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(|p/%H }KJ/WyYW N9_9{M{ 在任何英语考试中阅读理解部分都是让考生颇为头疼的题型。而往往阅读部分的分数在整张试卷中所占比例都特别大,大概占整张试卷的30%——45%。做阅读理解时考生大都遇到这样的问题——明明文章中所有的单词都看的懂,为什么看文章时总是似懂非懂,而且每次答题时都只对一半,并且对的那一半还是蒙的。这种问题的发生往往是因为考生没有阅读理解的真正意义。阅读理解,顾名思义,先阅读后理解,也就是说先把文章中的单词、词组、俚语、成语、固定用法都理解后再经过自己大脑的分析加工后才可以做对全部题目。奇怪的是,几乎中国80%以上的考生都忽略了逻辑分析这个环节,天真的以为只要背一定量的单词,就可以再阅读理解中取得高分,其实阅读理解重点考察的是理解,而我下面要讲解的就是怎样在储备一定量的词汇的基础上对文章进行理解。
RKRk,jRL |7%M:7Q 下面选取的文章是中科院07年试题中的第一道阅读理解题。中科院阅读理解共五篇文章占30分,答题时间为一小时,也就是说要求考生平均12分钟做完一篇阅读理解。而在做阅读理解前考生已经答完词汇和完形填空部分的题,大概会用去30分钟,这也就是说,到了这个时间考生正好刚刚进入考试状态,只要平时训练有素,这部分答题的效率将会非常的高。
pZF`+642 KK/~W 下面我们看一下文章。
9^>nZ6 fk;39$[ Passage One
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| /id(atiF^ Most people would be impressed by the high quality of medicine available to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of attention to the individual, a vast amount of advanced technical equipment, and intense effort not to make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must face the courts if they handle things badly.
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qj^ 文章大意:众所周之,美国大多数民众都服用的高品质的医药。这其中存在很多特殊性——对个人的大量关注,大量的高级机械设备的投入使用,并且尽力避免出现误诊,因为如果出现误诊,法院会对医生和医院进行财政处罚。
[B4nV +Z#lf 解析:如果这一段你读懂了,你至少可以获得以下信息:
tBp dKJn## 5 o'V} 1、表面信息,文章是关于美国医疗体制的,第一段主要表达的是美国的医疗体制很发达,之所以发达是因为如果出现医疗事故,法院会对医院进行财政处罚。
c2-NXSjsW e%u1O-* 2、推理信息:文章下一段可能会描写这种医疗体制的弊端,或者继续褒奖美国这种医疗体制。但是描述弊端的几率比较大,因为这是我们在做阅读理解中常见的写作手法“欲抑先扬”。
UcKpid ;WWUxrWif But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not looking after the less fortunate and the elderly.
O\PEeT ZQZ>{K 文章大意:但是美国民众却很混乱。问题在于美国的卫生保健组织和资助方式,有悖自由竞争,并且违背了民众的意愿。民营机构不照顾穷人和老人,可见民营体制已经融入进一个大型的公共体制。
R 6ca; 58ev (f 表面信息:我们的推断是正确的,第二段指出了美国医疗体制的弊端,这种弊端是美国的医疗机构是以盈利为目的,并且由于民营医院和国有医院联合,医院不愿接待穷人和老人。
nx&(V 3T+#d-\ 推理信息: 接下来我们猜猜作者接下来想写什么,他极有可能继续阐述美国医疗体制的弊端。
\J.PrE'(} LhUrVydL But even with this huge public part of the system, which this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars-more than 10 percent of the U.S. budget-large numbers of Americans are left out. These include about half the 11 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits on income fixed by a government trying to make savings where it can.
.q"`)PT =I-SQI8 文章大意:不过,即使拥有这个庞大的系统,该系统今年将消耗掉845.0亿美元,超过财政预算的百分之十左右。11中万失业者中其中大约一半人和不能达到政府要求的固定收入,他们能做的只有节省开支。
YQ:FBj k}(C.`. 表面信息:果然是继续深化描述美国医疗的弊端,并且列出了具体数字。
Lp`q[Z* \'q 9,tP 推理信息:作者也许会接着讨论引发这种状况的原因。
WyF1Fw /r^J8B* The basic problem, however, is that there is no central control over the health system. There is no limit to what doctors and hospitals charge for their services. Over than what the public is able to pay. The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache, a sick child, or a heart attack, all the unfortunate person concerned can do is pay up.
