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主题 : 考博词汇真题
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考博 词汇真题 rRvZG&k  
Unit 1  (2003厦门大学) g-~]^$  
  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throught the center. *Y':raP  
  1.A Monitor/TIPP poll last month found that young people and seniors held similar views when asked to ______ the importance of US military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the next months. im3BQIPR  
  A.advocate              B.foresee              C.supervise             D.gauge it$w.v+W7V  
  2.The newspaper reported on the initiative of the organization to establish a private company to professionally ______ prisoners due to be released from prison. %a:>3! +  
  A.habilitate            B.rehabilitate         C.preclude             D.prelude |s'5 ~+  
  3.If all the viruses on the planet were to disappear, a global catastrophe would ______, and the natural ecosystems of the earth would collapse in a spectacular crash under burgeoning populations of insects. :w<Ga8\tZ  
  A.varnish               B.disperse            C.contaminate          D.ensue R=J5L36F  
  4.The solution was simple: gas the building with a hallucinogen and put the terrorists to sleep before they could ______ the bombs in the building. And it worked. 5S*aZ1t18  
  A.detonate             B.dismantle          C.demolish             D.desert MW2{w<-]7  
  5.Ms. Rice, with customary class, simply expressed hope that this episode wouldn't ______ the charity in spite of the previous scandals. =[:pm)   
  A.taint                  B.enhance             C.sprain                D.sponsor 7O-fc1OTv  
  6.These examples show that openness and the ability to change brings couples a giant step closer to the marital harmony they ______. }60/5HNr  
  A.request               B.negotiate           C.crave                 D.detest &Nw[J5-"k  
  7.First launched in April this year, Net My Singapore also includes efforts that ______ training, development, and the exploration of new technologies based on. u[HamGxx$u  
  A.obliterate             B.sequester           C.encompass            D.terminate 4(dgunP  
  8.Anxiety is believed to ______ diabetes by raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol which regulates insulin and blood-sugar levels. ] T<#bNK\1  
  A.impede               B.exacerbate          C.inherit                D.facilitate 7 Bym?   
  9.Last week, the Us bishops adopted rules to take priests who ______ minors out of any ministerial activities. 5.LfN{gE)  
  A.administer           B.generate            C.implicate              D.molest lhPxMMS`j  
  10.There is little reason to believe that the United States will ______ from its stated goal of regime change in Iraq. u}.mJDL  
  A.back down         B.blow off           C.pop up               D.step up xE rAs}|  
  11.Cox Radio, one of the nation's largest radio chains, plans to ______ its ties with independent record promoters to distance itself from a payola-like practice that runs rampant in the music business. q?qH7={,eu  
  A.consolidate          B.tout                 C.sever                 D.splash RF= $SMTk  
  12.The European Commission issued a ______ decision on Oct. 29 permitting an alliance between United Airlines, Deutsche Lufthansa and Scandinavian Airlines System that allows them to coordinate prices, schedules and routes in the transatlantic market. It turned out to be well received. P  Ij  
  A.automatic          B.landmark          C.obsolete              D.outgrown uO)vGzt3^x  
  13.Now illegal copies of music CDs ______ losses of about $ 300 million in sales annually and $ 65million lost government tax revenue. 3lTnfc&  
  A.conflict             B.inflict              C.compromise          D.defer 1ozb tn  
  14.It is the first of several agreements United States hopes to reach as it attempts to reduce, labor costs by $ 5.8 billion and ______ bankruptcy. CFUn1^?0  
  A.dispel               B.revert               C.transfer               D.avert NwVhJdo  
  15.The United Nations Security Council established the ICTR in 1995 to try the alleged perpetrators of the 1994______ in Rwanda that claimed the lives of more than 800,000 people. "yc|ng  
  A.genocide            B.immigration        C.discrimination        D.election N@Q_5t0bk  
  16.If you work for a major corporation, or are contracted at one, sooner or later, you may be called upon to create or maintain an internal website. Here are the ______ of intranets. e{H(  
  A.ins and outs         B.in a pinch          C.in a cleft stick        D.in a breeze #-o 'g!  
