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主题 : 中科院考博英语2007年真题词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-07-25   
来源于 考博试题 分类


PART 1 VUCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 4.5 point each) 2<`.#zIds  
1. Reductions in overseas government expenditure took place, but ______and more gradually than now seems desirable. R)M_|ca  
A: reluctantly  :(a]V"(&Eq  
B: unwittingly ! iptT(2  
C. impulsively P6 ;'Sza  
D: anxiously j4>a(  
2. In fear for their lives and in ______of their freedom, thousands of enslaved women and children fled to the Northern States on the eve of the American Civil War.  DHw&+MY  
A. Way `6[I^qG".  
B. view %.<H=!$  
C. vision j:}J}P  
D. pursuit qS/V"|G(  
3. If I could ensue a reasonably quick and comprehensive solution to the crisis in s0*0 'f  
Iraq, t would not have entitled my speech “the______ problem.” xXY.AoO6  
A. Instant i.xXb [M+  
B: Inverse )mJf|W!Z#  
C. Insoluble ?_oF:*~\  
D. Intact [97KBoSU  
4. Some of the patients, especially the dying, wanted to ______ in the man and woman who had eased their suffering. |.F  
A. confide J0 k  
B. ponder Ja ]?&j  
C. well ui "3ak+F  
D: reflect 0x11 vr!  
5. We all buy things on the ______ of the moment; this is what the retail trade calls an “impulse “buy. uk9g<<3T  
A: urge xy8#2  
B. force Ku/~ N#  
C. spur X; 5Jb  
D. rush. IcrL   
6. Nothing has ever equaled the ______ and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world. lJzl6&  
A. concern Q\ Gq|e*  
B. magnitude [xfaj'j=@  
C. volume ="%W2  
D. carelessness ExSO|g]%  
7. The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was ______          called "hot" and later "swing." 5tv<8~:K  
A. shortly TZ;p0^(  
B. initially Uw/l>\  
C. actually 1AHx"e,;L  
D. literally /<&h@$NHH4  
8. The depth of benefits of reading varies in ______ the depth of one's one’s experience 1^dJg8  
A. tempo with 16X@^j_   
B. time with {SZ% Xbo  
C. place of &[a Tw{2  
D. proportion to {ub/3Uh  
9. Whatever the questions he really wanted to ask at the reprocessing plant, though, he would never allow his personal feelings to ______ with an assignment. T#!lPH :&h  
A. interrupt pi5GxDA]  
B. bother  CKlL~f EL  
C. interfere 3 +xy4 G@L  
D. intervene VW@ x=m  
10. His ______ with computers began six months ago. p T[gdhc  
A. imagination -6=<#9R  
B. invocation `@`1pOb  
C. observation 64j|}wJ$  
D. obsession sk2%  
11. I like cats but unfortunately I am ______ to them. `nJu?5  
A. vulnerable YCy22@C  
B. allergic t~M $%)h  
C. inclined R^MiP|?ZH  
D. hostile .G>t72DpU  
12. Some  of the  words employed  by  Shakespeare  in  his  works  have  become______ and are no longer used in the present days. ] c}91  
A. obsolete 5IqQ|/m<6  
B. obscene wk\L*\@Y}  
C. obvious h4fLl3%H  
D. oblique LD(C\  
13. One of the main ways to stay out of trouble with government agents is to keep a law______ away from those situations wherein you call attention to yourself. TSL9ax4j  
A. manner 4p)e}W*  
B. position uCzii o`S  
C. profile O.k \]'  
D. station 0y %L-:/c|  
14. With 1 million copies sold out within just 2 weeks, that book is indeed a ______ success. r$nkU4N'  
A. provisional FA>1x*;c  
B. sensational en9en=n|  
C. sentimental Sl~x$9`  
D. potential <%bw/  
15. As the core of the management hoard, he can always come up with ______ ideas to promote the corporation's marketing strategies. (TSqc5^H  
A. integral V`fL%du,3  
B. instinctive 0H = 9@  
C. intangible tLX,+P2|  
D. ingenious 's@MQ! *  
l6. They speak of election campaign polls as a musician might of an orchestra ______, or a painter of defective paint. o;J;*~g  
A. in pace %!.M~5mCd  
B. out of focus 4/wwn6I}G  
C. in step aIvBY78o  
D. out of tune 6w#nkF  
17. Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what ______much is what they do with it. LXhaD[ 1Rb  
A. taunts for PM~*|(fA  
B. asks for _J"mR]I+  
C. consists of boQ)fV"  
D. approves of R "E<8w  
l8. Any business needs ordinary insurance______ risks such as fire, flood and breakage. yMIT(   
A. in ~8Sqa%F>  
B. against  hhq$g{+[  
C. raft Ysk, w,K  
D. of T8q[7Zn  
19. As he was a thoroughly professional journalist, he already knew the media______. A c:\c7M;  
A. to and fro >6K4b/.5w  
B. upside and down RV]a%mVlM  
C. inside and out S1C^+Sla]  
D. now and then RdkU2Y}V  
20. There was little, if any, evidence to substantiate the gossip and, ______, there was little to disprove it. B/u*<k4  









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