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主题 : 考博英语阅读训练
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-02-16   


•    考博英语模拟试题:考博英语阅读训练(1) xT"V9t[f  
•     ;[::&qf  
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Overseas students shun UK and US universities =@Oo 3*>  
  The market share of international students enjoyed by British and US universities has dropped sharply as Australia,Japan and New Zealand become increasingly popular destinations,according to an international comparison of education systems published yesterday. _li3cXE  
  The latest edition of Education at a Glance,an annual audit published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,showed that although foreign students continue to be attracted to the two countries because of the English language teaching and perceived quality of education,in relative terms their position is weakening. Bib<ySCre  
  The Paris-based organisation reported that US market share fell 2 per cent from 2002-3,while the UK suffered the fastest decline among OECD members,falling from 16.2 per cent in 1998 to 13.5 percent in 2003. $XhMI;h  
  The most recent year used by the report is 2003 so the percentages did not include a 21.3 per cent fall in the number of Chinese students accepted for university courses in Britain this year. Britain is increasingly reliant on the higher fees paid by students from outside the European Union to help sustain its universities for domestic students. J _O5^=BP  
  The overall number of students studying outside their own countries stood at 2.1m in 2003,an 8.3 percent annual average increase since 1998. ]? 4;Lw  
  According to the report the international complexion of US campuses has changed strikingly since September 11 2001. The country''s universities have seen decreases of 10-37 per cent in students from the Gulf states,northern Africa and some south-east Asian countries. 2'?'dfj  
  The report also concluded that despite continued,if uneven,growth in the number of graduates churned out by the rich world''s universities,the monetary value of a degree showed no sign of having been tarnished. V O:4wC"7  
  Andreas Schleicher,head of the Indicators and Analysis Division of the OECD''s Directorate of Education,said there was no evidence of inflation of the labour-market value of qualifications and that graduates could expect to continue to earn considerably more than those without a degree. syR"p,3EC  
  Assessing the performance of the world''s schools,Mr Schleicher said Asia was soaring while Europe remained level and South America had slipped into relative decline. l1 Kv`v\  
  一、全文翻译 v8ap"9b  
  英美大学留学生人数骤跌 3%+ ~"4&  
  据昨天公布的一项国际教育体系比较研究称,英美大学的留学生市场份额急剧下降,而澳大利亚、日本和新西兰日益成为受欢迎的留学目的地。 *SNdU^!  
  最新版《各国教育概观》(Education at A Glance)显示,尽管由于英美两国以英语教学,且教育质量明显较高,外国学生继续被这两个国家所吸引,但相对而言,两国的地位在下降。该报告是经合组织(OECD)公布的年度教育审计报告。 i=EOk}R  
  总部位于巴黎的经合组织报告说,美国的市场份额2002至2003年下降了2%,而英国在经合组织成员国中降幅最大,已从1998年16.2%的份额降至2003年的13.5%. cX-M9Cz  
  该报告采用数据的最近年度是2003年,因此该数据并没有将今年的情况包括在内,今年留学英国的中国学生人数减少了21.3%.英国正日益依赖欧盟以外学生支付的更高学费,使英国大学能够继续招收国内学生。 Dx-P]j)4x  
  2003年海外留学生总人数为210万,自1998年以来每年平均增长8.3%. ]W5*R07  
  根据这篇报告,自2001年9月11日的事件以来,美国大学校园里国际学生的构成发生了惊人变化。来自海湾地区各国、北非以及某些东南亚国家的学生人数减少了10%至37%. {]Zan'{PCO  
  报告还得出结论,尽管富国大学的毕业生人数仍在持续(或许不均匀地)增长,学位的经济价值丝毫没有贬值的迹象。 Wi&v?nm  
  经合组织教育指标和分析部负责人安德里亚。施莱歇尔(Andreas Schleicher)说,没有证据显示,学位资格在劳动力市场上的价值正发生“膨胀”,毕业生收入可以期望比那些没有学位的人高出许多。 Ks%0!X?3q  
  在评估全球学校的表现时,施莱歇尔先生说,亚洲正在“急剧上升”,欧洲保持原有水准,而南美洲则相对有所滑坡。 jA{5)-g  
二、重点词汇 |R9Lben',  
  destinationn.目的地, [计]目的文件,目的单元格     perceive vt.察觉 [KK |_  
  reliantadj.信赖的,依靠的,信赖自己的         domesticadj.家庭的,国内的,与人共处的,驯服的 @N Yl4N  
  complexion n.面色,肤色,情况,局面           despiteprep.不管,尽管,不论 ^>IP"kF  
  tarnishv.失去光泽                       indicatorn.指示器, [化]指示剂 -%` ~3*L  
  inflation n.胀大,夸张,通货膨胀, (物价)暴涨 x0<;Rm [u=  
  soaringadj.高飞的,翱翔的  \(\a=  
! UT'4Fs  
•    考博英语模拟试题:考博英语阅读练习(2) +Ryj82;59z  
•    Chinese output set to depress steel valuations st RM *.  
