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主题 : 浙大考博2002-2006英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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Vocabulary N<#S3B?.  
2002年春 5PPPd-'Z_  
1 The chairman proposed at the meetingthat we have someone with ___________ and imagination to design a marketingstrategy. .u&&H_ UmE  
A. intuition Hrd5p+j  
B. enterprise IqvqvHxLX  
C. undertaking LG/=+[\{E  
D. innovation B$}wF<`k7  
2 The fish moved silently through thewater, ____________ by short sweeps of its tail. nZ2mEt  
A. urged ?/`C~e<J  
B. propagated f"5lOzj`C  
C. propelled I2t-D1X  
D. operated r+{!@`dYi  
3 A few workers have ___________ themajority decision and gone into work despite the strike. %fn'iKCB  
A. defied (c|$+B^*  
B. destined d vg;  
C. detained %:'1_@Ot 2  
D. deferred dK0}% ]i3#  
4 Philosophy differs from science in thatits questions cannot be answered _______ by observation or experiment. 'mBLf&fB  
A. emotionally _g^K$ +F'}  
B. deliberately bGMeBj"R  
C. empirically G<">/_jn  
D. extremely i#@v_^q  
5 The music the Three Brothers playedyesterday is described in the paper as an explosive _________ of Latin Americanand modern jazz rhythms. WL)_8!  
A. mixture ]zhq.O >2{  
B. welding ,%)WT>  
C. consolidation ~ X]"P4 u  
D. fusion GM9]>"#o\  
6 Didn’t you find her enthusiasm for theproject ____________? Almost everyone on the team is now doing their utmost toresolve the difficulty. OVQxZ~u Q  
A. contagious cd ek^/  
B. operate HonAK  
C. effectual m5'__<  
D. infections _Ssv:x c,  
7 Recently a large internationalconference was held with aim of promoting __________ development in allcountries. %~B)~|h  
A. retainable %WJ{IXlz  
B. sustainable T|BY00Sz`  
C. unpredictable 5JU(@}Db  
D. unthinkable U47k5s(J  
8 A government report indicates that sincethe early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has____________ at 50%. X."h Tha5  
A. confirmed \f M!^  
B. endured *xZQG9`kt  
C. stabilized 3*2&Fw!B  
D. retained B!E<uVC  
9 The delegates to the convention insistthat steps be taken to stop the ___________ of the world’s tropical forests. Op$J "R  
