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主题 : 考博英语相似词汇辨析
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-08   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.adept  adopt   adapt xr<.r4  
adept U $ bLt  
adj.(与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的 (fYrb# ]!y  
She was adept at the fine art of irritatingpeople. 1D pRm(  
n. 内行;老手 !_|rVg.  
adopt " ++q. y  
vt.收养 ^:yg,cS|Be  
采取;采用 )Fo1[:_B '  
They adopted our methods. =?, dX  
正式通过;采纳 4GY:N6qe '  
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it. L< gp "e  
adapt LE" t'R   
vt.使适应;使适合 ~D9VjXfL)  
He adapted himself to the cold weather. eZr}xo@9  
When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to thechange very well.  );cu{GY  
2.adopted   adoptive 8#S}.|"?F  
adopted P 3CzX48^  
adj.被收养的,被采纳的 i~ k9s  
an adopted child ;8G( l   
an adopted advice ARZ5r48)  
adoptive <KFE.\*Z4  
adj.收养(孩子)的 bwm?\l.A  
an adoptive mother Y\qiYra  
3.averse    adverse g8_C|lVZi  
averse W:8*Z8?7  
adj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的 % 1+\N  
I am not averse to a dance party and a goodmean after a week's hard work. `xhiG9mz~  
The minister is averse to/from flattery. q]\bJV^/U  
adverse sh6F-g  
adj.不利的;相反的 CTbz?Kn  
an adverse decision \qrSJ=}t  
Adverse circumstances compelled him toclose his business. h9McC3  
4.affection   affectation o H/4opV  
affection 3q>6gaTv  
n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 uh~/ybR  
affectation y=H^U.  
n.假装, 虚饰, 做作 Y=oj0(Q*  
5.altitude latitude longitude multitude attitude aptitude FA.h?yfr  
altitude ;BEg"cm  
n.(海拔)高度 w>IYrSaa>  
At high altitudes of Tibet it isdifficult to breathe. Dj<]eG]  
高处 ?Jlz{msI  
The plane flew at an altitude of 20000metres. U8Pnt|0M  
latitude +$#YW5wy  
n.纬度, 范围, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范围) ({ 7t p!@  
longitude 8?GS:+  
n.经度, 经线 3dnL\AqC  
multitude c3gy{:lb  
n.多数, 群众 ];waK 2'2  
attitude GfAt-huL(  
n.姿势,态度 `eIX*R   
People's attitude towards the skyscrapersvaries widely. e&C(IEZ/N;  
看法;意见 }2.^n{Y  
What is the Municipal Authority's attitudeto the proposal of a tunnel across the river? &(fB+VNrOH  
What's the authorities' attitude towardsthis discord? *v'&i) J  
aptitude GNXQD}L?b?  
n.能力;才能;天资 IB x?MU#.  
6.angle   angel U9;C#9E  
angle 6&=xu|M<x=  
n.角;角度 {m9OgR5U  
a right angle A2z%zMlZc  
角落;墙角;棱角 A6'G%of  
观点;看法;看问题的角度 uG\ +`[-{0  
to consider all angles of the question Bv $;yR  
The professor angled his report to suit theaudience he was speaking to. m :ROq  
vt.转动一个角度 XF1x*zc  
to angle a camera @3bQ2jn   
带成见地描述(某事) \xk`o5/{  
He angles his reports to please his editorin chief. " *xQN "F  
用钩和钓钓鱼 #.0^;M5Nh  
He is keen on angling. 9)sGnD;  
(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取 EI2V<v  
angel TuphCu+Oh  
n.天使,守护神,仁慈、漂亮的女人 @R>4b  
7.announce   denounce  renounce pronounce x+(h#+F  
announce }U'fPYYi8  
vt.通告;发表,宣布,宣告 5tR<aIf  
The captain announced that the plane wasgoing to land. >`8r52  
The government announced that they wouldbuild a new highway to the mountain. >Vc_.dR)E  
denounce !z X`M1J  
vt.揭发;告发;斥责 RNuOwZ1m  
renounce .x$+ 7$G  
vt.正式放弃 pL>Q'{7s3  
He renounced his claim to the property. a3 wUB  
宣布断绝关系 fk`y}#7M  
He renounced his religion. M cE$=Vv  
pronounce zl46E~"]x  
vt., vi.发音;发出…音 !1!;}uzt  
How do you pronounce c-l-e-r-k? :{%6< j  
宣称;宣告;断言 q~.\NKc  
The expert pronounced the picture to be aforgery. pox\Gu~.0  
The priest pronounced them man and wife. 1=O Xi!G  
Everyone pronounced the party to be verygood. ^x %yIS  
(常与on, for, against, in favor of连用)〈法〉宣判 .Nr}V.?57  
The judge pronounced sentence on theprisoner.  =w0Rq~  
8. annual    annul 'Wl) )lB  
annual c[?S}u|['  
adj.每年的;一年一次的 J`;G9'n2  
an annual event ?s#DD,  
annul EbuOPa  
vt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等) A1Mr  
9.apposite    opposite YMad]_XOP  
apposite >Be PE(k  
adj.适当的 beEdH>  
opposite rPkV=9ull,  
adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的 /"tVOv#  
n.相反的事物 {>fvyF  
10.appraise   apprise   praise tx Lo =  
appraise qbu Lcy3  
vt.评估,评价,鉴定 1$?O5.X:  
apprise  nsij;C  
vt.通知;告知 E {4/$}  
She was apprised of our arrival. Vd4x!Vk  
The secretary came to apprise us that theerection of the monster machine had been successfully completed. }:5r#Cd  
praise LR]P?  
vt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂 nYY@+%` ]z  
She praised her daughter's hard work. P )_g t  
11.apprehensive   comprehensive qxG @Zd  
apprehensive Hwklk9 U  
adj.忧虑的; 担心的 fxXZ^#2wX  
apprehensive for sb.'s safety 4&!`Yi_1L  
comprehensive *I(>[m!  
adj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的 3%|LMX]M5_  
The state government gave a verycomprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronicindustry. i|*(vH&D.  
12 .argument   augment ]MfT5#(6h  
argument gsGwf[XdJ  
n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, (for,against), 意见 zK(9k0+s  
augment 5Lo{\7%  
vt., vi.增大;增加 ce.'STm=  
13. ascribe  describe  prescribe subscribe  inscribe  proscribe \'&:6\-fw  
ascribe *^ \xH,.  
vt.归因于, 归咎于 5Z ] `n  
describe &7,Kv0j}  
vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容 ]BP"$rs  
v.描述 ':R)i.TS  
prescribe |t1D8){!  
vt, vi.`开药方;处方;命令;规定 cT`x,2  
The law prescribes what should be done. iS&fp[Th  
What punishment does the law prescribe forcorruption? XG@_Lcv*  
The doctor prescribed total abstinence. K%[Rv#>;q|  
subscribe n9<QSX&~<  
vt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助 _FeLSk.  