  Steel company valuations are poised for a fall as increased Chinese output is cutting its reliance on imported supplies. )7 p" -  
  China,for long the main driver of surging demand, is making more of its own steel,causing a potential excess of supply in other parts of the world. @Go_5X(  
  Shares in BlueScope,Australia''s biggest steel company,dropped 15 per cent on Friday after it warned that profits this year would drop sharply due to higher steel production from China spilling into world markets,especially in Asia. [bh?p+V  
  Shares in ThyssenKrupp of Germany fell,along with other steel companies such as the Anglo-Dutch Corus and Luxembourg''s Arcelor,as investors reasoned that the BlueScope warning could have repercussions for steelmakers globally. r{ R-X3s  
  Last month Ulrich Middelmann,deputy chairman of ThyssenKrupp was complaining about the high price of many metals companies. VExhN';  
  Now, however, he may be cheered by the fact that some of the steelmakers he might be keen to purchase would soon start to look more affordable. H a!,9{T  
  After a recent spate of consolidation in the industry,many steelmakers are looking at acquisitions. 8 1Kf X {|  
  Large groups such as Arcelor and Mittal Steel have snapped up smaller companies to give themselves more power to dictate prices. /z-rBfdy^  
  After doubling in many markets in the previous three years,average prices for steel fell in the first six months of this year. However, they have edged up in recent weeks,helped by an increase in manufacturers'' stocks in the US. kk=n&M  
  That trend now looks almost certain to go into reverse in the next six months, even though the fall in prices seems unlikely to be dramatic. C7%R2>}?f  
  The biggest culprit for the likely price decline is higher production in China which is not being matched by stronger internal demand. As a result, according to CRU,net imports into China of steel sheet an important indicator for the industry will fall from 23m tonnes in 2003 to 6.5m tonnes next year and 4.2m tonnes in 2007. v,-Tk=qP  
  The likely fall in steel exports from other countries into China does not look all that great but it promises to be enough to influence global pricing trends. T~]~'+<Pi  
  一、参考译文 l?m"o-Gp3  
  全球钢铁企业的市值将出现下降,因为中国钢铁产量不断增加,令其正在减少对进口供应的依赖。 geG0F}oC!  