A. depletion 4Ow Vt&  
B. termination 6Ymo%OT  
C. peril 9TXm Z  
D. shrinkage 0|DG\&?  
10 ProfessorTaylor is a real expert on art, as I feel completely ________ whenever I talkto her about it. G.q^Zd#.T  
A. incapable /J9T=N  
B. inadequate On96N|  
C. out of mind 1 Z$99  
D. in despair = VX<eV  
6 peM4X  
2003 KbuGf$Bv  
1 Hoping that he might be able to___________ the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine. kmwrv -W  
A. shed light on Vp-OGX[  
B. make light of nO.+& kA  
C. bring to light S>ylAU;N  
D. set light to T=p}By3a  
2 His ___________ and unwillingness tolearn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. }yC,uEV  
A. arrogance A'AWuj\r2R  
B. dignity  ?Ge*~d  
C. humility )'I<xx' 1  
D. solitude ]#7Y @Yo  
3 The economy grew at its fastest ratesince 1980 thanks to a(n) _____________ in world rate. ,E8>:-boL  
A. inflation 6~Oj e>w;  
B. stimulus L!8?2 \5  
C. bulge ) ImIPSL  
D. boom KZ >"L  
4 He decided he was going to take____________ for the murder of his sister. .STf  
A. refuge jvKaxB;e  
B. revenge @/2wmza%2  
C. rebellion  yURh4@  
D. riot I E sD=  
5 No one expected him to _____________against his former employer. (Gk]<`d#N  
A. declare ?}Ptb&Vk(  
B. testify G.E~&{5xQ  
C. certify /Ta0}Y(y  
D. allege " 7g8 d  
6 Rachel was the ______________ choice forthe job thanks to her communication skills. UHl/AM> !  
A. unanimous \hD bv5  
B. consistent Uo)<_nG  
C. harmonious R/FV'qy]  
D. agreeable jP6G.aiO  
7 The police detective put together thepieces of evidence to form one ___________ account. 6]A\8Ty  
A. sensitive H9m2Whq  
B. genuine ?B:wV?-`  
C. expressive WjxBNk'f  
D. coherent Pw{{+PBu R  
8 You should have your eyes examined___________ to be sure of your eyesight. -@?>nLQb  
A. periodically ),FN29mZu  
B. persistently m64\@ [  
C. continuously &I_!&m~  
D. continually %ycT}Lu  
9 You should treat those remarks with the___________ that they deserve --- don’t give them a second thought. | }Z"|-Z  
A. negligence RwHXn]1  
B. disgrace 5W '|qmJ  
C. contempt A+ *(Pds  
D. sarcasm 9 f/tNQ7W  
10 Thebook is a vain attempt to _____________ the name of one of the worst dictatorsin modern history. l),13"?C(  
A. worship D)$k{v#~  
B. glorify DuZ]g#  
C. adore v^E2!X  
D. cherish u3!!_~6,z  
11 Thegovernment is seeking to ___________ itself from the latest financial scandal. {D.0_=y~2  
A. detach ~u1J R `y  
B. extract 82l";;n4p  
C. derive $ $+z^%'_  
D. erase @3D%i#2o&[  
12 Heavyrainfall in the south of England means that flooding is __________- (jMp `4P  
A. imminent Qp Vm  
B. momentous :fUmMta  
C. transient -^N '18:  
D. prospective .6(i5K  
13 He_____________ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. I[C.iILL  
A. disposed 2AE|N_v8W  
B. dispensed 3F3?be  
C. dispatched C*<LVW{P  
D. dispersed ?!vW&KJZx  
14 Ididn’t ignore her ___________ --- just didn’t recognize her. b6VAyTa  
A. attentively 7MfvU|D[d/  
B. intensively ]t<%>Z$  
C. intentionally W`kgYGnFG  
D. intensely ?whp _  
15 Youwill only be allowed to leave early in ___________ circumstance. Su^Z{ Ud`  
A. exceptional b*7i&q'H  
B. coincidental y3GIR f;>  
C. peculiar )/w2]d/9  
D. imperative a WC sLH  
2004 Pd?YS!+S  
1 It is important to keep the factoryworking at ______ efficiency all the time. Pr"ESd>Y  
A. optimistic >~ :]+q  
B. optimum OYkd?LN  
C. optical 9`{cX  
D. optional O jmz/W  
2 We need to take steps to counter the________ decline in our export market. M~4!gKs  
A. lingering uq_SF.a'v  
B. chronic *@Z'{V\  
C. lengthy ZBWe,Xvq  
D. abiding muLTYgaM  
3 Her handwriting is so bad that it isbarely____________ SE1 tlP  
A. legible H+Wd#7l,  
B. intelligible q]aRJ`9f  
C. distinctive A{k @V!A%  
D. conceivable _<$=n6#  
4 We’re going to __________ what we’velearned so far by doing some revision exercises today. 3ml|`S  
A. consolidate _<8y^ymo  
B. reinforce iT5%X   
C. affirm "#()4.9  
D. conform w K+2;*bI  
5 Kevin made one last ________ attempt topersuade Sandra to go with him, then left. YY9q'x,w  
A. considerable h0`) =  
B. trivial j8b:+io  
C. futile 6 eBQ9XV  
D. resistant >Y:ouN~<  
6 The school agreed to ________ theirdecision until they had spoken to William’s parents. !dGgLU_  
A. convert 6 B )   
B. retain Ldu!uihx  