  17.You are exposed to obtrusive ads that ______ seemingly from nowhere even when you are disconnected from the Net, and your personal information gathered and sent off without you being aware of it. k=cDPu -  
  A.size up             B.dwindle away      C.conjure up           D.pop up h\2iArw8  
  18.As a psychotherapist with many patients in their 20's, I can ______ the fact that not only do most of them not have any health insurance, but they also do not expect it as a condition of living in this country. kA> e*6  
  A.attest to            B.contribute to       C.modify               D.interdict f40OVT@g  
  19.If you develop a reputation for being able to keep secrets others will ______ towards you with useful news and gossip. 1xr2x;  
  A.feel constrained     B.feel excluded       C.propel                D.gravitate EywBT  
  20.Early signs of ______ seen in the herbal medicine study are extremely encouraging and based upon these data, we are now planning a registration program. ia (&$a8X  
  A.faculty              B.reception           C.deterioration          D.efficacy r@}8TE*|P  
  Unit1 答案 Bg] %  
  1.D  2. A  3. D  4. A  5. A  6. C  7. C  8. B  9. A  10. A  11. C  12. B 13. B  14. D  15. A  16. A  17. D  18. A  19. D  20. D xS:n  
Unit 2  (2004电子科技大学) RL )~J4Y  
  Directions: In each item, identify one of the four choices A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it substitutes the underlined word or phrase. Mark your choice on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. /=T:W*C  
  1.Obviously these are all factors affecting smooth operation, but the underlying problem is still to be identified. }KO <II  
  A.operational            B.fundamental            C.operating            D.underneath ; !C_}P  
  2.If you can convince the interviewer of your special qualifications, your chance of being accepted will be greatly enhanced. {5fL!`6w  
  A.appreciated            B.encouraged             C.frustrated           D.increased ^^lx Ot  
  3.Initially his book did not receive much attention, but two weeks after the critic's review appeared in the newspapers, it climbed to the best sellers' list. mlPvF%Ba  
  A.At first              B.First of all            C.At first sight       D.From the first e0#t  
  4.Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output. >_\[C?8  
  A.accounted for                                      B.worked out ^KnK \  
  C.made prominent                                    D.taken for granted EqGpo_  
  5.The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation. 1*|/N}g)  
  A.things that are found                               B.decisions .lq83; k  
  C.results of an enquiry                               D.files &YcOmI/MM  
  6.The critic's assessment of the book is that it is beautifully written. cR uN;  
  A.comprehension        B.recommendation        C.admiration          D.judgment y=.bn!u}z  
  7.The foreign minister would reveal nothing about his recent tour of the Middle East beyond what had already been announced at the press conference. A2;6Vz=z  
  A.as for                 B.in addition to          C.along with          D.in relation to }'faf{W  
  8.Mr. Dane went through his daughter's essay carefully, to eliminate slang words from it. c&x1aF "B  
  A.reduce                 B.exchanged              C.remove              D.exhibit oam;hmw  
  9.A trip to the Antarctic is reasonably safe if you take the necessary precautions. 9e c},~(  
  A.within reason         B.rather                  C.beyond doubt       D.doubly 4 R(m$!E!  
  10.With his brows knitted, the doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform. QxN1N^a0  
  A.succeeded in                                    B.decided against .ANR |G  
  C.went on with                                   D.thought deeply about 2P)O 0j\/  
  11.I was most favorably struck by the assurance with which the boy answered all my question. 4P"bOt5izR  
  A.insurance            B.confidence             C.reluctance          D.independence f0j]!g  
  12.The population in last area was growing rapidly. Needless to say, the housing problem there cried out for immediate solution. GmaNi  
  A.tried hard to find                                B.called loudly #9Jr?K43  
  C.needed very much                                D.asked earnestly for O`@- b#  
  13.This exquisite violin was with superb workmanship. oP9 y@U  
  A.rather strange                                   B.pretty cheap IVkB)9IW  
  C.utterly worthless                                 D.very lovely *z)gSX  
  14.The emperor turned to alchemy to ensure immortality, but contrary to his wishes, the wrong chemistry shortened his life. "M!m-]  
  A.good fortune                                      B.quick recovery from his illness UAT\ .  
