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主题 : 四川大学2009 年博士研究生入学考试完形填空题
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楼主  发表于: 2016-10-21   
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四川大学2009 年博士研究生入学考试完形填空题

com g*(z .  
urine sugar levels. The country that gave the world transistor radios, the Walkman and al B'l  
hand-held videogames is now positioned to turn its love of gadgetry into a profitable //;(KmU9  
national enterprise once again. vcsSi%M\U  
26. We can learn from the first paragraph that ______. Mk0x#-F  
A. it is impossible for people to find high-tech robots in a simple wooden house 7{ (UiQbf  
B. it is easy for people to think of a simple wooden house in the modern Japan fm@Pa} ,  
C. Kamiyama usually goes to a coffee restaurant to release her loneliness (~%NRH<\  
D. Kamiyama has a mechanical companion whose voice is very sharp and short i39ZBs@  
27. Who giggles after Kamiyama comes into the room according to the passage? C #iZAR  
A. The old woman Kamiyama herself. [\#ANA"  
B. Kamiyama's fantastic pet robot. y631;dU  
C. A mechanical companion in Star Wars. +7o1&D*v  
D. A naughty Japan's creation Astro Boy. c|JQ0] K  
28. We can infer from the third paragraph that nowadays many old people in Japan s9a`2Wm  
are ______. :o ~'\:/  
A. treated as old persons B. very lonely in their life BC/5bA  
C. enjoying themselves D. not taken good care of ap'La|9t>  
29. The phrase "warm up to" in the third paragraph can be most likely replaced by >Oj$ Dn=  
______. {hJCn*m_   
A. become warmer and warmer B. prepare for a game with the robot }<X*:%#b  
C. start to like or be friendly with D. approach to or come up to e"wz b< b  
30. Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the roles the robots can play? b r Iz8]  
A. Helpful instruments. B. Friendly companions. U3z23LgA  
C. Entertaining machines. D. Instructive educators. bL`\l!qQx;  
II.Vocabulary (10%,0.5 mark each) 7%EIn9P  
Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are qqe"hruFJ  
four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the Q-V8=.  
sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line =  g &  
through the center. |" WL   
31.Comparing the time scales between many flu epidemics,scientists can________ oJ %Nt&q  
when another one might happen. ?g{[U0)  
A.determine B.anticipate C.predict D.assure rP'%f 6  
31. My father never gave me ______. =WUL%MfW  
A. many advice B. many advices D.:`]W|  
C. much advice D. a lot of advices }=)u_q  
32. She took him ______ and led him across the road. 'g,_lF  
A. by his hand B. by the hand nvf5a-C+q  
C. with hand D with the hand $)"T9 $>$  
33. I don't think he IS to blame, ______? $3l#eKZA  
A. do I B. is he C. isn't he D. does he {Kr}RR*{X  
34. ______. I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. BHAFO E  
A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. However I+;e#v,%U  
35. He couldn't lie convincingly enough to take a child ______. Cip|eM&l  
A. away B. down C. in D. up y\;oZ]J  
36. The parents were worried about Dorothy because no one was aware ______ she #*qV kPX  
had gone. -XL? n/M  
A. where that B. of where C. where D. the place KTT!P 4  
37. It was not until she returned home ______ she realized she had almost wasted ten Y\_mq d  
of her valuable hours. 5I6?gv/  
A. and B. when C. then D. that ]^.`}Y=`g  
38. There has not been a great response to the sale, ______? q`{@@[/ (y  
A. does it B. has it C. does there D. has there 75^*4[  
39. Anthropology is a science ______ anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods GY-4w@Wl  
and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. #aC&!Rei{  
A. in that B. that in C. that D. in D9NRM;v  
40. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much *!"T^4DEg  
broader than ______. faLfdUimJ  
A. the domestic marketer has uc!6?+0h  
B. those of the domestic marketer |tI{MztJ"c  
C. the domestic marketer does c/bT5TIEWs  
D. that which has the domestic marketer u;^H=7R  
41. I'm surprised at there ______ an index. vFJ4`Gjw(  
A. not to be B. to be not C. not being D. being not  8q9 ^  
42. I ______this soup. I ______ pepper in it. 9m>L\&\_e  
A. am tasting ... am tasting B. am tasting ... taste KS~Q[-F1P  
C. taste ... am tasting D. taste ... have tasted hOLlZP+  