C. defer hN.#ui5 $  
D. expel >2rFURcD  
7 Republican party members wereconfidently __________ victory even as the first few votes came in. 9:Y\D.M  
A. acclaiming 2a G<^3  
B. reclaiming F"q3p4-<>  
C. exclaiming $6_J` 7  
D. proclaiming (GeJBw,Q  
8 The __________ between the two sets offigures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. dO=<3W  
A. discrepancy r"n)I$  
B. conflict `@ObM[0p(  
C. contrast xsa* XR  
D. divergence qP"m819m  
9 The idea that a good night’s sleep willcure everything is a complete ____________ k~?@~xm,R  
A. defect R(:q^?  
B. fallacy KT8F n+  
C. fraud |h3 YL!  
D. abuse W6)A":`  
10 Beforea bill can become law it has to have the full _______ of both Houses ofParliament. 3 -5^$-7_  
A. justification ak'RV*>mT  
B. warrant `527vK 6  
C. endorsement )'qZ6%  
D. verification ON$u581 y  
11 Theimage is __________ by a series of lenses within the telescope. 8U-}%D<a  
A. magnified 9@!`,Co  
B. signified UCl,sn  
C. extended U?kJXM2  
D. expanded a.q =  
12 Strangelyenough, the most obvious explanation did not ___________ Jackie until the nextday. gHTo|2 Q{  
A. stumble on aK,G6y  
B. occur to WT1ch0~2  
C. come up with xY@V.  
D. stand up to (pAGS{{  
13 TheGovernment wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____________ objective? Yw./V0Z{@  
A. reflective { c]y<q  
B. flexible r=u>TA$  
C. feeble MbF.KmV  
D. feasible 3C5<MxtK  
14 Shewas still _____________ by what happened in Barcelona although she had lefttwenty year earlier. X+iUT  
A. haunted <D =U=5  
B. frequented c\7~_ w2  
C. recalled RHeql*`  
D. sustained RH~KaV3  
15 Thehands on my alarm clock are _______________ so I can tell the time in the dark. H htAD Y  
A. imminent >/ GVlXA'  
B. luminous Eufw1vDa  
C. illuminate r6JdF!\d  
D. luminant F~4oPB K<  
hjs[$ ,1  
2004 X)x$h{ OE  
1 You can’t cure a common cold, but youcan ___________ the symptoms. $SA8 $!:  
A. moderate +O2T%  
B. alleviate "'~55bG  
C. dilute [ lW~v:W  
D. subdue G?v]p~6  
2 For years scientists have been___________ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. 9Eu.Y  
A. tangled ET.c8K1f  
B. terrified \ ?sM  
C. evoked vu Vcv  
D. baffled ,* !HN &  
3 The flood was a ___________ from whichBangladesh has never really recorded. C5"=%v[gQv  
A. calamity __O@w.  
B. downfall [Wf%iwB  
C. reverse Rw-!P>S$  
D. scandal `o4alK\  
4 Our company’s’ management ____________negotiations on a new union contract. qy|[V   
A. launched LpN_s#  
B. triggered }M*yE]LL;Z  
C. terminated mqUn3F3  
D. preserved 1<766  
dX^ ^ @7  
2005 qJN! L))  
1 If wool is submerged in hot water, ittends to __________ /zV&ebN]  
A. snap RKru hF  
B. shrink apy9B6%PJ+  
C. fade -9)H [}.  
D. condense pg0Sq9qCN  
2 His last play was _________ by thecritical as a masterpiece. z'"e|)  
A. claimed 3&`LVhx  
B. proclaimed g  Z!q  
C. exclaimed |tn.ZEgw3~  
D. acclaimed p#;I4d G  
3 It is the builder’s job to make surethat the house conforms to the architect’s _________ in every way. @'IRh9  
A. regulations q# C;iK4  
B. specialties ~$PY 6s  
C. essentials t nvCtuaR  
D. specifications kD*r@s]=  
4 Your letter has been __________ to theauthority concerned. w#qE#g %1  
A. transited a* 2JLK  
B. transferred ;]vJ[mi~  
C. transported ks19e>'5Q  
D. transmitted \0fS;Q^{j  
5 Among her many ____________ are loyalty,courage and truthfulness. " rV f{  
A. virtues Ht4A   
B. morals W @ ?*~  
C. characters nG4}8  
D. graces ,hSTR)  
6 The soldiers ___________ their arms asthey marched. JavSR1_  
A. swayed )dh _eqnX  
B. swung +bdj ZD3  
C. swerved '5etZ!:  
D. swelled 1ir~WFP  
7 The country’s constitution ____________the ideals of equality and freedom. B`w@Xk'D  
A. embodies >Q#\X=a>  
B. symbolizes O>,Rsj!e  
C. marks )(V!& w6  
D. represents I?OnEw  
8 It was ____________ whether the patientwill survive the operation. 8i~n;AhDs  
A. vague ]I: h4hgw  
B. suspicious Nhrh>x[wJ  
C. ambiguous U2CCjAgRs  
D. doubtful Jty/gjK+  
9 The brochure _____________ us intothinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach. =bh.V@*  
A. trapped 9jf2b  
B. frightened 3:MAdh[w  
C. engaged 3-4CGSX;X  
D. misled  aX}:O  
10 “I’mfar too busy to talk to you now.” he said, in his usual _____________ manner. v%8S:3  
