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主题 : 2015年考博英语语法之限定词用法
级别: 论坛版主

楼主  发表于: 2014-08-18   


限定词用法 O573AA  
  1. Both, each, either, neither (只指两个) /*T^7Y&  
  2. All, every, each, some, any, no (指两个以上) +w^,!gA&  
  3. Some, any, more, (the) most, all, a lot, lots, enough, none (复数可数或不可数) Hf?@<4  
  4. Much, (a) little, a good/great deal, less, (the) least (不可数) :5,~CtF5 `  
  eg. “Got any money?” “None at all.” w\o6G7  
  eg. “Does either side of this street get more sun that the other?” “No, neither side is sunnier than the other.” 2c 0;P #ol  
  从句为考察重点 XNWtX-[ ^@  
  (1999) …The answers given by 200 women to those intimate open-ended questions made me realize that 51 was wrong could not be related to education in the way it was then believed to be. … tr[}F7n9  
  51. A. which #dUKG8-HJ  
  B. what W3tin3__  
  C. it "dX~J3$  
  D. that Vb`Vp(>AU  
  (1998) They learned to 51 their farming habits to the climate and soil. 52 they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving 53 , they invited their neighbors, … P\7*ql`  
  52. A. While id1cZig  
  B. When UrizZ 5a  
  C. So v"o" W[  
  D. If SWV*w[X<X  
  (1993) In the United States a commentator remarked that 45  Japan apparently still used some “primitive tools”, 46 a Japanese commentator expressed astonishment that the American pens wrote so poorly they could safely be used only once and then discarded. O@T,!_Zf  
  46. A. though a.Z@Z!*  
  B. when 1RYrUg"s"  
  C. while "=Br&FN{|  
  D. and that CLrX!JV>  
  omitting the subject DO*U7V02  
  Rather formal use XGx[Ny_A2  
  让步状语从句以 although, though, while, or whilst 开头时通常与主句共享主语, 从句谓语用分词形式。 \FVfV`x  
  Whilst he liked cats, he never let them come into his house. UucI>E3?P{  
  Whilst liking cats, he never let them come into his house. `pfIgryns  
  Both the journalists, though greeted as heroes on their return from prison, not long afterwards quietly disappeared from their newspapers. 这四个词还可用在名词、形容词或副词词组前,如: It was an unequal marriage, although a stable and long-lasting one. A `Z/B[)  
  Though not very attractive physically, she possessed a sense of humour. 2FIL@f|\7z  
!RI _Uph  
  WHILE Z>9@)wo  
  1.He stayed with me while Dad talked with Dr. Smith. xqG<R5k>>  
  2.I often knit while watching TV. 8 q[; 0  
  3.While I have some sympathy for these fellows, I think they went too far. @j/2 $  
  AND S[Du >  
  1. often used to link clauses I came here in 1922 and I have live here ever since. *LEy# N  
  2. When you are giving advice or a warning, you can use “and” to say what will happen if something is done. h[mT4 e3c  
  Go by train and you’ll get there quicker. `6U!\D  
  Do as you’re told and you’ll be all right. 9d drtJ]  
  WHERE [;u#79aE  
  1. She was standing exactly where you are standing now. <Y]LY _(  
  2.In 1963 we moved to Boston, where my grandparents lived. xa~]t<2  
  3.The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely. |b Y@HpMp  
  4.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where I disagree. f<YYo  
  5.Now, where were we? Oh yes, we were talking about John. OEW'bT)  
  6.Where others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions. (difference) WHICH ;k<dp7^  
  (本身无意义,必须接在名词或代词后面) 5C Dk5B_  
  1.定语从句引导词 Did you see the letter which came today? F$7!j$ Z  
  Now they were driving by the houses which Andy had described. >P/36'  
  2.分割句子,补充说明 The house,which was completed in 1856, was famous for its huge marble staircase. b,xZY1 a  
  He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge. p `"k=tZ{  
  She may have missed the train, in which case she won’t arrive for another hour. @5>#<LV=E#  
  THAT 多用于同位语从句和-thing的定语从句中。 39X~<\&'  
  WHAT ZVjB$-do  
  (有实际意义,可用于宾语从句和主语从句) '~[8>Q>  
  1. No one knows exactly what happened. %* "+kw Z  
  2.It is not clear to what extent these views were shared. a1Fx|#! mq  
  3.I could get you a job here if that’s what you want. kKX' Y+  
  4. What that kid needs is some love and affection. QaWS%0go  
  5. What matters is the British people and British jobs. owAO&"C  
  AS ">H*InF  
  1.比较 <Ky-3:pxeM  
  His last album sold half a million copies and we hope this one will be just as popular./ They want peace as much as we do. @*6fEG{,q  
  2.作为,正如… We’d better leave things as they are until the police arrive. Ln+l'&_nb  
  David, as you know, has not been well lately. U+S=MP }:  
  3.看作,看待 Uj!3MF  
  The result of last week’s election will be seen as a victory. @Cj!MZ=T  
  4.当…时候= while or when 3lP;=* m.  
  I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus. yM_/_V|G  
  5.原因 As it was getting late, I turned around to start for home. .t8)`MU6.  
  6.让步= though Try as she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open. \v2 !5z8|  
  The bag has narrow straps, so it may be worn over the shoulder or carried in the hand. AxEyXT(h5  
  I’d be in trouble if I let on. So I kept mum. 1 .3#PdMR,  
  When the meal was finished, Rachel washed up and made coffee. zoq;3a5cqB  
  I would have liked to have learnt French, but I was denied (=not given) the opportunity. (,|,j(=]  
  The opportunity was denied (to) me at school. Bx?3E^!T  
  The prestige is denied (to) the classroom teacher. }[p{%:tP  
  The classroom teacher is denied the prestige. s(,S~  









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