订购(报纸、杂志等) <,(6*b  
(常与to连用)同意,赞同 (^ZC8)0i(  
inscribe yyPkjUy[  
vt.(常与in, on,with连用)题写;铭刻 _:x/\ 8P  
She inscribed her own name on the textbook. y-cRqIM  
(常与to连用)题名 ,+3l9FuQ  
This book I inscribe to my oldcomrades-in-arms. @OZW1p  
proscribe #.$p7]  
vt.禁止 ?5K.#>{  
14. assent   ascent nmn$$=~)  
assent N8m|Y]^H#  
vi.(常与to连用)同意 bLUn>ch  
ascent 3v :PBmE  
n.上升, (地位, 声望等的)提高, 攀登, 上坡路 BB-E"<  
15.dissent   descent   decent /k|y\'<  
dissent ^*#5iT8/  
vi.(常与from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致 =>-:o:Cu{  
He and I dissented from each other inchoosing a suitable candidate.  &~:b &  
descent 'b]GcAL  
n.下降;下滑;降下;下来;血统;遗传 C|5eV=f)P  
He traces his descent from an old Normanfamily. r"x|]nvg^  
decent HUuL3lYka  
adj体面的 合适的 (s4w0z  
16. assume   resume   consume  presume l3R`3@  
assume U=\ZeYK.  
vt.假定;假设 8G; t[9  
I assume you always get up at the sametime. ^8Tq0>n?  
采用;承担 ~cbq5||  
to assume new duties ~ J^Gz l  
resume 1q]V/V}  
n.摘要, 概略, <> 履历 'e^,#L_!o  
vt.再继续, 重新开始, 重新占用, 再用, 恢复 }26?bd@e`  
consume ;XNe:g.CR  
vt., vi.吃,喝;消耗;消费;花费 %W ~Kx_  
His old car consumed much gasoline. {P"$;_Y"<  
毁灭;烧毁 3%{A"^S=}  
The fire soon consumed the old woodenbuildings in the neighbourhood. K:gxGRE  
presume ZgQ4~s  
vt., vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为 e` Z;}& ,  
I presume from your speech that you are aforeigner. j9)P3=s  
You must presume no such thing. _U(b  
当作;姑且认为 :# s 6,  
If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumeddead. u&yAMWl  
(常与to + inf连用)放肆;擅作主张 DXu#07\  
A servant ought not to presume. $"1Unu&P  
(与on, upon连用)指望;寄希望于… ,~u5SR  
We must not presume too mush on thereliability of such sources. JwG$lGNJ  
17. avocation   vocation   vacation teH.e!S  
avocation ^ cpQ*Fz  
n.(个人)副业, 业余爱好 /tR@J8pV  
vocation rOQ@(aUAZ  
n.职业;行业;天职;使命 Oya:{d&=  
vacation Sm-gi|A  
n.假期 Q%)da)0:c  
I worked in a small beachside restaurantduring the college vacation. AdBB#zd  
18 .authentic   authoritative DuX7  
authentic IaMZPl  
真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的: l)tK/1 W  
an authentic account by an eyewitness.  2f>G   
真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的: tS#=I.ET  
an authentic medieval sword. hG51jVYtw  
一把真正的中世纪剑 S.&=>   
authoritative NwPGH= V  
adj.官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的: P`r@<cgb=  
an authoritative decree; authoritativesources. 0'8_:|5  
权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的: s jl(  
an authoritative account of the revolution. 6[ }~m\cY  
专断的:行使权力的;命令的: Mh [TZfV  
the captain's authoritative manner. \yt-_W=[  
19.adjoin  adjacent   adjourn S}L$-7Ct  
adjoin vEQw`OC  
vt.毗连;临近;贴近 6{Y3-Pxg  
Our house adjoins theirs. /zxLnT; 5  
adjacent |NuX9!S  
adj.(to连用)相邻的,邻近的 PP/EZ^]b  
adjourn R\DdU-k  
vt., vi.延期;休会, 会议暂停 Rdb[{Ruxb  
The meeting will be adjourned till nextWednesday. Ck a&b  
20.admire   admiral 2?vjj:P+h  
admire 2J7= O^$?  
v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 <X>lA  
admiral D*7JE  
n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰  4}0DEH.Vx  
21.adore    adorn poLzgd  
adore vbFi# |EU  
vt.崇拜;敬爱;敬重;非常喜欢 &lbZTY}  
He adores the cinema. u7PtGN0r%  
She adores going to the volleyball match. =[ A5qwyv  
adorn etnq{tE5  
vt.装饰 8w,+Y]X<P[  
She likes to adorn herself with jewels. q47>RWMh%  
增加…的重要性或吸引力 `O5 Hzb(}  
He tried to adorn his story with a lot oflies [D;wB|+,  
22. appliance   applicant   application hY*ylzr83  
appliance kHWW\?O  
n.用具, 器具 Bh` Y?S  
applicant TRLz>mQ  
n.申请者, 请求者 8x)&4o@  
application ^nO0/nqz]  
n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用 +qPpPjG;  
23.alley  ally c:*[HO\  
alley hB?a{#JL  
n.小路, , (花园里两边有树篱的)小径 cWp5' e]A  
ally %|"0p3  
v.结盟, ...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟 yT$CImP73  
n.同盟国, 支持者 i`nmA-Zj[  
24.accession  access wOMrUWB0  
accession |\}&mBR  
n.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加 E{wnhsl{  
access Ru&>8Ln0  
n.通路, 访问, 入门 z`Jcpt  
vt.存取, 接近 24g\x Nnt  
1. bull   bully K'6NW:zp~  
Bull 6D\$K  
n.公牛, 粗壮如牛的人;乐观进取的人;胡扯;废话 ;c/|LXc\  
bully /VmtQ{KTt+  
vt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱 ]\JLlQ}#H  
He's always bullying smaller boys. +UM%6Z=+  
2.bandage  bondage K]{x0A  
bandage  n.绷带 cj64.C  
bondage  n.奴役,束缚 ]Pp}=hcD  
3.bread  bead sBq-"YcjR  
bread    n.面包 sk %Xf,  
bead     n.珠子, 水珠  vt.祈祷 b)[2t^zG  
4.bump  dump  jump hump  lump  plump  pump K\trT!I  
bump QomihQnc  
n.撞击, 肿块 7W MF8(j5  
v.(), (), 颠簸 w paI}H#  
dump 'PqKb%B|  
vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸 h(/& ;\Cr  
n.堆存处 RxYC]R^78  
jump v,L@nlD]  
n.跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 @kPe/j/[1  
vt.跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃 ] :SbvsPm  