  C.never-ending life                                  D.everlasting peace $A-X3d;'\/  
  15.Many workers felt that they were victimized by atomation. |Tc4a4jS  
  A.make to work hard                              B.replaced 9Li*L&B)  
  C.caused to suffer                                  D.relieved w$AR  
  16.How to evaluate the performance of students is still a problem that troubles many professors. m O]>]   
  A.examine and judge                                B.assist in ]K*R[  
  C.enhance                                          D.account for iB"ji4[z  
  17.Because alcohol is a solvent, it is a component of many liquid medicines. 7=9>yba)^  
  A.basic ingredient in making medicines 9Dgs A`{$  
  B.combination of things of different qualities K%+4M#jj5  
  C.one of the parts that make up a whole oKCy,Ot<  
  D.substance that helps to cure certain diseases  W. kcN,  
  18.The incidence of this disease has been greatly reduced thanks to our health care program. 1(dKb  
  A.seriousness                                       B.frequency of occurrence [}ja \!P  
  C.mortality                                          D.cure rate )J> dGIb  
  19.Since the energy crisis, these big cars have become a real liability. They cost too much to run. 2/fol TR7  
  A.lack of reliability                               B.substitute h !K" ;qw  
  C.costly means of transport                        D.disadvantage zMu9A|  
  20.Mary is by no means learned; nor is she good at any practical trade. The only asset she possesses is her beauty. qar{*>LCG  
  A.something valuable                             B.temptation GT6i9*tb #  
  C.something pleasing to the eye                    D.womanly virtue BK+P  
  21.Young John showed no consistency when he did excellent work the first part of the year and very poor work after that. i79$D:PcLa  
  A.state of keeping to the same course of action m2jts(stp  
  B.right qualifications to do a job < $e#o H  
  C.ability to cope With one's work EI6kBRMo  
  D.great amount of accumulated experience ?x&}ammid  
  22.If the batik's statement agrees with my bank balance, it does not follow indisputably that the balance is correct. 8R!-,I"$  
  A.indispensably                                     B.unquestionably Q|h$D~  
  C.disreputably                                      D.consequently n19A>,m  
  23.Educational development is bound up with economic progress. {+hABusq  
  A.in accordance with                               B.consistent with $V!.z%Vgf  
  C.independent of                                    D.closely related to 8+}rm6Y+  
  24.Export of handicraft products is the mainstay of the county's economy. \WFcb\..  
  A.rich resources        B.primary concern        C.only source          D.main support H Eq{TUTr  
  25.The man had a rather shady occupation and made a lot of money within a short period of time. 1g{}O^ul  
  A.profitable            B.comfortable            C.honorable           D.dishonest vw;a L#PP  
  26.They are meticulous in work, Well aware a careless mistake will cost the company millions of pounds. 03v+eT  
  A.rather casual                                     B.pretty slow MWA,3I\.  
  C.very careful                                       D.really considerate Z/G#3-5)p  
  27.When the pacific War broke out, Edward was drafted by navy and served four full years on a big aircraft carrier. M-i3_H)  
  A.enlisted             B.mobilized              C.approved            D.attracted SR?mSpq5  
  28.Be was interested only in the story and skipped all those passages of landscape description. *c Xq=/s  
  A.thought badly of    B.went over              C.went through       D.passed over :G@z?ZJ[  
  29.Her panic was transient, and ceased when she began to speak. r YKGX?y  
  A.beyond description                             B.unnoticed ,zM@)Q ;9  
  C.passing quickly                                   D.vague ~:7y!=8#  
  30.Heavy rains were causing inundation and much damage throughout the country. ub~ t }  
  A.much inconvenience                              B.serious concern A1+:y,wXs  
  C.overflow of water                                D.human misery G)I` M4}*n  
  Unit 2答案 Yft [)id  
  1.B  2.D  3.A  4.C  5.C  6.D  7.B  8.C  9.B  10.D  11.B  12.C  13.D  14.C  15.C  16.A  17.C  18.B  19.D  20.A  21.A  22.B  23.D  24.D  25.D  26.C  27.28.D  29.C  30. C ,H+Y1N4W(  
Unit 3  (2004中国社会科学院) F ><_gIT  
  Section A ]#f%Dku.m  
  Directions: Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the underlined word. 4E5;wH  
  1.She actually preferred a more gregarious urban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime. ;X<Ez5v3  
  A.tranquil           B.sociable           C.inactive           D.undisturbed KLW5Ad:/rI  
  2.Some of the plan's provisionshave already aroused opposition, most notably from Pope John Pual Ⅱ. }p*|8$#x"  
  A.clauses             B.interpretations     C.interrelations      D.depreciations E8r6P:5d`  
  3.Nothing is less sensible than the advice of the Duke of Cambridge who is to be reported to have said:“Any change, at any time, for any reason is to be deplored.” *Igb3 xK %  
  A.emulated           B.ridiculed          C.complicated       D.lamented OJa(Gds  
  4.Most of the 33 newly discovered planets'giant gas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller, nearby, life-friendly planets. Pz0MafF|T  
  A.destruction         B.benefits            C.chaos              D.violence 8b'@_s!_  
  5.Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. UU>+b:  
  A.dubiously          B.potently           C.profusely          D.candidly cdL]s^z  
  6.In fact, a number of recent developments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media; that online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend the best aspects of the print culture while augmenting it with their various technological advantages. |3e+ K.  