Ro9z8 文章大意:基本的问题是,没有对卫生系统的中央控制。没有什么医生和医院为他们服务的收费进行限制,这远远超过了公众的支付能力。医生的人数已上升和医疗收费迅速攀升,当面对牙痛,生病的孩子,或心脏病发作,让那些不幸的人担心的就是付款。
KP(RK4F ]2`PS<a2 表面信息:我们的推理是正确的,导致这种问题的原因没有相关机构采取相应措施对医疗系统的收费控制。
{9S=: 'Y Bz?l9 推理信息:下面可能是延续话题。
)sf Oc8]A=M12 Two-thirds of the populations are covered by medical insurance. Doctors charge as much as they want knowing that the insurance company will pay the bill.
;5urIYd ?nZQTO7 文章大意:三分之二的人口有括医疗保险。医生想收多少钱就收多少钱,因为他们知道保险公司会为病人支付账单。
65X$k]x C]59@z;+bN 表面信息:医生敢肆无忌惮的收费是因为人民有医疗保险,所以不担心有人会支付不起费用。
3\j{*f$J \3a(8Em 推理信息:只能往下再看。
,Wtod|vx\U BIovPvq;i The medical profession has as a result become America's new big businessmen. The average income of doctors has now reached $100,000 a year. With such vast incomes the talk in the doctor's surgery is as likely to be about the doctor's latest financial deal, as about whether the minor operation he is recommending at several thousand dollars is entirely necessary.
k`[ L *8ykE 段落大意:医学界也因此成为美国的新的大商家。医生的平均收入现在已达到每年10万美元。对于医生来讲,手术巨大的收入可能达到医生的最新金融交易,其中做个小手术大概就要花费几千元。
} .hd<,\nW 表面信息:连锁反应导致的结果是医生收入很高,甚至一个小手术就要花几千元。
QbA+\ 推理信息:这些现象另政府头疼。
EA_6L\+8& =23JE
'^= The rising cost of medicine in the U.S.A. is among the most worrying problem facing the country. In 1981 the country's health cost climbed 15.9 percent about twice as fast as prices in general.
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N 段落大意:在不断上升的医疗成本是美国的最令人担忧的国家面临的问题。 1981年,该国的医疗费用上涨百分之15.9,是以前开支的两倍
2@ 4^ 81 'oNY4.[ 总结:如果掌握上述信息,一边读文章,一遍思考,做对阅读理解应该不成问题,下面就带着我们搜集到得信息完成试题。
kH$)0nK woIcW 36. In the U.S. patients can effect, in medical ______.
u7R:7$H MHZ!noAr A. occasional mistakes by careless doctors
Gc6`]7 s U)mg]o-VE B. a great deal of personal attention
m<]b]FQ s+m,ASj C. low charge by doctors and hospitals
u`GzYG-L n$>E'oG2t D. stacking nurses and bad services
1%W|>M` F=}-ngx8& 37. Doctors and hospitals try hard to avoid making mistakes because ______.
Zr!he$8(2 |%6zhkoufM A. they fear to be sued by the patients
ffx Sw!/IPO B. they care much about Their reputation
sR%,l ^
'jJ~U C. they compete for getting more patents
GUUVE@Z f#9DU}2m D. they wish to join the private medical system
bvM\Qzc!<3 =l&A9 >\ 38. What do most Americans think about health in the U.S.?
X8U._/'N \A-w,]9^V A. It must be in total chaos
,XmTKOc z;x1p)(xt B. It must be a free competition system
hGc') v&CKtk!3{ C. It should cover the unemployed
lZ^UAFF \qPgQsy4 D. It should involve private care.
3e)3t ` z1oikg:?4 39. From Paragraph 3 we know that ______from the public health system.
z`b.~<P HRF4
R o A. millions of jobless people get support.
R!7emc0T V0p@wG3 B. those with steady income do not seek help.
a^+b(&;k VK9I#
C. some people are made ineligible to benefit.
; *G[3kk F8 4LMk?U D. those with private health care are excluded.
}P 7QiJ1P.z 40. According to the author, what is the key factor in the rise of health cost in the US?
-Kt36:| %v++AcE A. The refusal of insurance companies to pay the bills
,wmPK;j B^(0>Da\ B. The increase of the number of doctors and hospitals
cTRQI3Oa> ["N>Po C. the lack of government control over the medical prices
Vxif0Bx&/d r ]1|I6:&) D. The merger of private health care with the public system.
hB:R8Y^?H f f"Clp 41. It is implied that American doctors often______.
ZMJ\C|S: c4CBpi?} A. trade their professionalism for financial benefits
m,e1:Nk< kl[bDb1p B. fails to recognize the paying power of the patients
1p,G8 v+B &Qghm
o C. discuss about how to make money during the surgery
?,|_<'$4T De|@}@ D. gives the patients expensive but needless treatments.
D00rO4~6D% hBLg;"=Em n[WXIE< 6"
3!9JC 正确答案:BABCCA
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