A. rigid ->*'Y;t4  
B. steep [DSD[[ z[  
C. abrupt bR}=bp4K  
D. stern ;t5e]  
11 He’srich and keeps __________ about how much money he’s got to impress people. l~'NqmXe  
A. exaggerating HOb0\X  
B. boasting us>$f20T  
C. admiring M D,+>kh  
D. inspiring q%hxU.h  
12 Shewas __________ enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. Hq."_i{I  
A. initiative ?X~U[dV?  
B. pervasive Y~g*"J5j  
C. imaginative |n*<H|  
D. perceptive $94l('B6H  
13 Thetwo countries ___________ their peace efforts after a break of two and a halfyears. egh_1Wg2a  
A. rebuked I7} o>{  
B. renewed e>Q_&6L  
C. reviewed f+>g_Q  
D. reclaimed sY@x(qkIOc  
14 Peoplealways greet each other warmly, _____________ their different origins and beliefs. D>m!R[!o  
A. in regard to '/~j !H4q9  
B. in contrast with 9MR,3/&N  
C. with respect to nEbJ,#>Z  
D. regardless of THf*<|  
15 Theexpress train from London ___________ on time. jyFXAs2  
A. pulled up EjFK zx  
B. pulled over kzXmiBL<9  
C. pulled in 0zrZrl  
D. pulled through RqE|h6/  
2005 e{fm7Cc)D  
1 He was an _________ statesman anddiplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the publictreated him with great respect. mQ qv{1  
A. imminent tC4 7P[b  
B. eminent ZINqIfc  
C. immune I'>r  
D. empirical N_eZz#);  
2 Nobody expected Martha to change herplans; her decision to do something different was _________ and surprising toall. Sz#dld Mz  
A. sheer <{k r5<  
B. blunt 3gNVnmZG  
C. abrupt ^*A8 NdaB  
D. irregular x9s1AzM{  
3 In order to avoid the storm, the pilotof the plane was force to ___________ from the usual course. mOE%:xq9-  
A. convert +*vg) F:  
B. stray W&Pp5KR  
C. deviate 5\\a49k.p  
D. transfer j@4AY}[tX  
4 When his father was injured, John____________ for weeks about whether he should stay in school or quit to take ajob. 4g}'/  
A. portrayed :$gR >.`  
B. posed f!n0kXVu6U  
C. pondered 7GVI={ b  
D. postponed OPP^n-iPr  
5 The _________ of that textbook is toobroad; too much material is mentioned and not enough specific detail isincluded. ~qj09  
A. capacity =%+O.  
B. outlook \n`)>-  
C. latitude  ]H_|E  
D. scope jt?.g'  
6 Before I went into the forest I put onspecial medicine designed to _____________ mosquitoes and other insects. W`2Xn?g  
A. impose gV\{Qoj  
B. compel (;.wsz &K  
C. dispose >*FHJCe  
D. repel ZI>')T<@j"  
7 The workmen _______ the shabby old hoteland built a modern office building in the place where it had been. (yB)rBh>n  
A. distinguished Nt5`F@;B  
B. erased HX&G  k  
C. flattened B=p6p f  
D. razed eK)R=M@i  
8 Please don’t tell me any bad news today,I’m upset and feel especially ______. M1  5_  
A. vulnerable f}C$!Lhs  
B. accessible jFr[T  
C. sensitive KqI<#hUl  
D. sympathetic XVwJr""+  
9 I admired Janie because she’s so ______,she’s accomplished in athletics, music, and history, and she’s a marvelousdancer and cook as well. p6Ie?Gg  
A. vain : U!@  
B. versatile 4 [K"e{W3  
C. vicious + <4gJoI  
D. vivid gFQ\zOlY8a  
10 Thetrue cause of the accident was made known after several witness ______ aboutwhat really happened. uZ/XI {/  
A. swore 7XU$O$C  
B. testified Xvr7qowL  
C. affirmed j'QPJ(`~1l  
D. charged N R0"yJV >  
11 Ihave to find a new apartment since the lease on my current one has been_________. XTro;R=#  
A. terminated M 8{J  
B. initiated | mp~d<&  
