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主题 : BMC Ophthalmology
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BMC Ophthalmology

BioMed Central ^.SYAwL  
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BMC Ophthalmology <AHpk5Sn{  
Research article Open Access $`=p]  
Comparison of age-specific cataract prevalence in two 3dShznlf_*  
population-based surveys 6 years apart R$awgSE  
Ava Grace Tan†, Jie Jin Wang*†, Elena Rochtchina† and Paul Mitchell† Zo9 <96I&  
Address: Centre for Vision Research, Westmead Millennium Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Sydney, Westmead Hospital, Kz4S6N c  
Westmead, NSW, Australia 29R-Up!SVN  
Email: Ava Grace Tan - ava_tan@wmi.usyd.edu.au; Jie Jin Wang* - jiejin_wang@wmi.usyd.edu.au; 90}{4&C.^  
Elena Rochtchina - elena_rochtchina@wmi.usyd.edu.au; Paul Mitchell - paul_mitchell@wmi.usyd.edu.au N0U/u'J!g  
* Corresponding author †Equal contributors wucdXj{%  
Abstract c PGlT"  
Background: In this study, we aimed to compare age-specific cortical, nuclear and posterior 15$xa_w}L  
subcapsular (PSC) cataract prevalence in two surveys 6 years apart. (}"D x3K  
Methods: The Blue Mountains Eye Study examined 3654 participants (82.4% of those eligible) in s:`i~hjq  
cross-section I (1992–4) and 3509 participants (75.1% of survivors and 85.2% of newly eligible) in H#- 3  
cross-section II (1997–2000, 66.5% overlap with cross-section I). Cataract was assessed from lens Z O}Og&%  
photographs following the Wisconsin Cataract Grading System. Cortical cataract was defined if 3:%k pnO  
cortical opacity comprised ≥ 5% of lens area. Nuclear cataract was defined if nuclear opacity ≥ @u3`lhUcT  
Wisconsin standard 4. PSC was defined if any present. Any cataract was defined to include persons .u`[|: K  
who had previous cataract surgery. Weighted kappa for inter-grader reliability was 0.82, 0.55 and 2 pS<;k`  
0.82 for cortical, nuclear and PSC cataract, respectively. We assessed age-specific prevalence using LzygupxY!  
an interval of 5 years, so that participants within each age group were independent between the OfsP5*d  
two surveys. o3ZN0j69|  
Results: Age and gender distributions were similar between the two populations. The age-specific ]AP1+ &9fN  
prevalence of cortical (23.8% in 1st, 23.7% in 2nd) and PSC cataract (6.3%, 6.0%) was similar. The Zw]`z*,yRA  
prevalence of nuclear cataract increased slightly from 18.7% to 23.9%. After age standardization, $o6/dEKQ  
the similar prevalence of cortical (23.8%, 23.5%) and PSC cataract (6.3%, 5.9%), and the increased IS C.~q2  
prevalence of nuclear cataract (18.7%, 24.2%) remained. BT_]= \zi  
Conclusion: In two surveys of two population-based samples with similar age and gender TyxIlI4"  
distributions, we found a relatively stable cortical and PSC cataract prevalence over a 6-year period. vccWe7rh  
The increased prevalence of nuclear cataract deserves further study. !`ol&QQ#  
Background _iwG'a[`  
Age-related cataract is the leading cause of reversible visual jA? #!lx_  
impairment in older persons [1-6]. In Australia, it is T.q2tC[bR  
estimated that by the year 2021, the number of people fV:15!S[  
affected by cataract will increase by 63%, due to population pA7-B>Y  
aging [7]. Surgical intervention is an effective treatment PN}+LOD<t  
for cataract and normal vision (> 20/40) can usually vwR_2u  
be restored with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. $QX$rN  
Cataract surgery with IOL implantation is currently the dQut8>0&  
most commonly performed, and is, arguably, the most |5@Ra@0  
cost effective surgical procedure worldwide. Performance ,|%KlHo^  
Published: 20 April 2006 G1:}{a5i_  
