1-antitrypsin,α1-ATα1-抗胰蛋白酶 }2=~7&)
acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS急性呼吸窘迫综合征 z'Bvjul
adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS成人呼吸窘迫综合征 h\C1:0x{
alveolar emphysema肺泡性肺气肿 J^kSp
aspiration pneumonia吸入性肺炎 !ggHLZRlz
asbesesis石棉肺 2Z(?pJyDM
asteroid body星形体 hzV%QDUpe
boneycomb lung蜂窝肺 %*L
bronchial asthma支气管哮喘 7CT446
bronchiectasis支气管扩张症 V2Z^W^
bronchioalvolar carcinoma细支气管肺泡癌 a/d8_(0
bronchogenic carcinoma支气管癌 V g7+G( ,
bronchopneumonia支气管肺炎 q!d7
bullae lung肺大泡 m7,"M~\pX
carcinoma of the larynx喉癌 kDKfJp&a
carcinoma of the lung肺癌 CwF=@:*d
centriacinar emphysema腺泡中央型肺气肿 `yXHb
chronic bronchitis慢性支气管炎 %F*h}i
chronic cor pulmonale慢性肺源性心脏病 m]++
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, COPD慢性阻塞性肺病 Mc|UD*Z
compensatory emphysema代偿性肺气肿 Yu9(qRK
compensatory emphysema代偿性肺气肿 GQkI7C
confluent bronchopneumonia融合性小叶性肺炎 r-}C !aF]
elastase弹性蛋白酶 g dBH\K (\
hypostatic pneumonia坠积性肺炎 -1F+,+m
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF特发性肺纤维化 kEdAt5/U{
interlenkin,IL白细胞介素 CwzDkr&QC_
interstitial emphysema间质性肺气肿 :2&W9v
legionaires disease军团菌病 /;1h-Rc>
legionella pneumonia军团菌性肺炎 1`&"U[{
lobar pneumonia大叶性肺炎 w#$Q?u ,G
lobular pneumonia小叶性肺炎 \R#OJ=F
lobule肺小叶 XgZ.U
muscularization of arterioles无肌细动脉肌化 z`@|v~i0`
mycoplasmal pneumonia支原体肺炎 ?F%,d{^
nasopharyngeal carcinoma鼻咽癌 g"v-hTx
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, NRDS新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 Rp""&0
obstructive emphysema阻塞性肺气肿 RC]-9gd3Q
overinflation过度充气 czp}-{4X
panacinar emphysema全腺泡型肺气肿 -6>T0
paracicatrical emphysema瘢痕旁肺气肿 $>PV6
paraseptal emphysema隔旁肺气肿 64-;| k4F
periacinar emphysema腺泡周围型肺气肿 q vGkTE
pneumoconiosis肺尘埃沉着症 O9 [Dae{i
pneumocystis pneumonia卡氏肺孢菌性肺炎 h}jE=T5Hc
pneumocystis carinii卡氏肺孢菌 NXDuO_#
pneumonia肺炎 ^NiS7 )FX
pulmonary acinus肺腺泡 <-m[0zgq
pulmonary carnification肺肉质变 OuF%!~V
pulmonary cystic fibrosis肺囊性纤维化 V17SJSC-
pulmonary emphysema肺气肿 <2{-ey]
sarcoidosis结节病 6` @4i'.
senile emphysema老年性肺气肿 N1i%b,:3
silicosis肺硅沉着症 iqPMCOPZ
silicotic nodule硅结节 K.K=\
silicotuberculosis硅肺结核病 vCS D1~V_
viral pneumonia病毒性肺炎