二、经济类 {l&Ltruhz
爱岗敬业 cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work !GlnQ`T
保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy =)(3Dp
保持国有股 keep the State-held shares !MZ+- dpK
保证下岗职工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers u]
被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes k_,MoDz
采取不同的办法 adopt various methods 38[)[{G)Hv
采取反垄断措施 take anti-monopoly measures H7{Q@D8
承担风险 bear (take) risk cU7rq j_
筹集足够的资金 raise enough funds (capital, proceeds) GE%2/z p
创收外汇 earn foreign exchange (currency) W3 ^z Ij
刺激国内经济需求 spur domestic demand c5X`_
刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand :|Z$3q
从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy T#\p%w9d
从国外引进先进技术和管理 introduce from abroad the advanced technology and RXGHD19]
经验 management expertise %oAL
促进地区间的合作 promote regional cooperation Uh>.v |P6
促进改革 promote reform Y.q>EUSH
促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy dSwm|kIa
打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering 2< p{z
打假 take strong measures against fake and shoddy products (crack down on counterfeit goods) BR;QY1
打破垄断 break the monopoly !tI=`Ml[
对…提出控告(投诉) lodge complaints against… >B0D/:R9
对…造成(构成)威胁 form (pose) a threat to… {T&v2u#S
夺回失去的市场 take back lost market WElrk:b
发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages Am=wEu[b
防范和化解金融风险 take precautions against and reduce financial risks PfyRZ[3)c
改善投资环境 improve the environment for investment JL.5QzA
赶超先进 surpass the advanced t)ld<9)eB
给…带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on… $'^&\U~?
根据市场作出调整 gear ourselves to the market orientation .Y! :x=e
公证财产 notarize the properties CD} Ns
和…达成(签订)协议 reach (sign) an agreement with .8]Y-
和…进一步合作 further cooperation with `K w7"
和…有合作关系 have cooperative ties with yIOLs}!SF
活跃市场 enliven the market P<u"97@8a
集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development @44P4?;
计算出准确的工资水平 figure out an exact salary level eZNitGaU
加快经济发展和结构调整 speed up economic development and restructuring Vu[:A
加快竞争步伐 accelerate the competition =D]
加快努力 speed up efforts J='W+=N
加强风险防范 prepare oneself against possible risks -u|l}}bh
加强管理 reinforce the management n>P!u71
减缓通货紧缩的压力 ease the seriousness of deflation IZ 8y}2
减轻…的负担 reduce (lighten) the burden of (on) 5 [4Z=RP
减员增效 downsize for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency &EovZ@u
剪彩 cut the ribbon (
S oo<.9~
解除劳动关系 sever labor relation /BpxKh
解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces (free the productivity) Gy!P,a)z
精简机构 streamline government organs f7J,&<<5w
竟争上岗 compete for the post u g\w\b
举报非法行为 disclose any illegal activities B!b sTvX
开辟更多渠道 open more channels tWY2o3j
开发(青睐)中国市场 tap (favor) the Chinese market W&(f&{A
开拓市场 exploit markets dn,g Z"<
控制通货膨胀 control inflation (keep inflation under control) 9cd 8=][
扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor z856 nl
扩大消费市场 expand consumption market sS!w}o2X
留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary gWrAUPS[
面对可能的压力和竞争 face possible pressure and competition zX kx7d8
牟取暴利 seek excessive profits ++8_fgM
平衡经济(的发展) balance economy dB;3.<S=
取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes (illegal earnings) rg5]&<Vq8
让…处于同一起跑线 put… on the same platform and at the same starting point ? _<[T
让位于竞争需要 give way to the need for competition \M(*=5
申请专利 apply for a patent !QEL"iJ6M'
实现目标 realize the goal '{f=hE_/
适应…的发展 adapt oneself to the development of F9H~k"_ZJR
损失惨重 suffer great losses ,P6=~q3k
缩小不平衡状态 decrease the imbalance 5H lWfD
缩小…间的距离 narrow the gap between wAYB RY[
提高公务员工资 raise the salaries of civil servants [pgZbOIN37
提高管理水平 raise the management level |dmh
提高居民生活 improve residents’ standard of living DQJG,?e{
调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure (~s|=Hxq|-
推广科研成果 turn laboratory achievements into commercial (mass) production (commercialize laboratory achievements) ^#e~g/
退还大量钱款 give back an amount of money
脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity pOga6'aB)
完善服务 perfect services eW8[I'v_&
为…带来多种经济和社会效益 bring multiple economic and social benefits to… o a<q /
为…提供巨大商机 present huge business opportunities R,Oe$J<
吸收游资 absorb idle fund }
吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment V"RpH,
下海 plunge into the commercial sea +MUwP(U=w
陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble YaY8 `M{
向…投资巨额资金 invest huge amounts of money into
消灭假冒伪劣产品 wipe out fake products cHD%{xlb
以经济建设为中心 focus on the central task of economic construction Z1,gtl ?
以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality |M5-5)
优胜劣汰 select the superior and eliminate the inferior S>_27r{
优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation 9dKul,c
有巨大潜力 have huge potential for ?Zcj}e.r
与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market -50AX1h31:
在…建立分公司 set up branches in 'Ud|Ex@A9
造成很大压力 pose a big pressure on >+9JD%]x]
造成损失 cause a loss to 'Bq ZOZw
增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture kv?|'DN
占领市场10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market 'ks{D(`
招商引资 attract (bid for, invite) investments (from overseas) (36K3=Q a
制订…法律 make a law of i~yX tya
制定优惠政策 work out favorable policy RKkGITDk
制造假象 create smoke screens to do ~+n,1]W_
阻碍…的经济发展 handicap (hamper) the economic development d?L\pN&
阻止人才流失 stop the talent flight (brain drain) .v`b[4M4
遵循市场经济的规律 follow the law of market economy BBL485`