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主题 : 考博英语单词前缀
级别: VIP博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-03-14   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.否定前缀 '. Hp*9R  
un-  uncomfortable, unacceptable, unavoidable %yM' Z[-  
in-  incomplete, incapable, indispensable, inevitable I7z/GA\x  
im-  imperfect, impartial, immortal kah3Uhr~  
dis-  disable, disadvantage u;ooDIq@  
mis-  misplace, mislead, misfortune Tv,.  
ab-  abnormal 9^#gVTGXv  
de-  deactivate, degrade vLFaZ^(  
il-  illegal, illiterate [=ak >>8  
ir-  irregular, irrelative Po11EZa$a  
mal-  malfunction, malnutrition ^iRwwN=d  
non-  nonhuman, nonsense 3r:)\E+Q_  
2. trans — across(横过)through(通过)beyond(那边)from one place to another %_R|@cyD  
transaction 交易 <C"N X  
transit     搬运,运输 8<wuH#2<y  
transition  过渡,转变        transition from A to B         transition period k-cIb@+"  
transmission   传输,传送(无线电,电视)a live transmission 现场直播 x$?7)F&z  
               传播,继承cultural transmission 文化的继承 \P~rg~  
transcend  超出,超越(经验,信念,描写能力等)的范围  ]RX tC*  
transform  完全改变…的外观/特性   transformation(常做陪衬) P[I*%  
transfer   传递,迁移 =#Cf5s6qt  
3. com-, con-       1、加强语气     2、共同,一起 Fr3d#kVR  
combine, compete, compromise .1}rzh}8  
confirm, conspicuous, concession M`+e'vdw  
4.  -tain    1、支撑   2、保持,维持,保留 gUH'DS]{  
sustain, retain, maintain Uq] EJu  
5. re-  再,又,回,反 ZCE%38E N  
renew, reshape, refresh ?F87C[o  
6. uni-  / mono-                    one (一个),sole(单一的) g"!#]LLe  
uniform, unique, unity ^M(`/1:  
monotonous (单调的),monopoly (垄断) ICl _ eb  
7. ex-    向外,超出 vJj:9KcP>h  
expand   extend  exceed   excessive exclusive(ly) excursion 7Z`Mt9:Ht  
8. pre-/pro-    前,在前 IglJEH[+  
precede,  previous,  premise, prevalent &J;H@d||  
proceed, prominent, propel Ck3QrfM  
9. magn-            大(large) (o*e<y,}W  
magnify(microscope),  magnificent, magnitude 4kaE}u KU  
10. viv- /vit-       live, life   生命,生活   h8#5vO2  
vivid, survive, revive ~~xyFT+{F  
vital, vitamin uP(B<NfL:'  
11. inter-      在……之间      相互 VA=#0w  
intervene, interfere M$&WM{Pr^  
12. man-        hand (手工) OAW=Pozr9  
manufacture , manipulate,manuscript k(-Z@   
13. sci-           knowledge oN[Fza>  
science, scientific, consciousness "GwWu-GS  
14. sub- / sus-    下,次,附属 L,b|Iq  
subsidiary  subordinate(to) Evr2|4|O~  
sustain g{A3W) [ b  
15. laps 滑,落 <TLGfA1bC  
(时间)elapse, collapse ZRXI?Jr%  
16. spec-  / spic-           look C(F1VS  
spectator, speculate, spectacular, perspective ;OQ'B= uK  
conspicuous G}=`VYK  
17.clud(s)-,  clos-         关闭shut Wj&<"Z6'm(  
conclude, include ,exclude CF3 E]dt  
close,exclusive(ly) W>p\O9BG  
18. not         note Xzx[C_G  
notify         notion(=idea)        notorious ,_.@l+BM.  
