To start another job on the side. ]skkoM  
D. To see the big picture and help yourself. V5p= mmnA,  
54. Why has the onus of retirement security been shifted from larger firms onto individuals? Pick an explanation. Lm@vXgMD  
A. Corporate greed. l>Ub!^;  
B. Immorality. ,f1q)Qf  
C. Corporate defined-benefit plans are underfunded. rP!#RzL  
D. To maintain corporate competitiveness. p{PE@KO:  
55. The general tone of the author in presenting the subject is ______/ 7}*6#KRG  
A. infuriating }(egMx;"3J  
B. partial ""s]zNF}  
C. personal #2`D`>7456  
D. realistic 4%1 D}9hO6  
四、 K \vSB~{ [  
       In every major city in America, commuters are spending more and more time in their cars fighting traffic. The Texas Transportation Institute recently reported that the average commuter spends an extra 46 hours—more than a full workweek—each year caught in traffic. @iEA:?9uX  
       A major source of the congestion is freight trucks. One large truck takes up the space of almost four cars, and the average truck is becoming longer, with more use of double-and triple-trailers. Increases in truck volume, obviously, add to commuting problems, and according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, freight volunme is expected to increase by two-thirds over the next 20 years. Z3!f^vAi&  
       One proposed solution¬—building new roads—is expensive and politically contentious. But there’s another way: greater use of freight rail. \,J/ r!  
       In an urban area like New York, shifting 25% of freight from trucks to freight trains by the year 2025 would reduce drivers’ commuting time by 52.9 hours. In addition, such a shift would save $734 per household in annual congestion costs. 3s"0SLS4  
       Shifting freight from road to rail also helps the environment. Freight rail is more fuel-efficient per ton-mile than trucks. And it reduces drivers’ fuel consumption by decreasing the time the spend idling in traffic. By 2025, commuters in New York could save 254 gallons of fuel with a 25% shift of freight from truck to rail. QXF aAb=(7  
       Air pollution levels also would improve with an increase in the use of freight rail. For instance, that same 25% shift to rail by 2025 would decrease air pollutants New York by as much as 79,500 tons. h^j?01*Et  
       To carry out these changes, the freight tail industry will need more capacity, but that depends on investments. Because railroads are not meeting their cost of capital, government policymakers may want to consider investment incentives to help meet the growing demand for freight rail. This would enable freight railroads to provide convenient, on-time, quality service to shippers and boost their share of freight transport. "_2Ng<2  
       It is hard to imagine a less costly or more effective strategy for reducing traffic congestion. 9<K j6t_  
56. In the 2nd paragraph, the basic problem with the freight rail industry is that ______. ,t)x{I;C)  
A. it only has a very low capacity kh%{C] ".1  
B. the price of its service is too low vSonkJ_  
C. its services are not very convenient JoSJH35=:  
D. it is not a profitable enough business nI0[;'Hn,  
57. According to the author’s advice, how should the problem with the freight rail industry be solved? KRjV}\}  
A. The government should offer some investment incentives. 9}z0J  
B. The freight rail industry should increase its capacity. ~Y.tz`2D  
C. The freight tail industry should provide convenient, on-time, quality service. .Vq)zi1<  
D. None of the above-mentioned. WoxwEi1~0  
58. According to the article, all of the following are true except that ______. jNeI2-9c}  
A. air pollution levels would improve with an increase in the use of freight rail vky.^  
B. the author’s suggestion is the least costly or most effective strategy for reducing traffic congestion ki>~H!zB  
C. more capacity of the freight rail industry means more return on investments wp7!>% s{  
D. investment incentives can help increase the capacity of the freight rail industry GUQ{r!S  
59. According to the article, in comparison with freight trucks, freight rail has all of the following advantages except that ______? @(C1_  
A. it’s more fuel-efficient per ton-mile K!,<7[MBg  
B. it produces less air pollutants :$+-3_oLMQ  
C. it’s more convenient wW>)(&!F  
D. it can help relieve road traffic congestion .CSS}4  
60. The tone of the passage seems to be ______. !;_H$r0  
A. persuasive 'EFyIVezg9  
B. absolute r < cVp^  
C. exaggerating ^9-&o  
D. argumentative W[+|}  
Part IV   Cloze 0kDK~iT  
       National Geographic   61   fill a number of roles, says Karen Kasmauski. “We are journalists, researcher, thinkers,” she says, “photography is our   62   .” (RtueEb.~E  
       As one of the Society’s six contributing phptpgraphers-in-residence, Karen seeks to focus   63   attention on global changes and how they   64   human health. One promising   65   is the anti-measles   66    in Kenya led by the American Red Cross, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and UN   67   . TE )gVE]  
       “These photographers-in-residence have chosen subject they’ve been   68   for years, subjects they’ve   69   about,” says program manager Charlene Valeri. Frans Lanting investigates   70   and the danger of    71   loss to animals I the wild. David Coubilet works to promote the survival of coral reef   72   in the South Pacific. Sam Abell   73   North American rivers from a cultural, historical, and ecological   74   . Underwater photography Emory Kristof will use   75   -operated vehicles to take inventory of deep ocean   76   in water off Indonesia. Annie Griffiths Belt is promoting   77   of wilderness areas in North America, both in and outside of classrooms. By speaking to   78   and displaying their work widely, the photographers hope to   79   public support for the Society’s   80  . p\{-t84n  
61.             t*@z8<H  
A. contributors nL:SG{7  
B. photographers TPhTaKCio  
C. columnists Nm):9YQ/  
D. writers M/Pme&%  
62. |y20Hi':  
