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主题 : 兰州大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-02-28   
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兰州大学 2007 年考博英语试题 ZJz6 {cY  
注意:答案请一律写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。 Snx_NH#tA  
Part One Structure and Vocabulary (40%) ndRy&[f7  
Directions: In this part there are two sections In Section One, you are to choose }5#<`8  
from the four choices under each sentence the one which is similar in meaning to the j'lfH6_')e  
underlined part of the sentence. And in Section Two, you are to choose the one that {3Z&C$:s  
can beat complete the sentence in question. Fxwe,  
Section I `PI,tmv!  
1. An important function of early stone took was to extract highly nutritious food MrIo.  
from large animal carcasses (Sc]dH  
Cg NfqT0  
A. destroy !$ikH,Bh  
B. identify  C. remove OZdiM&Zss  
D. compare M/ @1;a@\  
; 2K_u  
2 Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and (JS1}T  
highways as well as with urban affairs (xffU%C^  
r (Ab+1b  
A. outlandish tiJY$YqA  
B. remote R.Xh&@f`  
C exempted D. exclusive D_r&B@4w  
|- 39ZZOX  
3. Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass- or Y85M$]e,  
soap-making cither would do. 'r6s5 WC  
@O b$w1c  
A. advantageous B. convenient L 1=HD  
C. identifiable 1wpT"5B  
e W&;r&26  
D. equivalent D4%5T>^LW[  
4. With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on 0,*clvH\;  
Earth may be unique in the system was strengthened %(h-cuhq  
A. continuation :X-Z|Pv8  
B. beginning C. expansion  D. outcome *het_;)+{  
5. When the glaciers thawed after the last ice age% the five Great Lakes of North NQzpgf|h  
America were formed %O-RhB4q  
A. melted z,/0e@B >  
B. advanced 6v7H?4  
2*:lFv wP  
C evaporated *gRg--PY%  
D. exploded .),%S}  
Am=D kkP%  
6. New York is a shopper's paradise whether one wants to spend large sums of $P#Cf&R  
money in elegant department stores or rifle though goods displayed on street oK1"8k|Z  
barrows /5M@>A^?'  
A. a fortune B. a dime K$_Rno"  
C. much n]I_ LlbY  
@a,X{ 0  
D. quite lot ])paU8u  
7. During the rainy season the Mississippi River may carry away hundreds of acres `F<)6fk  
of valuable topsoil from one area and arbitrarily deposit it in another. v w$VR PW  
A. lawfully  `=b)fE  
O)C y4[  
B. subsequently ypE cjVP D  
(9q61z A  
C. randomly W,Q"?(+]B  
WHxq -&=  
D. mercilessly z:f[<`,GT  
8. Over six million citizens of the United States collect benefits from private pension S N_!o2F2  
plans each year. 1c);![O  
A. nongovernmental   B. unauthorized '9cShe  
C. confidential !fF1tW  
D. nontransferable QUd`({/@:  
9. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the overwhelming majority are g[fCvWm#d  
Dormant v,w/g|  
A. uncharted {IEc{y7?gO  
B. unpredictable $h1`-=\7  
C. minor d U n+?  
D. inactive JmB7tRM8  
UO^" <0u  
10. The lymphatic system includes a network of tiny capillaries that lie adjacent to hnha1 f  
the fine blood vessels. ~PYMtg=i  
cn (-{dCXM  
A. independent of B. near I3uS?c  
5 {cbcuG  
C. obscured by NT ?Gl(  
D. within EjLj5Z/q  
11. One of California's most acute problems is an inadequate water supply. -'b tKz*9  
A. critical l;^Id#N  
B. unusual @ht= (Jk9  
C. persistent dH"wYMNL  
D. unexpected lA}(63j+b  
Vg9n b  
12. It is estimated that at one time there existed from one to two thousand American xu9K\ /{7  
Indian languages and at least as many cultures, each different in some respect from *'D( j#&  