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 doi:10.1186/1471-2415-6-17 D?|D)"?qb  
Received: 14 December 2005 [hJ1]RW8  
Accepted: 20 April 2006 /iW+<@Mas  
This article is available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 r}U6LE?>  
© 2006 Tan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. M!mL/*G@YE  
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), 'Kelq$dn#  
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. _S!^=9bJ  
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 J%|?[{rO{'  
Page 2 of 7 &lc@]y8  
(page number not for citation purposes) X<ex >sM  
of this surgical procedure has been continuously increasing N,t9X7G&  
in the last two decades. Data from the Australian F)P:lvp<r  
Health Insurance Commission has shown a steady o'Bd. B  
increase in Medicare claims for cataract surgery [8]. A 2.6- 1nVQYqT_  
fold increase in the total number of cataract procedures Po>6I0y  
from 1985 to 1994 has been documented in Australia [9]. t@KTiJI ]  
The rate of cataract surgery per thousand persons aged 65 o Rfb4+H&  
years or older has doubled in the last 20 years [8,9]. In the g 2Fg  
Blue Mountains Eye Study population, we observed a onethird ;H$ Cq' I  
increase in cataract surgery prevalence over a mean cIug~ x>  
6-year interval, from 6% to nearly 8% in two cross-sectional &9jJ\+:7  
population-based samples with a similar age range X[z;P!U  
[10]. Further increases in cataract surgery performance }gSoBu  
would be expected as a result of improved surgical skills pEB3 qGA  
and technique, together with extending cataract surgical ra^</o/  
benefits to a greater number of older people and an _KRnx-  
increased number of persons with surgery performed on e9acI>^w  
both eyes. s>9I#_4]  
Both the prevalence and incidence of age-related cataract K^{j$  
link directly to the demand for, and the outcome of, cataract 01Jav~WR  
surgery and eye health care provision. This report '! >9j,BJ  
aimed to assess temporal changes in the prevalence of cortical %Tp9G Gt  
and nuclear cataract and posterior subcapsular cataract vbJ<|#|r-  
(PSC) in two cross-sectional population-based 81RuNs]  
surveys 6 years apart. }$? FR  
Methods ,~L*N*ML  
The Blue Mountains Eye Study (BMES) is a populationbased l@Lk+-[D  
cohort study of common eye diseases and other iBE|6+g~Cj  
health outcomes. The study involved eligible permanent piIZ*@'  
residents aged 49 years and older, living in two postcode St ;9&A  
areas in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, Australia. +;,{`*W+N  
Participants were identified through a census and were LM<*VhX  
invited to participate. The study was approved at each 4'faE="1)S  
stage of the data collection by the Human Ethics Committees s:<y\1Ay  
of the University of Sydney and the Western Sydney ;&lXgC^*  
Area Health Service and adhered to the recommendations (4Db%Iw  
of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent hu-]SGb6  
was obtained from each participant. Zl_sbIY  
Details of the methods used in this study have been ~#g c{ C@  
described previously [11]. The baseline examinations 8] LF{Obz[  
(BMES cross-section I) were conducted during 1992– CXUF=IE  
1994 and included 3654 (82.4%) of 4433 eligible residents. S 1k*"><  
Follow-up examinations (BMES IIA) were conducted m.P F'_)/  
during 1997–1999, with 2335 (75.0% of BMES u`EK^\R  
cross section I survivors) participating. A repeat census of uNewWtUb(  
the same area was performed in 1999 and identified 1378 ' !huU   
newly eligible residents who moved into the area or the t{,$?}  
eligible age group. During 1999–2000, 1174 (85.2%) of -cUW,>E  
this group participated in an extension study (BMES IIB). JKKp5~_~  
BMES cross-section II thus includes BMES IIA (66.5%) 4=MVn  
