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主题 : 考博英语相似词汇辨析
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-08   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.adept  adopt   adapt /jvO XS\M  
adept y>%W;r)  
adj.(与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的 j_(?=7Y3g  
She was adept at the fine art of irritatingpeople. f<^ScFVR  
n. 内行;老手 f>p; siR)  
adopt Zb}`sk#  
vt.收养 LPb]mC6#  
采取;采用 |G>q:]+AV  
They adopted our methods. vY4WQbz(  
正式通过;采纳 o.p+j  
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it. }{P&idkv  
adapt [kVpzpGr  
vt.使适应;使适合 jM{qRfOrg  
He adapted himself to the cold weather. M0Lon/%  
When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to thechange very well. E=$7ieW  
2.adopted   adoptive `' dX /d  
adopted Uyz;U34 oI  
adj.被收养的,被采纳的 mvUVy1-c  
an adopted child se4w~\/  
an adopted advice 95_[r$C  
adoptive de3yP,  
adj.收养(孩子)的 K * xM[vO  
an adoptive mother ]L5Z=.z&  
3.averse    adverse 3C E 39W  
averse 7J #g1  
adj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的 ^sr:N5~z`  
I am not averse to a dance party and a goodmean after a week's hard work. %fex uy4  
The minister is averse to/from flattery. #dx J#  
adverse , _wm,  
adj.不利的;相反的 &r 5&6p  
an adverse decision YUP%K!k  
Adverse circumstances compelled him toclose his business. 2l\D~ y  
4.affection   affectation [qjAq@@N#q  
affection mTI\,x%<OC  
n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 R9|2&pfm(M  
affectation E9Qd>o  
n.假装, 虚饰, 做作  01UR  
5.altitude latitude longitude multitude attitude aptitude T?p`Y| gl  
altitude 9wDB C~.  
n.(海拔)高度 jmk*z(}#:  
At high altitudes of Tibet it isdifficult to breathe. I[cV"BDa  
高处 Vm,f3~  
The plane flew at an altitude of 20000metres. #)h ~.D{  
latitude DS,FVh".|  
n.纬度, 范围, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范围) X gx2  
longitude w?$u!X  
n.经度, 经线 N|Cy!E=d  
multitude k1$2a8 ja  
n.多数, 群众 R{OE{8;  
attitude ^]lwd"$  
n.姿势,态度 1f pS"_}  
People's attitude towards the skyscrapersvaries widely. U3j~}H.D1  
看法;意见 >&TnTv?I  
What is the Municipal Authority's attitudeto the proposal of a tunnel across the river? 64 \5v?C  
What's the authorities' attitude towardsthis discord? N7I71q|  
aptitude `2mbF ^-4  
n.能力;才能;天资 L]}RSE2  
6.angle   angel ,8"[ /@  
angle o? O,nD 6  
n.角;角度 |Q)w3\S$  
a right angle ,fG_'3wb  
角落;墙角;棱角 JTh =JHJ  
观点;看法;看问题的角度 Mm7n?kb6  
to consider all angles of the question UrcN?  
The professor angled his report to suit theaudience he was speaking to. @Rb1)$~#  
vt.转动一个角度 -b>O4_N  
to angle a camera HJ1\FO9\  
带成见地描述(某事) 2au(8IWu  
He angles his reports to please his editorin chief. n25tr'=  
用钩和钓钓鱼 ;$L!`"jn  
He is keen on angling. I;Fy k70w;  
(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取 ~5!TV,>ls  
angel MVv^KezD  
n.天使,守护神,仁慈、漂亮的女人 VrE5^\k<a  
7.announce   denounce  renounce pronounce "sx&8H"  
announce @OY-(cW  
vt.通告;发表,宣布,宣告 OHnjI> /  
The captain announced that the plane wasgoing to land. Q!e0Vb  
The government announced that they wouldbuild a new highway to the mountain. dsZ ( D:)  
denounce N~J Eia%  
vt.揭发;告发;斥责 `srZ#F5  
renounce Tn-]0hWkP  
vt.正式放弃 X@q1;J  
He renounced his claim to the property. l{o{=]x1  
宣布断绝关系 pDq_nx9  
He renounced his religion. OT3;qT*fw  
pronounce Y mjS!H  
vt., vi.发音;发出…音 k K|+W,  
How do you pronounce c-l-e-r-k? 1ZFSz {  
宣称;宣告;断言 Z`c{LYP,y"  
The expert pronounced the picture to be aforgery. wu&7#![,  
The priest pronounced them man and wife. dKpa5f7  
Everyone pronounced the party to be verygood. ta., 4R&K  
(常与on, for, against, in favor of连用)〈法〉宣判 @2*6+w_Ae  
The judge pronounced sentence on theprisoner. Hvo27THLo  
8. annual    annul ?} tQaj  
annual )1 j2  
adj.每年的;一年一次的 P< x  
an annual event *G41%uz  
annul |h/2'zd^-  
vt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等) UOOme)\>  
9.apposite    opposite nB0 ol-<  
apposite BG=_i#V  
adj.适当的 =LnAMl#9  
opposite &_j4q  
adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的 bp,CvQ'}a  
n.相反的事物 lZ_k307  
10.appraise   apprise   praise HXI}f\6x  
appraise I r~X#$Upc  
vt.评估,评价,鉴定 e IA=?k.y  
apprise *cIXae^Y7  
vt.通知;告知 y{JkY\g  
She was apprised of our arrival. i;Y^}2   
The secretary came to apprise us that theerection of the monster machine had been successfully completed. 2l?J9c}Wo  
praise ^h=kJR9  
vt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂 X)m2{@v D  
She praised her daughter's hard work. BL67sva;  
11.apprehensive   comprehensive o1\8>Ew  
apprehensive dp_q:P4; B  
adj.忧虑的; 担心的 s3J$+1 M >  
apprehensive for sb.'s safety *F0N'*  
comprehensive CR<l"~X  
adj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的 k"J?-1L  
The state government gave a verycomprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronicindustry. *?{)i~  
12 .argument   augment ^gG,}GTl  
argument dImm},  
n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, (for,against), 意见 zw?6E8$h  
augment eo!z>9#.  