vi.跳跃, 暴涨 W9G1wU  
hump g7;OZ#\  
n.驼峰, 驼背, 小园丘, 峰丘 VeipM  
v.(使)隆起, 弓起 v8y !zo'  
lump N[zR%(YS  
n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 B; ^1W{% J  
vt.使成块状, 混在一起. RgD%pNhI  
plump ^ AJ_  
adj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的 6ltV}Wt-  
vt.突然放下, 使丰满, 使鼓起 F|&%Z(@a  
vi.变丰满, 鼓起 %w;wQ_  
pump GO UO  
n., 抽水机 8wLGmv^  
vt.(用泵)(), 抽吸 &e3pmHp'  
5.beach  breach   bleach ?BR Z){)  
beach yS .)l  
n.海滨;湖滨;河滩 RN2z/F Uf  
The little beach hotel has a pleasantambien ()ww9L2  
breach ~IFafAO&  
n.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏 zgl$ n  
in breach of contract z .+J\  
Your company is in breach of the contract. a/n~#5-  
bleach uBw[|,yn2*  
vt., vi.使变白 e\._M$l  
Did you bleach this tablecloth? w19OOD  
6.bride  bribe i(4.7{*  
bride  n 新娘 J4Ca0Ag  
bribe   n  vt   贿赂 n T7]PhJ  
7.boom  broom LX}|%- iv  
boom  n.v 繁荣 兴旺 d*$x|B|V  
broom  n 扫帚 ,x utI  
8.buffet  buffer l-2lb&n  
buffet \[ W`hhJ  
n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击 g&\;62lV%  
vt ①连续地打击②搏斗 3}B-n!|*  
buffer CoV @{Pi  
vt 缓冲、缓和 ]dT]25V  
1.censor   censure \==Mgy2J8  
censor GL^ j |1  
n.检查员 +&* >FeJY  
vt.检查, 审查 [OFT!=.y &  
censure m/WDJ$d  
v.责难 @h5Q?I  
n.责难 GYonb) F  
2.cession   session n65fT+;  
cession ~]BR(n  
n.割让, 转让, []让与(他人)债权 Cyud)BZvm  
session Lve$H(GHT  
n.(官方机构的)会 议,会期,开会期 cGW L'r)P  
The general session approved the report ofthe investigation committee. w$749jGx  
学期;大学的学期 !9^GkFR6n  
3.clash  crush  crash cSj(u%9}  
clash M<@9di7c  
n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 72y!cK6  
the clash of weapons i k0w\*  
clash of interests U27ja|W^  
a clash with the police $-)y59w"  
I failed to go to her wedding because itclashed with my examination. n4zns,:)/  
战斗 V{0V/Nv  
It is broadcast that the two armies clashednear the borderline again before dawn. /PkOF ((  
vi., vt.冲突 Q?%v b  
The enemy armies clashed. 87nsWBe  
(事情)在时间上相冲突 VE/~tT;  
It's a pity the two concerts clash. _[ `"E'  
(常与with连用)(色彩)不协调 =k+i5:@]  
This shirt clashes with your trousers. _j<,qi  
crush @HXXhYH  
vt., vi.压碎;压坏;碾碎;挤压;塞 y] ~X{v  
to crush one's way through the crowd 7M9s}b%?  
破坏;镇压;压服 zdDJcdbGd1  
to crush all opposition ..^,*  
crash NO)vk+   
n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 yM34GS=,J  
v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 ;D<rGkry  
4.classic   classical *-9b!>5eD  
classic ZZ6F0FLXJ  
n.杰作, 名著 6d/b*,4[  
adj.第一流的 hO:X\:G  
classical 2!Ex55  
adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的 k)USLA  
5.clench   clinch x9CI>l  
clench   z'X_ s.9F  
vt., vi.紧合;咬紧(牙关);捏紧(拳头) `24:Eg6r  
She clenched her teeth when she wasoperated on. yc 5n   
紧握;抓牢 JXnPKAN  
The girl clenched her money in her hand. `o*g2fW!  
clinch Lp*T=]C]  
vt., vi.敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住  Q -&]Vg  
把(木头)钉牢在一起 Z_Ma|V?6  
确定;决定(贸易等);达成买卖或合同 j|(bDa4\  
The two companies clinched the dealquickly. ;h3*MR  
The offer of more money clinched it forher. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director. bvR*sT#rg  
6.coarse   hoarse   roar w } 2|Do$5  
coarse I.e'  
adj.粗的;粗糙的;未精炼的 S8vmXlD  
(表面)不光滑的;粗织的 Nmsb  
coarse cloth MgMLfgt"V  
粗鲁的;鲁莽的;不礼貌的 "x$S%:p  
coarse talk xD?{Hw>QT#  
hoarse \a]\j Zb  
adj.嘶哑的 ]:E]5&VwV}  
His voice was hoarse after talking for anhour. L kq>>?T=  
roar D#t5*bwK  
n.吼声;咆哮声 OEwfNZQ-  
the roar of an angry lion 5!ReW39c ;  
The lion gave a loud roar. V!U[N.&$  
7.canvass  canvas #!D5DK@+  
canvas xf]4!zE  
n.粗帆布;一块油画布 0~1P&Qs<  
The young artist showed me his recentcanvases. .RWBn~b#I  
canvass M7> \Qk  
n.细查, 讨论, 劝诱 1aT$07G0  
vt.彻底检查, 细究, ...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 3CHte*NL=  
vi.游说, 拉选票 t@HE.h  
8.cannon  canon y14@9<~9  
cannon j5)qF1W,  
n.加农炮;大炮 8say"Qz  
canon /&dt!.WY^  
n.教规,宗教法规 DJW1kR  
9.credible  credulous &4[iC/}  
credible :gVjBF2  
adj.可信的;可靠的 XN0Y#l  
credulous HY:@=%R  
adj.轻信别人的 uR%H"f  
10.continual   continuous By_Ui6:D  
continual Jr9} 'l8  
adj.over and over again; regular butinterrupted; W*m[t&;  
连续的 bcs!4  
Recently the young couple have continualarguments with each other for trifles. i=a LC*@  
continuous Z9D4;1  
adj. 不断的 HKkf+)%)x  
continuing without  stopping ;ceaseless !T~d5^l!  
continuous rain all day 8( D}y\  
7.collide  collude 7e<Q{aB  
collide K?je(t^  
vi.互撞;碰撞;(车、船等)猛撞 f)x}_dw%  
The two trains collided. ,')bO*N g  
冲突;反对;强烈抵触(with) ^IpiNY/%Q  
collude w0!,1 Ry  
vi.共谋;勾结;串通(with) z{d5Lrk  
8.comment   commend uLM_KZ  
comment VWv0\:,G  
n.注释, 评论, 意见 C(|5,P#5  
vi.注释, 评论(on ) z)>{O3  
commend Cpcd`y=IN  
vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引 7nz+n#  
9. compel expel  propel  repel 8 8$ Y-g5*  
compel bl?%:qb.V  
vt.强迫, 迫使 <\g&%c,   
expel jSYg\ Z5!  