  长期以来,中国一直是钢铁需求飙升的主要推动力,但目前中国自己生产的钢铁增多,导致世界其它地区可能出现供应过剩。 2w.FC  
  澳大利亚最大钢铁公司BlueScope的股价周五下挫15%,此前由于中国钢铁产量上升已影响全球市场,尤其是亚洲市场,公司警告今年利润将急剧下降。 f+ r>ur}\)  
  德国的蒂森克虏伯(ThyssenKrupp)股票与英荷哥鲁氏(Anglo-Dutch Corus)、卢森堡阿塞洛(Arcelor)等企业股票的价格相继下跌,因为投资者认为,BlueScope的预警可能会对全球钢铁业产生影响。 wo`.sB&T  
  蒂森克虏伯副董事长乌尔里希?米德曼(Ulrich Middelmann)上月抱怨说,许多金属企业价格很高。 &ivU4rEG  
  但眼下他或许会对一个事实感到高兴:不久后,他可能很想收购的一些钢铁生产商,会开始看上去价格更便宜、更能让人承受。 KtQs uL%  
  在近期的钢铁行业整合大潮后,许多钢铁制造商正在考虑收购。 bsQ'kBD  
  阿塞洛和米塔尔钢铁(Mittal Steel)等大型集团已收购一些较小的企业,以使自己得到更大的定价能力。 07.p {X R  
  许多市场的钢铁均价在过去3年里上涨了一倍,而今年上半年价格则出现下跌。但最近几周,受美国制造商存货增加的推动,该价格又有所回升。 -gs I:-Xo  
  现在看来,该趋势在今后6个月里几乎肯定会反转,尽管价格的下跌似乎不可能很剧烈。 |nQfgl=V  
  造成这种价格可能下跌的最大原因,是中国产量的上升,但该国的内需没有相应增加。结果,根据英国商品研究所(CRU)的数据,中国钢板净进口从2003年的2300万吨,将降至明年的650万吨,到2007年预计将降至420万吨。钢板净进口是钢铁行业的一个重要指标。 lD0p=`.  
  其它国家对华钢铁出口可能下降,虽然降幅看上去不会如此之大,但看来足以影响全球定价趋势。 [piK" N  
  二、重点词汇 Wg}KQ6 6  
  valuationn.估价,评价,计算 f+:iz'b#U  
  surging n.浪涌,冲击 pz ^S3fy  
  potential adj.潜在的,可能的,势的,位的 #ZZe*B!s_  
  n.潜能,潜力,电压 c^W;p2^  
  reasoned adj.详尽论述的,理由充分的 :BxO6@>X c  
  purchasevt.买,购买 N]W*ei  
  n.买,购买 &E`Nu (e  
  consolidation n.巩固,合并 5p.rd0T]l3  
  acquisition n.获得,获得物 mlByE,S2E  
  dictate v.口述,口授,使听写,指令,指示,命令,规定 |<{SSA  
  n.指示(指理智,变心) I "x'  
  dramatic adj.戏剧性的,生动的 F+*E}QpM  
  influence n.影响,感化,势力,有影响的人(或事), (电磁)感应 \6 \bD<  
  vt.影响,改变 "r6qFxY  
•    考博英语模拟试题:考博英语阅读训练(3) RC7F/|w.z  
•    Ringtones no longer ringing the tills  hE:~~ox  
  The days of making easy money from ringtones short clips of music for mobile phones are over. .w4|$.H  
  What has been a hugely profitable business is coming under pressure from a narrowing of the craze to a smaller group of mostly younger people, a shift in the nature of ringtones themselves, and growing competition among distributors. QbdXt%gZe  
  In the UK and other European countries, where the fad first took hold, many of the people who once paid£2 ($3.5) or more for a 10-second clip have given up buying ringtones,said Chris Jones, an analyst at Canalys,a technology industry consultancy: People were doing it because it was a new thing to do. That has worn off with a big part of the market. In the US, where the business is at a much earlier stage,the craze appears to have stalled even before it has reached a mass market. Only about one in 10 mobile subscribers is buying ringtones. That is the same proportion as a year ago,according to InfoSpace,a US ringtone company that claims 47 percent of the US market, though it adds that reliable statistics about the market are difficult to come by.examda R6<'J?k  
  At the same time, the new band of distributors that sprang up to sell ringtones is finding the fat profits much harder to come by. Users are starting to switch away from the familiar polyphonic renditions of famous tunes to short clips of the original music known in the industry as truetones or realtones. /o4_rzR?  
