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主题 : 考博英语真题
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楼主  发表于: 2012-11-28   
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2006北大博士英语真题 :sek MNM  
Part One: Listening comprehension }!Xj{Eoc  
There are 3 sections in this part. In section A and B you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then choose the correct answer for each question. Mark your choices on your ANSWER SHEET. Z65]|  
Section A: Conversations 5% L3X[; |v}  
Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. ht^xc c  
1.Which isNOT the purpose of Mr. Lewis’ visit? y :8Oc?  
A.To see friends.  B.To give concerts.  C.To vacation.  D.To give private lessons. s& WHKCb  
2.What kind of cello did Mr. Lewis use when he was eight? Amvl/bO  
A.A full-sized cello.
  B.A half-sized cello.  m_1BB$lyP2  
C.A two-thirds-sized cello.  D.It is not mentioned. (:T\<  
3.What is true about Mr. Lewis’ cello? ]+i~Cbj  
A.He always takes it with him.   B.It was made by his uncle. VBI~U?0  
C.He borrowed it from his uncle.  D.He got a seat free for his cello. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. a(`@u&]WZ  
4.What is the main purpose of the research? "# BI"  
A.To make preparations for a new publication. [0mg\n?  
B.To learn how couples spend their weekends. G2}e@L0  
C.To know how housework is shared. 69u"/7X  
D.To investigate what people do at the weekend. >~k"C,6  
5.What does the man do on Fridays? -?68%[4lm_  
A.He goes to exercise classes.
   B.He goes sailing. 5m&Zq_Qe  
C.He goes to the cinema.    D.He stays at home. KPSHBv-#  
6.On which day does the couple always go out? V0x;*)\PYm  
A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.D.Any weekday. 7.Which personal detail does the man give? P>3 ;M'KsO  
A.Surname.B.First name.C.Address.D.Age. &udlt//^%  
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.  <)\  
8.What conclusion can we draw about Mike before he went to the camping school? rt[w yz8  
A.He was eager to do the course.
  B.He had done outdoor activities. |[}!E/7>b  
C.He enjoyed life in the open.   D.He was reluctant and timid. &z(E-w/S  
9.Mike participated in all the following activities EXCEPT______________.  P6ztP$M(  
A.hikingB.canoeingC.swimmingD.camping t\$P*_  
10.Which of the following words is most appropriate to describe Mike after the camping school? mew,S)dq!  
A.Independent.B.Strong.C.Determined.D.Persistent. Section B: Talks 5% a.yCd/  
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. :_FnQhzg  
11.What happened to January 27th, 1967? J XIxk"m  
A.Three men were injured during a fire.
   B.One man died during the fire accident.  ]%L?b-e  
C.A fire started inside a spaceship.    D.A spaceship was launched. fGtUr _D  
12.What happened in 1981? BB694   
A.The space program was suspended. B~RVFc +  
B.Five men were injured during an accident. =x/Ap1  
C.The accident occurred before the rehearsal. dyz)22{\!`  
D.No accident happened that year. 13.What does the talk say about accidents? D?BPiCs?XS
A.Accidents are unavoidable.      B.Accidents can be avoided. dC7YVs_,#  
C.Human beings are always careless.    D.There should be more precautions. .W#-Cl&n8  
Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. 0 xUw}T6  
’s weather forecast is a ________ program. `EUufTYi  
A.seldom watched  B.little known  C. new  D.popular 8tR(i[L   
15.Weather observations come from all the following sources EXCEPT ________ . ;|.^_Xs  
  B.satellites  C.the ground  D.radar *t JgQ[  
16.What does the talk say about BBC’s forecasters? *,:>EcDr  
A.They read from script.      B.They are professional. 5*ip}wA  
C.They use a map for presentation.   D.They care about their clothes.  17.What does the talk say about British television viewers? 9Q<8DMX^  
A.They remember what they saw on weather forecasts. ZPieL&uV`  
B.They like talking about weather instead of watching. S4m??B  
C.They pay more attention to the style of the presenters. 'Olp2g8=  
D.They watch and remember what is necessary. 7S_rN!E1i*  
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. SM;*vkwz~  
18.Which is NOT showing an increase this year? s[ ze8:  
A.Number of tourists.
     B.Holiday travelers. aL9 yNj}2  
C.Shopping.       D.Dining and entertaining. 19.What does the talk say about this year’s business travelers? Nq`@ >Ml  
A.There are fewer business travelers.     B.There are more business travelers. (h} 5*u%h  
C.The number remains the same as last year’s.  D.It is not mentioned in the talk. 8 z) K  
20.Which is the largest single visitor expenditure? ''{REFjK7  
A.Hotel accommodation.
  B.Meals.  C.Shopping.  D.Entertainment. |a3v!va  
Section C: Spot Dictation 10% ~6HpI0i  
Directions: In this section you are going to hear a report on the strong link between sleep and fatal accident. Some words are taken out and you are expected to fill in the missing words as you listen. 0]3 ,0s $}  
The report will be read TWICE and you will have one minute to check your work. Then put your answers on ANSWER SHEET (2). Q]9+-p(=  
Inadequate rest means a weaker (C1) ___________ system, laying the body open to a whole (C2) __________ of illnesses. On the average a man needs seven hours of sleep a day and a woman seven and a (C3)____________ hours. Six hours of (C4)_________ sleep is better than ten hours of (C5)__________ and turning, however. People who sleep less than six hours a night are (C6)________ for an early death. *Kp k1  
Some people (C7)___________ that they can get by with little sleep when necessary. But experts think these people are (C8)________ themselves. 77FI&*q  
Between sleep (C9)________ and fatal accidents there is an obvious (C10)_________. People who get (C11)________ sleep or poor quality sleep have a higher risk of (C12)________ on the road. They are more likely to fall asleep at the (C13)_________ and kill people or get killed. Professional drivers and (C14)___________ workers are most likely to take the (C15)________. The performance at work also (C16)__________ because of sleep deprivation. @H{QHi  
The pressures of work deprive people of sleep. To make it up, they try to (C17)________ catnaps. But experts are a little (C18)____________ about the benefits of catnapping. They tell us that the catnap can never be a (C19)_________ for proper sleep. For victims of (C20)_________, catnapping in the day is the worst thing they can possibly do.









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