vt赶走:驱逐或把…赶出去: 5ba[6\Af  
expel an invader. i t@}dZ  
排出:从容器里或象从容器里释放: 0s""%MhFI  
被迫离开;把…除名: Sp,Q,Q4  
expelled the student from college forcheating.See Synonyms at eject vCSB8R  
propel 7$W;4!BN*  
vt.推进,推动;驱策 Q'% o;z*  
repel |u r~s$8y-  
vt.击退;逐退 6QXQ<ah"  
to repel an attack /^ 3oq]  
使厌恶;使反感 BemkCj2  
His accent repels me. Cw&D}  
10.contemporary   temporary G=HxD 4l  
contemporary   RIEv*2_O  
n.同时代的人 S<!_ uq  
adj.当代的, 同时代的 asN }  
temporary L 1kM~M  
adj.暂时的, 临时的, 临时性 h<1dTl*  
11.contemptuous   contemptible ]p&< nK,  
contemptuous - (_e=3$  
adj.(常与of连用) 表示轻蔑的;傲慢的 PT#eXS9_  
a contemptuous look ZoON5P>  
contemptible Kq 4<l  
adj.卑劣的 ~8xh0TSi  
It was contemptible of him to speak likethat about a respectable teacher! kq%gY  
It was a contemptible trick to tell liesand play on an old friend! 4^[}]'w  
12.confer   infer   refer  prefer   defer Wx?&igh  
confer Bf:tal6 -M  
vt.授予(称号、学位等)on, 赠与, ...赠与, 协议 3> \fP#oQ  
v.协商, 交换意见(on) mKq<'t]^k  
The engineers and technicians are stillconferring on the unexpected accident. { LT4u ]#  
infer f']sU/c=  
vt.推断;推知;推论 A?Nn>xF9X  
to infer an unknown fact from a known fact te;Ox!B&  
I infer from your letter that you have notmade up your mind yet. IQw %|^  
refer jj3Pf>D+k  
vt., vi.(常与to 连用)涉及;提到;针对;有关 VXkAFgO  
The new law does not refer to farm land. p584)"[*t  
提交;交付 4Hml.|$  
The shop referred the complaint to themanufacturers. 3|~(?4aE  
prefer $!F&>=o  
vt.(常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿 E5*-;>2c  
to prefer coffee to t ]HyHz9QkL  
Which of these two dresses do you prefer? a: yB%:2  
defer >G<\ 1R  
vt.推迟;延期 :/@k5#DY  
vt.(与to连用)服从;顺从 |7QVMFZ  
Do you always defer to your parents wishes? Z[#I"-Q~:  
13.consequent  subsequent M)"]$TM  
consequent yX7CN5vVl  
adj.作为结果的 uX<+hG.n}  
subsequent N<aB)</  
adj.随后的,后来的;继起的 ?eL='>Ne  
14.conventional   convenient 9m\)\/V  
conventional v#<\:|XAg  
adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的 0rku4T  
convenient c8# T:HM|`  
adj.便利的, 方便的 3TU'*w &  
15.confidant    confidante   confident confidential $zC6(C(l  
confidant Lzh9DYU6  
n.知己男友 ?_VRfeztw  
confidante _&W0e}4  
n.知己的女友 Az  U|p  
confident 4id3P{aU  
adj.确信的;有信心的;自信的 x 8 f6,  
Peter is confident of winning the post asthe assistant to the managing director. J#6LSD@ (O  
confidential y Dd=& T   
adj.机密的;秘密的 ':,>eL#+uV  
a confidential order U:qF/%w  
参与机密的;视为心腹的 xe(MHNrj  
a confidential secretary 7}<Sg  
16.convert   divert   invert  revert    reverse H \r`7  
convert -"F0eV+y  
vt.(常与into连用)转变;变换  pz$_W  
to convert an old house into a new o &c20x+   
That building has been converted into aschool. HKpD 2M  
兑换 4w@v#H@  
I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars. 7. %f01/i  
改变信仰、党派或意见等 DWuRJ  
She managed to convert him to her opinion. -dg}BM  
divert j\! e9M  
vt.转向;转移 ]yo_wGiwY  
A ditch diverted water from the stream intothe fields. [d0%.+U  
Traffic was ordered to divert to anotherroad because of the repair of the main road. Q5g,7ac8L  
The government is planning to divert theriver to supply water to the town. _=uviMuE  
A loud noise from the street diverted myattention. /;DjJpwf0  
invert SAP;9*f1\  
vt.置于相反位置;上下倒置 7O:"~L  
The little boy caught the insect byinverting the cup over it. XHy ?  
revert 4*iHw+%mq  
vi.(与to连用)恢复原状;回复;回到(原来话题) C}9Kx }q  
(财产等)归复,归还 Q ] /B/  
reverse E$w#+.QP  
vt.倒退;倒转 : aH%bk  
He reversed the car. uw_H:-J  
翻转 4X*Q6rW  
She reversed the paper. O'OFz}x),  
改变;使成相反的东西 4x(F&0  
He reversed the judgment and set theprisoner free after all. ZlrhC= 0  
17.counsel   consul    council wsq LXZI  
counsel %w$ mSG  
n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 *(icR  
vt.劝告, 忠告 nz[ m3]  
consul fL2^\dB;  
n.领事 >d97l&W  
council } #qQ2NCH  
n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子 2Q}7fht  
18.conscious    conscientious &5d\~{;  
conscious "ct58Y@   
adj.有意识的;神志清醒的 (V!0'9c  
He is hurt but still conscious. QypZH"Np  
了解的;察觉的 eKyqU9  
She was not conscious of his presence inthe room. HJ",Sle  
刻意的:故意设计或做的;刻意的: /~tP7<7A  
a conscious insult; made a conscious effortto speak more clearly mVt3WZa  
conscientious fq=:h\\G  
adj.凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的 \WX@PfL  
a conscientious piece of work ~TM>"eBb  
Be conscientious and make a good job ofpublishing.  V,vc_d?,_o  
19.cosmic   comic p jd o|  
cosmic @i{]4rk lv  
adj.宇宙的 Y0}4WWV  
comic [1U{ci&=p  
n.滑稽演员 p_r4^p\  
adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的 f7 wm w2  
20.commerce   commence bOb Nc  
commerce p(?g-  
n.商业 },s_nJR:8  
commence mqw 84u  
v.开始, 着手 hX3@f;[B2  
21.complexion    complex 7DZTQUb"  
complexion 7 OWsHlU  
n.面色, 肤色, 情况, 局面 %{"dP%|w4}  
complex AOAO8%|I  
adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 &oEyixe  
22.compulsive  compulsory fM2^MUp[=1  
compulsive <]'|$8&jY  
adj.强制的, 强迫的, 由强迫产生的, 禁不住的 1mix+.d  
compulsory `O  n(v  
adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的 [8z&-'J=  
1.decease   disease /B[}I}X  
decease 6n,xH!7  
n.vi.死亡 [T]Bfo  
disease yquAr$L!  
