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主题 : 2015吉林大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-03-16   
来源于 考博试题 分类


2015吉林大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练 t>bzo6cj  
Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the H,7='n7"  
United States by applying new social research findings on the <y6`8J7:  
experiences of European migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration -)V0D,r$[  
becomes the organizing principle for rewriting the history of pzF_g- B  
preindustrial North America. His approach rests on four separate 2I.FSR_G?  
propositions. PR{ubM n  
The first of these asserts that residents of early modern England )UR$VL  
moved regularly about their countryside; migrating to the New World mb\T)rj  
was simply a “natural spillover”. Although at first the colonies SoIK<*J  
held little positive attraction for the English — they would rather jFSR+mP!  
have stayed home — by the eighteenth century people increasingly @2Z|\ojJ  
migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of +t7HlAXB#  
opportunity. Secondly, Bailyn holds that, contrary to the notion that {j wv+6]U  
used to flourish in America history textbooks, there was never a > X~\(|EM  
typical New World community. For example, the economic and q!z?Tn#!jd  
demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably. WIWo4[(  
Bailyn’s third proposition suggest two general patterns 0|GYtnd  
prevailing among the many thousands of migrants: one group came as [@K'}\U^+  
indentured servants, another came to acquire land. Surprisingly, ?$pNduE  
Bailyn suggests that those who recruited indentured servants were the w- ).HPe  
driving forces of transatlantic migration. These colonial \' O/3Y7?X  
entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who [}L?EM  
came to preindustrial North America. At first, thousands of unskilled Bc=(1ty)  
xU; SRB   
laborers were recruited; by the 1730’s, however, American employers l+;S$evY  
demanded skilled artisans. +w0Wg.4V  
Finally, Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized %|jS`kj  
hinterland of the European culture system. He is undoubtedly correct )!(gS,  
to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo-American empire. b:(+d"S  
But to divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery, ;D'm=uOl  
as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture. It is <:-4GJH=  
true, as Bailyn claims, that high culture in the colonies never 7FwtBO  
matched that in England. But what of seventeenth-century New England, S ct  
where the settlers created effective laws, built a distinguished O_ #++G  
university, and published books? Bailyn might respond that New ?>7\L'n=5I  
England was exceptional. However, the ideas and institutions *)[fGxz \  
developed by New England Puritans had powerful effects on North w5Fk#zJv  
American culture. QMMpB{FZ`o  
Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands 3[#^$_96b  
of indentured servants who migrated just prior to the revolution, he F- kjv\  
fails to link their experience with the political development of the .#y#u={{l  
United States. Evidence presented in his work suggests how we might 1F.._5_"]  
make such a connection. These indentured servants were treated as c:Czu  
slaves for the period during which they had sold their time to American B1X&O d  
employers. It is not surprising that as soon as they served their time U<Oc&S{]*  
they passed up good wages in the cities and headed west to ensure their zd_N' :6  
personal independence by acquiring land. Thus, it is in the west that p;4FZ$  
a peculiarly American political culture began, among colonists who "OwM' n8  
<xBL/e %  
were suspicious of authority and intensely anti-aristocratic. D*UxPm"pw  
(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-l G;gsDn1t  
iu jiu qi ba QQ: si jiu san san qi yi liu er liu ) 2-m@-  
1. Which of the following statements about migrants to colonial North l&\y]ZV={  
America is supported by information in the text? .XpuD,^;@  
[A] A larger percentage of migrants to colonial North America came x`?>j$  
as indentured servants than as free agents interested in acquiring t<Sa ;[+  
land. )4fQ~)  
[B] Migrants who came to the colonies as indentured servants were &SIf|IX.  
more successful at making a livelihood than were farmers and artisans. g)f& mQ)  
[C] Migrants to colonial North America were more successful at \<I&utn  
acquiring their own land during the eighteenth century than during L%[>z'Zp  
the seventeenth century. [<r.M<3  
[D] By the 1730’s, migrants already skilled in a trade were in K1YxF  
more demand by American employers than were unskilled laborers. j hRr!  
2. The author of the text states that Bailyn failed to "T[BSj?E  
[A] give sufficient emphasis to the cultural and political L=54uCv Q  
interdependence of the colonies and England. Sv=e|!3f[k  
[B] describe carefully how migrants of different ethnic Z|KDi `S  
backgrounds preserved their culture in the United States. ~%lUzabMa  
[C] take advantage of social research on the experiences of FzOWM7+\  
colonists who migrated to colonial North America specifically to {KDN|o+%  
acquire land. ~jJ.E_i  
[D] relate the experience of the migrants to the political values 6RIbsy  
that eventually shaped the character of the United States. z-3.%P2g  
3. Which of the following best summarizes the author’s #Fo#f<b p  
evaluation of Bailyn’s fourth proposition?  ?@in($67  
[A] It is totally implausible. ;4dFL\KU  
[B] It is partially acceptable. f5M;q;   
[C] It is highly admirable. VJ h]j (  
[D] It is controversial though persuasive. }>y !I5O  
4. According to the text, Bailyn and the author agree on which @}PXBU   
of the following statements about the culture of colonial New England? byP<!p*  
[A] High culture in New England never equaled the high culture dHAT($QG  
of England Qm7];,  
[B] The cultural achievements of colonial New England have zrSYLG  
generally been unrecognized by historians. 22y SMtxn  
[C] The colonists imitated the high culture of England, and did 9%21Q>Y?b  
not develop a culture that was uniquely their own. }UcdkKq  
[D] The southern colonies were greatly influenced by the high jLn#%Ia}  
culture of New England. sWse (_2  
5. The author of the text would be most likely to agree with which y5c\\e  
of the following statements about Bailyn’s work? 7MZH'nO  
[A] Bailyn underestimates the effects of Puritan thought on North T9J&^I  
American culture. ]5@n`;&#.  
[B] Bailyn overemphasizes the economic dependence of the colonies a0k;way  
on Great Britain. QoUdTIIL  
[C] Bailyn’s description of the colonies as part of an 'y>Y*/  
Anglo-American empire is misleading and incorrect. [%yj' )R/  
[D] Bailyn failed to test his propositions on a specific group 9%SC#V'  
of migrants to colonial North America. }&L%c>  









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