C. resumed z9qF<m  
D. abolished # X`t~Y'  
12 BecauseI was out of butter. I ________ oil in the recipe. &`^P O $  
A. contributed ,%X"Caz  
B. distributed m<liPl uv  
C. substituted xMr=t U1C  
D. constituted ;Zt N9l  
13 Althoughthe new project was confusing when it was first presented, it gradually becameclear as details were explained in ____________ meetings. D_)N!,i  
A. subsequent lK%)a +2  
B. precedent &y &pjo6v1  
C. consequent o#\c:D*k  
D. previous @=NTr  
14 Sheis a very __________ woman; you will not be able to deceive her or takeadvantage of her. <Eu/f`8  
A. naïve 9'Cu9nR  
B. shrewd [U@ ;EeS  
C. transparent 8O| w(z  
D. genuine 's\rQ-TV  
15 Theaudience ______________ uncomfortably in their chairs as the speaker continuedhis long and boring speech. q${+I(b,  
A. altered c1M *w9o  
B. removed o\N^Uu  
C. shifted XE S$V15  
D. transferred f64}#E|w  
2006 #:E^($v  
1 You will only be allowed to leave earlyin _______ circumstances. *]>~lO1  
A. exceptional  ,8)aK y  
B. coincidental $VJE &b  
C. peculiar tpQ8 m(  
D. imperative q rF:=?`E  
2 His latest ________ was buying asecond-hand car which turned out to have a faulty engine. ,veo/k<"r8  
A. agony Q94p*]W"  
B. stigma 50^CILKo7  
C. wrath A",Xn /d  
D. folly g+QNIM>  
3 The champagnes had caused his face to_______ and his eyes were bright. l:(?|1_  
A. flourish &`}ACTY'P  
B. fresh CA3`Ee+rD  
C. flesh fl71{jJ_  
D. flush I@uin|X  
4 He needs a hobby to keep him busy andstop him from getting into _______ . t]6 4=  
A. mischief QuBaG<  
B. nuisance X({R+  
C. hostility 3gz4c1 s^:  
D. bustle puK /;nns  
5 Poor sight and hearing are common_______ of old age. WO+_ |*&  
A. presentations aq$adPtu  
B. afflictions h"(HDnq  
C. outcome RQW<Sp~  
D. relevance |\/V1  
6 The dream of many scientists has been tocreate a ________ motion machine – one that would always continue moving onceit had been started. 29k\}m7l<*  
A. transient NplkhgSj  
B. temporary $qk(yzY  
C. perpetual ek]CTUl*  
D. periodic N}7tjk   
7 Only a small _______ of those attendingthe convention came from outside the state. Ks.kn7<l  
A. fracture 'fIirGOl  
B. fragment `KJ BQK  
C. fraction \bumB<w(]  
D. fragrance bId@V[9  
8 Chemicalsfrom the factory up the river ________ the water, killing many fish and makingthe water totally unfit for human use. a[Oi  
A. corrupted ccJ!N  
B. infected i>L>3]SRr{  
C. contaminated NR Z>03w  
D. stained $K*&Wdo  
9 It is strictly illegal to _______ a gun,knife, or any other weapon when boarding an airplane. %2TjG  
A. shelter b+ J)  
B. disguise o;2QZ"v  
C. conceal xbhU:,o  
D. veil gv,8Wo  
10 To_______ the boredom of studying, it is a good idea to take frequent breaks. |HMpVT-;j  
A. intensify cG~-OHU  
B. aggravate pt+[BF6P  
C. illuminate U> s$}Y:+Z  
D. alleviate & !I$  
11 Althoughwe felt _______ for the child who had lost his parents, there was really notmuch we could do to comfort him. B M$+r(#t  
A. compassion 'vUx4s  
B. compass m6oaO9"K  
C. companion +nT(>RJR  
D. compartment f/6,b&l,  
12 Thepolice were ________ by the crime and were never able to solve it. E T 2@dY~  
A. hindered D!d1%hac  
B. enlightened .y~vn[qN  
C. baffled oWo/QNw9  
D. detained vMB`TpZ  
13 _______for the top-of-the-range car include a compact disc player, electric windowsand a sunroof. j"c30AY  