n.疾病, 弊病  O2lIlCL  
2.definite  definitive ~bGC/I;W>  
definite zi.mq&,]R  
adj.明确的, 一定的 u(Rk'7k  
definitive S(tEw Xy  
adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 cmIT$?J  
3.desert   dessert ~ k<SbFp  
desert JhH`uA&  
n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过 /GN4I!LA  
adj.沙漠的, 不毛的, 荒凉的 ~j]dct7  
vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 O4!9 {  
vi.逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差 [S)G$JW  
dessert 5u s^B8Q  
n.餐后甜点 yKlU6t&` G  
4.desirable   desirous }H2#H7!H  
desirable J'Gm7h{   
adj.值得做的;值得想望的;值得弄到手的 B% mtp;) P  
It is most desirable that he should attendthe conference. o?y"]RCM  
desirous 8,y{q9O  
adj.(与of连用)渴望的,想…的 dE GX3 -  
5.diary   dairy & +]x;K  
diary 0O[l?e4,8{  
n.日记 F^miq^K=  
dairy {(!)P  
n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油 4&]%e6,jH  
6.diploma    diplomat    diplomacy  diplomatic }_]As}E  
diploma \imp7}N  
n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 >Fp&8p`am  
diplomat mYzcVhV  
n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 m#;.yR  
diplomacy Az9J\V~"  
n外交 #w;;D7{@m  
diplomatic "vsjen.K>  
adj.外交的, 老练的 80HEAv,O  
7.disclaim   reclaim   exclaim  proclaim   acclaim   claim U1jSUkqb  
disclaim @ct#s:t  
v.放弃, 弃权, 拒绝 z1FL8=  
reclaim ~T7\8K+ $  
vt.要求归还, 收回, 开垦 pJn>oGeJ&  
exclaim `BpCRKTG  
v.呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 QU,?}w'?d  
proclaim ZRO.bMgZF  
vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露 E}t-N  
acclaim  t9]r  
vt.欢呼;欢呼着拥戴;欢呼着同意 i6FP[6H1  
claim jWhD5k@v  
n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 TZkTz P [  
vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要 bu;vpNa  
8. discreet   discrete L^&do98  
discreet WVj&0  
adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的 ID&zY;f  
discrete 2AmR(vVa"  
adj.离散的;分立的;不连续的 [&fWF~D-p<  
9.distinct  distinctive N0=b[%g;n  
distinct 3EAX]   
adj.清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的 S`fu+^c v  
distinctive qgh]@J Jh  
adj.与众不同的, 有特色的 VB}PNg  
10.donate   denote +h9`I/R  
donate j^:b-:F  
v.捐赠, 赠予 UX03"gX  
denote bXk:~LE  
vt.指示, 表示 65 NWX8f}  
11.dwindle   bewilder <ihhV e  
dwindle 3J23q  
v.缩小 N.kuE=X  
bewilder 2nVuz9h  
vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱 W5 M ]  
12.dual   duel @w+WLeJ$40  
dual K#%O3RRs  
adj.双的, 二重的, 双重 aU,0gvI(}  
duel KBp!zSl  
n.决斗;两个人争斗;争辩;双方抗争 EY=\C$3J:  
13.disinterested   uninterested `\4RFr$  
disinterested  bgkbw E  
adj.公正无私的;无偏见的;客观的 Z_ iQU1  
His action was not altogetherdisinterested. ]0at2  
uninterested g wZ+GA  
adj.不感兴趣的 :..E:HdYO  
Settle your own argument,I'm quiteuninterested! /1s9;'I  
14.dissemble   disassemble I_R5\l}O+D  
dissemble eHfG;NsV /  
vt, vi.隐藏,掩饰(思想、感情等) b7F3]W<`&  
disassemble nA{ncTg1\  
vt.解开,分解 2 `q^Q  
1.eradicate  erase I\F=s-VVY  
eradicate v)v{QNQp^  
vt根除:连根撕碎;清除,扑灭,根绝:象连根拔起一样消灭: `Lb _J  
Their goal was to eradicate poverty. -Ihn<<uE?  
erase f6(9wz$Trt  
vt擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等) wd2P/y42;;  
删除:从磁带或其它存储介质上消除掉(记录的信息): 8 H$@Xts  
erased a file from the diskette. PG-cu$\??  
erased the videocassette. ePu2t3E  
使忘却:象涂抹掉一样消除、消灭: P EwW*4Xo  
had to erase all thoughts of failure fromhis mind. ,&O:/|c E  
2. elicit   illicit   explicit  elite   implicit *n$m;yI  
elicit [W8iM7D  
vt诱出,引出(事实等)  0N} wD-  
illicit o#KPrW`XJ/  
adj.违法的 :Z7"c`6L!~  
explicit eL] w' }\  
adj.清楚的, 明确的 Nsy9 h}+A  
elite SjNwT[.nr7  
n.精英 e5:l6`  
implicit 5D02%U2N)G  
adj.暗示的, 含蓄的,绝对的,完全的 ZCOuv6V+  
3.eligible   illegible _,-M8=dL%*  
eligible O}\"$n>  
adj.符合条件的, 合格的 szM=U$jKq  
Are you eligible to join this club $4ZDT]n  
I know an eligible young lady who would bean excellent cooperator for you. $BO}D  
illegible `- uZv  
adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的 nbkky .e  
4.emergence   emergency " :nVigw&  
emergence _R!!4Hp<Q  
n.出现,显露,暴露 h}VYA\+<B  
emergency #.t$A9'  
n.紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件 Uc%`? +Q  
5.eminent   imminent   element  eliminate {TN@KB  
eminent x@bl]Z(ne/  
adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的 #}]il0d  
imminent (k HQKQmq  
adj.即将来临的, 逼近的 0R!}}*Ee>q  
element `?S?)0B  
n.要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境 ^}pREe c=  
eliminate pUEok+  
vt.排除, 消除 0dX=  
v.除去 W;@ae,^  
6.erotic  exotic kk7: A0._  
erotic N )I T?  
adj.色情的 >yHnz?bf@  
n.好色之徒 Xs,PT  
exotic M{kh=b)V  
adj.外来的,外国来的,异乎寻常的 5qB=@O]|G;  
an exotic purple bird Y,Zv0-"  
7.exalt  exult fvfVBk#  
exalt U\GZ  
vt.赞扬;歌颂,提升;晋升 ~ai' M#  
exult B91PlM.  
vi.狂喜;欢跃 A =#-u&l  
The people exulted at the victory. iBW6<2@oZF  
The people all over the country exulted inthe success in launching a new satellite. >"{zrwNq  
8. exhaustive   exhausted   exhausting L;t~rW!1  
exhaustive [jn;| 3  
adj.彻底的, 详尽的 l%5%oN`4  
to make an exhaustive study S&) >w5*]U  
An exhaustive investigation of the factsproves the contrary.  wupD   
exhausted v!9Imf  
adj.(令人)耗尽的, 疲惫的 G6bg ~V5Q:  
exhausting A+E@OOw*~  
adj.使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 'yjH~F.  