43. ______ , explorers could never have found the cave. 8b,Z)"(U3  
A. But for the fissure had been spotted B. If not the fissure had' been spotted !lEV^SQJs  
C. Had the fissure not been spotted D. Had not the fissure been spotted LL3| U  
44. John often sits in a small bar, drinking and smoking considerably more ______. !$iwU3~<  
A. than that he is healthy B. than good for his health x?{l<mc  
C. than his health could D. than is good for his health 5C`Vno~v  
45. This ______ girl is Mary's cousin. SP2";,%/9  
A. pretty little Swedish B. Swedish little pretty j/uMSE  
C. Swedish pretty little D. little pretty Swedish L~|_)4  
46. We are not on very good ______ with the people next door. %:l\Vhhz  
A. friendship B. relations C. will D. terms K~UT@,CS60  
47. Usually newspapers ______ for people with intellectual interests. '2|mg<Ft  
A. suit B. furnish C. regard D. cater 96F+I!qC  
48. The overcrowded living conditions ______ a heavy strain on the family. z9AX8k(B6  
A. set B. put C. made D. pressed 9~f RYA*  
49. The supply of apples exceeds the ______ this year. >> -{AR0  
A. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand [F *hjGLc}  
50. I must take this watch to be repaired, it ______ gY-}!9kW]  
A. increases B. progresses C. accelerates D. gains R^ I4_ZA  
III.Cloze Test (10%,0.5 mark each) &s.-p_4w^D  
"\afIYS I  
Direction:In this part,you are required to read the following passage carefully.For }`$({\^w  
each of the 20 blanks 20 there are four marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the z*^vdi0  
ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer )lx;u.$4  
Sheet with a single line through the center. y7R{6W_U>  
Many instructors believe that an informal, relaxed classroom environment is Z +}# Ic  
good for learning and innovation. It is not uncommon for students to have easygoing hdH-VR4  
and friendly relationships with their professors. The casual professor is not necessarily gWjz3ob  
a poor one and is still respected by students. Although students may be in a ]'i}}/}u2  
subordinate position, some professors treat them as equals. However, no matter how HFj@NRE6  
equal professors would like to be, they still are in a position of authority. h7\16j  
Professors may establish social relationships with students outside of the Q@l.p-:^U  
classroom, but in the classroom they maintain the instructor's role. A professor may g9gyx/'*  
have coffee one day with students but the next day expect them to meet a deadline for j=b-Y  
the submission of a paper or to be prepared for a discussion or an exam. The professor i'Q 4touy  
may give extra attention outside of class to a student in need of help but probably will \%;5$ovV  
not treat him or her differently when it comes to evaluating school work. Professors ~{yQsEU  
have several roles in relation to students; they may be friends as well as teachers. z a4:Jdr  
Students must realize that when a teacher's role changes, they must appropriately yD&UH_ 1g  
adapt their behavior and attitudes. f'M7x6W  
51 A. instructive B. conducive C. constructive D. healthy xOpCybmc  
52 A. easygoing B. comforting C. carefree D. relaxing :+S~N)0j^  
53 A. consultative B. informal C. easy D. casual -f[95Z3}  
54 A. despised B. respected C. neglected D. overlooked #>\8m+h 9  
55 A. inferior B. minor C. low D. subordinate bU"2D.k  
56 A. peers B. colleagues C. friends D. equals jP"='6Vrw  
57 A. democratic B. formal C. relaxed D. strict W\yaovAt  
58 A. authority B. expert C. supervisor D superior 4ze4{a^  
59 A. build B. set C. get D. establish Rlf#)4  
60 A. sustain B. support C. maintain D. retain }#f~"-O  
61 A. but B. hence C. nevertheless D. then /3v`2=b  
62 A. match B. fulfill C. meet D satisfy 3/((7O[  
63 A. submission B. presentation C. delivery D. handing rv97Wm+  
64 A. for B. with C. against D. of Bso3Z ^X.  
65 A. due B. extra C. sufficient D. supplementary +q3E>K9a  
66 A. quest B. need C. search D. views lAPvphO  
67 A. gets to B. comes to C. reaches D. touches vb Mv8Nk  
68 A. with regard to B. in view of C. in relation to D. with reference to ~~'UQnUN4  
69 A. suppose B. suggest C. realize D. assume 5S ?+03h~  
70 A. adopt B. adapt C. adept D. conform )o8]MWT\;  









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