A. instrument                       %zU`XVNN+  
B. device 'B0{U4?   
C. tool 4 g. bR  
D. utensil  'Pvm8t  
63. |#l=  
A. personal                       aCV4AyG  
B. private  ; v  
C. particular :R):b  
D. public 6mH/ m&  
7k Ky\W  
64. 4lKVY<  
A. affect                           l<(Y_PE:  
B. sway 5BR5X\f0  
C. persuade >\ST-7[^L  
D. impress (wmBjQ]B<  
bN^O }[  
65. [~D|peM3  
A. determination                 *=Z26  
B. initiative l!E7A Kk8  
C. movement c^8o~K>w84  
D. enterprise d +iR/Ssc  
66. >*twTlb{  
A. cause                         U-wLt(Y<  
B. crusade "x'),  
C. campaign 52zGJ I*  
D. strategy t<:D@J]a  
67. O$`UCq  
A. operations                       6`\]derSon  
B. agencies N12:{U  
C. offices >95TvJ  
D. managements {mE! Vf  
4"\ yf  
68. ! }3,B28  
A. containing                   r^$~>!kZ|  
B. concealing wN37zPnV~  
C. comprising DJh&#b  
D. covering -jg (GGJ  
69. 2^exL h  
A. amorous                       BH0!6Oq  
B. desirous kR.wOJ7'  
C. passionate +-068k(  
D. sympathetic `NwdbKX  
70. 5IMSNGS  
A. convention                 @kngI7=E  
B. conversation o 6j"OZcv  
C. sustenance o%(bQV-T  
D. protection nR5bs;gk"  
71. [j6~}zu@  
A. habitat                         t \5c@j p  
B. residence UFZ"C,  
C. dwelling `]2@ _wa  
D. occupation 9rj('F & 1  
72. y{rn-?`{  
A. community                 m% bE-#  
B. environment ;R1 B9-,  
C. ecosystem <A~GW 'HB  
D. colony ok BE|g  
'_Wt }{h  
73. .K9l*-e[=  
A. inputs                         GfsBQY/  
B. documents CV^0.  
C. bears u7k|7e=xk  
D. justifies F/<qE!(  
74. Y$8; Gm<)  
A. dimension                         1)U} i ^  
B. point _om[VKJd  
C. technique :GL7J6  
D. perspective xURw,  
75. nYov>x]  
A. distantly                       6GOg_P  
B. separately v' 0!=r  
C. remotely "]<}Hy  
D. exclusively t{ H 1u  
76. 9r8D*PvS  
A. variety                         K`gc 4:A  
B. species FQ##397  
C. categories ?waebuj>  
D. division q2Rf@nt  
77. E!dp~RwZu  
A. preservation               96)v#B?p  
B. maintenance qvN "1=nJ  
C. reservation Bt6xV<jD  
D. conversation !=knppY  
'8={ sMy  
78. ?1$\pq^  
A. attendants                       0lf"w@/  
B. audiences >.@MR<H#5  
C. activists 5C65v:Q`N  