  A.limiting            B.maintaining       C.distinguishing     D.increasing $aJ6i7C,j}  
  7.Every modern government, liberal or otherwise, has a specific position in the field of ideas; its stability is vulnerable to critics in proportion to their ability and persuasiveness. <<?32r~  
  A.futile              B.susceptible        C.feasible           D.flexible \OkZ\!<hg  
  8.Parties are therefore free to strive for a settlement without jeopardizing their chances for or in a trial if mediation is unsuccessful. /_m )D;!y  
  A.assuring            B.increasing          C.endangering       D.destroying Fdhgm{Y2s  
  9.They make better use of the time they have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressful jobs. 7BU7sQjs  
  A.sustain             B.yield              C.endure            D.expose E& 6I`8  
  10.It disgusted him when atheists attacked religion: he thought they were vulgar. Rmmu#-{Y  
  A.insulting          B.base-minded       C.rough              D.vicious kHhp;<  
  Section B Z C01MDIY  
  Directions: Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. TSewq4`K  
  11.From the time of the Greeks to the Great War, medicine's job was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain. @6~lZgXOV[  
  A.immortal          B.immune           C.lethal             D.toxic  :2nsi4  
  12.This is market in which enterprising businesses ______ for the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their rock mania and pop-art forms. *V',@NH#Os  
  A.cater              B.entitle             C.appeal             D.subject V:y6NfL7i'  
  13.It must guide public opinion, after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readers what measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number. 7u&l]NC?y  
  A.inquisitively       B.inconceivably      C.appallingly        D.impartially q&z'S  
  14.Brushing removes larger particles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, where food residues and bacteria ______ F|> 3gW  
  A.flourish           B.collaborate        C.embark           D.congregate 3ArHaAv{y  
  15.American literary historians are perhaps ______ to viewing their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. A{q%sp:3~  
  A.prone             B.legible            C.incompatible      D.prior C5V}L   
  16.To many people, a husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle, to ______ family character and to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. 7P3pjgh  
  A.repress            B.intimidate          C.validate            D.confine %r1#G.2YW  
  17.The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ the Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply. !gW`xVGv  
  A.defers             B.curtails            C.triggers            D.sparks o+{,>t  
  18.These people actively try to ______ what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what they hope to be good English. Jfr'OD2$ %  
  A.suppress           B.regress             C.enhance            D.revive bT 42G [x  
  19.It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all ______ to the flow of ideas shall be removed. {H[N|\  
  A.prophecies         B.transactions        C.arguments         D.hindrances af | mk@  
  20.As we have seen, propaganda can appeal to us by arousing our emotions or ______ our attention from the real issues at hand. "|Q.{(|kO1  
  A.retaining          B.sustaining         C.distracing          D.obscuring bdstxjJ`  
  Unit 3  答案 +'g O%^{l  
  Section A f> Jj5he/  
  1.B  2. A  3. D  4. A  5. C  6. D  7. B  8. C  9. B  10. C 6 agG*x  
  Section B 36OQHv;&  
  11.C  12. A  13. D  14. D  15. A  16. C  17. B  18. A  19. D  20. C xK_UkB-$i  
Unit 4  (2002中国人民大学) u]NsCHKlT  
  Part A (5 Points) UZs '[pm)  
  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET I. 9*s8%pL  
  Example: n~yHt/T  
  She prefers foreign wine to that produced ______. }O~D3z4l0  
  A.previously           B.virtually           C.primarily           D.domestically 9*I[q[>9  
  The sentence should read, “She prefers foreign wine to that produced domestically.” Therefore, you should choose D. z{OL+-OY  
Sample Answer 4_-&PZ,d  
[A][B][C] m] U  
  1.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the ______ peasants. qc,EazmU  
  A.animated          B.rebellious           C.creased              D.impassive XlF,_  
  2.The company will ______ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be. H.l0kBeG  
  A.retain             B.alter                C.abandon             D.adhere (v?@evQ  
  3.The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and ______ penicillin prescriptions. aB~k8]q.  