vt., vi.增大;增加 A Ho<E"R\  
13. ascribe  describe  prescribe subscribe  inscribe  proscribe -UO$$)Q  
ascribe U/>5C:  
vt.归因于, 归咎于 _>s.V`N'  
describe Hogr#Sn2  
vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容 ,~v1NK*  
v.描述 /9sUp} *  
prescribe ][3 "xP  
vt, vi.`开药方;处方;命令;规定 q+<TD#xoL  
The law prescribes what should be done. / )~M cP3  
What punishment does the law prescribe forcorruption? Z=#!FZ{  
The doctor prescribed total abstinence. Ab2VF;z :  
subscribe )[A}h'J)  
vt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助 ak%8|'}  
订购(报纸、杂志等) {2!.3<#  
(常与to连用)同意,赞同 [=Xvp z  
inscribe gX[6WB"p  
vt.(常与in, on,with连用)题写;铭刻 *h`zV<j  
She inscribed her own name on the textbook. 8E D6C"6  
(常与to连用)题名 4]Krx m`8  
This book I inscribe to my oldcomrades-in-arms. =h4XsV)rO  
proscribe xand%XNv  
vt.禁止 "/K44(^  
14. assent   ascent Uc.K6%iI  
assent +g(QF   
vi.(常与to连用)同意 O>UR\l|+:2  
ascent [8<)^k  
n.上升, (地位, 声望等的)提高, 攀登, 上坡路 ?,]25q   
15.dissent   descent   decent "Q ^Ck7  
dissent LEG y1L  
vi.(常与from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致 Tw =Jc 's  
He and I dissented from each other inchoosing a suitable candidate. 0X.pI1jCO  
descent 2]hQ56Yv3  
n.下降;下滑;降下;下来;血统;遗传 LNtBYdB`pK  
He traces his descent from an old Normanfamily. \IIR2Xf,K  
decent $)mK]57  
adj体面的 合适的 NZ7g}+GTG  
16. assume   resume   consume  presume ,dP-sD;<  
assume h@&& .S`B  
vt.假定;假设 ( w}iEm\b  
I assume you always get up at the sametime. vvwNJyU-  
采用;承担 Yxp.`  
to assume new duties u1R_u9  
resume OrNi<TY>  
n.摘要, 概略, <> 履历 B&3oo   
vt.再继续, 重新开始, 重新占用, 再用, 恢复 ?RNm8,M  
consume L|A}A[P  
vt., vi.吃,喝;消耗;消费;花费 V C$,Y  
His old car consumed much gasoline. ra2sYH1wr  
毁灭;烧毁 >>22:JI`  
The fire soon consumed the old woodenbuildings in the neighbourhood. Oh)s"f\N  
presume 1$mxMXNsJ  
vt., vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为 S 5'ZKk  
I presume from your speech that you are aforeigner. "x~VXU%xU  
You must presume no such thing. [&y="6No  
当作;姑且认为 b/;!yOF  
If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumeddead. z 3((L  
(常与to + inf连用)放肆;擅作主张 yR}PC/>  
A servant ought not to presume. !'m MGxkEb  
(与on, upon连用)指望;寄希望于… $r>$ u  
We must not presume too mush on thereliability of such sources. bzj9U>eY  
17. avocation   vocation   vacation 5~8FZ-x  
avocation '?$N.lj$d  
n.(个人)副业, 业余爱好 F"I{_yleq'  
vocation 0 $Ygt0d  
n.职业;行业;天职;使命 WC0gJy  
vacation r [NI#wW  
n.假期 mE>v (JY  
I worked in a small beachside restaurantduring the college vacation. 0XgJCvMcB  
18 .authentic   authoritative &Hl*Eg f  
authentic C4,;l^?=%  
真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的: LA +BH_t&  
an authentic account by an eyewitness. M'(4{4rC  
真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的: \Ei(HmEU  
an authentic medieval sword. 3)ZdT{ MY  
一把真正的中世纪剑 a ](Jc)  
authoritative @3aI7U/I  
adj.官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的: dRhsnT+KX  
an authoritative decree; authoritativesources. \h{M\bSIEa  
权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的: FS+v YqwK  
an authoritative account of the revolution. 7^hwRZJ{  
专断的:行使权力的;命令的: ;$FpxurX  
the captain's authoritative manner. 'F .tOD  
19.adjoin  adjacent   adjourn IncHY?ud<  
adjoin r5s$#,O/&Q  
vt.毗连;临近;贴近 w(6(Fze  
Our house adjoins theirs. 3W#f Fy  
adjacent [BLB xSL  
adj.(to连用)相邻的,邻近的 J;R1OJs S  
adjourn 9FKowF_8  
vt., vi.延期;休会, 会议暂停 %J b/HWC[  
The meeting will be adjourned till nextWednesday. H}f} Y8J{  
20.admire   admiral 4\rwJD<  
admire 4xl}kmvv  
v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 MEled:i  
admiral c 0/vB  
n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰  = VFPZ  
21.adore    adorn Q[Xh{B  
adore aZBS!X  
vt.崇拜;敬爱;敬重;非常喜欢 l+!eC lM%  
He adores the cinema. %j7HIxZh  
She adores going to the volleyball match. Jp#Onl+d6  
adorn W81 dLeTZg  
vt.装饰 9=FqI50{  
She likes to adorn herself with jewels. .9'bi#:Cw  
增加…的重要性或吸引力 J 6%CF2  
He tried to adorn his story with a lot oflies a*GiLq  
22. appliance   applicant   application kE` V@F  
appliance S`?L\R.:  
n.用具, 器具 7LZ A!3  
applicant 7sglqf>  
n.申请者, 请求者 nbf w7u  
application Ce~ a(J|"  
n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用 pGHn   
23.alley  ally @Y| %  
alley l<"Z?z  
n.小路, , (花园里两边有树篱的)小径 \-eDNwJ:#@  
ally Fmo^ ?~b  
v.结盟, ...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟 Z7:TPY$b  
n.同盟国, 支持者 ZBcT@hxm  
24.accession  access /~nPPC  
accession }p$@.+  
n.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加 p^/6Rb"e  
access 9X%H$>s  
n.通路, 访问, 入门 !W?6,i-]  
vt.存取, 接近 N{o3w.g  
1. bull   bully >|!s7.H/J/  
Bull e/* T,ZJ  
n.公牛, 粗壮如牛的人;乐观进取的人;胡扯;废话 fBZAO  
bully 6'YsSde".  
vt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱 6OOdVS3\J  
He's always bullying smaller boys. ']cRSj.  
2.bandage  bondage Tu*"+*r>s  
bandage  n.绷带 Okt0b|=`1*  
bondage  n.奴役,束缚 x.ZW%P1  
3.bread  bead b!hs|emo;  
bread    n.面包 wx2 EMr   
bead     n.珠子, 水珠  vt.祈祷 d=~-8]%\  
4.bump  dump  jump hump  lump  plump  pump <[W41{  
bump A.@/~\  
n.撞击, 肿块 piv/QP-X  
v.(), (), 颠簸 C[0*>W8o  
dump Hvj1R.I/  
vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸 4x;vn8 yh  
n.堆存处 qT}AY.O%^  
jump iT;~0XU7F  
n.跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 q[rBu9  
vt.跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃 %n7mN])  
vi.跳跃, 暴涨 ESQgN+llj  
hump +2WvGRC  
n.驼峰, 驼背, 小园丘, 峰丘 V/; / &  
v.(使)隆起, 弓起 g*uo2-MN&e  
lump c/bIt  
n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 UCv9G/$  
vt.使成块状, 混在一起. ={GYJ. *Ah  
plump NDt +m  
adj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的 equTKM  
vt.突然放下, 使丰满, 使鼓起 F N)vFQ#J  
vi.变丰满, 鼓起 G"~%[ k  
pump 9*"Ae0ok1  
n., 抽水机 ML|O2e  
vt.(用泵)(), 抽吸 iTgv8  
5.beach  breach   bleach qxR7;/@j)  
beach ee9nfvG-  
n.海滨;湖滨;河滩 <o\2-fWvY  
The little beach hotel has a pleasantambien z g'1T2t  
breach :Ur=}@Dj  
n.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏 `k>h2(@9S  
in breach of contract /%fa_+,|-  
Your company is in breach of the contract. @L)=epC  
bleach \U1fUrw$*  
vt., vi.使变白 RuW62QSq  
Did you bleach this tablecloth? .>K):|Opv  
6.bride  bribe 7H1 ii   
bride  n 新娘 *=-o0c  
bribe   n  vt   贿赂 ae)0Yu`*G7  
7.boom  broom tPT\uD#t  
boom  n.v 繁荣 兴旺 j:yQP# U  
broom  n 扫帚 W.xlS ZEB  
8.buffet  buffer 7VF^&6  
buffet JY\8^}'9  
n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击 5aF03+ko  
vt ①连续地打击②搏斗 d2Z kchf  
buffer He)<S?X-6  
vt 缓冲、缓和 Pez 7HKW:  
1.censor   censure -%&_LE9ZtS  
censor dbkkx1{>Y  
n.检查员 Lp; {&=PIo  
vt.检查, 审查 ` Nn^   
censure zMfr`&%e  
v.责难 +\FTR  
n.责难 }]pq&v!  