A. accessories mE}@}@(  
B. components c;dMXv   
C. decorations CFU'- #b  
D. colleagues <4|/AF*>  
14 Theauthor uses the ________ of bees when describing the workers at the bakery. K7CrRT3>6  
A. correlation at-+%e  
B. equivalent bYKe5y=  
C. analogy J*} warf&  
D. parallel Z>si%Npm\  
15 Thebooks will be ________ from our warehouse tomorrow to your address. Q'B2!9=LB  
A. dispatched ]'iOV-2^'  
B. disputed \6)]!$F6:  
C. dismissed n+XLZf#  
D. dispersed 1\aJ[t  
5SNa~ kC&  
2006 4 ru-q F  
1 I am ___________ _ in the morning, untilI have had my coffee. [PW\l+i  
A. inflexible _P{f+HxU  
B. incurable CVy\']  
C. inarticulate 7a_tT;f;  
D. irreversible 7H l>UX,|  
2 A tunnel has been ___________ under theEnglish Channel to link England and France. p"UdD  
A. bored 1XpG7  
B. delivered N7 FndB5%  
C. structured f)x(sk  
D. reckoned d^(7\lw |  
3 This knife is too ___________ to cutvegetables, could you please sharpen it? y<5RV>"Vg  
A. portable )p^" J|  
B. remote sW^e D;  
C. vulnerable }nUq=@ej  
D. blunt VchI0KL?  
4 The editorial ____________ theviewpoints of conservative politicians. |W#(+m  
A. echoed I?&/J4o:  
B. perceived -Lhq.Q*a  
C. contended ;0vCZaEF  
D. received v6M4KC2?  
5 He’s one of those ________ people whothink they’re always right about everything. Z Qk!Ia7  
A. extroverted 2<FEn$n[  
B. humble tiGBjTPt  
C. arbitrary vvI23!H  
D. nominal D){my_ /  
6 They are busy __________ some fact andfigures of documentary on the subject of E-commerce. 0MI4"<  
A. generalizing nSv@FT'~z  
B. compiling y1)ZO_'  
C. measuring OUk"aAo  
D. promoting _70Z1_ ;  
7 Dr. Smith proposed a number of relateideas that gradually __________ into a practical plan. AP:Q]A6}  
A. hatched 02_+{vk!  
B. assembled IIG9&F$G  
C. segregated 7 x'2  
D. crystallized lvsj4 cT  
8 The military government ___________ thecountry’s parliament and suspended all political activity. *4ido?  
A. sacked 'u:-~nSX)  
B. revised i\,I)S%yJ  
C. dissolved 0NeIQr1N_  
D. ignored >UQY3C  
9 Their many years of research havefinally ___________ in a cure for the disease. :sQ>oNn z  
A. furnished h 8xcq#  
B. culminated =EYWiK77a  
C. accomplished : r(dMU3%  
D. fabricated _u+ 7>  
10 Thepassage you have just read in the paper is ____________ from the AtlanticMonthly. aeISb83Y|  
A. assembled &+n9T?+b  
B. condensed ^v `naA(  
C. curtailed ;=7K*npT  
D. modified =W &Mt  
11 Theweeds just __________, and before long the garden was a jungle. Wqkb1~]#Y  
A. multiplied ~o>Gm>5!HH  
B. expanded Cs_&BSs  
C. improved lXg5UrW  
D. enlarged X@"G1j >/  
12 Thecountry’s progress is being __________ by a leader who refuses to look forward. i!zFW-*5  
A. restricted )S 7+y6f&*  
B. confined ^nK<t?KS  
C. prevented g@37t @I  
D. constrained {O9(<g  
13 Thefuel used is almost ___________ charcoal made from wood or shells. xZP*%yM  
A. habitually w`;HwK$ ,  
B. voluntarily h~m,0nGO  
C. invariably 'Y/0:)  
D. faithfully %rMCiz  
14 Theofficial ___________ show that one out of four girls who marry between 16 and18 ends up in the divorce court. At"$Cu!k  
A. quota 4WJY+)  
B. statistics 4SZ,X^]I>  
C. poll ~%8P0AP  
D. digits Rh ^(91d  
15 Raysof sunlight focused through a _________ glass onto a piece of paper may makethe paper burn. %(1O jfZc  
A. minimizing O|V0WiY<  
B. magnifying 16zReI(  
C. exaggerating 4LKpEl.=  
D. maximizing UPI- j#yc  









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