all the others. *aF #on{  
A. prospect k?-GI[@X  
tow0/ Jt  
B. stages fWo}gH~  
@jb -u S  
C. aspect 1FC'DH!  
D. activity Q;A1&UA2  
13. The eardrum, a taut membrane located at the end of the ear canal, separates the <1i:Z*l.  
outer ear from the inner ear. t"[ xx_i  
t5 :4'%|  
A lightly tinted c:QZ(8d]L  
B. tightly stretched C. somewhat opaque D. delicately made /SDN7M]m!  
6lW\-h`N G  
14. It was commonly felt that the purchase of Alaska by the United State in 1867 mO];+=3v8  
was foolish. L9(mY `d>"  
A. requiring 7K"{}:  
B. sending C. buying  D. applying -!_f-Nny  
15. In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the species that *4]u?R  
prevail in the forests. z?T;2/_7  
A dominate   B. rebuild C. invade  D. tend ']Q4SB"q  
16. In frogs and toads,the tongue is fixed to the front of the mouth in order to K&T[F!  
facilitate projecting it at some distance, greatly in aiding in capture of insects. b$7p`Ay  
A proscribing B. protruding {J#SpG 7  
C. provoking Ep>} S  
c? Z M<Y"  
D. protracting 6}z-X*  
17. Stare twinkle as a result of the turbulent stale of the air through which their light dnEIR5%+.  
passes. qr$h51C&  
> nHaMj  
A. in addition to B. in spite of   C. because of +Tf4S J  
zWs ("L(#s  
D. with regard to 7+(on  
18. Most meat-eating animals use their teeth to seize and kill prey. [P:+n7= ,l  
A. attacker G 6r2 "  
B. nourishment   C. enemies 2}\/_Y6  
D. victims  a,ff8Qm  
19. It is ridiculous to become angry about such an insignificant matter, 8-||  Nh  
{s7 3(B"  
A. absurd mz>GbImVD~  
@ajt D-_2  
B. nourishment C. tragic D. unpardonable Svicw`uX0  
20. How many people are aware that a dancer with New York City Ballet typically @S<6#zR  
wears out a minimum of two hundred pairs of toe shoes per year? 5+DId7d'n  
zG* >g  
A. only jk\z-hd  
B. at least C. exactly |Cm6RH$(  
D. fewer than 1w!O&kn  
Section II (20%) dW 5@Z-9  
21. Not until the eighteenth century _____the complex chemistry of metallurgy. oQiRjDLx  
A. when scientists began to appreciate R>D[I.  
B. did scientists begin to appreciate cj\?vX\V  
C. scientists who were beginning to appreciate Gk']Ma2J}  
D. the appreciation of scientists began 5 W!#,jz  
22. Pewte, ____ for eating and drinking utensils in colonial America, is about : i{tqY%  
ninety percent tin with copper or bismuth added for hardness.  JfsvK2I  
A. widely used it 6r.#/' "  
C. which widely used 9RPZj>ezjA  
B. was widely used az1#:Go  
D. widely used _Ie?{5$ng`  
TD sjNFe3  
23. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only United States President whose oath of office 6DG%pF,  
____   by a woman, Judge Sarah Tilghman Hughes. W#@6e')d  
A. was administered m}(M{^\|  
C. was accomplished 0|DyYu  
^ 4Uk'T7V  
B. being directed TbD $lx3>  
D. of administration was 9tWpxrig%  
24. Protein digestion begins in the stomach _____ ends in the small intestine. ]$BC f4:  
A. when vaL P_V  
n/{ pQ&B  
B. while l{gR6U{e  
8!{ }WLwb  
C. and 5@J]#bp0M  
D. because -,Js2+QZ#  
r PTfwhs  
25. ___fee growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of 0 ;].q*|#  
Texas has remained heavily dependent on oil and gas. !+z&] S3s  
A. As S5:&_&R8[  
B. Despite =te4p@  
C. Though 2*< PmKI  
D. In case VN0KK 1 I  
26. Probably at about the same time speech, ____laughter originated too. wA"d?x  
A. increased B. brought about C. evolved D. resulted YCVT0d  
27. The United States Capitol building in Washington D.C, is ____in a small park K"[\)&WBG  
surrounded by a number of impressive government buildings. Fn0 |v66  
)H`V\ H[0P  
A. located r7#.DJnN.  
B- secluded % QQ 2u$  
C formed D. spotted $E! f@L  
r,3 \32[?  
