与疾病有关的意念的表达方式: -
I. 疾病: V2 `>
名词及词组: %a8&W
terminal [serious / minor / slight / acute / chronic] illness; +_m r
fatal [infectious / contagious / curable / incurable / heart / lung / kidney] disease; 8LrK94
stomach [liver / skin] disorder; fI:H8
disorder of the liver [stomach / skin]; \{v,6JC
throat [ear / lung ] infection; Ft-6m%
a focal [acute / chronic] inflammation of the lungs; !#WqA9<
动词及词组: k0ItG?Cv
suffer from an illness [a disease / a condition / a disorder / an attack]; !v>ew9
catch [have / get / contract / develop] a disease [an illness]; 2P}bG>M
be [feel / fall / become / get] seriously ill [sick] with a virus [measles / worry]; <GZhH:
be unwell / not be well;
be prone to an illness; a$}6:E
recover from an illness; (!</%^ZI
diagnose a patient or a disease; 0m=(W^c
infect sb; p;->hn~D'5
spread [induce / pass down / inherit] a disease; Eo=HNe
[a disease] spread through sth; A*0*sZ0
II. 诊断和治疗: uPDaq ]A
名词及词组: fVUKvZ}P*
medical [surgical] treatment [therapy] / operation on sb / patient with (a disease) / large [small] doses / a sterile bandage / v5 Y)al@
动词及词组: +by|
cure sb [sth] / cure sb of sth / treat sb [sth] / treat sb with sth / receive [undergo] treatment / have an operation on sb / carry out [conduct / perform] an operation / diagnose [misdiagnose] a patient [disease] (as sth) / make a diagnosis [misdiagnosis] on / respond to a treatment / bandage / dressing ?( 12aU
形容词及词组: WZ*&@|w
curable / incurable / therapeutic / sterile