中国科学院研究生院 /IN/SZx
2008年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学统一考试试卷 mf)o1O&B
科目名称:管理心理学 ?krgZ;Jj
一、名词翻译与解释(每题4分,共20分) Y SE6PG
1. implicit leadership theories SlZ>N$E
2. management by objectives r%/*,lLO
3. on-the-job/on-site training 3yfq*\_uXw
4. forced-choice scale
5. face validity z@0*QZ.y1
二、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 8f<[Bu ze
1. 如何看待团队凝聚力的作用? fscAG\>8
2. 简述编制行为锚定量表(Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale, BARS)的一般程序。 uII:Y{G
3. 简述招聘面试可能发生的偏差及控制措施。 # N.(ZP
4. 简述影响职工自愿离职的组织因素。 I!ykm\<
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三、论述题 (第1题12分,第2、3题各14分,共40分) 0/."R
请阅读下面这篇论文的摘要,然后回答问题。(来自:DeRue, D. S. , Morgeson, F. P. (2007). Stability and Change in Person-Team and Person-Role Fit over Time: The Effects of Growth Satisfaction, Performance, and General Self-Efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology. 92(5):1242-1253) 8@|rB3J
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Although considerable research has focused on various forms of person-environment fit, little research has examined how person-team and person-role fit operate over time in team contexts. To address this gap, the authors examined the dynamic nature of values-based person-team fit and person-role fit. They identified several factors that influence these fit perceptions over time. Individuals were composed into teams that worked intensively over an extended time period. Results suggest that person-team fit, when conceptualized as values congruence, is generally stable over time, but perceptions of person-role fit in teams are dynamic. Individuals' growth satisfaction and performance were positively related to increases in person-role fit over time. Furthermore, the effect of performance on person-role fit was moderated by individuals' general self-efficacy. Implications for managerial practice and future research are discussed. <z*SO
1. 请你译述该研究的主要内容。(12分) b&;1b<BwD
2. 价值观对绩效的预测作用已经得到理论界及管理实践的认可,然而现在常用的价值观测量工具大多都是基于西方文化下开发的,很多内容难移植到中国文化背景下。请你按照量表开发的要求编制一套适合中国文化背景的价值观量表,写出你的研究方案。(14分) ,f4mFL0~N
3. 请你设计一个研究,探讨value congruence与团队绩效的关系。(14分)