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主题 : 浙江大学考博汉译英精选5篇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-07-07   
来源于 考博资料 分类


学苑中心考博汉译英精选5 <%~x-o@Gck M1VRc[ RRo  
Passage 1
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。科学杰出之处就在于它能创造人为的可控之物,科学和工程学使我们能够建造我们今天得以生活在其中的部分人工化了的环境,在这个环境里充满了无数大桥、卡车、飞机、抗生素和基因变异物种。我们很有可能建造一个日益更加人为化,也因而渐渐更加可知的未来世界。/ _dEK R0{+Xd  
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有两种局限性制约着预测能力的发展。首先,随着科学和工程学所创造的东西越来越大,越来越复杂,这些东西本身很可能变得不可预测。例如, 大型软件,随着其自身的扩展和完善,能发展成一个程度的自然物所具有的复杂性,且获得一定能力,来干扰或以不可预测的方式进行活动。Dp; sW-CO HI2 yU&A[DZQ  
It is in creating the artificial and controllable thatscience excels. Science and engineering have made it possible to construct thepartially artificial surroundings we live in today, replete with huge bridges,trucks, airplanes, antibiotics and genetically altered species. We are likelyto build an increasingly artificial, and hence increasingly knowable world.(]V+
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Two limitations may constrain the march of predictability.First, as the artifacts of science and engineering grow ever larger and morecomplex, they may themselves become unpredictable. For example, large pieces ofsoftware, as they are expanded and amended, can develop a degree of complexityreminiscent of natural objects, and they can and do believe in disturbing andunpredictable ways. f6IMj
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Passage 2
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自从本世纪八十年代中期以来,虚拟现实就开始强烈地吸引着公众的兴趣,人们戴着巨大的头盔观望镜和布满感应器的手套。技术曾经使人们沉浸于一个电脑主宰的世界之中; 然而,今后的十几年间,将产生巨大的变化,从而使得戴着头盔观望镜的赛百空间遨游者的形象十分时髦,就象戴着沉重的潜海头盔的海底探险者一样。] d.F
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对虚拟现实而言,重要的是它所产生的什么样的效果,而不是它是如何产生这些效果的。虚拟现实能使人们感到自己好象处于一个他们从未到过的境界之中。这种境界似乎是计算机文艺创作出来的;也可能是从另一时间、空间再创造而成的。虚拟现实通过同时刺激几种感觉,如视觉、听觉、触觉,并通过人对各种运动迅速作出反应的反应,来展示形象的   r7C9Lk<ku BwrMRMq"  
Passage 3
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什么是赛百空间(cyberspace)?按约翰·帕利·巴洛的说法,赛百空间可以最言简意赅地定义为你利用电话进行交谈时所处的空间 当然, 赛百空间之所云比打电话更广泛。它包括数以百万计的计算机用调制解调器通过电话系统相连形成的联网商业服务系统, 它接入当地高速信息网络、办公电子邮件和国际互联网之中。它包括发展迅速的无线服务系统:负责大量的手机信号与数据传输的微波发射塔;连珠似的运行于地球同步轨道上的通讯卫星;象怒蜂一样穿梭往返于地球与太空之间的低空卫星,它们把用线路联络显得太远或花费太多的人们联原来的电缆线,利用光缆和高速转换器建成的那种所谓的全方位服务网络那样Tq3EM C^@:Hh]: NcRY Ch  
Cyberspace, of course, is bigger than a telephone call.It encompasses the millions of personal computers connected by modems via thetelephone system   to commercial online services, as well as the millionsmore with high - speed links to local area networks, office E-mail systems andthe Internet. It includes the rapidly expanding wireless services: microwavetowers that carry great quantities of cellular phone and data traffic;communications satellites strung like beads in geosynchronous orbit; low -flying satellites that will soon crisscross the globe like angry beesconnecting folks too far - flung or too much on the go to be fastened by wires.Someday even our television sets may he part of cyberspace, transformed intointeractive teleputers" by so- called full- service networks like the onesseveral cable - TV companies are building along the old cable lines, usingfiber optics arid high speed switches.lDut
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Passage 4
世界知识产权组织英语简称为“WIPO—TheWorld Intellectual Property Organization”¾是根据1967年在斯德哥尔摩签订的公约而成立的,该公约于1970年生效,中国于198063日加入公约 u -,V?iW Bglh}_X  
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知识产权包括两个主要部分:工业产权和版权. 工业产权主要是对发明﹑商标和工业品外观设计的保护,以及制止不正当竞争.前三项有一些共同点.。因为对发明制止不正当竞争﹑商标和工业品外观的设计都是用专属实施权的方式保护的(如专利权). 制止不正当竞争同专属权无关。而是反对违犯诚实经营工商业的竞争行为。t] `lgA/‑[1]Lt b'uH4[zX%  
The world Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPOfor short, --was set up according to the treaty signed in Stockholm in 1967. This treaty was put intoeffect in 1970. China wasinvited to join the treaty On June 3rd, 1980.ry
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  The world Intellectual Property Organization isan organization among governments whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.It is one of the specialized institutions under the United Nations’intellectual property system. The headquarters is in charge of improving theprotection of the world intellectual properties in the world sphere through theinternational cooperation. H,#h:,
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The intellectual properties include two main parts: theindustrial properties and the publishing properties.W6j
The industrial property protection is mainly concernedwith the protection of the inventions in trademarks and designs of industrialproducts. It also stipulates the prohibition of improper competition. Theformer three aspects have something in common for their exclusive methods inprotecting intellectual properties, such as inventions, trademarks and theproduct surface outlooks, etc. However, it has nothing to do with the patentrights in prohibiting unfair competition. It is mainly about the prevention ofunfair competitions in dishonest business behaviors.]I\i3
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The protection of publication properties is usuallyconcerned with that of literary and art works, whose forms may includeliterature, music, painting, cubic products or their combinations (such asoperas and films). Almost all the countries copy rights stipulate theprotection of the following types of works: literature, music, fine arts,photograghs and film photography. {Xgt V
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Passage 5
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正如所有的艺术家、设计家和工匠们会面临的那样,William Morris陷入了这样一种难题:如何为大众市场生产美好的东西同时又不至于使人因高价而不敢问津。Morris 痛恨应合他所谓的那种富人的令人厌恶的奢侈。但他唯一的解决方法只能是提倡结束资本主义制度。这在技术革新对工商业极为有利的时候(特别是在大规模生产领域)是一个不现实的目标。最终Morris不得不面对现实:他的拒绝使用机器和拒绝剥夺他那些心爱的男女工匠(他是一个了不起的女权主义斗士)们的技术,意味着他只能为上层阶级生产奢侈品。 <U zt70 dG TAZ(1W  
Morris was caught up in the paradox that faces allartists, designers and craftworkers; how to make beautiful things for the massmarket without incurring prohibitively high costs along the way. Morris hatedthe idea of pandering to what he called the "swinish luxury of therich". But his only solution was to advocate the end of the capitalistsystem of production This was an unrealistic goal in an age when technologicalinnovation -- especially in the area of mass-production - was economicallyadvantageous to business. In the end, Morris hid to face reality; that hisrefusal to adopt the machine and de-skill   his beloved craftsmen andwomen (he was a great champion of women's rights) meant that he could onlyproduce luxury goods for the upper classes.









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