  A.dispenses          B.disposes            D.disperses            D.dispatches 9U<WR*H  
  4.AIDS is causing great public concern because the ______ fatal disease hits primarily young people. "vybV WEE  
  A.invariably         B.imperatively        C.transiently          D.deceptively |GQq:MB;z  
  5.The houses in this area were all erected in ______ of housing regulations. BTr oe=R  
  A.compliance        B.defiance            C.alliance              D.obedience ( ww4(  
  6.He had wanted a 25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to C  {*?  
  A.suffice            B.satisfy             C.gratify              D.delight >(H:eRKq  
  7.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their ______. cooperation m_Hg!Lg  
  A.ethical            B.bilateral           C.mandatory          D.subsidiary 5: gpynE|  
  8.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN ______ and other international laws. qfT9g>EF  
  A.Charter           B.Constitution       C.Concordance        D.Custody +$ djX=3  
  9.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall ______ in all three. *<cRQfA1  
  A.rare               B.lacking             C.short                D.scarce 4ZUtK/i+r  
  10.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ______. [.|& /O  
  A.on the verge     B.on the sly          C.on the spot          D.on the loose *sp")h#Z  
  Part B (5 points) />Zfx.Aj6  
  Directions: In each of the following sentences there is one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. Mark the corresponding lettr with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET I. U*K4qJ6U  
  Example: RvA "ug.*  
  The secretary is very competent; she can finish all these letters within one hour. 0c"9C_7^g  
  A.careful                B.industrious         C.clever               D.capable 5w>TCx  
  In this sentence, “competent” is closest in meaning to “capable”. Therefore you Should choose D. AUF[hzA  
Sample Answe YYI0iM>  
[A][B][C][D] :fRta[  
  11.As there was not enough money to bury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modes cemetery in South Africal before World AIDS Day. ]+ub R;  
  A.parentless children                       B.miserable victims BIMX2.S1o  
  C.contagious bodies                        D.infectious patient $H@   
  12.In his opinion, the objection to barbarity does not mean that capital punishment should not go on p Cx_[#DrP  
  A.adversity         B.savagery           C.habitat            D.integrity `>KNa"b%$  
  13.What is at fault in our present system is not the outcome but the fallible procedure. T)22P<M8  
  A.sublime         B.erroneous           C.plausible           D.impeccable 'U& ]KSzxv  
  14.It could not be ruled out that, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty. y /8iEs  
  A.confirmed       B.tolerated            C.excluded            D.refuted 2vUcSKG7  
  15.Now researchers are directing more attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelled university graduates into careers in management. G@D8 [  
  A.implication      B.propaganda         C.impulse             D.refuted '#A_KHD  
  16.Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded. }@$CS5w  
  A.sturdy           B.obstinate           C.permanent          D.manifest ]c_lNHssmq  
  17.Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical. #bGYHN  
  A.focused          B.concentrated        C.agreed               D.based 2PPb  
  18.He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer. ;X;x.pi   
  A.tenacity         B.curiosity          C.civility             D.hostility :1t&>x=T  
  19.Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments'determined efforts to quash software piracy. 8M3DG=D  
  A.boost            B.prevent            C.crush               D.restrict qe1>UfY  
  20.It is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania in the United States has prompted China to slap a ban on poultry imports from the sate. Vx[Q=raS  
  A.marine products                        B.dairy products jl;N Fk%  
  C.industrial products                      D.avian products FLsJ<C~/~  
  unit 4答案 =dKk #*  
  Part A h+q#| N  
  1.B  2. D  3. B  4. A  5. D  6. A  7. B  8. A  9. C  10. B Wvd-b e  
  Part B OI/]Y7D[Oq  
  11.A  12. B  13. B  14. C  15. C  16. D  17. D  18. C  19. D  20. D ,{"K^  









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