and BMES IIB (33.5%) participants (n = 3509). I N @ ~~  
Similar procedures were used for all stages of data collection J^t0M\  
at both surveys. A questionnaire was administered fq1w <e  
including demographic, family and medical history. A zt2#K  
detailed eye examination included subjective refraction, wgDA b#Zuk  
slit-lamp (Topcon SL-7e camera, Topcon Optical Co, '"Cqq{*  
Tokyo, Japan) and retroillumination (Neitz CT-R camera, j gV^{8qG  
Neitz Instrument Co, Tokyo, Japan) photography of the [1~3\-Y  
lens. Grading of lens photographs in the BMES has been | {zka.sJ  
previously described [12]. Briefly, masked grading was 0gyvRM@ x[  
performed on the lens photographs using the Wisconsin 4 JBfA,  
Cataract Grading System [13]. Cortical cataract and PSC /&?ei*z  
were assessed from the retroillumination photographs by ~#EXb?#uS  
estimating the percentage of the circular grid involved. D _\HX9  
Cortical cataract was defined when cortical opacity K[SzE{5=P  
involved at least 5% of the total lens area. PSC was defined zCq6k7u  
when opacity comprised at least 1% of the total lens area. 7d{xXJ-  
Slit-lamp photographs were used to assess nuclear cataract =PU@'OG  
using the Wisconsin standard set of four lens photographs 57 Vn-  
[13]. Nuclear cataract was defined when nuclear opacity h1)+QLI  
was at least as great as the standard 4 photograph. Any cataract q89yW)XG  
was defined to include persons who had previous vr>J$ (F  
cataract surgery as well as those with any of three cataract j%vxCs>  
types. Inter-grader reliability was high, with weighted M/[9ZgDc  
kappa 0.82 for cortical cataract, 0.55 (simple kappa 0.75) ?` *`A9@  
for nuclear cataract and 0.82 for PSC grading. The intragrader /|Gz<nSc  
reliability for nuclear cataract was assessed with B_r:daCS:  
simple kappa 0.83 for the senior grader who graded #.j:P#  
nuclear cataract at both surveys. All PSC cases were confirmed Rlr[uU_  
by an ophthalmologist (PM). .<P@6Jq  
In cross-section I, 219 persons (6.0%) had missing or oxCfSA  
ungradable Neitz photographs, leaving 3435 with photographs 'u [cT$  
available for cortical cataract and PSC assessment, RvW>kATb_F  
while 1153 (31.6%) had randomly missing or ungradable 5o|u!#6  
Topcon photographs due to a camera malfunction, leaving 7 dG_E]&  
2501 with photographs available for nuclear cataract Dx3Sf}G `  
assessment. Comparison of characteristics between participants t/"9LMKs?  
with and without Neitz or Topcon photographs in w68VOymD/  
cross-section I showed no statistically significant differences RML'C :1  
between the two groups, as reported previously z :$TW{%M  
[12]. In cross-section II, 441 persons (12.5%) had missing YAF0I%PYU  
or ungradable Neitz photographs, leaving 3068 for cortical K)oN^  
cataract and PSC assessment, and 648 (18.5%) had %8L5uMx  
missing or ungradable Topcon photographs, leaving 2860 RA62Z&W3  
for nuclear cataract assessment. 7w"YCRKh  
Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Analysis XN' X&J  
System (SAS, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Age-adjusted #lm1"~`5  
prevalence was calculated using direct standardization of j@s,5:;[  
the cross-section II population to the cross-section I population. 1<9m^9_ro  
We assessed age-specific prevalence using an p&\x*~6u  
interval of 5 years, so that participants within each age 2|^bDg;W+u  
group were independent between the two cross-sectional w3IU'(|G  
surveys. o;:a6D`   
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 ? Kn~fs8  
Page 3 of 7 4a~9?}V:  
(page number not for citation purposes) CD0SXNi"zH  
Results Ec]cC LB  
Characteristics of the two survey populations have been g'b)]Q  
