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主题 : 2018考博英语阅读理解练习(一)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-11-01   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Small increases intemperature found to add power to storms in the Atlantic. xFIzq  
  Hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean areexpected to gain considerable strength asthe global temperature continues torise, a new study has found. .F%jbnKd_  
  Using modeling data focused on the conditionsin which hurricanes form, a group ofinternational researchers based at BeijingNormal University found that for every 1.8°F ( 1℃ )rise of the Earth's temperature, the number of hurricanes in theAtlantic that are as strong orstronger than Hurricane Katrina will increasetwofold to sevenfold. MOytxl:R  
  Hurricane strength is directly related to theheat of the water where the storm forms. Morewater vapor in the air fromevaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes that build strengthand headtoward land. ugj I$u  
  Hurricane Katrina is widely considered themeasure for a destructive storm, holding themaximum Category 5 designation fora full 24 hours in late August 2005. It lost strength as itpassed over theFlorida peninsula, but gained destructive power fight before colliding withNewOrleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $ 80 billion in damage. `PeC,bp  
  The study points to a gradual increase ofKatrina-like events. The warming experiencedover the 20th century doubled thenumber of such debilitating(将人类摧垮的)storms. Buttheongoing warming of the planet into the 21st century could increase thefrequency of theworst kinds of storms by 700 percent, threatening coastlinesalong the Atlantic Ocean withmuitiple Category 5 storms every year. M(C$SB>  
  "Our results support the idea that changesin regional sea surface temperatures is theprimary cause of hurricanevariability," said Aslak Girnstead, a researcher with the Center forIce andClimate at the University of Copenhagen. The large impact of smallsea-surfacetemperature increases was more than Girustead and his colleagues hadanticipated. Theentire study was published in the Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences. Gr}NgyT<!D  
  Global temperatures have steadily increased,making the past decade the warmest onrecord. Earlier this year, climateresearchers reported that the Earth's temperatures have risenfaster in the lastcentury than at any point since the last ice age, 11,300 years ago. Theprimarycause, a couseusus of scientists has said, is the rising emissions ofgreenhousegases like carbon dioxide and methane. M+j*5wNy  
  Past hurricanes have supported the study'sfinding that global temperature rise is linkedto more destructive storms. Accordingto the National Center for Atmospheric Research, whilethe frequency of stormsdoesn't appear to have increased, the percentage of strong ones hasrisensharply over the past few decades. The trend may be similar further back intime, butcomprehensive hurricane data doesn't exist. kaoiSL<[6  
  1.According to the team of international researchers based at Beijing NormalUniversity,the rise of the Earth's temperature is likely to cause &Cm]*$?  
  A.the coming of ice age cdGBo4  
  C.more Katrina-like or worse hurricanes {KK/mAp{  
  B.less intense hurricanes Chad}zU`  
  D.more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ,h/l-#KS  
  2.The ocean water in the region where the storm forms [wJ\.9<Oa  
  A.is heating the hurricanes =w:)AWZ  
  B.evaporates and becomes fuel Jr X. f  
  C.heads toward land @w(|d<5l:L  
  D.turns into water vapor that makes hurricanesstronger <dVJV?i;  
  3.Which of the following statement is TRUE about Hurricane Katrina? M ' %zA;Wl  
  A.It did not lose its strength as it moved. M0?%r`  
  B.It claimed over 200 people's lives. XWNo)#_ 3  
  C.It caused 80 billion dollars loss for Floridapeninsula. QctzIC#;k  
  D.It lasted for full 24 hours. +%WW8OX   
  4.What result can regional sea surface temperature changes produce? sO(4F8cpU  
  A.Hurricane changes. D dCcsYm,  
  C.Global warming. darbL_1  
  B.Increasing greenhouse gas emissions. , )TnIByM  
  D.Destructive hurricanes. 3zc;_U2  
  5.It can be inferred from the passage that |QR9#Iv  
  A.there is no link between greenhouse gasemissions and destructive storms tJ8:S@E3,  
  B.reduction of greenhouse gas emissions mayreduce destructive storms m6}_kzFz  
  C.the higher percentage of strong ones rose asmore hurricanes appeared jaavh6h)  
  D.past records on hurricanes includedeverything needed vg"*%K$a  
o Q*LP{M  
参考答案 z!.cc6R  
  1.C)本题考查地球温度上升带来的变化。定位句提到“地球温度每上升l.8华氏度(1摄 氏度),那么大西洋中强度可匹敌甚至胜过卡特里娜飓风的飓风数量会增加两倍乃至七倍”,故C)“更多像卡 特里娜那样或是更糟糕的飓风”为答案。 \}Iq-Je   
  2.D)。本题考查对飓风形成的区域中海水情况的理解。定位句提到“从海洋中蒸发到空气中的水分越多,那么飓风的威力就越强,然后会直扑陆地”,故D)“蒸发成水蒸气,使得风暴威力增强”为答案。 a"t~ K  
  3.B)本题考查飓风卡特里娜的细节。定位句提到“卡特里娜飓风在抵达新奥尔良州之前威力大增,其巨大的破坏力致使200余人丧生,并造成了800亿美元的经济损失”,故答案为B)。 vM$hCV ~N  
  4.A)本题考查局域海面温度的变化对飓风造成的影响。根据定位句,局域海面温度的变 "Y4glomR[  
  化是飓风变化的主要原因,故答案为A)。 .j>MsQP#\C  
  5.B)。由倒数第二段最后一句和最后一段的第一句可知,全球变暖是由温室气体大量排放引起的,而全球变暖和破坏性风暴频率变高之间存在联系,由此可推知,减少温室气体排放,或可缓解全球变暖的趋势,从而减少破坏性风暴的发生频率,故答案为B)。 $"MVr5q6  









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