  Most of the profits from these go straight to the record labels, not the middlemen who made a killing from earlier, cruder versions. vJ0v6\  
  一、参考译文 ^6Aa^|  
  靠一小段手机音乐铃声轻松赚钱的日子已经过去了。 Gm- "?4(  
  这一迄今利润丰厚的业务正面临压力,原因包括:对铃声狂热的群体在缩小,目前多数是年纪比较小的人;铃声的性质发生了变化;以及经销商之间的竞争日益加剧。 ](oeMl18R  
  高科技行业咨询公司Canalys分析师克里斯。琼斯(Chris Jones)说,英国和其它欧洲国家是手机铃声热潮的发源地,这里的许多年轻人此前曾为了一段10秒钟的铃声花上2英镑(合3.5美元)或更多钱,现在他们不再购买铃声。“人们当时这么做,是因为它是个新鲜事物。现在人们对此兴趣逐渐淡薄,很大一块市场随之消失。”在美国,手机铃声业务还处在相当初级的阶段,铃声热潮甚至在席卷大众市场前就已停滞不前。仅有十分之一的手机用户在购买音乐铃声。美国手机铃声公司InfoSpace称,这一比例与一年前相同,尽管它补充指出,难以取得关于这一市场的可靠数据。InfoSpace据称占据美国47%的铃声市场。考试大 IEm?'o:  
  同时,出现一批新的铃声经销商,它们正逐渐发现,现在要实现高额利润比以前难多了。用户从熟悉的著名曲子的“和弦”演奏转向原版的音乐短片断,后者在业内称为“真实铃声”(truetone)或“原音铃声”(realtone)。 ~ T}D#}  
  来自这些铃声的大部分利润直接进了唱片公司的口袋,而不是中间商。此前这些中间商依靠比较粗糙的铃声赚了一大笔钱。 E:rJi]  
  二、重点词汇 Dml?.-Uv<  
  clip n.夹子,回形针,子弹夹   vt.夹住,剪短,修剪 |e8A)xM]wC  
  profitableadj.有利可图的     distributorn.发行人 m& AbH&;  
  analystn.分析家,分解者     consultancy n.顾问(工作) K14.!m  
  subscriber n.订户,签署者,捐献者 ,U9j7E<4  
  proportionn.比例,均衡,面积,部分 azmeJpC  
  vt.使成比例,使均衡,分摊 !o| ex+z;  
  polyphonicadj.有许多声音的,对位法的,复调的 q!&:y7O8  
  rendition n.表演,演唱,翻译 T \34<+n1N  
•    考博英语模拟试题:考博英语阅读训练(4) ~JZLWTEe  
•    China reins in economic expansion {X, -T&  
  China's growth in fixed-asset investment and its money supply slowed considerably in August,providing firm evidence that the government's tightening measures were reining in the country's rapid economic expansion.examda ^Ip\`2^u  
  Urban fixed-asset investment in August rose 21.5 per cent compared with a year ago,a marked slowdown from the 30.5 per cent expansion from January through July and the slowest for a single month since December 2004. M2,the broad indicator for money supply, rose 17.9 per cent last month compared with 18.4 per cent in July and June. p !DdX  
  China's economy has been growing at a record pace,expanding by 11.3 per cent in the second quarter. Beijing officials and many economists are concerned that such growth rates are not sustainable in the longer term. 1mgw0QO  
  The latest economic data,which were released by Qiu Xiaohua,commissioner of China's National Bureau of Statistics,suggest Beijing has been able to control excessive lending and investment to sectors such as real estate that are especially at risk of overheating. |vi=h2*  
  Beijing is using a combination of monetary and administrative controls in its attempts to moderate growth. Since late April,China's central bank has twice raised benchmark lending rates and bank reserve requirements. Yesterday it also mopped up a record Rmb225bn ($28.3bn) in its regular open market operations.examda }Bh\N 5G%  
