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2013年华中科技大学博士英语翻译和写作(真题) 翻译题目: Er509zZ,[ Q$u&/g3NvL HGM ?
?= 汉译英 Va"H.] F<H[-k*t/ 1.科学家认为,出生在夏天将赋予你开朗的性情,而出生在冬天则可能给你的快乐蒙上永久的阴影。 J'{69<`Dl @/jLN 2. 有些老鼠被放置在夏天的光照条件下,每天有16小时的“白天”和8个小时的“黑夜”。其他老鼠则只有8个小时的“白天”,和冬天昼短夜长的光照条件类似。 ;r<(n3"F =ie8{j2: 3. 那些在夏天的光照条件下成长起来的老鼠像往常一样作息,而那些在缺少光线的环境中成长起来的老鼠在应对这一变化时却显得吃力。 2w"Xv,*.'i ]:H((rk 英译汉 o\<m99Ub k_d) 1. A Japanese airline is taking itsweight-saving efforts to new heights, asking passengers on some of its flightsto visit the restroom before flying. FVY$A=G Em6P6D>S>, 2. The airline will also recycle paper cupsand plastic bottles, and use chopsticks produced from wood from forest thinningprojects, as part of its efforts to become more environmentally friendly. o9GtS$O\ 3X|7 R 3. The move follows earlier steps by airlinesto reduce the weight of flights by trimming the size of in-flight magazines,slimming the handles of forks and spoons and using lighter drink trolleys andporcelain. \<n 9kwU
fyHFfPEE 作文题目: !W\Zq+^^J3 ={'*C7K)oK Is itbetter to set up a bridge or a wall between china and the west? V%|CCrR