19. homo-     same wUru1_zjO  
homogeneously !sg%6H?}  
20. simul-        together U;';"9C2>  
Simultaneously d 3EjI6R*z  
21. multi —     多,多倍 (@ %XWg  
multiply, multitude 8l U;y)Z  
22. contra, contro            相反 /{fZH,!L  
contradiction        contrary 9USrgY6_  
controversy :0M' =~[  
23. dict-            say, tell, speak 5h|'DO x|o  
dictate,  dictator , dictionary, verdict, predict %$/=4f.j  
24. per-                through 51&|t#8h  
permeate, perplex, permanent, perpetual, persistent }7iUagN  
25. ver-         truth 5c<b|  
verify   verdict T1lXYhAWS  
26. -logy     study(学习)   science Z -pyFK\  
biology     psychology rU; g0'4e  
27. -vert / -vers     turn lP}od  
divert      advertise nURvy}<r  
diversify     versatile  reverse | d~B]65t  
28. -ics   作抽象名词的后缀,表学科 OF-E6bc  
economics      politics      physics &@=u+)^-{  
29.  -ist         表示“人” h^['rmd  
pianist       geologist       typist s0gJ f[  
30. bio-            life f8^"E $"  
biography       biology {GUb'J  
31. -ician       从事……专业的人 2y^U k,g  
music → musician 5_v5  
32. -ism      ……主义……论(抽象名词) O-i4_YdVt  
realism          Marxism qO7fbql_  
33. -cid           kill SxMxe,.|  
suicide      insecticide IS-}:~Pi  
34. mort-         death ,r@xPZPz:e  
mortal        mortality         immortal b([:,T7  
35. -scrib / -scrip         write    draw /d[Mss  
describe      inscribe     prescribe        subscribe          ascribe >+L7k^[,0  
description   inscription  prescription     subscription       ascription a/#+92C  
36. di-/du-/ambi- /bi-      two, double {!lNL[x  
dilemma / duplicate / ambiguous/ bilateral w(/7Jt$  
37. tri-       three >Q&CgGpW$  
triangle %WZ$]M?q  
38. bene-       good, well, happily       n4Vwao/9 x  
benefit      beneficiary \e_IFISC  
39. volu/ volv      roll(滚动)turn(转动) kl=xu3j  
evolution   revolution     nQ|GqU\oA  
involve    revolve   evolve >Dxe>Q'df  
40. fer          carry(带)      produce(生产) cbfD B^_  
transfer    refer     fertile NJk)z&M  
41. phil-         love b)d^ `J  
philosophy X2LV&oi  
42. deca-       ten UnP|]]o:I  
decade ti}f&w ICJ  
43. cred       believe d<!IGt4Ky  
credible        incredible       credit |hc\jb  
44. cent      one hundred fSbS(a  
century @`6}`k  
45. mill / kilo        一千,千分之一 V n^)  
millennium      million                   kilometer       kilogram r|<6Aae&  
46. dom                master, control C\OECVT  
domain o OQ'*7_  
dominate, dominant, predominant 76_<xUt{  
47. val    有权力,影响 x7H A722w  
valid, invalid, valuable, evaluate, prevalent(popular) 7|Xe&o<n  
48. graph / gram     write MF^_Z3GS'  
biography, geography       /   grammar, telegram S!`:E  
49. equi —      同等,相等 fCg@FHS&^  
equivalent     equilibrium `UQEXoB)  
50. bat        beat打 cv]BV>=E  
debate  combat  battle  batter  battery Jr] gEBX  
51. seg, sect          cut >nK%^ T  
segment, segregate    /   section  intersection $R?@L  
52. plex      折叠 O5M2`6|As  
perplex    complex eVx~n(m!}  
53. en- / -ify       make JCD?qeTg  
enlarge   entitle   enrich   enable   b)`pZiQP  
simplify  magnify   signify  certify  testify  clarify }vY.EEy!  
54. sym- / syn-      共同same, 类似similar @D]l gq[  
sympathy   symptom   symmetry  /  syndrome YQ7@D]#  
55 path       feeling ?!y"OrHg  
pathetic  sympathy   sympathetic |mOMRP#'  
56. ceed / cess / cede / cest / cur       run L#2ZMy  
proceed eF5;[ v  
recession, access, excess, successor 7&foEJ3q  
precede, recede bb1  f/C%  
ancestor ;{gT=,KQ`  
current  currency  excursion   occur Mg\TH./Y:  
57. serv      保存,保护(protect) N&m_e)E5c  
conserve   preserve V&iS~V0.  
58. –able  ,  -ible   可…… n}q$f|4!  
respectable,  imaginable /  comprehensible o0mJ y'  
59. hypo-   下,在…之下 /[{auUxSX  
hypothesis hypotension )i-gs4[(QN  
60. –pel     推 ;MPKJS68@  
propel, expel, repel, dispel, impel, compel ]2$x| #Gg}  
61. scend    climb x*q35K^PE  
ascend   descend p9iu:MucD<  
62. spir   气 J|5Ay1eF-  
aspire, inspire, expire, respire, conspire "V}qf3 qU  
63. sent, sens   feeling eGvOA\y:  
sentimental 2(+P[(N1,  
sense, sensitive, consensus sensible F0.zi>5  
64. grav 重 ]0-<>  
grave, gravity, aggravate   (grieve) QNg\4%  
65.lev 轻,上升 EO:avH.*0  
alleviate, elevate   (relieve) !y[3]8Xxv  
66.rupt   break 0OWL  
bankrupt, interrupt, rupture, corrupt       onnugj3  
67 fabr ,text 编 I`^YAbnb  
fabric, fabricate  /  texture, textile, pretext H~Uq?!=b  
68 flu 流 X-/Ban  
influenza(flu) fluctuate [h-norB((  
  69 sur  super niWx^gKb$  
  surplus, surpass xS+rHC  
"% Y u wMY  









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