2.cession   session T}(J`{ 9i  
cession m~%\f8w-x  
n.割让, 转让, []让与(他人)债权 fX).A`  
session JcEPwF.  
n.(官方机构的)会 议,会期,开会期 }EmNSs`$r  
The general session approved the report ofthe investigation committee. *%L:soM'Ll  
学期;大学的学期 :N D5po#(  
3.clash  crush  crash 'qS&7 W(  
clash [*U6L<JI  
n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 Q=lQy  
the clash of weapons 8 /1 sy.R  
clash of interests yTWP1  
a clash with the police DjK:)  
I failed to go to her wedding because itclashed with my examination. s/+@o:  
战斗 qc_c&  
It is broadcast that the two armies clashednear the borderline again before dawn. I/D (gY06<  
vi., vt.冲突 6m_ fEkS[  
The enemy armies clashed. 2Z 4Ekq0@  
(事情)在时间上相冲突 r9<OB`)3+  
It's a pity the two concerts clash. m[6 ?v;w  
(常与with连用)(色彩)不协调 9~i =Af@  
This shirt clashes with your trousers. R{"Kh2q_  
crush {\3ZmF  
vt., vi.压碎;压坏;碾碎;挤压;塞 KECo7i=e  
to crush one's way through the crowd tQ=P.14>:  
破坏;镇压;压服 D? ojxHe  
to crush all opposition )Y.H*ca  
crash KwO;ICdJ  
n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 Fq\vFt|m<  
v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 5=Cea  
4.classic   classical QP HibPP:  
classic e$'|EE.=q+  
n.杰作, 名著 WbF[4 x  
adj.第一流的 klpYtQ  
classical 5dwC~vn}c  
adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的 O^/z7 ,  
5.clench   clinch vH14%&OcN  
clench   r xlKoa  
vt., vi.紧合;咬紧(牙关);捏紧(拳头) f%#q}vK-  
She clenched her teeth when she wasoperated on. AN)exU ?  
紧握;抓牢 /i:c! l9  
The girl clenched her money in her hand. /O`<?aP%  
clinch mCb1^Y  
vt., vi.敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住 =[_=y=G  
把(木头)钉牢在一起 cmcR @zv  
确定;决定(贸易等);达成买卖或合同 |[+/ ]Y  
The two companies clinched the dealquickly. H@|h Nn$@  
The offer of more money clinched it forher. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director. q0sdL86  
6.coarse   hoarse   roar \bXusLI!l  
coarse 1#Q~aY  
adj.粗的;粗糙的;未精炼的 YP4lizs.  
(表面)不光滑的;粗织的 Fo.p}j+>  
coarse cloth 9]4W  
粗鲁的;鲁莽的;不礼貌的 jt?DogYx  
coarse talk YQ$Wif:@(n  
hoarse VKb=)v[K  
adj.嘶哑的 @3v[L<S{  
His voice was hoarse after talking for anhour. /6@$^paB  
roar =yCz!vc  
n.吼声;咆哮声 h8 !(WO!  
the roar of an angry lion :pw6#yi8`  
The lion gave a loud roar. kE[Hq-J=N  
7.canvass  canvas w|[{xn^R  
canvas ?Zh,W(7W  
n.粗帆布;一块油画布 m#|h22^H  
The young artist showed me his recentcanvases. n eBcS[  
canvass c.{t +OR  
n.细查, 讨论, 劝诱 zW:r7 P.  
vt.彻底检查, 细究, ...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 P;V5f8r?  
vi.游说, 拉选票 /;;$9O9  
8.cannon  canon JWV n@)s  
cannon tk66Ggi[K  
n.加农炮;大炮 ,T0q.!d  
canon Q7pjF`wu  
n.教规,宗教法规 I'c rH/z9  
9.credible  credulous qt=nN-AC(  
credible V] 6CHE:BS  
adj.可信的;可靠的 v@Bk)Z  
credulous l5<&pb#b  
adj.轻信别人的 UUR` m  
10.continual   continuous 2+}hsGnp  
continual f <LRM  
adj.over and over again; regular butinterrupted; [ w?v !8l  
连续的 ;3 /*Z5p  
Recently the young couple have continualarguments with each other for trifles. ;bYLQ  
continuous 2<TpNGXM_  
adj. 不断的 p#>d1R1&  
continuing without  stopping ;ceaseless !d{Ijs'T  
continuous rain all day !H4C5wDu  
7.collide  collude w~Jy,[@n  
collide Tw@:sWC  
vi.互撞;碰撞;(车、船等)猛撞 k'PNfx\K  
The two trains collided. p$}1V2h;  
冲突;反对;强烈抵触(with) llRQxk  
collude /<)kI(gf  
vi.共谋;勾结;串通(with) {7d\du&G  
8.comment   commend 2M*84oh8P  
comment mE"},ksg  
n.注释, 评论, 意见 =O'>H](Q  
vi.注释, 评论(on ) iU"{8K,  
commend ghDOz 3  
vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引 f~v@;/HL  
9. compel expel  propel  repel T56%3i  
compel O%p+P<J  
vt.强迫, 迫使 &v.Nj9{zi  
expel ,Ep41v;T%`  
vt赶走:驱逐或把…赶出去: wSIfqf+y  
expel an invader. ZmzYJ$:6  
排出:从容器里或象从容器里释放: }e4#Mx  
被迫离开;把…除名: -| YDKcL  
expelled the student from college forcheating.See Synonyms at eject Nk@ag)  
propel !1fAW! 8  
vt.推进,推动;驱策 VY_<c98v  
repel z<z\)  
vt.击退;逐退 Nd;,Wz]  
to repel an attack ,<,#zG[.  