previously compared [14] and showed that age and sex dTP$7nfe  
distributions were similar. Table 1 compares participant `Uw^,r  
characteristics between the two cross-sections. Cross-section bs mnh_YRj  
II participants generally had higher rates of diabetes, (iiyptJ  
hypertension, myopia and more users of inhaled steroids. 4d3PF`,H`  
Cataract prevalence rates in cross-sections I and II are ]urcA,a  
shown in Figure 1. The overall prevalence of cortical cataract [w)6OT  
was 23.8% and 23.7% in cross-sections I and II, Z)(C7,Xu  
respectively (age-sex adjusted P = 0.81). Corresponding G>{;@u  
prevalence of PSC was 6.3% and 6.0% for the two crosssections .,x08M   
(age-sex adjusted P = 0.60). There was an @ B3@M  
increased prevalence of nuclear cataract, from 18.7% in : C;=<$  
cross-section I to 23.9% in cross-section II over the 6-year ziy~~J  
period (age-sex adjusted P < 0.001). Prevalence of any cataract Oox5${#^  
(including persons who had cataract surgery), however, 4 ITSDx  
was relatively stable (46.9% and 46.8% in crosssections 1}!f.cWV(  
I and II, respectively). (N43?i v(  
After age-standardization, these prevalence rates remained $0K9OF9$  
stable for cortical cataract (23.8% and 23.5% in the two crC];LMl/  
surveys) and PSC (6.3% and 5.9%). The slightly increased c{#lKD<7  
prevalence of nuclear cataract (from 18.7% to 24.2%) was Xf9VW}`*8  
not altered. $X-,6*  
Table 2 shows the age-specific prevalence rates for cortical ;LH?Qu;e  
cataract, PSC and nuclear cataract in cross-sections I and 8F4#E U  
II. A similar trend of increasing cataract prevalence with )r1Z}X(#d  
increasing age was evident for all three types of cataract in P5vMy'1X  
both surveys. Comparing the age-specific prevalence 8N8B${X  
between the two surveys, a reduction in PSC prevalence in JCaT^KLz  
cross-section II was observed in the older age groups (≥ 75 ^#%$?w>wI  
years). In contrast, increased nuclear cataract prevalence 0  x"3  
in cross-section II was observed in the older age groups (≥ P/Sv^d5=e  
70 years). Age-specific cortical cataract prevalence was relatively |2c'0Ibu  
consistent between the two surveys, except for a o*I-~k  
reduction in prevalence observed in the 80–84 age group F/RV{} 17E  
and an increasing prevalence in the older age groups (≥ 85 } "y{d@  
years). rxCu V  
Similar gender differences in cataract prevalence were l= !KZaH  
observed in both surveys (Table 3). Higher prevalence of ~"}-cl,  
cortical and nuclear cataract in women than men was evident R^_/iy  
but the difference was only significant for cortical bEy j8=P;  
cataract (age-adjusted odds ratio, OR, for women 1.3, p#J}@a  
95% confidence intervals, CI, 1.1–1.5 in cross-section I g4j?E{M?  
and OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1–1.6 in cross-section II). In con- 2fI?P  
Table 1: Participant characteristics. eyl+D sK  
Characteristics Cross-section I Cross-section II uj;-HN)6  
n % n % @ou g^]a  
Age (mean) (66.2) (66.7) MWsBZJRr  
50–54 485 13.3 350 10.0 +~02j1Jx  
55–59 534 14.6 580 16.5 CQzJ_aSJ (  
60–64 638 17.5 600 17.1 0P\)L`cG  
65–69 671 18.4 639 18.2 0 Co_,"  
70–74 538 14.7 572 16.3 VwHTtZ  
75–79 422 11.6 407 11.6 2Wq)y1R<T  
80–84 230 6.3 226 6.4 m/%sBw\rx  
85–89 100 2.7 110 3.1 RP z0WP  
90+ 36 1.0 24 0.7 )5)S8~Oc  
Female 2072 56.7 1998 57.0 gn#4az3@e>  
Ever Smokers 1784 51.2 1789 51.2 , S}[48$  
Use of inhaled steroids 370 10.94 478 13.8^ UFm E`|le  
History of: TQ.d|{B[  
Diabetes 284 7.8 347 9.9^ ?7/n s>}  
Hypertension 1669 46.0 1825 52.2^ "f(iQI  
Emmetropia* 1558 42.9 1478 42.2 q A#!3<  
Myopia* 442 12.2 495 14.1^ #: w/vk  
Hyperopia* 1633 45.0 1532 43.7 XQ%*U=)s  
n = number of persons affected dBX%/  
* best spherical equivalent refraction correction D%Hz'G0|  