1.facility   facilitate zFQkUgb  
facility g'7hc~=  
n.灵巧,熟练 C}EDl2  
He has great facility in learninglanguages. 7f,W zvV  
Her facility with / in languages issurprising. Hxi=\2-  
(pl) 设施,设备 7V``f:#d  
There are facilities for cooking in thekitchen. )Dpt<}}\  
Are there washing facilities in the school? f+~!s 2uw  
facilitate s4k%ty}  
vt.使容易;使便利 ' uw&f;/E  
It would facilitate matters if you weremore co-operative cBf{R^>Fd  
The new underground railway will facilitatethe journey to all parts of the city. Khd,|pM  
2. fiance   fiancee   finance Wy )g449  
fiance 8QBL:7<  
n.未婚夫 r0bPaAKw  
fiancee a[l5k  
n.未婚妻 M3`A&*\;  
finance 1 R9/AP  
n.财政, 金融, 财政学 6LQO>k  
vt.供给...经费, 负担经费 /MtacR  
vi.筹措资金 ~C x2Q4E  
1.genius   genus   genuine Vrh],xK7  
genius 2jC\yY |PN  
n.天才, 天赋, 天才人物 ~T9[\nU\  
genus %L.+r!.  
n.种类;属 `I$A;OPK7  
genuine P s ;:g0  
adj.真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的,非伪造的 ;Vt u8f  
2. graceful   gracious k>`X! "  
graceful ZeZwzH)BD  
adj.(身体的姿态和动作)优美的,优雅的 M czWg  
a graceful young girl bP@ _4Dy  
a graceful young cat 06$9Uz9  
得体的 9n7d "XD2  
gracious i$bBN$<b<  
adj.亲切的;和蔼的;慈祥的 &EOh}O<  
She welcomed her guests in a graciousmanner. 'CX KphlWs  
优裕的;舒适的 #v-!GK_<  
gracious living .bGeZwvf:G  
1.hammer   hamper ]u';zJ.  
hammer lTXU  
n.铁锤, , 锤子 X c^~|%+  
v.锤击, 锤打 :*1w;>o)n  
hamper ~7 Tz Ub  
vt妨碍,阻碍 2OTpGl  
The snow hampered my movements. hj4Rr(T  
2.heroin   heroine 51vK>  
heroin KJiwM(o  
n.海洛因, 吗啡 XvdhPOMy  
heroine X#yl8k_  
n.女英雄, 女主人公 x-<dJ}`  
3.hypercritical   hypocritical g i)/iz`  
hypercritical ]Gr'Bt/  
adj.过分苛求的,吹毛求疵的 >@"j9  
hypocritical }W<L;yD  
adj.伪善的,虚伪的 _OY;SJ(  
hypocritical praise. N+\*:$>zt6  
a hypocritical rogue. W5 p}oN  
1. illusion   allusion zP9 !fA  
illusion r2G<::<zL  
n.幻觉;幻影;错觉 UTPl7po5D  
I have no illusions about his ability. vXF\PMf  
allusion C\{4<:<_&  
n.提及, 暗示 AOe~VW  
2.imitate   intimate   intimidate  initiate 1}6pq 2  
imitate (GQy"IuFh  
vt.效法;模仿 %_ ~[+ ~#  
The little boy imitated his father. ^6*? a9jO>  
James can imitate his teacher's speechperfectly. g_=Q=y@,  
模拟;假装;学 (\}IOCNS  
Parrots imitate human speech. W{0:8_EI  
仿制 3 *G=U  
Wood is often painted to imitate stone. *M"wH_cd  
intimate c:0$ M w=  
adj.亲近的;亲密的;熟悉的 hCmOSDym  
intimate friends #'T|,xIr-Q  
Do you believe these two intimate friendsused to be mutual sworn enemies? ;[xDc>&("Q  
个人的;私人的 oI>;O#  
an intimate diary |0&S>%=  
intimidate gor6c3i  
vt.胁迫;威迫 "%Jx,L\f{  
He said he would never be intimidated bybig names and authorities. eN$~@'w  
initiate y|p:^41Ro  
vt.开始, 发动, 传授 +o/q@&v;Ax  
v.开始, 发起 T>c;q%A/  
3. imperial   imperious   empirical /'I/sWEV  
imperial u&qdrKx  
adj.帝王的;帝国的 _uBf.Qfs  
imperious PQfx0n,  
adj.傲慢的;专横的;紧急的 pS%Az)3RZ  
empirical %:??QD*  
adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的 lj[Bd >  
4.indigenous   indignant ?XHJCp;f  
indigenous w qsPGkJJ7  
adj.土产的;本地的 nhIITfJJ  
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. o6qQ zk  
indignant ^Dh2_vb I  
adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的 OxD\e5r  
5. incomparable   uncomparable GJ*AyYG  
incomparable B^6P 6,  
adj.无与伦比的, 卓越的 J|ILG  
uncomparable , vky  
adj.(两者由于无共同特性)无法比较的 ]Rw,5\0  
6.ingenuous  ingenious `xtN+y F  
ingenuous J)R2O4OEd  
adj.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的 4TLh'?Xu9  
ingenious a#kZY7s  
adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 eo@:@O+bm  
7. inhabit   inhibit t$}+oCnkv  
inhabit L\b$1U!i  
vt.居住  UWu|w  
a district sparsely inhabited |5O%@  
inhibit NoPM!.RU{  
vt.(常与from连用)阻止;抑制 7$^V_{ej  
an inhibited person ?"L>jr(  
8. interference   inference h<6r+*T' p  
interference @]OI(B  
n.干涉;阻挠 Q,s,EooIx  
inference : \.v\.wm  
n.推论,推断;推断的结果,结论 $+ ?6U  
9.imaginative   imaginary   imaginable (+4=A k  
imaginative ~ 9'64  
adj.富于想象的;有想象力的 %';n9M   
imaginative writers @m(\f  
imaginary {"@Bf<J#  
adj.想象的;虚构的 &jj\-;=~Ho  
He told a story about an imaginary land. h>\}-|Ek  
imaginable y{kXd1,  
adj.可想象的, 可能的 FCI38?`%  
10.immense   immerse 4E"qpy \(  
immense 0V1kZ.  
adj.极大的 Gk!v-h9cq  
He made an immense amount of money inbusiness. d *H-l3N  
The performance was immense. ;1"K79  
immerse jP+4'O!s[  
vt.(常与in连用)浸入 1-q\C<Q)  
immerse one's head in the water jkfI,T  
(常与in连用)沉浸于;沉溺于 mTcLocx  
The professor was so immersed in her workthat she didn't notice me. \f._I+gJ  
The whole town was immersed in a festivalatmosp L!{^^7  
1.judicious   judicial {5*+  
judicious <01MXT-  
adj.明智的;有判断力的;有见识的 +LrW#K;  
judicial s2v\R~T  
adj.司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明断的 Q>||HtF$A  
2.literature   literary k"AY7vq@!P  
literal 1)k))w9  
adj.精确的 L9G=+T9  
a literal account of a conversation NbgP,-  
逐字翻译的,照字面的;原意的 Ws(BouJ  
literate 4;%=ohD:!  
n.学者 @Wdnc/o]  
adj.有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的 d'DS7F(c{  
literature |Z!C`G[  
n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献 ]Y, 7 X  
literary t6LTGWs/_o  
adj.文学的著作的;研究文学的文言的 c?wFEADn  
3.little   litter [;};qQ-C2  
little mz/KGZ5t  
n.少许, 一会儿, 短时间 ' Bdvqq  
adj.很少的, 矮小的, 短暂的, 琐碎的 c*LnLK/m  
adv.很少, 稍微, 完全不 <;W4Th<4  
litter en#W<"_"  
n.垃圾 )v'3pTs2  
vt.乱丢, 铺草, 弄乱 -BNW\ ]}  
vi.产仔, 乱丢垃圾 '?Hy"5gUA  
4.loot   root LgB}!OLQ  
loot !07$aQYcd  
v.掠夺, 抢劫, 劫掠 wwE9|'Ok  
n.掠夺物, 战利品, 抢劫 mo <g'|0  
root |RHX2sso  
n., 根部, 根本, 根源 b/WVWDyob/  
v.(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立 %lEPFp  
5.luxuriant   luxurious m|e!1_ :H  
luxuriant T,j xIFrF  
adj.繁茂的;丰富的 @bS>XWI>  
Luxuriant forests covered the hillside. DlTV1X-^1  
多产的 qC IZW  
luxurious |A &Nv~.)  
adj.舒适的;豪华的 vFy /  
a luxurious hotel ;`@DQvVZ:  
奢侈的;贪图享受的 :B)w0tVw  
She had luxurious habits. @4hxGk=  
1. massage   message ?T?%x(]I  
massage D3BX[  
vt.按摩;推拿 '[:].?M  
message SlsMMD  
n.消息;音信 C+O`3wPZp  
I have sent mother a message to tell her Ishall be home late. #S_LKc  
There's a message for you from your cousin. Hm1C|Qb  
要旨;要点 $ 'HiNP {c  
the message of this book dYk)RX`}7!  