使厌恶;使反感 3{R7y  
His accent repels me. <OA[u-ph%S  
10.contemporary   temporary Nx^r&pr  
contemporary   .C?rToCY  
n.同时代的人 {j4J(dtO  
adj.当代的, 同时代的 oH]"F  
temporary rWnZIt"  
adj.暂时的, 临时的, 临时性 { ((|IvP`  
11.contemptuous   contemptible /FW{>N1   
contemptuous 6$_//  
adj.(常与of连用) 表示轻蔑的;傲慢的 g@][h_? {  
a contemptuous look =BNS3W6  
contemptible `zBQ:_3J_  
adj.卑劣的 1KWGQJ%%s  
It was contemptible of him to speak likethat about a respectable teacher! 6p1)wf.J  
It was a contemptible trick to tell liesand play on an old friend! )Ao F-&,w  
12.confer   infer   refer  prefer   defer wrmbOT  
confer B`1"4[{  
vt.授予(称号、学位等)on, 赠与, ...赠与, 协议 Tyk\l>S  
v.协商, 交换意见(on) hm+,o_+  
The engineers and technicians are stillconferring on the unexpected accident. ji :E  
infer @}B,l.Tj  
vt.推断;推知;推论 }8,[B50  
to infer an unknown fact from a known fact R;2q=%  
I infer from your letter that you have notmade up your mind yet. X!/o7<  
refer `SH#t3 5,  
vt., vi.(常与to 连用)涉及;提到;针对;有关 LtIw{* 3  
The new law does not refer to farm land. &Y/Myh[P  
提交;交付 ]x<`(  
The shop referred the complaint to themanufacturers. X5`#da  
prefer JVx ,1lth  
vt.(常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿 SC 6cFyp2  
to prefer coffee to t WUnmUW[/  
Which of these two dresses do you prefer? _T)G?iv:&  
defer / Q8glLnM  
vt.推迟;延期 ">V.nao  
vt.(与to连用)服从;顺从 PIxd'B*MF  
Do you always defer to your parents wishes? lm 1Mz  
13.consequent  subsequent 2G9sKg,kL  
consequent %1Pn;bUU!  
adj.作为结果的 Hi{1C"%  
subsequent }hPFd  
adj.随后的,后来的;继起的 QlmZ4fT[r  
14.conventional   convenient |*w}bT(PfR  
conventional WHM|kt  
adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的 1oSrhUTy  
convenient tf5h/:  
adj.便利的, 方便的 rh6gB]X]3:  
15.confidant    confidante   confident confidential 2qF ?%  
confidant ^"?fZSC  
n.知己男友 _8f? H#&  
confidante !FqJP OGm  
n.知己的女友 _=wu>h&7  
confident [f?fA[, [  
adj.确信的;有信心的;自信的 nI_43rG:Uf  
Peter is confident of winning the post asthe assistant to the managing director. f[AN=M"B"s  
confidential h "Mi D  
adj.机密的;秘密的 j`'9;7h M6  
a confidential order $E j;CN59  
参与机密的;视为心腹的 &7i o/d\/  
a confidential secretary /{[Y l[{"<  
16.convert   divert   invert  revert    reverse Q||v U  
convert hLqRF4>L  
vt.(常与into连用)转变;变换 Mx3MNX /  
to convert an old house into a new o e|t@"MxvC  
That building has been converted into aschool. :?2@qWaL  
兑换 y&-1SP<  
I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars. mM[!g'*  
改变信仰、党派或意见等 )}/ ycTs  
She managed to convert him to her opinion. O ;34~k   
divert YR 5C`o  
vt.转向;转移 m#i5}uHHg  
A ditch diverted water from the stream intothe fields. '^npZa'%sW  
Traffic was ordered to divert to anotherroad because of the repair of the main road. !T'`L{Sj  
The government is planning to divert theriver to supply water to the town. u6B,V  
A loud noise from the street diverted myattention. u/I|<NAC,  
invert 3.t j%+  
vt.置于相反位置;上下倒置 iF_#cmSy$  
The little boy caught the insect byinverting the cup over it. @X|Mguq5  
revert |[ )e5Xhd  
vi.(与to连用)恢复原状;回复;回到(原来话题) Bi dTrO  
(财产等)归复,归还 7xhBdi[ dQ  
reverse 1Zh4)6x  
vt.倒退;倒转 F=B[%4q`%  
He reversed the car. w |k?2 ?&  
翻转 +D@+j  
She reversed the paper. BQ;F`!Hx?  
改变;使成相反的东西 qDV t  
He reversed the judgment and set theprisoner free after all. DO^ J=e  
17.counsel   consul    council l!d |luqbA  
counsel t|5T,YFG  
n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 Y 6Mp[=  
vt.劝告, 忠告 )&") J}@  
consul 0 D s W1  
n.领事 &Rp/y%9  
council eJvNUBDSH  
n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子 uE]Z,`e  
18.conscious    conscientious }|j \QjH  
conscious u(Kof 'p7  
adj.有意识的;神志清醒的 J/(^Z?/~P!  
He is hurt but still conscious. s$wIL//=  
了解的;察觉的 ng6".u9  
She was not conscious of his presence inthe room. zAkF:^ #Y  
刻意的:故意设计或做的;刻意的: _Oc(K "v  
a conscious insult; made a conscious effortto speak more clearly 1va~.;/rG  
conscientious qGXY  
adj.凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的 *mjPNp'3{m  
a conscientious piece of work t8ZzBD!dP  
Be conscientious and make a good job ofpublishing.  M/J?$j  
19.cosmic   comic 0Lx,qZ'  
cosmic $V\Dl]a1  
adj.宇宙的 B(1WI_}~  
comic $z[@DB[  
n.滑稽演员 Pq(7lua7  
adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的 2Bz\Tsp  
20.commerce   commence ~$jRn(2  
commerce g%_ 3  
n.商业 D%*Ryg  
commence f=IF_|@^S  
v.开始, 着手 ?3y>K!D(A  
21.complexion    complex Vtv~jJ{m  
complexion ^6QzaC3  
n.面色, 肤色, 情况, 局面 t\WU}aKML  
complex INEE 37%  
adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 zSagsH |W  
22.compulsive  compulsory jbe_r<{  
compulsive '?Xf(6o1  
adj.强制的, 强迫的, 由强迫产生的, 禁不住的 aMJJ|ii U  
compulsory cs 58: G5  
adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的 6a704l%#hb  
1.decease   disease SB`xr!~A]  
decease  K{9  
n.vi.死亡 `{NbMc\ ]  
disease WidLUv   
n.疾病, 弊病  x *a_43`  
2.definite  definitive t$b5,"G1  
definite c`/kx  
adj.明确的, 一定的 S{Zf}8?6$  
definitive }}l jVUpC%  
adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 Rq`5ff3,  
3.desert   dessert `~D{]'j  
desert X<H{  
n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过 {{AZW   
adj.沙漠的, 不毛的, 荒凉的 !$#5E1:\  
vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 6n;? :./  
vi.逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差 }*b\=AS=  
dessert 3S1{r )[j  
n.餐后甜点 R+2~%|{d  
4.desirable   desirous (hh^?  