  Su Ning,the deputy central bank governor,said this week at an international conference in Beijing that the country's money supply was slowing dramatically as a result of these measures. u YTyR;a  
  At the same time,China's leaders are trying to control unnecessary production - for instance by limiting land rights and enforcing environmental standards in key industries such as steel,cement and automobiles. U;&s=M0[  
  Beijing is also worried about overlending to urban property projects,including residences,offices and industrial parks,and the threat it could lead to artificially high prices and excess supply. XPYf1 H  
  While trying to temper credit and investment growth,Beijing is also attempting to stimulate consumer spending, since it believes a strong middle class will be a key driver of future growth. "QfF]/:  
  China's statistics body said August retail sales were up 13.8 per cent,a rate consistent with that of the previous two months. Demand for oil products,jewellery,automobiles and building has been particularly strong. QdZHIgh`i  
  一、参考译文: !/2kJOSp  
  8月份中国固定资产投资及货币供应量增长速度明显放缓,这有力地证明,政府的紧缩举措,正在抑制中国经济的迅速扩张。 #)D$\0ag  
  8月份,中国城市固定资产投资较上年同期增长21.5%,与1至7月份期间30.5%的扩张速度相比,有明显放缓;同时也是自2004年12月以来,单月增幅最低的一个月。广义货币供应量M2上月增长17.9%,而7月份和6月份的增幅均为18.4%. [Qkj}  
  中国经济一直在以创纪录的速度增长,第二季度的增幅为11.3%.中国政府官员和许多经济学家担心,长远而言,这样的增长速度难以维持。 CNiJuj`  
  中国国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics)局长邱晓华发布的最新经济数据显示,中国政府能够控制对房地产等行业的过渡放贷和投资,这些行业尤其存在过热风险。 3rh t5n2-  
  中国政府正通过货币和行政调控手段相结合的方式,努力缓和经济增长。自4月底以来,中国央行已两度上调基准贷款利率和银行存款准备金比率。昨日,央行还在其例行的公开市场操作中,创纪录地完成2250亿元人民币(合283亿美元)的资金回笼工作。 <c`,fd8  
  本周,中国央行副行长苏宁在北京举行的一个国际会议上表示,由于上述措施,中国的货币供应“明显”放缓。 'e))i#/VF  
  与此同时,中国领导人正试图控制非必要的生产——例如,在钢铁、水泥和汽车等关键行业,限制土地使用权并强制执行各种环保标准。 o) eW5s,6  
  中国政府还对城市地产项目(包括住宅、写字楼和工业园区)上的过度放贷,以及可能由此导致的人为高价和供应过度感到担忧。考试大 %|}7YH41  
  在努力遏制信贷和投资增长的同时,中国政府还试图刺激消费支出,因为它认为,一个强大的中产阶层,将成为未来经济增长的关键驱动力。 vO{[P# L}  
  中国国家统计局表示,8月份,社会消费品零售总额较上年同期增长13.8%,这一幅度与前两个月持平。石油产品、珠宝、汽车和建筑方面的需求一直特别强劲。 I~ SFY>s  
  二、重点词汇: +],2smd@N  
  investment n.投资,可获利的东西 ue *mTMN  
  evidence n.明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据, [物]证据,证物 KG5B6Om5'  
  indicator n.指示器, [化]指示剂 h EFn>  
  sustainable adj.可以忍受的,足可支撑的,养得起的 ]N'4q}<5o  
  excessive adj.过多的,过分的,额外 $>~4RXC  
  benchmark[计]基准 T7G{)wm  
  deputyn.代理人,代表 %]DJ-7 xE  
  dramatically adv.戏剧地,引人注目地 {7Ez7'SVV  
  artificially adv.人工(考试大) 5o~AUo{  
  credit n.信任,信用,声望,荣誉, [财务]贷方,银行存款 l&Fx< W  
  vt.相信,信任,把……归给 `4]-B@ 7_  
  previous adj.在前的,早先的 +>h'^/rAE  
  adv.(1)在……以前;(2)返回上一级菜单 0.Nik^~  









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