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主题 : 中南财经政法大学考博英语试题单选题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-04   
来源于 考博试题 分类


[font=ˎ̥, serif]1. To shut your eyes to the facts,_A_manyof you often do,is foolish. (1S9+H>g  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.as < *iFVjSI(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.what KUX6n(u  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.which r|Uz?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.that b^i$2$9_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]2.---What would you like to eat? ,%m~OB #  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---I caneat_C_. ~xam ;]2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.something >.39OQ#  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.everything "j`T'%EV  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.anything dh}"uM}a  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.all ~mH'8K|l  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]3. Whydidn’t Jack ask for the job?He _C_it. sk5=$My  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.mightget +:#g6(P]  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.couldget #\F8(lZ  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.couldhave got F9w2+z.  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.musthave got Z^F>sUMR  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]4. Thelecture_A_me to death. mFpj@=^_G  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.bored -[=@'N P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.forced T}p|_)&y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.killed 6EWCJ%_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.put `T2DGv  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]5. Thepictures that he_A_on the wall yesterday are very beautiful. Q\~#cLJ/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hung ENYc.$ r  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hanged f:t5`c.  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hanging f b8xs<  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.washanged kad$Fp39  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]6. Heachieved his aim_D_. VF-[O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.byhard working ^*NOG\BK@  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.throughhard working ^SUo-N''  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.workinghard >]bS"S  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.byhard work {=^<yK2q  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]7. Mywallet is nowhere to be foun H'2o84$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.I_C_whenI was on the bus. TTxSl p2=;  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.musydrop it f`J[u!Ja  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.shouldhave dropped it Q!fk|D+j  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.musthave dropped it G)5Uiu:^X  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.haddropped it e+MsFXnB8  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]8._D_,we should be glad. Yj>\WH  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Theyarrive tomorrow Im`R2_(]  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.Werethey arriving tomorrow % +$!ctn  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Theywere to arrive tomorrow /P{'nI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Werethey to arrive tomorrow 4,6?sTuX  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]9. Icould have done it better if I_C_more time. Ac,bf 8C  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.havehad du=[r  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.had <,'^dR7,  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hadhad ~qW"v^<  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.willhave had Of$gs-  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]10. Hewas a good swimmer,so he_D_swim to the river bank when the boat sank. >3ASrM+>w  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.could k:E+]5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.might  O6!:Qd  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.succeededto x8h=3e$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.wasable to rOq>jv y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]11._C_,that step is not safe! fPsUIlI/A  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Lookaround v/C*?/ ~  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.Lookup -+.-Ab7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Lookout R 9Y k9v  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Lookdown ZltY_5l  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]12. Isthere any_B_ medicine to cure that patient of his illness? QcDtZg\  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.efficient H Ff9^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.effective FkIT/H  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.attractive X=b]Whuv  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.enjoyable GI*2*m!u  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]13. Makegreater efforts,and you are sure to reach your goal_A_. V_7QWIdiy>  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.eventually *Ry "`"  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.especially k;y5nXIlN  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.effectively S QVyCxcX_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.endlessly -qndBS  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]14. As Ifelt so much better,my doctor_B_me to take a holiday by the sea. FZhjI 8+,~  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.suggested P&] PJt5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.advised h/F,D_O>ZO  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.considered ;*E PAC+  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.made Ni 5Su  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]15.Every picture has been sold_A_these two,so you’d better make a decisionearlier. oT27BK26?h  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.expect :Qra9; Y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besides vErlh:~e  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.expectfor ['n;e:*  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.beside 4 U`5=BI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]16.Seldom_B_him in the past two years. `JL&x|q o  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.I haveseen t{)J#8:g  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.have Iseen gcf EJN4'  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.I saw BAS3&fA  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.did Isee j8Csnm0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]17.---He went to see the film last night. %@Ty,d:;=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---_A_. P*;zDQy  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.So hedid,and so did I +b]+5!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.So didhe,and so I did 7&z`N^dz{  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.So hedid,and so I did hd}"%9p  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.So didhe,and so did I \!4sd2Yi  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]18. Iwish I_B_you better. (7g1eEK%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.know p$cSES>r:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.knew {r!X W  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.willknow yr /p3ys  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.haveknown G _] (7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]19. Thisis the student_A_I know will pass the TOEFL test. D'823,-).  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.who lU<n Wf  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.whom #Mz N7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.whose 8HyK;+ZkVd  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.what 85fBKpEe  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]20. Theyare looking forward to_C_to the lecture by the famous professor. 0#mu[ O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.send _YH)E^If  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besent {AY `\G  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.beingsent `"E|  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sending Iz#h:O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]21. Notonly_A_us light,but it gives us heat. h.6yI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.doesthe sun give U9KnW]O%"  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.thesun gives 9* %Uoy:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.givesthe sun zA![c l>$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.the sundoes give  0FHX  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]22. Theywere too dirty to walk;_B_,it was late. ;!k1LfN  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.beside $siiG|)C1  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besides 8yH) 8:w  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.except }cll? 2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.yet zX!zG<<K  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]23. Thebook looked_C_it had been out in the rain. X }yEMe{T  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.that nJYcC"f  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.whether 7 3k3(rZ  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.asthrough eD*"#O)W  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.what :_tsS)Q2m  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]24. Mybrother had a cold last week,so_B_I. 1x]U&{do  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.had "YGs<)S  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.did %/H  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.am Y>+\:O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.have <3QE3;4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]25. Ihaven’t met him for ages,but his mother_B_him quite often. k[N46=u  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hadseen +gTnq")wnI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.sees //W<\  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hasseen 0 )#5_-%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.saw nVoPTr  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]26. Isat near the entrance for a long time_A_him,but he didn’t arrive. :JSOj@s  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.expecting +GWeu0b(~  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.attending &gkloP @  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.waiting E'e#axF;  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.excepting >U9*  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]27.I’m_D_in this newspaper. @3{'!