28. In earlier times there were more sheep in the South of New Zealand than in the AyW=.  
North; now, ____ to cross-bred flocks, the reverse is the case. EM@EB< pRX  
A. in increase attention W]Nc6B*gI  
Y DW^N] G  
B. with increasing attention Q"uK6ANp'  
C. with attention increasing HO_(it \  
D. in attention Q^=0p0  
29. Researchers ____ that when people are mentally engaged biochemical changes yye5GVY$  
occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively. FA\U4l-  
A. have brought about MslgQmlM  
B. had set up '/OQ[f=K  
C have established D. had put up S{v]B_N[M  
30. Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enables us to get along with one G,c2 ?^#n  
another and ___ where we in society.   -j2y#aP  
A. to determine %rgW}Z5  
ms!|a_H7 r  
B. determine ,!LY:pMK  
C. to the determination I.(@#v7T  
Lz p}<B  
D. by determining aG]^8`~>'  
31. If pollution continues to increase _____the present rate, formation of aerosols in 3:8p="$F  
the atmosphere will cause the onset of an ice age in about fifty years time. Bd)Cijr  
A. with  +Mhk<A[s  
b 62B|0i  
B. in /3tEr c'  
C. by md? cvGDE  
=J]E VD   
D. at ~K;hXf  
32. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters with____ that there were oyY z3X  
fewer calories in every slice. N P.i,H  
A. message B. the message C. messages D. information vfvp#  
33. Americans view business _____based on the ideal of competition than other %.]#3tW  
institutions in society. K/*"U*9Kv  
A. being as more firmly    B. as more firmly V/#J>-os}W  
C. as being more firmly    D. as is more firmly HS ]c~  
34. By 1872 the United States had 70 engineering colleges, ____astonishing /'E[03I~  
expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862. u0,QsD)_X0  
A was {:VK}w  
B. because njZ vi}m~  
C. to which YcclO  
D. an j[FB*L1!D  
35. When used as food additives, antioxidants prevent fats and oils ____rancid when MMC$c=4"  
exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life. g\8B;  
^ <`SUBI  
A. from becoming B. becoming pU<J?cU8N  
C. to become   D. to becoming 0zT-]0  
3)LS# =  
36. Parents should realize that ‘‘example is better than ____” }c GILH%  
A. statement OPE+:TvW^  
B. lesson C. proverb D. precept &qSf ~7/  
37. Arabian camels are usually about 7 feet high and generally sandy-colored, ub9[!}r't  
_____sometimes they are white, various shades of brown or black. { pQJ.QI  
A but that    B. though  C. however   D. therefore D_$N2>I-  
38. ____they sometimes swim alone, dolphins usually congregate in large groups, \b"|p%CL8  
often numbering in the hundreds. !v=/f_6  
A. Even vO~w~u5  
B. Why SSla^,MHef  
C. Although "M/) LXn:0  
ni2 [K`  
D. Nevertheless L>E;cDB  
):Z #!O<  
39. ___in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water. 4:Ju|g]O  
O/ItN5B ;  
A Plants are widely spaced R2{]R&wtn0  
B. The wide spacing of plants z^T;d^OJc  
C. The spacing of plants is wide ?f3R+4  
D. Plants to be spaced widely FW;}S9u3  
40. Faults in the Earth's crust are most evident in sedimentary formations, |@1(^GX  
_____interrupt previously continuous layers. 5Uy *^C7M^  
A. by which eg?p)|  
B. which it ,?qJAV~>  
C. where they D. thus it B:UPSX)A  
Part Two Translation 1R *;U8?  