^ P < 0.01 DU4NPys]y  
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 ul>$vUbyf  
Page 4 of 7 ,X)0+DNsq  
(page number not for citation purposes) g(>;Z@Y  
t =sPY+~<o  
rast, men had slightly higher PSC prevalence than women C5\bnk{  
in both cross-sections but the difference was not significant +kd88Fx  
(OR 1.1, 95% CI 0.8–1.4 for men in cross-section I _}EGk4E  
and OR 1.2, 95% 0.9–1.6 in cross-section II). _hMMm6a|  
Discussion e 9U\48  
Findings from two surveys of BMES cross-sectional populations LwZBM#_g  
with similar age and gender distribution showed 5qGRz"\p~  
that the prevalence of cortical cataract and PSC remained ,i;kAy)  
stable, while the prevalence of nuclear cataract appeared c_)vWU  
to have increased. Comparison of age-specific prevalence, bBW(# Q_a  
with totally independent samples within each age group, iKu[j)F  
confirmed the robustness of our findings from the two M6jP>fbV*  
survey samples. Although lens photographs taken from z%Op_Ddp  
the two surveys were graded for nuclear cataract by the tV9BVsN  
same graders, who documented a high inter- and intragrader B)Hs>Mh|W  
reliability, we cannot exclude the possibility that E%:!* 9  
variations in photography, performed by different photographers, Vrf2%$g  
may have contributed to the observed difference #?k$0|60  
in nuclear cataract prevalence. However, the overall HIcx "y  
Table 2: Age-specific prevalence of cataract types in cross sections I and II. U59uP 7n  
Cataract type Age (years) Cross-section I Cross-section II &n|#jo(gS  
n % (95% CL)* n % (95% CL)* /tikLJ  
Cortical 50–54 473 4.4 (2.6–6.3) 338 7.4 (4.6–10.2) yK+76\} I  
55–59 522 9.2 (6.7–11.7) 542 9.0 (6.6–11.5) t48(,  
60–64 615 16.4 (13.5–19.4) 556 16.7 (13.6–19.8) !u.{<51b  
65–69 653 26.2 (22.8–29.6) 581 23.6 (20.1–27.0) ?D/r1%Z  
70–74 516 31.2 (27.2–35.2) 514 35.4 (31.3–39.6) h6}oRz9=g  
75–79 366 40.2 (35.1–45.2) 332 39.8 (34.5–45.1) E j@M\  
80–84 194 58.8 (51.8–65.8) 163 42.9 (35.3–50.6) S U~vS   
85–89 74 52.7 (41.1–64.4) 73 54.8 (43.1–66.5) [CGvM {  
90+ 22 68.2 (47.0–89.3) 14 78.6 (54.0–103.2) /7De .O~H  
PSC 50–54 474 2.7 (1.3–4.2) 338 2.4 (0.7–4.0) DKqFe5rw  
55–59 522 2.9 (1.4–4.3) 541 2.6 (1.3–3.9) .r)WDR  
60–64 616 4.6 (2.9–6.2) 548 5.7 (3.7–7.6) 6*Qn9Q%p-  
65–69 655 6.3 (4.4–8.1) 573 4.5 (2.8–6.3) NDglse  
70–74 517 6.8 (4.6–8.9) 505 9.7 (7.1–12.3) c5>&~^~>Tx  
75–79 367 11.4 (8.2–14.7) 327 9.5 (6.3–12.7) s/0-DHd  
80–84 196 12.2 (7.6–16.9) 155 10.3 (5.5–15.2) `W e M  
85–89 74 18.9 (9.8–28.1) 69 11.6 (3.9–19.4) lb2mWsg"  
90+ 23 21.7 (3.5–40.0) 11 0.0 O?p.kf{b  
Nuclear 50–54 323 1.6 (0.2–2.9) 331 0.9 (–0.2–1.9) =L{lt9qQz  
55–59 386 2.3 (0.8–3.8) 507 3.6 (1.9–5.2) #dE#w#=r  
60–64 453 5.3 (3.2–7.4) 501 11.6 (8.8–14.4) TKvUBy  
65–69 478 17.2 (13.8–20.1) 534 18.5 (15.2–21.9) zNuiB LxDs  
70–74 392 27.6 (23.1–32.0) 453 36.0 (31.6–40.4) %gSqc }v*  
75–79 255 45.1 (39.0–51.3) 302 55.6 (50.0–61.3) FjRJSMwO,  
80–84 146 54.1 (45.9–62.3) 147 73.5 (66.3–80.7) 8Y3c,p/gS>  
85–89 50 64.0 (50.2–77.8) 70 80.0 (70.4–89.6) `0 uKJF g  
90+ 18 72.2 (49.3–95.1) 15 73.3 (48.0–98.7) H@bra~k-  
n = number of persons kEf}yTy  
* 95% Confidence Limits `sQ\j Nu  
Cataract FMioguunrtea i1n ps rEeyvea lSetnucdey in cross-sections I and II of the Blue -`n>q^A7e  
Cataract prevalence in cross-sections I and II of the Blue E^zgYkZO  
Mountains Eye Study. p<Wb^BE  
0 kX zm  
10 B]ul~FX  
20 J:dF^3Y  
30 8jd<|nYnfc  
40 xyj)W  
50 A@bWlwfl  
cortical PSC nuclear any &{9'ylv-B)  
cataract l " pCxA  
Cataract type 0{F"b'h  
% Jy@cMq2  
Cross-section I FXV=D_G}  
Cross-section II @k <RX'~q  
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 au9r)]p-  
Page 5 of 7 +L;[-]E8  
(page number not for citation purposes) q~p,A>K  