desirable .HRd6O;  
adj.值得做的;值得想望的;值得弄到手的 DR]4Tcz#  
It is most desirable that he should attendthe conference. g?K? Fn.}  
desirous 7%G&=8tq  
adj.(与of连用)渴望的,想…的 hLVgP&/ E  
5.diary   dairy cQsSJBZ[v5  
diary N`qGwNT%G  
n.日记 L0w2qF  
dairy :Zo^Uc:*w  
n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油 # %'%LY=  
6.diploma    diplomat    diplomacy  diplomatic d*=qqe H  
diploma vl?fCO  
n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 j&b<YPZ  
diplomat P7REE_<1  
n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 #a'CoJs   
diplomacy l{VJaZ $M  
n外交 SRU#Y8Xv|  
diplomatic Ih;D-^RQ  
adj.外交的, 老练的 6Q&i=!fQ  
7.disclaim   reclaim   exclaim  proclaim   acclaim   claim }:1qK6 7S  
disclaim 3M'Y'Szm  
v.放弃, 弃权, 拒绝 g91xUG  
reclaim P(3$XMx  
vt.要求归还, 收回, 开垦 @[n%q.|VB  
exclaim G {a;s-OA3  
v.呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 7]hRAhJ8I  
proclaim k_Lv\'Ok  
vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露 B<~BX [  
acclaim h9~oS/%:  
vt.欢呼;欢呼着拥戴;欢呼着同意 +Lo,*  
claim  AZ-JaE  
n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 g=Nde2d?  
vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要 Tcq@Q$H  
8. discreet   discrete 2}5@: cwR+  
discreet kQrby\F(<  
adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的 I3Ad+]v  
discrete 6O'Y@9#  
adj.离散的;分立的;不连续的 =DI/|^j{ ;  
9.distinct  distinctive Qr~yHFc1y  
distinct rP}0B/  
adj.清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的 m .^WSy  
distinctive D]K?ntS[*  
adj.与众不同的, 有特色的 @$?*UI6y  
10.donate   denote $XFFNE`%  
donate .3xf!E*  
v.捐赠, 赠予 &lB>G[t  
denote kyUG+M  
vt.指示, 表示 =n M Aw&`  
11.dwindle   bewilder smuQ1.b  
dwindle <J^94-[CF  
v.缩小 }9L;|ul6  
bewilder 8{p#Nl?U1  
vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱 Gk<6+.c~  
12.dual   duel v t}A6mF  
dual xc$jG?83#  
adj.双的, 二重的, 双重 f`p"uLNo<  
duel .OD{^Kq2  
n.决斗;两个人争斗;争辩;双方抗争 o>\epQt~/p  
13.disinterested   uninterested _(:bGI'.m  
disinterested  ef -PlGn  
adj.公正无私的;无偏见的;客观的 P64< O 5l/  
His action was not altogetherdisinterested. &fgfCZz'  
uninterested CrEC@5 j  
adj.不感兴趣的 etH]-S  
Settle your own argument,I'm quiteuninterested! &, WQr  
14.dissemble   disassemble gJuA*^  
dissemble  :O{ ZZ  
vt, vi.隐藏,掩饰(思想、感情等) ,c[f/sT\  
disassemble F]^ZdJ2  
vt.解开,分解 ]jwF[D  
1.eradicate  erase x<[W9Z'~?9  
eradicate l*<RKY8  
vt根除:连根撕碎;清除,扑灭,根绝:象连根拔起一样消灭: L:RMZp*bK  
Their goal was to eradicate poverty. RJT=K{2x  
erase @j?)uJ0Q  
vt擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等) W\JwEb9Y  
删除:从磁带或其它存储介质上消除掉(记录的信息): ^%k[YJtB=i  
erased a file from the diskette. fr([g?F%D  
erased the videocassette. Q {+N{/tF  
使忘却:象涂抹掉一样消除、消灭: $oU40HA)W]  
had to erase all thoughts of failure fromhis mind. 8\@&~&(y:  
2. elicit   illicit   explicit  elite   implicit mu}T,+9\  
elicit BX=YS)  
vt诱出,引出(事实等) %>Y86>mVz  
illicit ;OynkZs)  
adj.违法的 _MC\\u/C/  
explicit j[<}l&  
adj.清楚的, 明确的 8rx"D`{|  
elite yC]X&1,:z  
n.精英 4PzCm k  
implicit }^ np  
adj.暗示的, 含蓄的,绝对的,完全的 E Z}c8b  
3.eligible   illegible ,AO]4Ec  
eligible m gxoM|n6  
adj.符合条件的, 合格的 P:gN"f6  
Are you eligible to join this club <cn{S`  
I know an eligible young lady who would bean excellent cooperator for you. ] %y3*N@AZ  
illegible wtY*{m2  
adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的 "5,tEP!  
4.emergence   emergency Gz9w1[t  
emergence ?Q ]{P]  
n.出现,显露,暴露 ymxYE#q  
emergency K2u$1OKv  
n.紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件 _ xAL0 (  
5.eminent   imminent   element  eliminate 2$MIA?A"Y  
eminent &GC`4!H  
adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的 %6vf~oG  
imminent *P#okwp  
adj.即将来临的, 逼近的 Z*}5M4  
element T w!]N%E  
n.要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境 2&f] v`|M|  
eliminate J 5Nz<  
vt.排除, 消除 q\P"AlpC!  
v.除去 vakAl;  
6.erotic  exotic N6"b Ox J(  
erotic B>hC8^.S|w  
adj.色情的 Hqel1J  
n.好色之徒 8| 6:  
exotic jIq@@8@o  
adj.外来的,外国来的,异乎寻常的 7fVlA"x  
an exotic purple bird FCC9Ht8U?  
7.exalt  exult S1iF1X(+?X  
exalt /'V(F* g  
vt.赞扬;歌颂,提升;晋升 y<Hka'(%  
exult b h%@Lo  
vi.狂喜;欢跃 qUH02" z@9  
The people exulted at the victory. q~[@(+zP5  
The people all over the country exulted inthe success in launching a new satellite. ,t`u3ykh  
8. exhaustive   exhausted   exhausting Y#>'.$ (Az  
exhaustive BT|5"b}  
adj.彻底的, 详尽的 y4%u< /  
to make an exhaustive study zYCrfr  
An exhaustive investigation of the factsproves the contrary. 5 pJ)OX  
exhausted 5XK}8\  
adj.(令人)耗尽的, 疲惫的 AS 5\X.%L*  
exhausting YL(7l|^!  