Section I (From English into Chinese) 6|n3Q$p  
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined Evg#sPu\  
sentences into Chinese. (20%) _99 +Vjy  
(1) Drr . Claude Shannon of Bell Telephone Laboratories, and his colleague, E. F. e]; IQ |  
Moore, once built a machine to play the game known as Hex, using an analog >c Tt2v  
computer working on electrical voltages. It beat them about 70 per cent of the time. dxZn| Y  
“It frequently surprised its designers by selecting odd-looking moves which, on *&]8rm{  
analysis, proved sound," Shannon comments. Iix:Y}  
(2) Each of these mechanical game-players is said to “learn” because it is so K%/\XnCY  
programmed that it follows the Boolean algebra pattern, discovering by sad |9 $C%@8  
experience that one thing or another doesn't work and profiting by mistake. One of 5?Q5cD2]\6  
Shannon's more fantastic triumphs is the magnetized ‘"mouse” which, when placed A0;{$/  
in a complicated maze consisting of partitions, is supposed to find the one and the };"_Ku4#-  
only path to the “cheese.” On the first try the mouse will stumble aimlessly around ]c 'EJu  
running into one wall after another. Eventually,by repeated try and error, it will fy$CtQM  
locate the cheese.   !H c6$  
If the mouse is given a second try, it will go straight to the cheese without ;"EDFH#W  
hitting a single blind alley. It will, do it from any part of the maze. (3) Moreover, if MZA%ET,l,<  
its trainer changes the maze on it by relocating the partitions, the mouse blunders =x(k)RTDu  
only where the terrain has become unfamiliar. It can recognize at once positions that ds+2z=!!e  
have not been changed. Eventually the mouse learns enough to forget all former ' Gx\  
arrangements and remember only the latest, successful ones. /RhM6N  
(4) The mouse itself does not think, but it is difficult to argue against the thinking qQo*:3/];  
done by the electromagnet and computer that drive the mouse. The device does have .),9a ,  
the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and to revise its standards on the 'aD"v>  
basis of its own experience. U Lq`!1{   
Probably the clearest difference between man and machine is a quantitative one. O)&ME  
The brain has roughly a million times as many parts as the best computer. On the tx+P@9M_Aq  
other hand, the difference may lie in a spiritual factor, embraced by religion. (5) At }lJ|nl`c  
any rate, machine cannot exercise free will or originate anything — not ye t Whether it /L! =##  
ever will is still an open argument :(3'"^_NA  
SectionII (From Chinese into English) _:Y | a>  
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined MDd 2B9cy[  
sentences into English. (20%) sMJa4P>O@  
在中国的西北边陲,在新疆的天山南北,有一支拥有百万军垦战士,肩负“屯垦戍边”使 9M|#X1r{%{  
命的接师,——新疆生产建设兵团。 wu{%gtx/;^  
(6)这是世界上独一无二的兵团。兵团釆取军事建制,战士却不穿军装,从事生产建设                                     。 F60m]NUM)c  
(7)兵团成立 45 年来,百万军垦战士在沙漠边绘的荒原上栽种了几亿棵树,创建设了 172 l#+@!2z  
个、面积达数万亩的绿洲.在世界第二大沙漠塔克拉玛千沙漢和古尔班通古特沙漠的边缘, >oEFuwE  
兵团创建了“人进沙退”的奇连,他们的存在,使中国辽阔的西北边陲, 铸起了一道绿色 7Ot&]M  
的“界碑”. S4(?= ,^-  
(8)45 年前,驻新藏中国人民解放军 10 万零 5 千官兵就地转业,成立新疆军区生产建设 ~G^+.>j  
兵团。从 60 年代初开始,又有大批的军队复转官兵从内地调来,大批的知识 育年抅入兵 !l .^]|  
团,他们的到来壮大了兵团的臥伍,也为兵团注入了新的活力.现在第三代兵团也己经幵 o(3OChH  
始加入这个行列. SST@   
今天,我们在新疆生产建设兵团看到的是悠悠绿洲和一派丰收景象。在兵团里,每—个老 kqC7^x  
战士都能讲述一段兵团人早期艰苦创业的历史. 6BXZGE  
(9)“新疆占袓国版图的六分之一,我们绝不能让这里的国土是一片荒原!”这是 张仲 pg<c vok  
翰将军在率部队进军新疆准备屯田时的讲话,也是十几万解放军官兵进入新疆时的蜇言。 .0X 5Vy  
兵团官兵节衣缩食,艰苦奋斗,用节约下来的钱购买家具,在戈壁荒原上开辟出了 — w/(2fU(  
个个绿洲:使历史上被称为“死亡之海”的塔里木盆地的边缘,变成了稻谷跃香鱼 满塘 5g9K|-  
的“塞外江南”。 Di$++T8"  
不久前,一位世界银行的高级官员在参观了薪疆兵团生机勃勃的机械化农场后赞扬 p8&rl|z|  
说:(10) “这是我所见到的最成功的农业开发,这是中国人的一个伟大创举,也是世界 nnd-d+$  
的一个奇迹。” $B%3#-  
i(q a'*  
Part Three Writing (20%) $KGRpI  
Directions: L N'})CI8m  
Time limit 50 minutes U\YzE.G1]S  
Word Limit: 250 — 200 words 7Uh/Gl  
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below. T(+*y  
Your composition should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. dda*gq/p  
1. The problem of cheating in schools and colleges $1D>}5Ex  
2. Causes of examination cheating DpL|aRdbK  
3. My comments Bjb8#n04  









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