D. attendees wNR= ?Z~  
79. ]wR6bEm7  
A. speed                     aLHrl6"  
B. launch \aB&{`iG  
C. mobilize   c*jr5 Y  
D. ignite uAQg"j  
'1lx{U zD  
80. cY^Y!.,  
A. errand                         6iyt2q kh  
B. chore ^[*AK_o_DQ  
C. assignment 8W{ g  
D. mission wb@]>MJ}[s  
Part V   Writing 83X/"2-K  
Directions: In this part, you are asked to write a composition on the title of How to Copy Effectively with the Stress in Life. as far as your own experience with the problem. Your composition should be no less than 200 English words. Put your composition on the ANSWER SHEET. HN^w'I'bp  
`c>A >c|  
参考答案与解析 J511AoQ{R  
Part II Vocabulary !(}OBZ[ *  
21. A :0{AP_tvcC  
require 意思是“请求,要求”,与request 的意思相同。 但request 含有“礼貌地请求”之意。demand 也有“要求,需要”的意思, 但是指坚决、强硬得要求,往往带有命令的口吻。 5N Fq7&rJ6  
22. A g+VRT, r  
use … for 是“运用,应用”之意,与apply…to意思相同。 [ +yG DMLs  
23. C D~XU `;~u  
unbelievable 不可信,不能令人相信的;irresistible不能抵抗的,制服不了的; immaterial 不重要的,不足取的;nonsensical 无意义的,荒谬的,无条理的。 |YJ$c @  
24. D 1mAUEQ!  
       admit“允许承认”,与划线词concede的意思相近。 e_tZja2s  
25. B l A 0-?k  
       impartiality不偏不倚,公正,公平。四个选项中:indifference 不关心;objectivity 客观性;vioced concern 表示出的关注;engagement 约会,婚约。 & %@/Dwr  
26. D !>?4[|?n<  
       irritated 激怒的;startled 吃惊的,吓了一跳;exalted 兴奋的,得意洋洋的,崇高的;rapturous使狂喜的。 r{bgTG  
27. A V}j %gy`  
       fualty错误的,有缺陷的;fascinating迷人的;fastidious难以取悦的,讲究的;fantastic不合情理的,怪诞的。 jt0H5-x  
28. C xzuPie\  
       remnants残余,残留。list of items for目录;invitations to 邀请,招待;preparations for 准备,预备。 721{Ga4~S  
29. B       2(@LRl>:  
       infringemnet违反,侵害;violation 违反,违背;indication指出,迹象,暗示。 mrw]yu;2<n  
30. B 9;}L{yve  
       insinuate含沙射影地说。deny否认,拒绝;suggested 暗示;propose提议;state声明,陈迹。 d<e+__ 2  
31. D "FD<^  
       D项的industrious“过渡的”符合题意。simultaneously 同时发生;serious严厉的,严重的;partial部分的,不公正的,都与题意不符。 j=`y  @~  
32. C \HBVNBY  
       confrontation“对抗”符合题意。Disater灾难;controversy争论;aggression侵略。 /F \>Z]  
33. A l iBAJx  
       ought to have done sth. 意为“原本应该做某事(但却没做)”。 z(8)1#(n7  
34. D 9;;]q?*  
       Compile“编译,编辑”符合题意。其它三项:compose组成,写作;complemente 补助,补足;complete 完成,使完善。 My'9S2Y8nv  
35. C     : HQ8M*o  
       Contracted收缩的,压缩的;contest争论,为……而竞赛;contented满意的;contested形成对照的,用来修饰pride的应用contented。 <DA{\'jJ  