#/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.makinga word puzzle 9S.Uo[YY  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.havinga puzzle word cp2e,%o  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.gettinga word puzzle lx~!FLn  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.doinga word puzzle W z3y+I/&  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]28. I’mnot_B_beautiful dreams.I want beautiful realities. vI#\ Qe  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.contentto D2~e@J(K  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.contentwith ~d 7!)c`z  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.contentof w:& m_z#M  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.contentat X #-U  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]29. Asthere is no butter,we shall have to_A_dry bread. <r,l  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.contentourselves with 9rtcI[&?0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.contentus with gec<5Ewg  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.contentto 29pIO]8;  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.content Dq Kk9s;6_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]30. TheAnti-Japanses War_B_in 1973and it__8 years. z![RC59 S  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.wasbroken out;lasted "Sc_E}q |e  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.brokeout;lasted uE-~7Q(@  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.broke;remained "Q#/J)N  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.hadbeen broken out;kept _UYt  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]31. Whatdo you think_C_? "o`N6@[w ^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.whathe is ;_,=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.thathe is _NA0$bGN9  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.he is .#6Dad=S*  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.is he fEWS3`Yy  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]32. Istill remember the place_C_he visite 1fm\5/}'`1  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.  .-'  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.where $985q@pV0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.inwhich pcv(P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.that *]p]mzc  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.at $OHY^IE(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]33.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially_A_Father was out. YL=?Nk/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.as "6lf~%R"  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.that "?EA G  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.during d3+pS\&IX?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.if lq}=&)%C  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]34. Heplays football_B_,if not better than,John. !,+peM y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.aswell &eG,CIT  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.aswell as D:U:( pg  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.sowell d Ayof=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sowell as wLPL 9  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]35. Finallt,thethief handed everything_D_he had stolen to the police. @>_`g=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.after @H"~/m_o  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.what 0"(5\T  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.that <YP>c  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.which p )N=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]36. Ifyou climb up to the top,you can get a good_B_of the whole city. G,e>dp_cPu  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.sight <- Q=h?D  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.view ( YF`#v6  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.scene SG2s!Ht  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sigh '^'vafs-/@  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]37. Youlook tire $(H%|Oyn  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.You_A_all day long. [h+MA>%!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.musthave been working l Ot3^`  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.mightbe working o"->R C  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.shouldhave been working B?'`\q) UL  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.shouldhave worked 8Gzc3  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]38. Comeand see me_B_two day’s time. ya0L8`q  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.for O6NgI2[O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.in ^6bU4bA  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.after cu5Yvp  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.during OW- [#r  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]39._B_Java Man.who lived before the first Ice Age,was the first man-like animal. L!Iu\_{q  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Generallybelieved it is <RS@,  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.It isgenerally believed that l&S2.sC  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Believedit generally is that  AC@WhL  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Thatis generally believed S# Tc{@e  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]40. Ihaven’t seen Tom yet today,and I haven’t seen Joe,_B_. U:ggZ` .  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.both NBuibL  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.either Kv^ez%I  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.too ,f8<s-y4Sg  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.neither ?Y7'OlO  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]41.---You forgot to turn the gas off when you finished cooking this evening. Z{s&myd  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---Goodheavens,_B_. la:i!q AH  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.so didI @d]I3?`  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.so Idid /  PDe<p  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.so youdid rVgz+'rFD[  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.youdid so 9otA5I^v  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]42. Maryis_A_.She is a bit too strong. ~N2){0 j4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.on adiet 2`hc0 IE  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.at adiet 86NAa6BW  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.on adieting u; \:#721  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.goingfor dieting vp@%wxl!:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]43. Howmany_B_do you need? Y?W"@awE"\  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hour’ssleep .|[ZEXq  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hoursof sleep {j i;~9'Q  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hoursof sleeping "~j SG7h  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sleepinghours F4'g}y OLd  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]44. Iwant to know how much you_A_since you__last time. X_GR{z%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.haveread;did /cHd&i,>  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hadread;did d MQ]=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hadread;read 5[l9`Cn&A  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.wouldhave read;had read 4+%;eY.A  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]45._A_he said made me __. #-$ \f(+<  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.What;sick :U)>um34e  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.That;sick $MD|YW5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.whether;ill Gh}k9-L  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.If;tosick ~wG.'d]  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]46. Theyhave been in Hawaii_A_the end of the war. !R*%F  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.since q] g'rO'  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.at w#.Tp-AZ;\  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.by NX7(;02  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.in \l!^6G|c  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]47.Under the tree_B_two boys. .3WDtVE  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.lying xxxM  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.lay 3Mw\}q  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.lies Zwy8 SD'L  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.lain JTbg8b  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]48. Asa_C_of fact,talking to a friend is nice,but being alone is also enjoyable. lU]/nKyd  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.thing (2J_Y*N~>  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.business -L e:%q2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.matter t}m6];  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.affair *zoAD|0N  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]49. Mybrother said_C_eraser he had bought was__help to him. )=VSERs  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.the;/ )o!y7MTl  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.a;a ;\(Wz5Ok&J  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.the;a p&1IK8i"  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.the;the VsS. \1  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]50. Youcan often see the runners_B_on the playground. v%Rc wVt|  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.totrain &t)dE7u5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.training K"'W4bO#7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.train c%1 <O!c  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.to betraining zTi %j$o  









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