2.material   materiel 9sJbz=o]r  
material x&8fmUS:@;  
n.材料, 原料, 物资, 素材, 布料 <)y'Ot0 y  
adj.物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的 C n4|qX"&t  
materiel Qa(u+  
n.军用品,装备,设施 .r[J} O"  
3.mediate    meditate j@2 -^q:`  
mediate X!nI{PE  
vi.(常与between连用)调停;斡旋 sRt|G  
meditate 024*IoVZ  
vi.(常与on /upon连用)考虑;深思;冥想;反省;策划;仔细计划 z[] AH#h  
4.moral    morale -&@[]/  
moral [uZU p*.V  
adj.道德(), 精神的 |oPqX %?  
n.道德 $aG]V-M>  
morale $(#o)r>_R  
n.士气, 民心 #d(6q$IE  
1.negligible    negligent  YVD%GJ  
negligible }# w>>{Q  
adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的 r3 p fG  
negligent ra$_#H Y  
adj.疏忽的, 粗心大意的  KDg!Y(m{  
2.notable   noticeable - V_e=Y<J/  
notable HgduH::\#  
adj.显著的, 著名的 WNlWigwYl  
noticeable (J$JIPF  
adj.显而易见的 YPGn8A  
The hole in your trousers is not noticeable. kX 5v!pm[  
1.official   officious r{p?aG  
official h`&mW w  
n.官员, 公务员 "2Js[uf  
adj.职务上的, 公务的, 官方的, 正式的 h9g5W'.#  
officious )Ky 0q-W  
adj.爱发命令的;专横的;好出主意的  QqtFNG  
2. optional   optical   optimal Gd:fWz(  
optional ^9qncvV  
adj.可选择的, 随意的 P0}uTee  
optical 9~Q.[ A  
adj.眼的, 视力的, 光学的 wyvs# T  
optimal S WYiI  
adj.最佳的, 最理想的 > YN<~z-  
3.ordinance  ordnance @0n #Qs|E!  
ordinance aHwr Fkn  
n.法令;条例 Q9FY.KUM  
ordnance d=H C;T)  
n.大炮;炮兵;军械;军需品 8~}Ti*Urc  
1. perpetrate  perpetuate &ATjDbW*(  
perpetrate !oM 1  
vt.作(恶);犯(罪);为(非) nyTfTn  
perpetuate <@@.~Qm'  
vt.使永存, 使不朽 z4_>6sf{  
2.persecute   prosecute olQ;XTa01F  
persecute -DU[dU*~  
vt.迫害 T9N /;3  
prosecute Tx],- U  
vt.告发;检举 !63x^# kg  
He was prosecuted for robbery. ` ')3}  
3.perspective   prospective 8 :Z3Q  
perspective I9k o*f  
n.远景, 前途, 观点;看法, 观点 FW=oP>f]w  
prospective & 7JCPw  
adj.未来的;盼望中的;预期的 b.;F)(  
prospective benefits xNE<$Bz  
4.physicist   physician SP5/K3t-*  
physicist VT;$:>! +  
n.物理学者, 唯物论者 U6n%rdXJ=  
physician |;Jcf3e(  
n.医生;内科医生 R279=sO,J  
5. popular   populace   populous vezX/xD?  
popular 8]'qJ;E2  
adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 |brl<*:  
populace qZCA16  
n平民;大众;老百姓 ^'6!)y#  
populous hSo\  
adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的 ?_ } [@x  
6.portable    potable J=| fxR  
portable  K7 U`  
adj.轻便的, 手提(), 便携式的 /wH]OD{  
potable 7`|$uIM`  
adj.适于饮用的 vf cj,1  
n.饮料 ^)D[ W(*  
7.practicable   practical ixE72bX  
practicable AEe*A+  
adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的 !T#~.QP4  
practical &v'e;W  
adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的, 应用的, 有实际经验的 j%#n}H  
8.principal   principle ^ejU=0+cN  
principal <Gr{h>b  
n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 ?8)_,  
adj.主要的, 首要的 %q`_vtUT  
principle v<HhB.t.  
n.法则, 原则, 原理 "U4Sn'&h@  
9.profile   profit ggzg, ~V  
profile {I&>`?7.  
n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓 9EIHcUXe  
profit &S>m +m'  
n.利润, 益处, 得益 F%UyFUz  
vi.得益, 利用 -WWa`,:  
vt.有益于, 有利于 '+hiCX-_  
10.peel  peep   peek peer 4nN%5c~=  
peel  n 果皮  vt  vi 削皮,剥落 "W?<BpV~@!  
peep  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) b*+Od8r  
peek  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) BA4qQCS;5  
peer  vi 凝视 at -R?~Yysd7K  
10.promise   premise .J6Oiv.E  
promise 6}qp;mR E]  
vt.允诺, 答应 F4xYfbwY"]  
n.允诺, 答应, 许诺 OlL FuVR  
premise q"7rd?r52  
n.前提 {*RyT.J  
vt.提论, 预述, 假定 rvgArFf}]  
vi.作出前提 $p#)xx7  
11.proper   prosper v9QR,b` n  
proper )kfj+/  
adj.正当的;适当的 2Z;wU]  
prosper D[yOFJ~p)  
vi., vt.发达 繁荣;昌盛 #EQwl6  
His company is prospering. `O4Ysk72x9  
12.prescribe   proscribe $$ma1.t"   
prescribe *8{PoD   
vt., vi.开药方;处方;命令;规定 9. :r;HG  
The law prescribes what should be done. XUTI0  
proscribe 8@pY:AY  
vt.禁止;放逐 kcGs2Y_*&  
13.personality   personalty Sqw:U|h\FS  
personality   lM  oi5q  
n.人格;个性 //T1e7)  
a strong personality hUN]Lm6M  
personalty *S,5  
n.个人财产 ^oaFnzJdf  
14.parish   perish {6d)|';%  
parish Zt;3HY=y  
n.教区;行政教区;地方自治区 0$Rl78>(  
(熟知该区情况的警察、出租汽车司机的)工作区域 wtlIyE  
perish >.'rN>B+  
vi., vt.死;暴卒;毁灭;损坏;枯萎 qbcaiU`-^"  
Flowers perish when frost comes. 0* 7N=  
1.responsive   responsible 5M6`\LyU  
responsive v w(X9xa  
adj.(常与to连用)反应的;易反应的 #2AKO/  
She is responsive to kindness. .&Tcds  
responsible ;; |S QX  
adj.(常与to, for连用)有责任的;应负责任的 `?@7T-v  
The bus driver is responsible for thepassengers safety. $6 46"1S  
2.reward   award pHO,][VZ  
reward 5ZpU><y  
n.报酬, 奖金 NmbA~i  
vt.酬劳, 奖赏 x$p_mWC  
award !mX-g]4E  
vt.颁奖,授奖 VSf<(udGr  
The school awarded Merry a prize (for hergood work). |t<Uh,Bt  
1.sanction   sanitation bm`x;M^M  
sanction b9 Gq';o  
n.批准;允许;认可;制裁;处罚;约束力 FR5P;Yz%H  
Poetry is one of the sanctions of life. '#Yqs/V  
sanitation SLGo/I*  
n.公共卫生;保持公共卫生;公共卫生设施 3y9R1/!  