adj.使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 E5-f{Q c  
1.facility   facilitate :6~DOvY  
facility 7+I%0U}m  
n.灵巧,熟练 udRum7XW 3  
He has great facility in learninglanguages. yZ  {H  
Her facility with / in languages issurprising. W<J".2D  
(pl) 设施,设备 'ZyHp=RN)  
There are facilities for cooking in thekitchen. ~W h} W((L  
Are there washing facilities in the school? DU_38tz  
facilitate e-$ U .cx  
vt.使容易;使便利 +f{CfWIKs  
It would facilitate matters if you weremore co-operative Gp=X1 F  
The new underground railway will facilitatethe journey to all parts of the city. v3b[08 F  
2. fiance   fiancee   finance g+5{&YD  
fiance yY,O=yOjq  
n.未婚夫  Vf:w.G A  
fiancee 19 h7 M  
n.未婚妻 Q'f!392|  
finance +Eil:Jz  
n.财政, 金融, 财政学 bM]\mo>z<  
vt.供给...经费, 负担经费 g8 (zvG;Y  
vi.筹措资金 wGd4:W  
1.genius   genus   genuine fo63H'7  
genius DKV^c'  
n.天才, 天赋, 天才人物 SK2nxZOH  
genus =}S*]Me5  
n.种类;属 }D5*   
genuine )|>LSKT El  
adj.真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的,非伪造的 QcyYTg4i  
2. graceful   gracious 8Rq+eOP=S  
graceful mk JS_6  
adj.(身体的姿态和动作)优美的,优雅的 wyO@oi Vn  
a graceful young girl A(y^1Nm  
a graceful young cat RYMOLX84  
得体的 oD,f5Ci-  
gracious h tbN7B(  
adj.亲切的;和蔼的;慈祥的 xw-x<7  
She welcomed her guests in a graciousmanner. kvh}{@|-  
优裕的;舒适的 3=xb%Upw  
gracious living  N7j  
1.hammer   hamper T{M~*5$  
hammer *a Y`[,4#$  
n.铁锤, , 锤子 Fz7(Kuc  
v.锤击, 锤打 Xr~6_N{J  
hamper l)E \mo 8  
vt妨碍,阻碍 i> Ssp  
The snow hampered my movements. e47JLW&b  
2.heroin   heroine v=?U {{xQ  
heroin ]B0 >r^  
n.海洛因, 吗啡 }gL9G  
heroine W;*rSK|(Sc  
n.女英雄, 女主人公 I ,Q"<? &  
3.hypercritical   hypocritical *!UY;InanX  
hypercritical ZC3b9:tk  
adj.过分苛求的,吹毛求疵的 IXt2R~b  
hypocritical zLXmjrC  
adj.伪善的,虚伪的 vTjgW?9  
hypocritical praise. _Jj/"?  
a hypocritical rogue. Mw7!w-1+  
1. illusion   allusion ?HVsIAU  
illusion i0,{*LD%^  
n.幻觉;幻影;错觉 *x[B g]/  
I have no illusions about his ability. )7=B]{B_  
allusion MQE=8\  
n.提及, 暗示 NKLGbH  
2.imitate   intimate   intimidate  initiate w Rb%-s  
imitate 7Upm  
vt.效法;模仿 ~X5yHf3  
The little boy imitated his father. #`:s:bwM:  
James can imitate his teacher's speechperfectly. 93 x.b]] "  
模拟;假装;学 <qZXpQ#  
Parrots imitate human speech. /V~L:0 %  
仿制 FR0zK=\  
Wood is often painted to imitate stone. J:f>/  
intimate @ S ?.`o  
adj.亲近的;亲密的;熟悉的 )]J I Q"rR  
intimate friends yr& oJYM  
Do you believe these two intimate friendsused to be mutual sworn enemies? @<CJbFgJp  
个人的;私人的 10}oaL S  
an intimate diary Z/q%%(fh 0  
intimidate 2-llT  
vt.胁迫;威迫 #H O\I7m  
He said he would never be intimidated bybig names and authorities. P :lv Z   
initiate m8 0+b8b  
vt.开始, 发动, 传授 Cb=r8C  
v.开始, 发起 HZ 8 j[kO  
3. imperial   imperious   empirical Zt lS*id_  
imperial ,z1# |Y  
adj.帝王的;帝国的 32~Tf,  
imperious eVU:.fx  
adj.傲慢的;专横的;紧急的 #cdLg-v  
empirical DIk$9$"<x  
adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的 wW%I < M  
4.indigenous   indignant am%qlN<  
indigenous '')G6-c/  
adj.土产的;本地的 2CmeO&(Qf*  
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. rA1 gH6D  
indignant $35Oyd3s<  
adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的 Lvp/} /H/  
5. incomparable   uncomparable z?  {#/  
incomparable whLske-  
adj.无与伦比的, 卓越的 Q'8v!/"}p{  
uncomparable & 1Y+ q]  
adj.(两者由于无共同特性)无法比较的 ;JZ XSM-3  
6.ingenuous  ingenious >^Y 9p~  
ingenuous +$UfP(XmH  
adj.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的 ] !A;-m  
ingenious !3b%Q</M H  
adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 N!m%~},s//  
7. inhabit   inhibit b~Ruhi[E  
inhabit y^nR=Q]_  
vt.居住 .Gv~e!a8  
a district sparsely inhabited r zvX~B6  
inhibit [qXpi'q[  
vt.(常与from连用)阻止;抑制 iY($O/G[+  
an inhibited person ;CvGIp&y  
8. interference   inference FjydEV  
interference o2|(0uN'  
n.干涉;阻挠 UQ8x #(`ak  
inference N\fT6#5B  
n.推论,推断;推断的结果,结论 M'HOw)U  
9.imaginative   imaginary   imaginable n>4S P_[E7  
imaginative H94.E|Q\+  
adj.富于想象的;有想象力的 q>[% C5  
imaginative writers md`ToU  
imaginary Cm4 *sN.&)  
adj.想象的;虚构的 .}E)7"Qi,  
He told a story about an imaginary land. rTm{-b)r  
imaginable V\"5<>+O  
adj.可想象的, 可能的 <C77_t  
10.immense   immerse kut|A  
immense _p&$X  
adj.极大的 :#}`uR,D/  
He made an immense amount of money inbusiness. 50&F#v%YB  
The performance was immense. 0f^.zt{T  
immerse ku?_/-ko]  
vt.(常与in连用)浸入 2-0cB$W+  
immerse one's head in the water BUinzW z{a  
(常与in连用)沉浸于;沉溺于 ef&@aB  
The professor was so immersed in her workthat she didn't notice me.  ~C/KA6H  
The whole town was immersed in a festivalatmosp uR@`T18  
1.judicious   judicial h)8+4?-4 I  
judicious `HG19_Z  
adj.明智的;有判断力的;有见识的 _a$DY ,;  
judicial ;J-Ogt@d7  
adj.司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明断的 JjLyV`DJ  
2.literature   literary j9ta0~x1*6  
literal h5rP]dbhXU  
adj.精确的 C'/M/|=Q#  
a literal account of a conversation ZT"|o\G^Q  
逐字翻译的,照字面的;原意的 <hZ}34?]i2  
literate #r.` V!=  
n.学者 k> &s( b  
adj.有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的 =j+oKGkoCa  
literature ]9&q'7*L  
n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献 MAe<.DHY  
literary bI]UO)  
adj.文学的著作的;研究文学的文言的 4ZJT[zi  
3.little   litter ?[ S >&Vq  
little 5<O61Lgx  
n.少许, 一会儿, 短时间 a|P~LMPM  
adj.很少的, 矮小的, 短暂的, 琐碎的 0?F@iB~1F  
adv.很少, 稍微, 完全不 \'??  
litter u1;e*ty  
n.垃圾 F8S~wW=\w  
vt.乱丢, 铺草, 弄乱 t?9 ;cS4  
vi.产仔, 乱丢垃圾 JMirz~%ib  
4.loot   root Q.9Ph ~  
loot 68p\WheCal  
v.掠夺, 抢劫, 劫掠 KkdG.c'  
n.掠夺物, 战利品, 抢劫 Siz!/O!'  
root |5O >>a()  
n., 根部, 根本, 根源 `R=a@DQ  
v.(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立 5W[3_P+  
5.luxuriant   luxurious Gut J_2f^9  
luxuriant P Pwxk;  
adj.繁茂的;丰富的 L.09\1?.n  
Luxuriant forests covered the hillside. L4YVH2`0)  
多产的 6keP':bt  
luxurious ! Q|J']|  
adj.舒适的;豪华的 Qq'i*Mh  
a luxurious hotel xa87xX=a  
奢侈的;贪图享受的 ./"mn3U  
She had luxurious habits. 8_xnWMOe  
1. massage   message r?64!VS;  
massage )8pc f`h{  
vt.按摩;推拿 5a=nF9/  
message ~?FK ; (  
n.消息;音信 x  S   
I have sent mother a message to tell her Ishall be home late. IYuyj(/!  