36. D lo IL{2  
       D项account for “占,说明”符合题意。其它三项:call on 访问;amount to合计,共计;appeal to 呼吁。 r&H=i  
37. A ?0 KiR?  
       presume“交涉,敢于,擅自行动”;resume“重头开始,恢复”;assume假定认为,担任;consume消耗。根据题意,只有A项为正确答案。 A)O_ es 2  
38. B &etL&s v  
       evasive“含糊不清的”符合题意。其他三项:impressive 印象深刻的,感人的;intensive加强的,密集的,精深的;abusive辱骂的,滥用的。 ox i a}  
39. B wsdB; 6%$  
       B项的advent“到来,出现”符合题意。其它三项:recession经济萧条;diversity不同,变化多端;bias偏见。 1 Ovx$ *  
40. C Qd&d\w/  
       这是一个由but连接的表转折关系的并列句,后面提到difference,所以前面应当是difference的反义词,只有resemblance to(与 …… 相似)符合题意。significance in 在 …… 之上。 E.zYi7YUKK  
+j)-L  \  
Part III   Reading Comprehension !9ceCnwbNN  
41. C ue^?/{OuT  
       从第一段内容可知,英国和西班牙是欧盟中使用可卡因比例最高的国家,随后在第二段中又说,英国和西班牙使用可卡因恶人数比例接近于美国(Close H`+]dXLB  
to figure for the US),由此推断美国是使用可卡因比例最高的国家。 B^_$ hJncc  
42. B vkNZ -`+I  
       第三段中讲到,大部分国家的治疗主要是针对可卡因粉末,而不是“快克”得使用(In most countries, treatment is demanded for the use of cocaine powder rather than smoked crack cocaine.)。显然选项与条差中提到的美容不相符合,因此选B。 eE#81]'6a  
43. A lu G023'  
       根据第六段的“Deep concern surrounds the continuing HIV epidemic in some of the new EU member states and their bordering countries, where heroin injecting is more than it is the western states.”可知艾滋病在新加入欧盟的一次而国家及其周边越来越扩散,在这些国家海洛因注射比西欧国家更普遍。其他三项都不是文中提及的相关原因,所以A项为正确答案。 4X(1   
44. C ?h>%Ix  
       根据第二段的“There is a risk that some of these positive trends may be short-lived.”可知这些积极的趋势有很快消失的危险,这与C项符合。其他三项都不是警告内容。 "R\\\I7u  
45. A b}EYNCw_7S  
       本文主要讨论了欧盟吸毒的整体形势,并具体介绍了一些国家和地区的状况。A项为文章内容最合适的概括,而其他三项都是对文章用意的曲解。 #V(Hk )  
46. C gOES2 4$2  
       选项A的内容出现在第1段,但不是来自于世界卫生组织。选项B可以排除,因为第二段中世界卫生组织说没有迹象显示很容易在人群中传播的混合致命病毒已出现(no sign of a killer hybrid virus that could easily pass between people)。选项D也可以排除,因为在第三段中,世界卫生组织说有证据表明禽流感和人类感冒的基因还没混合(there wes no mixing of genes between the bird flu strain and human flu)。第11短所述实际卫生组织的说法以及文章涉及到的一些国家控制禽流感的做法明确证实了选项C是正确的。 SzgY2+Qq  
47. A #Kb)>gzT  
       从第8段可以看出新加坡为受到感染(believed free of bird flu),它之所以指定杀鸡计划是为了防止禽流感的爆发,而其他几个国家都是已经被感染了。因此选A。 g O\f:Pg  
48. D nCSd:1DY  
       第12段中,泰国、越南和巴基斯坦得官员都已经宣布控制了本国的禽流感爆发,而文中并没有相关美国官员的话明确正是美国是否已经控制禽流感了,所以选D。 |+$j( YuH  
49. B /%}Yu N  