2. secret   secretive TDqH"q0  
secret ^}VAH#c  
n.秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 nogdOGo  
adj.(事物)秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的、 ^"  
secretive gjbSB6[  
adj.(人)守口如瓶的 |:[ [w&R  
3.sob   sober   somber PP1?UT=]  
sob  -9f +O^x  
v.哭诉, (风等)发呜咽声, 哭泣 "bhF`,V  
n.呜咽, 哭泣 JI5%fU%O#n  
sober 3 *g>kRMJ  
adj.未醉的;清醒的;审慎的;严肃的;庄重的;不加装饰的;朴素无华的 V{D~e0i/v  
somber #?^%#"~4H  
adj.忧郁的,郁闷的;阴暗的;幽暗的 *PF}L%K(?  
4.solemn   sole iYPlgt/Y!  
solemn $F#eD 0|  
adj.庄严的, 隆重的, 严肃的 8c%Sd'+ Pt  
sole 7]J7'!Iz  
adj.单独的, 唯一的 awC:{5R8v  
n.脚底, 鞋底, 基础 !:^?GN#~x  
v.换鞋底  *ydh.R<hb  
5.status   statute    stature  statue exP:lO_0n  
status Quts ~Q  
n.身份, 地位, 情形, 状况 (\zxiK  
statute Xu sTU  
n.法令, 条例 rm5@ dM@  
stature FpYeuH %  
n.身高, 身材 x o{y9VS  
statue \r5L7y$9 h  
vt.以雕像装饰 {yCE>F\  
n.雕像 ]IM/R@  
6.stationary    stationery `=.A]) >  
stationary oa"_5 kn,  
adj.固定的;不动的 8bf~uHAr  
Wait until the bus is stationary before youget off. _7bQR 7s  
stationery :< *xG&  
n.文具, 信纸 xWuvT,^  
7.stimulate  simulate   simultaneous spontaneous   instantaneous wpK[;  
stimulate M/5+AsT  
vt.激励,鼓励;使兴奋 :={rPj-nU  
simulate " Z2D@l  
vt.模拟, 模仿;假装, 冒充 .:(T}\]R  
simultaneous *! c&[- g  
adj.同时的, 同时发生的  oHR@*2b  
spontaneous /DGEI&}&:u  
adj.(行为)自发的 ,无意识的 3T)_(SM"  
(现象) 自然产生的 ('oA{,#L  
The eruption of a volcano is spontaneou Y$<p_X,  
The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneousgesture of affection. bqcwZ6r<  
instantaneous SFkB,)Z N  
adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 z>A;|iL  
8.subside   subsidy   subsidize  subsist Dk#4^`qp1  
subside (4Ha'uqz  
vi.(土地)下 陷,凹陷 16|miK[@  
(恶劣的气候或其他激烈的情况)平息,消退,平静 i@o'Fc  
下沉;落下;坐下 T;1aL4 w"  
subsidy v:zKn[;o  
n.补贴;补助金 J}Ji /  
subsidize qE@H~&  
vt.资助;津贴 9}<iS w[  
subsist w@i;<LY.  
vi.生存;维持生活 /=gU  
9.summit   submit ^2-+MWW.  
summit /" 6Gh'  
n.顶点, 最高阶层 kB]?95>Wx  
adj.政府首脑的 txFcV  
vi.参加最高级会议的 Xp?WoC N  
submit 39oI &D>8  
v.(使)服从, (使)顺从 Ur,{ZGm  
vt.提交, 递交 7z9[\]tt  
10.synonymous    anonymous    unanimous evro]&N{  
synonymous 'da$i  
adj.(后面与with连用)同义的 G`R_kg9$  
anonymous t`G<}t   
adj.匿名的 T&u25"QOf  
unanimous <I.{meDg  
adj.全体一致的,无异议的 WF`  
He was elected with unanimous approval. x>[f+Tc  
一致通过的 %+ur41HM  
The whole school was unanimous in itsapproval of the head-master's plan. M6:$ 0(r  
11.surpass    trespass     compass {9|S,<9  
surpass '$y.`/$  
vt.超越, 胜过 oG' 'my#3  
trespass G^A}T3  
vi.(常与on, upon连用)非法侵入; Oi$$vjs2  
The farmer said we were trespassing. u=& $Z  
(与on连用)侵扰,打扰 #(1R:z\:  
I won't trespass upon your time any longer. *#c^.4$'  
compass x4[ Fn3JL  
n.指南针;类似指南针的仪器;圆规;两脚规 xG|n7w*  
1.terminate   exterminate r)Fd3)e   
terminate XE?,)8  
vt., vi.终止;终结;结束 X,ok3c4X  
a display of fireworks that terminated thefestivities. Dt Ry%fA_  
The oil pipeline terminates at a shippingport. Negotiations terminated yesterday b*dEX%H8sf  
exterminate *@[N~:z/  
vt消灭;杀绝 -14~f)%NQ*  
2.terrorist   territory gtJCvVj>g  
terrorist 7!('+x(>  
n.恐怖分子 #b+>O+vx8  
territory MVZ9x%  
n.领土;版图;领地 @+(a{%~7y  
3.temper  temperate  temperature  temperament  temperance  temperamental &8@ a"  
temper N3o kN8d  
n.脾气;性情;心情 f<l.%B  
in a good temper zJT,Hv .  
心情好;闹情绪;发脾气 Ops""#Zi  
He's in a temper today. , \R, O  
temperate x qLIs:*  
adj.有节制的, 适度的, 戒酒的;(气候)温和的 0uO<7IW9  
temperature .8/W_iC92  
n.温度 i=j4Wg,{J  
temperament uW^W/S%'  
n.气质;性情;性格 gfm aO ]  
temperance r!HB""w  
n.节欲, 戒酒, 禁酒, (气候等的)温和 hSfLNvK  
temperamental 0/0rWqg /  
adj.出自本性的;本质的;喜怒无常的;易冲动发火的 4{J'p19  









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