prevalence of any cataract (including cataract surgery) was zwR@^ 5^6  
relatively stable over the 6-year period. D;Fvd:  
Although different population-based studies used different V]L$`7G  
grading systems to assess cataract [15], the overall -b~MQ/, 2  
prevalence of the three cataract types were similar across %}%D8-d}G  
different study populations [12,16-23]. Most studies have fU@}]&  
suggested that nuclear cataract is the most prevalent type Jc~^32  
of cataract, followed by cortical cataract [16-20]. Ours and b5Rjn1@  
other studies reported that cortical cataract was the most 1)?^N`xF  
prevalent type [12,21-23]. @I\ Z2-J  
Our age-specific prevalence data show a reduction of {.bLh 0  
15.9% in cortical cataract prevalence for the 80–84 year "8ILV`[  
age group, concordant with an increase in cataract surgery %2^C  
prevalence by 9% in those aged 80+ years observed in the -))>7skc  
same study population [10]. Although cortical cataract is iN*d84KTP  
thought to be the least likely cataract type leading to a cataract U(-9xp+  
surgery, this may not be the case in all older persons. tirw{[X0n  
A relatively stable cortical cataract and PSC prevalence V:6#IL  
over the 6-year period is expected. We cannot offer a KD$P\(5#  
definitive explanation for the increase in nuclear cataract 7 tF1g=\  
prevalence. A possible explanation could be that a moderate aBr%"&Z.MG  
level of nuclear cataract causes less visual disturbance idGkX ?  
than the other two types of cataract, thus for the oldest age 6ecr]=Cv  
groups, persons with nuclear cataract could have been less ^4Tr @g#]"  
likely to have surgery unless it is very dense or co-existing tH 5f;mY,  
with cortical cataract or PSC. Previous studies have shown $LAaG65V  
that functional vision and reading performance were high wC!(STu  
in patients undergoing cataract surgery who had nuclear 174H@   
cataract only compared to those with mixed type of cataract miuJ!Kr'  
(nuclear and cortical) or PSC [24,25]. In addition, the q]<Xx{_  
overall prevalence of any cataract (including cataract surgery) g0rdF  
was similar in the two cross-sections, which appears 3=t}py7M  
to support our speculation that in the oldest age group, k :7UU4M 5  
nuclear cataract may have been less likely to be operated (z2)<_bXJ  
than the other two types of cataract. This could have GK95=?f~8;  
resulted in an increased nuclear cataract prevalence (due RduA0@g0  
to less being operated), compensated by the decreased )#ic"UtR  
prevalence of cortical cataract and PSC (due to these being )K@ 20Q+0K  
more likely to be operated), leading to stable overall prevalence RK'3b/T  
of any cataract. s]L`&fY]O  
Possible selection bias arising from selective survival BTjF^&`  
among persons without cataract could have led to underestimation 3(^9K2.s}  
of cataract prevalence in both surveys. We &HFMF )NA  
assume that such an underestimation occurred equally in T]Tz<w W(  
both surveys, and thus should not have influenced our :U ?P~HI  
assessment of temporal changes. &9o @x]) @  
Measurement error could also have partially contributed SjlkKulMF  
to the observed difference in nuclear cataract prevalence. Mk@_uPm  
Assessment of nuclear cataract from photographs is a ,"h$!k"$g  
potentially subjective process that can be influenced by deHBY4@  
variations in photography (light exposure, focus and the 5? c4aAn  
slit-lamp angle when the photograph was taken) and 5 Nl>4d`  
grading. Although we used the same Topcon slit-lamp hJFQ/(  
camera and the same two graders who graded photos bnD>/z]E  
from both surveys, we are still not able to exclude the possibility F{l,Tl"Jw  
of a partial influence from photographic variation $|(roC(  