       对于文章开头提到得泰国新出现的3名病例,文章在第7段中说有两名已经恢复,而第3名仍在接受重症特别护理(in intensive care),并没有死亡,所以B是错误的,应当选B。 6"rFfdns  
50. A T^=Ee?e  
       本文带有明显的新闻体风格,很可能摘自一篇新闻,而没有任何证据表明它来自于一本科学书籍、世界卫生组织的调查或者是联合国粮农组织的报告。所以A项为正确答案。 wzLiVe-  
51. C RL]lt0O{  
       看最后一段,机师工会对目前的情况十分恼火。在历年的谈判中,工会往往放弃提新的要求以换取更好的退休福利待遇,可现在都成了泡影。在他们看来,退休金和工资都一样,都是他们应得的福利,并非公司额外的犒赏,没钱的时候就可以一笔勾销。公司也不能因为遇到一些法律纠纷就逃避这些他们应承担的义务,一走了之。这一问题应当在大选中成为焦点。当然,这只是机师工得看法,实际上,不选还顾不上这事,这也让很多机师工不平。 zM9).D H  
52. A Do [ F+Y  
       本句意思是:原本这些飞行员60岁退休后可以凭借着优厚的养老金在高尔夫球场悠游自在,可现在恐怕还得找些零活以充实退休之后的生活,否则就没钱过得很滋润。由此可见,他们的退休金被消减的幅度之大。 {*5;:QnT  
53. B 5>z:[OdY*  
       作者的建议还是提醒美国公众大的环境已改变,要认清形势(to see the big picture),认识到退休后的生活幸福与否应当有自己去把握,不要过的指望企业和政府,要认清掌握情况,明智进行投资,同时拥有充分的积蓄。结合本书中关于目前美国国内提倡的“所有权社会”的文章,可以看到美国目前的退休福利制度也在进行着较大幅度的改革。 ay7+H7^|hZ  
54. D ]= QCCC  
       目前美国企业员工退休制度正在发生变化,主要是由于经济全球化冲击,以及国内经济管制的放松导致竞争加剧,是各企业不得不采取措施加以对应,以维持竞争力,谋求发展。所以D项为正确答案。 E#HU?<q8  
55. D Q+%m+ /Zq  
       全篇看来,作者详细分析了航空特养老金方面存在的问题,罗列了很多数据,引用了很多人的谈话,总的来说语气较客观。 7$dc? K  
56. D PUFW^"L V  
       铁路运输业投资规模很大,但投资回报率不高,无法实现投资成本,由此导致产能不足,既缺乏投资者介入,因而政府方面考虑采取一些投资激励措施以引导更多资金流入这一行业。因而“不是十分有利可图”是铁路货运业的基本症结所在。 [0,q7d?"  
57. A Y$`hudJ&  
       由政府方面采取措施鼓励投资、扩大产能、降低单位或与成本,以带来更高的投资回报率是解决问题的关键。 ,*}g r  
58. C X-2S*L'  
       运量或产能(capacity)越大,回报或利润(return or investments)不一定越高,只有政府介入,进行一定的扶持,才能实现,否则可能规模越大,赔得越多。 ZZ.0'   
59. C J/P@m_Yx  
       论方便还是公路交通运输筹划更为灵活一些。文章倒数第2段说,在政府扶持下,铁路运营企业扩大产能,可以提供更为方便、准时、质量更好得服务。 0.+Z;j  
60. A Iz$W3#hi  
       文章实事求是的指出了铁路货运的问题,并提供了解决办法,引用了大量数据,目的在于以理服人。所以应选A。 Uub%s`O  
Part IV   Cloze Jv{"R!e"P  
61. B =x.v*W]F`  
       从上下文可以看出,《国家地理》杂志得摄影师们要扮演多种角色。 IM&7h! l"|  
62. C <n2{+eO  
       对这些身兼数职的摄影师来说,摄影只是他们的工具。 v.^ 'x  
63. D ,DUQto  
       “focus public attention on ... ”指把公众的注意力都吸引到......上来。 2Q_{2(nQb  
64. A 2] wf`9ZH  
       affect意为“影响”。吸引大家注意全球的变化以及这些变化如何影响人类健康。 g}og@UY7#  
65. B "E[*rnsLN  
       initiative意为“率先公开的行动”。一项大有前途的行动就是反麻疹运动。 d~f0]O  
66. C {c EK z\RX  
       campaign意为“旨在达到一特定目的而举行的运动”,即这里所指的反麻疹运动。 T+`GOFx  
67. B E$yf2Q~k  
       agency意为“机构,一国政府内或国际机构管辖下的行政部门”。此处指联合国下属的部门。 c68$pgG  
68. D Gqz)='  
       cover这里指他们多年来各自所“涉及”得题材,他们的摄影所述及或表现的对象。 -clg 'Aa;.  