There's a message for you from your cousin. F|ETug n  
要旨;要点 5B }3GBA  
the message of this book @Ppo &>  
2.material   materiel Oc7 >S.1  
material '4$lL 6ly>  
n.材料, 原料, 物资, 素材, 布料 a lrt*V|=  
adj.物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的 |-|jf  
materiel M /"gf;)q>  
n.军用品,装备,设施 mn. `qfMh  
3.mediate    meditate S0F@#mSQ?  
mediate G=1m] >I8  
vi.(常与between连用)调停;斡旋 VO9XkA7  
meditate vEF= e  
vi.(常与on /upon连用)考虑;深思;冥想;反省;策划;仔细计划 "MTWjW*6  
4.moral    morale d4J<,  
moral 2\5cjdy  
adj.道德(), 精神的 0vDg8i\  
n.道德 JPsSw  
morale l]$40 j  
n.士气, 民心 iOll WkF  
1.negligible    negligent p'80d:  
negligible GQ<Ds{exs>  
adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的 ywEDy|Wn$~  
negligent 7 W{~f?Sh  
adj.疏忽的, 粗心大意的  AFm,CINa  
2.notable   noticeable C3)|<E  
notable 5U~O P  
adj.显著的, 著名的 XVF^,Yf  
noticeable um[! |g/  
adj.显而易见的 th  ptm  
The hole in your trousers is not noticeable. f;wc{qy  
1.official   officious (Y2m md  
official HIGNRm  
n.官员, 公务员 x@m<Ym-  
adj.职务上的, 公务的, 官方的, 正式的 Me/\z^pF  
officious A,BEKjR~J  
adj.爱发命令的;专横的;好出主意的 .45^=2NGmQ  
2. optional   optical   optimal X V=S )  
optional NR4Jn ?l{  
adj.可选择的, 随意的 EgNH8i  
optical O@jqdJu  
adj.眼的, 视力的, 光学的 hS:j Bp,  
optimal Au5rR>W  
adj.最佳的, 最理想的  AmcC:5  
3.ordinance  ordnance 5/M ED}9C(  
ordinance RUGv8"j  
n.法令;条例 <9ifPSvJ  
ordnance 0@pu@DP~  
n.大炮;炮兵;军械;军需品 m^I,}1H4  
1. perpetrate  perpetuate E>pVn2|  
perpetrate ]V<-J   
vt.作(恶);犯(罪);为(非) /P+q}L %  
perpetuate K]fp Go  
vt.使永存, 使不朽 7[KCW J  
2.persecute   prosecute YaL]>.;Z:"  
persecute iiNSDc  
vt.迫害 Qn=$8!Qqa  
prosecute 1 Z[f {T)  
vt.告发;检举 Dp!zk}f|  
He was prosecuted for robbery. 4%_M27bu[  
3.perspective   prospective Rs7 |}Dl}  
perspective Cs1>bpY*R6  
n.远景, 前途, 观点;看法, 观点 P} r)wAt  
prospective T+CajSV  
adj.未来的;盼望中的;预期的 6 bO;&  
prospective benefits vVVPw?Ww-  
4.physicist   physician .  /m hu  
physicist 3!#/k+,C  
n.物理学者, 唯物论者 {#hV D4$b  
physician fN[8N$1-  
n.医生;内科医生 J@#?@0]F  
5. popular   populace   populous I>n g`  
popular &jf7k <^  
adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 ]gP5f@`  
populace , =y#m- 9  
n平民;大众;老百姓 o`?zF+M0  
populous Iti0qnBN5  
adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的 GyC)EFd  
6.portable    potable k<Sl1v K  
portable G| 4^_`-  
adj.轻便的, 手提(), 便携式的 D> #l-{d  
potable 9-  )qZ  
adj.适于饮用的 <hvRP!~<)  
n.饮料 K+d2m9C=  
7.practicable   practical pv# 2]v  
practicable 2qU&l|>  
adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的 kgW @RD|  
practical ejePDgi_[  
adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的, 应用的, 有实际经验的 =/9^, 6Q(  
8.principal   principle 46x.i;b7  
principal wij,N(,H  
n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 eSy(~Y  
adj.主要的, 首要的 fi%r<]@  
principle wWjG JvJ  
n.法则, 原则, 原理 Y`ihi,s`H  
9.profile   profit uO(w1Q"^  
profile H Sz" tN  
n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓 }*wLEa  
profit -4 Ux,9&  
n.利润, 益处, 得益 _eQ-`?  
vi.得益, 利用 zF& =U`v  
vt.有益于, 有利于 cDk V;$  
10.peel  peep   peek peer I -@?guZ r  
peel  n 果皮  vt  vi 削皮,剥落 R= 5 **  
peep  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) X@wm1{!  
peek  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) #5ax^p2*~  
peer  vi 凝视 at 6[P-Ny{z  
10.promise   premise U.oksD9 v  
promise %& blJ6b  
vt.允诺, 答应 yW7'?  
n.允诺, 答应, 许诺 #2p#VQh  
premise sfD5!Z9#1  
n.前提 e{w>%)rcP  
vt.提论, 预述, 假定 \_]En43mg  
vi.作出前提 z!wDpG7b  
11.proper   prosper m.Lij!0  
proper m?CZQq,  
adj.正当的;适当的 z }4L=KR\v  
prosper B{6<;u)[  
vi., vt.发达 繁荣;昌盛 7{kP}?  
His company is prospering. (U1]:tZ<.  