on this result. gP/]05$e  
A similar gender difference (women having a higher rate *ZN"+ wf\  
than men) in cortical cataract prevalence was observed in EVb'x Zr  
both surveys. Our findings are in keeping with observations kZz;l(?0  
from the Beaver Dam Eye Study [18], the Barbados c?q#?K aF  
Eye Study [22] and the Lens Opacities Case-Control z W+wtYV4  
Group [26]. It has been suggested that the difference O "{o (  
could be related to hormonal factors [18,22]. A previous 4`Fbl]Q   
study on biochemical factors and cataract showed that a 'J!P:.=a>  
lower level of iron was associated with an increased risk of 1ed#nB %  
cortical cataract [27]. No interaction between sex and biochemical ^gb2=gWZ<  
factors were detected and no gender difference v+Mt/8  
was assessed in this study [27]. The gender difference seen cG"jrQ  
in cortical cataract could be related to relatively low iron A \4 Gq  
levels and low hemoglobin concentration usually seen in *l7 ojv  
women [28]. Diabetes is a known risk factor for cortical 0CTI=<;  
Table 3: Gender distribution of cataract types in cross-sections I and II. g@nE7H1V  
Cataract type Gender Cross-section I Cross-section II Yq1 ~"he8  
n % (95% CL)* n % (95% CL)* .' X$SF`  
Cortical Male 1496 21.1 (19.0–23.1) 1328 20.4 (18.2–22.6) 4=q\CK2^A  
Female 1939 25.9 (23.9–27.8) 1785 26.2 (24.2–28.3) xss D2* l  
PSC Male 1500 6.5 (5.2–7.7) 1314 6.4 (5.1–7.7) -O(.J'=8  
Female 1944 6.2 (5.1–7.2) 1753 5.7 (4.6–6.7) q=96Ci_a  
Nuclear Male 1106 17.6 (15.4–19.9) 1225 22.5 (20.1–24.8) eQ C`e#%  
Female 1395 19.5 (17.4–21.6) 1635 25.0 (22.9–27.1) _Z8zD[l  
n = number of persons C #TS  
* 95% Confidence Limits zH|!O!3"4  
BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:17 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2415/6/17 JNMZn/  
Page 6 of 7 gVZ~OcB!W  
(page number not for citation purposes) s \kkD *  
cataract but in this particular population diabetes is more :T'"%_d5  
prevalent in men than women in all age groups [29]. Differential T}4RlIZF  
exposures to cataract risk factors or different dietary lIOLR-:4j  
or lifestyle patterns between men and women may :L\@+}{(c  
also be related to these observations and warrant further 6.K)uQgjmv  
study. Bd\p!f<  
Conclusion L0uN|?}  
In summary, in two population-based surveys 6 years FQ O6w'  
apart, we have documented a relatively stable prevalence eb+[=nmP  
of cortical cataract and PSC over the period. The observed L*L3;y|  
overall increased nuclear cataract prevalence by 5% over a 6'*?zZrz  
6-year period needs confirmation by future studies, and 501|Y6ptl  
reasons for such an increase deserve further study. u^:!!Suo  
Competing interests QF\NHV  
The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests. srC'!I=s>8  
Authors' contributions TQnMPELh"  
AGT graded the photographs, performed literature search ^*R rx  
and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. JJW graded the mtJI#P  
photographs, critically reviewed and modified the manuscript. qFvtqv2  
ER performed the statistical analysis and critically }HXNhv-K  
reviewed the manuscript. PM designed and directed the / <y-pFTg  
study, adjudicated cataract cases and critically reviewed sFB; /*C  
and modified the manuscript. All authors read and J^1w& 40  
approved the final manuscript. pspV~9,  
Acknowledgements V&NOp  
This study was supported by the Australian National Health & Medical >mh:OJH45  
Research Council, Canberra, Australia (Grant Nos 974159, 991407). The (wvDiW5  
abstract was presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology [\. ho9  
(ARVO) meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, May 2005. TQbhK^]  
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