69. C uXW. (x7"f  
       be passionate about... 指“对......充满热情”。他们选择了自己非常热爱的主题。 U,3K6AZA 7  
70. B L5|;VH  
       conversation指对自然资源的“保护”。这是Frans Lanting选择的主题 n)7$xYuH  
71. A \c^jaK5  
       habitat动植物的生活环境、产地、栖息地。Frans Lanting选择的主题中还包括野生动物面临得丧失栖息地的危险。 Dq1XZ%8  
72. C ?@BaBU:o`F  
       ecosystem意为“生态系统”。David Coubilet积极倡导南太平洋珊瑚礁生态系统的存活。 Y%cA2V\#m  
73. B  G/;aZ  
       document这里做动词用。表示“用文件证明”,从文化、历史、生态学的角度来证明北美的河流。 ~=g H7V  
74. D Ox1QP2t6Y  
       from a...perspective指“从...观点/角度来看”。 !_z>w6uR  
75. C Y`p&*O  
       remotely-operated vehicles 指Emory Kistof 将使用“遥控的交通工具或媒介物”标识印度尼西亚的深海生物详细目录。 6#63D>OWp  
76. B 4!W?z2ly~R  
       species指印度尼西亚近海的深海“生物种类”。 ~l(tl[  
77. A ^7<mlr  
       preservation指“保存,保持”。Annie Griffiths Belt 在努力促进北美野生区域的保存工作。 EF{'J8AQ  
78. B /'^>-!8_1  
       这些摄影师向不同听众发言,广泛展示他们的工作成果。 kF~e3A7C  
79. C Mp}NUQHE  
       mobilize指“调动,动员”。他们通过不同方式是,希望调动其公众对这个组织的支持。 \5c -L_  
80. D AsF`A"Cdw<  
       mission指“使命”,追求一种活动或履行一种职责的内心召唤。这些摄影是把这项工作当成他们的使命。 W%QtJB1)  
Part V   Writing rZ4<*Zegv  
       As far as my experience with the problem of the stress in life, the effective cure for it rests with the following major steps. X.5LB!I)  
       One step is to set my priorities. Whenever I feel any undue stress is building up in my life, I tend to write down a list of things to accomplish, with the most pressing at the top; and meanwhile allow more time than I think I’ll need for each job, with enough breathing room to handle emergencies or rearrange priorities as circumstances change. Another step is to know when to say no. My experience has led me to recognize that if we are too busy doing too many chores or too obliging to others to say no to may of their requests, we may never get around to the important activities that give us genuine satisfaction. And the most important step is to learn to ask for help. In the past, I used to seek no aid because I regarded it as a lack of ability to reach out for help; but now I have come to realize that there are always some parts of our life over which we have little or no control and that, by both asking for and offering help, we can strengthen personal relationship and lighten each other’s load. ,B>b9,~3a  
       If you feel overwhelmed with the problem of stress, therefore, you might as well try the above and may be surprised to find the same holds true for you.
级别: 中级博友
391楼  发表于: 2010-02-28   
2006年中国农大博士入学试题生物化学 &cE,9o%FZ  
一、名次解释(40分,每小题4分) '" yl>"  
    变构酶、蛋白质结构域、蛋白质靶向定位、复制体模型、核酶、启动子、snRNA、 E.9k%%X]  
SDS-PAGE、Antipoter、EST k]YGD  
二、问答题(60分,每小题15分) y5h[^K3  
1、真核生物与原核生物转录过程有那些差异?简述真核生物转录的主要调控环节。 T+!kRigN~P  
2、为何说代谢调控实质上是酶活性的调控?酶水平的调控主要指那些层次上的调控,请举例说明。 #C}(7{Vt  
3、分别举例说明酶蛋白参与物质运输、能量转换、和信号转导三种重要生命活动过程。 T6#GlO)8)  
4、将组成型启动子控制下的GUS基因,稳定导入到某一生物体,在部分转化子中检测不到GUS活性,在另一部分转化子中虽然检测到GUS活性,但其强弱有明显差异。请予以说明。 C>ZeG Vq  
2002年生化考题(包括名词解释、填空和简答) &|] ^ u/  
1、单克隆抗体与多克隆抗体的定义、区别,是谁提出的?内容? E+ 20->  
2、与谷氨酸代谢有关的所有途径 6>J #M  
3、生糖氨基酸和生酮氨基酸生成糖的途径 9B0"GEwrs  
4.免疫球蛋白的种类 NE"fyX`  
5.半抗原、抗原决定簇的定义 Y.#+Yh[  
6.动物初乳中的免疫球蛋白 [N)M]u  
7.酪氨酸的代谢方式和途径 $S{j}74[  
8.饥饿时三大营养物质的代谢方式、特点 4y.[tk5  
等等 Df^S77&c!  
