医学考博词汇不仅在医学考博英语中会用到,平时大家写论文时也经常需要熟悉其含义,freekaobo将各类医学考博英语常用词汇进行分类,希望考生们平日多累积记忆。 9 <\`nm
一、肺 Lung Fe!9y2Mg
清晰 clear izuF !9
肺门阴影增大 enlargement of hilar shadows S|AjL
肺纹理增粗 increase of lung markings VaR/o#
钙化灶 calcified \Y5W!.(%w
空洞 cavitation U(,.D}PG
球形病灶 circular lesion (coin lesion) Ia4)uV8
小块阴影区 a minimal area of density #ekM"p
散状的点(片)状阴影 scattered spot (plaque-like) shadows q>s`uFRg(
边界不清的片状阴影 a poorly defined patchy density D$q'FZH
圆形致密影 a round density /+[63=fl
胸膜增厚 pleural thickening ."6[:MF
肋膈角模糊(变钝、消失)haziness (blunting, obliteration) of the costophrenic angle Mvcfk$pA
横膈抬高、活动受限 elevation of diaphragm with limitation of movement Tv$s
包裹性胸腔积液 encapsulated pleural effusion m;,xmEp
液气胸 hydropneumothorax 5kMWW*Xtf
纵膈移位 mediastinal displacement 7o]HQ[ xO
肺门模糊 hilar haze <<zI\+V
肺门密度增高 increase of pulmonary hilar density Im?LIgt$
肺淤血(栓塞) pulmonary venous stasis (infarction) g0R[xOS|
阴影性状 shadow }NCL>l;q
淡的 haziness MesRa
云雾状 clouding zP) ~a
线装 streaky 9pD
7 f`
絮状 patcky j*R,m1e8
结节状 nodular 7Y( 5]A9=
块状 massive u8L$]vOg
粟粒状 miliary k%81f'H
融合状 confluent I4c!m_sr
均匀的 homogeneous #x@ eDnb_
二、心脏 Heart cP>o+-)
左(右)房(室)增大 left (right) atrial (ventricular) enlargement 04@cLDX8uB
主动脉屈曲延长 a tortuous and prolonged aorta 9
主动脉型(二尖瓣型)心脏 “aortic type”(“mitral valve”) heart [(mlv42"
肺动脉段突出 bulging pulmonary artery segment ~mp0B9L%
肺动脉扩张 a dilatation of the pulmonary artery <V&5P3)d9
心影普遍增大 general enlargement of the heart shadow :k=mzO<&
左(右)心室增大 left(right) ventricular enlargement G4-z3e,crr
左(右)心房增大 left(right) atrial dilatation []pN$]+c
靴形心脏 boot-shaped heart \2v"YVWw
主动脉钙化 calcification of aorta 0 p uY"[c
心腰部 waist of heart Xyx"A(v^l
垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心 vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart }"s;\?a
三、腹部平片 KUB film uaPx"
结石 calculus YTaLjITG
钙化影 calcified shadow PAF8Wlg
阶梯型液平 fluid levels with stepladder pattern o>]`ac0b}Y
液气平面 gas-fluid level V9%aBkf8w
膈下游离气体 subphrenic free air 8?FueAM'
四、胃肠道钡剂检查 barium enema examination chI.{Rj
胃肠造影 gastroenterography Lxl_"kG
双重对比造影 double contrast radiography $.E6S<(h
食管蠕动征 esophageal peristalsis sign 'DbMF?<.
十二指肠曲(压迹)duodenal flexure(impression) Vm1-C<V9
小肠黏膜皱襞影 mucosal fold shadow of small intestine z? ]G3$i(
结肠蠕动与排空征 peristalsis and empting signs of colon 2tQ`/!m>v$
胃排空时间延长 delayed gastric emptying time oYM3Rgxf9Q
胃空腹潴留液 fasting retention of stomach Fj
充盈缺损 filling defect ed!>)Cb
黏膜皱襞消失 disappearance of the mucosal folds qOhO qV
张力减低(增高)hypotonicity (hypertonicity) RVw9Y*]b
球部激惹现象 irritable cap gXFWxT8S
蠕动增强 vigorous peristaltic activity (hyperperistalsis) |UnUG
蠕动减弱 bradydiastalsis ,\)a_@@k
蠕动消失 aperistalsis YUWn;#
排空加快(减缓) accelerated(reduced) evacuation W6c]-pc
跳跃现象 skipping phenomenon o2H1N~e#c
黏膜增宽和迂曲 broadened and tortuous mucosal fold ,L>
黏膜皱襞平坦 flat mucosal fold :3h{ A`u
五、胆道 bile tract dI'SwnR
口服胆囊造影 oral cholecystography 7*+]wEs
静脉胆管胆囊造影 intravenous cholecysto-cholangiography `6=-WEo
经T形管胆囊造影 trans-T-tube cholecystography *Nb#W!
经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) tA.`k;LT
胆总管扩张dilated common duct xb2?lL]
胆囊浓缩功能良好 gallbladder concentrated satisfactorily T.e.{yO
胆囊显影不好,浓缩功能差 gallbladder with faint shadow, concentrated inadequately
收缩功能 contractibility f>j wN@(
六、骨骼skeleton Ch
骨皮质增厚 cortical thickening of bone upn~5>uCP
洋葱皮样改变 “onion skin” appearance n
骨膜反应 periosteal reaction ='?:z2lJ
骨质疏松 osteoporosis (rarefaction) w42OF7f
骨化 ossification Rg&-0b
畸形 deformity 3L>IX8_
缩短 shortening !v|IS
移位 displacement sfT+i;p
脱位 luxation yY{kG2b,
半脱位 subluxation |iYg >
连接不正 malunion )>\}~s
青枝骨折 greenstick fracture 5i6
多发性骨折 multiple fracture G`h+l<
病理性骨折 pathological fracture x+5p1sv6
关节间隙 joint space MZv]s
椎间隙 intervertebral space j F"YTr6
肋软骨钙化影 calcification shadow of costal cartilage U
骨质软化osteomalacia (osteomalacosis) b8KsR=]4I
骨质增生硬化 hyperostosis osteosclerosis VaZn{z
死骨 sequestrum is;XmF*5=
骨质坏死 bone necrosis 9<Eg}Ic
关节肿胀(破坏;退行)swelling (destruction; degeneration) of joint m4w')r~
关节强直 ankyloses v5ur&egVs
骨骺分离 epiphyseal separation ?8@>6IXn
对线良好 good alignment yq[Cq=rBk
对位良好 good apposition m*0,s
七、泌尿系统 urological system ^H'a4G3
静脉肾盂造影 intravenous pyelography (IVP) Zi$ziDz&
逆行肾盂造影 retrograde pyelography A~(l{g
萎缩 atrophy %GEJnJ
移位 deformity 5r{;CKKz
扭曲 distortion Yepe=s+9
充盈缺损 filling defect ]uL+&(cr
狭窄 stricture +#J,BKul
不透光的(透光的)结石 opaque(translucent) stone Px@/Q
八、X线检查位置 mY!iu(R1
前后位 anteroposterior projection ~|Y>:M+0Z
后前位 postero-anterior(PA) projection nxm$}!Df
侧位 lateral projection
OK|qv [
立位 upright position =ziwxIo6
斜位 oblique projection rEZ8eeB[3
右(左)前斜位 right(left) anterior oblique(RAO/LAO) projection N)8HR9[!
前后斜位 anteroposterior oblique projection H(^bC5'
前凸位 lordotic position projection m(O
轴位 axial position Rs& @4_D
头位 cranial projection L];y}]:F*
尾位 caudal projection 4pz|1Hw7