12.prescribe   proscribe LO%!Z,}   
prescribe | }&RXD  
vt., vi.开药方;处方;命令;规定 k)\gWPH  
The law prescribes what should be done. }%!tT\8  
proscribe 0S/' 94%w  
vt.禁止;放逐 %8.J=B  
13.personality   personalty `8_z!)  
personality   I s57F4[}  
n.人格;个性 n]Li->1  
a strong personality H U+ I  
personalty {r85l\u)Q\  
n.个人财产 m#e 3%150{  
14.parish   perish VaO Nd0Z I  
parish sq/]wzT:  
n.教区;行政教区;地方自治区 d4?d4;{  
(熟知该区情况的警察、出租汽车司机的)工作区域 XMN:]!1J  
perish arK_oh0B  
vi., vt.死;暴卒;毁灭;损坏;枯萎 | tQiFC  
Flowers perish when frost comes. ef!XV7 P  
1.responsive   responsible KW^<,qt5w  
responsive  u6u=2  
adj.(常与to连用)反应的;易反应的 V%0I%\0Y  
She is responsive to kindness. P,DC7\  
responsible pv!oz2w1  
adj.(常与to, for连用)有责任的;应负责任的 lK'Rn~  
The bus driver is responsible for thepassengers safety. b,TiMf9},h  
2.reward   award -5l6&Y   
reward F1%vtk;2?  
n.报酬, 奖金 9i5,2~  
vt.酬劳, 奖赏 :K82sCy%5  
award 2?C`4AR[2H  
vt.颁奖,授奖 f;SC{2f  
The school awarded Merry a prize (for hergood work). hG~reVNf  
1.sanction   sanitation f ).1]~  
sanction ^I mP`*X  
n.批准;允许;认可;制裁;处罚;约束力  >YtdA  
Poetry is one of the sanctions of life. qH,l#I\ CG  
sanitation z\ss4  
n.公共卫生;保持公共卫生;公共卫生设施 <mMTD8Sx]  
2. secret   secretive M~*u;vA/  
secret d1@%W;qX!  
n.秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 E@05e  
adj.(事物)秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的、 y %$O-q  
secretive Ch()P.n?  
adj.(人)守口如瓶的 @;xMs8@  
3.sob   sober   somber "jecsqCgK0  
sob X7UuwIIP  
v.哭诉, (风等)发呜咽声, 哭泣 MaBYk?TR~  
n.呜咽, 哭泣 Kz<@x`0   
sober 22<0DhJ  
adj.未醉的;清醒的;审慎的;严肃的;庄重的;不加装饰的;朴素无华的 ._wkj  
somber B{oU,3U>  
adj.忧郁的,郁闷的;阴暗的;幽暗的 xt'tL:d  
4.solemn   sole mDGn:oRj  
solemn 2Nxm@B` {  
adj.庄严的, 隆重的, 严肃的 ! / y!QXj  
sole {:c]|^w6  
adj.单独的, 唯一的 /sR%]q |L  
n.脚底, 鞋底, 基础 x 5dWBGH  
v.换鞋底  .yT8NTu~0j  
5.status   statute    stature  statue nFX_+4V2  
status M,j(=hRJ/E  
n.身份, 地位, 情形, 状况 +,:^5{9{  
statute p <eC<dtu  
n.法令, 条例 .%'(9E  
stature `"iY*  
n.身高, 身材 _$< Gyz*  
statue :ztr)   
vt.以雕像装饰 l5Y/Ok0,  
n.雕像 }}QTHR  
6.stationary    stationery gADmN8G=  
stationary IUGz =%[  
adj.固定的;不动的 ~/_9P Fk  
Wait until the bus is stationary before youget off. eRbGZYrJ  
stationery GwsY-jf  
n.文具, 信纸 =U OLT>!  
7.stimulate  simulate   simultaneous spontaneous   instantaneous 6Dws,_UAZ4  
stimulate O <9~Kgd8h  
vt.激励,鼓励;使兴奋 `\=Gp'&Q+  
simulate -7WW[ w  
vt.模拟, 模仿;假装, 冒充 t<uYM  
simultaneous ZWc+),X  
adj.同时的, 同时发生的 )/4(e?%=  
spontaneous Q_*_?yf  
adj.(行为)自发的 ,无意识的 N\t1T(C|  
(现象) 自然产生的 XXmE+aI  
The eruption of a volcano is spontaneou _\5~>g_  
The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneousgesture of affection. WV;=@v  
instantaneous Qz<d~ N  
adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 S6nhvU:  
8.subside   subsidy   subsidize  subsist Qx|H1_6  
subside [y) Fc IK}  
vi.(土地)下 陷,凹陷 :L?_Y/K  
(恶劣的气候或其他激烈的情况)平息,消退,平静 fT:}Lj\L1  
下沉;落下;坐下 k@!r#`j3  
subsidy LDT (]HJ  
n.补贴;补助金 _cJ[ FP1  
subsidize W-2i+g)  
vt.资助;津贴 S[M4ukYK  
subsist - Q e~)7  
vi.生存;维持生活 W+>wu%[L  
9.summit   submit O>r-]0DI[  
summit 8 ,}ikOZ?  
n.顶点, 最高阶层 dT@UK^\  
adj.政府首脑的 ^t. W|teD  
vi.参加最高级会议的 J}g~uW  
submit 9V!-ZG  
v.(使)服从, (使)顺从 c,5n, i  
vt.提交, 递交 8:;#,Urr  
10.synonymous    anonymous    unanimous S)\8|ym6!  
synonymous q=c/B(II!  
adj.(后面与with连用)同义的 gp  
anonymous -e>|kPfv!  
adj.匿名的 vE\lp8j+  
unanimous NrJzVGeS  
adj.全体一致的,无异议的 mN1Ssq"B  
He was elected with unanimous approval. E20&hc5 8  
一致通过的 k$[{n'\@  
The whole school was unanimous in itsapproval of the head-master's plan. D1"7s,Hmu  
11.surpass    trespass     compass I-:` cON=G  
surpass j7/(sf  
vt.超越, 胜过 (([ I]q  
trespass ~mH+DV3  
vi.(常与on, upon连用)非法侵入; @-6?i)  
The farmer said we were trespassing. \iZ1W  
(与on连用)侵扰,打扰 ,P@QxnQ   
I won't trespass upon your time any longer. gMZ&,n4  
compass D@hmO]5c  
n.指南针;类似指南针的仪器;圆规;两脚规 ;BTJ%F.  
1.terminate   exterminate 7Po/_%  
terminate bj.]o*u-  
vt., vi.终止;终结;结束 Yq;&F0paK  
a display of fireworks that terminated thefestivities. '3%*U*I  
The oil pipeline terminates at a shippingport. Negotiations terminated yesterday -A@U0=o  
exterminate y''V"Be  
vt消灭;杀绝 we a\8[U3"  
2.terrorist   territory t^$Div_%G  
terrorist }2xb&6g~o  
n.恐怖分子 :wCC^Y]  
territory L4mTs-M.  
n.领土;版图;领地 tQnJS2V"{u  
3.temper  temperate  temperature  temperament  temperance  temperamental s.e y!ew  
temper Oi#k:vq4  
n.脾气;性情;心情 JgZdS-~  
in a good temper 6KBHRt  
心情好;闹情绪;发脾气 2X +7b M  
He's in a temper today. 9 &[\*{  
temperate ^W{eO@  
adj.有节制的, 适度的, 戒酒的;(气候)温和的 Kjvs@~6t  
temperature 13]y)(  
n.温度 A` oa|k!U  
temperament (rMTW+,  
n.气质;性情;性格 ]oo|o1H87  
temperance jh-kCF  
n.节欲, 戒酒, 禁酒, (气候等的)温和 )E_!rR  
temperamental ~6=Wq64  
adj.出自本性的;本质的;喜怒无常的;易冲动发火的 t/_\U =i$  









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