2001年博士生入学考试动物生物化学试题 3}Qh`+Yj]  
1、试述血红蛋白的结构特点,血液中的氧分压、二氧化碳浓度、氢离子浓度对其与氧结合的调节作用?;血红蛋白和肌红蛋白的相同和区别? 5Bo)j_Qo  
2、 如何保证蛋白质翻译的忠实性? YZ@-0_Z  
3、 肉毒碱在脂肪代谢中的生理功能? !f 6  
4、 名词解释(16个):如:蛋白质变性、增色效应、磷酸果糖激酶、ATP/ADP等Km值。 _#B/# ^a  
5、 Trp操纵子等 2oLa`33c1  
6、 转录与翻译 gG>>ynn  
7、 三种分离蛋白质的方法 5{Wl(jwb  
8、 脂肪、糖和蛋白质代谢的关系,说明其联系的关键酶 1O4"MeF  
9、 羊毛缩水的机制?
级别: 中级博友
392楼  发表于: 2010-02-28   
中国农业大学2000年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) QL#y)G53Q  
1概念:Km、过瘤胃蛋白、遗传密码。 Sqs`E[G*  
2、 反刍动物蛋白质代谢。 nmr>Aj8[  
3、 为什么说复制比转录更精细? s?Kn,6Y  
4、 血液中氨的浓度过高,动物会中毒,为什么喂牛尿素,牛不会中毒,且能正常生长?
级别: 中级博友
393楼  发表于: 2010-02-28   
中国农业大学1999年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) s><co]  
1、反刍动物蛋白质代谢特点。 zlfm})+G  
2、 说明下列问题:(1)脂肪组织缺乏己糖激酶;(2)肝脏缺乏葡萄糖-6-磷酶酶;(3)肌肉组织中缺乏酰基转移酶。 W= !f  
3、 双链DNA变性后,为何紫外吸收增加。 :9}*p@  
4、 生长膜为双分子层,说明Pro嵌入其中的机理。 Ju<D7  
5、 乳糖操纵子为正调控,说明其机理。 0N xaQ`\  
6、 AA分类,各举一例说明。 cu-WY8n  
7、 能否由多肽AA顺序推导出mRNA碱基顺序,说明其理由。 k bY@Y,:w  
8、 何谓wobble 假说。 F}Au'D&n_  
9、 说明抗体多样性的分子基础。 #XsqTK_nk  
10、 说明反刍动物糖原异生的重要性。
级别: 中级博友
394楼  发表于: 2010-02-28   
中国农业大学1998年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) 6XP> p$-  
1、 蛋白质二级结构定义并举例说明。 P1t5-q  
2、 AA滴定曲线的定义与含义。 y ;;@T X  
3、 Km值计算方法。 `JR dOe  
4、 反刍动物能量来源。 9g7T~|P  
5、 原核、真核生物基因表达区别。 *b&|  
6、 tRNA反密码定义;Wobble Hyothesis内容。 FB@G. f  
7、 概念:肽键、多肽、操纵子、DNA半保留复制、核小体、过瘤胃蛋白。
级别: 中级博友
395楼  发表于: 2010-02-28   
中国农业大学1997年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) }{$@|6)R   
1、 反刍动物的蛋白质代谢。 Q-\: u~  
2、 蛋白质的一级结构及其在结构层次中的作用。 'G&w[8mqY  
3、 酮体的生成?它与糖代谢的关系。 U-@\V1;C  
4、 羊毛衫热水洗涤后容易皱缩,而蚕丝蛋白则没有这种现象,为什么? &:rf80`z.  
5、 真核生物与原核生物DNA复制的不同之处?DNA复制具备什么条件? ]]+"`t,-  
6、 当溶液的PH为丙氨酸等电点时,它以什么形式存在? x`4">:IA  
7、 操纵子与操纵基因的概念?它们在基因表达中的作用? j:0z/gHp$  
8、 核糖体的功能?真核与原核生物核糖体的不同? %Nv Y~,  
9、 氨基酸层析的分离依据于氨基酸的那些特性?离子交换层析中选择洗脱液应该那些因素。
级别: VIP博友

396楼  发表于: 2010-03-04   
级别: 中级博友
397楼  发表于: 2010-03-04   
2006年中国农大博士入学试题生物化学 Ay[6rUO  
一、名次解释(40分,每小题4分) LqNsQu";  
    变构酶、蛋白质结构域、蛋白质靶向定位、复制体模型、核酶、启动子、snRNA、 )Zox;}WK+  
SDS-PAGE、Antipoter、EST Z<`QDBN"4  
二、问答题(60分,每小题15分) d4~!d>{n|c  
1、真核生物与原核生物转录过程有那些差异?简述真核生物转录的主要调控环节。  3= PRe  
2、为何说代谢调控实质上是酶活性的调控?酶水平的调控主要指那些层次上的调控,请举例说明。 +ps(9O/B>  
3、分别举例说明酶蛋白参与物质运输、能量转换、和信号转导三种重要生命活动过程。 C1hp2CW$5/  
4、将组成型启动子控制下的GUS基因,稳定导入到某一生物体,在部分转化子中检测不到GUS活性,在另一部分转化子中虽然检测到GUS活性,但其强弱有明显差异。请予以说明。 Tv!zqx#E  
2002年生化考题(包括名词解释、填空和简答) r3'0{Nn+  
1、单克隆抗体与多克隆抗体的定义、区别,是谁提出的?内容? u{J$]%C   
2、与谷氨酸代谢有关的所有途径 U`z=!KI+g  
3、生糖氨基酸和生酮氨基酸生成糖的途径 /; w(1)B  
4.免疫球蛋白的种类 1GE[*$vuq  
5.半抗原、抗原决定簇的定义 ",Mr+;;:[  
6.动物初乳中的免疫球蛋白 \<TWy&2&  
7.酪氨酸的代谢方式和途径 y2KR^/LN|Y  
8.饥饿时三大营养物质的代谢方式、特点 OQ&l/|{O0?  
级别: 中级博友
398楼  发表于: 2010-03-04   
中国农业大学2000年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) 1 8%+ Hy=  
1概念:Km、过瘤胃蛋白、遗传密码。 %vUY|3G  
2、 反刍动物蛋白质代谢。 E6XD n`:  
3、 为什么说复制比转录更精细? g8k S}7/  
4、 血液中氨的浓度过高,动物会中毒,为什么喂牛尿素,牛不会中毒,且能正常生长?
级别: 中级博友
399楼  发表于: 2010-03-04   
中国农业大学1999年博士研究生入学考试试题(生物化学) ,<k%'a!B  
1、反刍动物蛋白质代谢特点。 zX lcu_rc  
2、 说明下列问题:(1)脂肪组织缺乏己糖激酶;(2)肝脏缺乏葡萄糖-6-磷酶酶;(3)肌肉组织中缺乏酰基转移酶。 0CO@@`~4  
3、 双链DNA变性后,为何紫外吸收增加。 1_WP\@ O  
4、 生长膜为双分子层,说明Pro嵌入其中的机理。 fqjBor}  
5、 乳糖操纵子为正调控,说明其机理。 9TX2h0U?  
6、 AA分类,各举一例说明。 e>6|# d  
7、 能否由多肽AA顺序推导出mRNA碱基顺序,说明其理由。 $GP66Ev  
8、 何谓wobble 假说。 4_kY^"*#"  
9、 说明抗体多样性的分子基础。 ,~q:rh+  
10、 说明反刍动物糖原异生的重要性

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