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主题 : 考博英语语法重点总结
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-03-22   
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考博英语语法重点总结 kQ{pFFO  
独立主格、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、主谓一致、倒装 AP/5, M<  
独立主格特征 3x 'BMAA+  
1. 充当句子的状语。 "E 8-76n  
2. 有自己的主语,同句子的主语不一致。 K~v"%sG{`  
3. 名词(代词,形容词,副词,介词)+ 分词  ] |~],\  
4.  With + 名词 (代词) + 分词 (形容词) )}n`MRDB  
例:a) It being raining, I decided to stay at home. &``;1/J*W  
b) Speech having been delivered, discussion started. ?s p  
c) he entered the room, with his hands open(holding a rifle). h"]v+u`!SM  
真题剖析 qK;n>BTe  
(1995) 45 cliffs no longer crumbling, the beaches are   46   of the material which would  47  feed them. :m^eNS6:  
  45. A. For    B. As     C. With     D. Because RK"dPr  
练习:Do what you need to do to keep the wolf __7__ from the door, the world __8__ your thesis adviser, team leader, or laboratory director. Then use the rest of your time, perhaps at night or on the weekends, to do __9__ you really want to do. FeLWQn/aV6  
8. A. is       B. having        C. being        D. be C37KvLQ  
虚拟语气 O<."C=1~E  
虚拟语气(2) Bb8lklQ  
1. (should)+动词原形 1th|n  
It +be动词+形容词(-able)(essential, odd, vital, absurd, regrettable, desirable…)+that从句 0@^YxU[YN  
It +be动词+名词(pity,shame…)+that从句 '1^\^) &q  
It +be动词+过去分词(ordered, begged, voted, moved…)+that从句 9'td}S  
部分名词/动词(表示建议,劝告,决定等) +that从句 +Rxf~m(pV  
2. It’s (high, about) time that +动词过去式 D3(|bSca  
       would rather +动词过去式 qmtVk  
真题剖析 76mQ$ze  
(1997) … I wouldn’t be truthful if I  47  say that teaching is hard work . … lNls8@  
   47. A. do   B. did   C. don’t   D. didn’t BLuILE:$  
(1993)…The Cairo newspapers the next day carried banner headlines about the student demonstration  52 , and they    53  that the professor be sent home. ^xu`NE8;  
53. A. ordered   B. pleaded   C. decided  D. demanded a?M<r>  
练习:Years ago the experts warned us that the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time that we__15__ this message to heart. =>4>Z_q  
15. A. took       B. would take     C. will take      D. should take   VG q'  
(2003.3) It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even __54__ other facets of life prove disappointing. L8/o9N1  
(even if other facets of life should prove disappointing.) \SA5@ .W  
54.A. shall   B.will    C.would    D.should DZRk K3  
非谓语动词 dkLc"$( O  
动名词、分词、不定式。 .LN&EfMenF  
主动或被动。(doing/done, to do /to be done) zp , f}  
发生在谓语动词之前还是之后。(doing/ having done /having been done, to do/to have done /to have been) 9 qqy(H  
To在什么情况下作介词,什么情况下作不定式引导词。 %Kd8ZNv  
真题剖析 \*v}IO>2})  
(2000) … In the inner cities of America, newspapers regularly report on newborn babies  60  into garbage bins by drug-addicted mothers. aq0J }4U  
60. A. dropped  B. to drop  C. dropping  D.drops %n=!H  
(2001.3) A heroin addict, for instance, leads a  59  life: his increasing need for heroin in increasing doses prevents him from working, from maintaining relationships, from developing in human ways. `i,ZwnLh{  
59. A. destructive   B. dissatisfied    C. damaged     D. derivative qs\ & C  
主谓一致 Ajs<a(,6  
1. 整体及抽象概念作主语,谓语通常用单数形式。 q'hMf?_  
   How you got there doesn’t concern me. Lk4&&5q  
   Growing vegetables needs constant watering. t A\N$  
2.  表示时间、距离、重量、容量、价值等概念作主语,谓语多用单数。 f&7SivS#  
   Eight hundred dollars is enough to live on.    T,`'qZ>  
3. 以-s结尾的专有名词(linguistics, economics, measles, diabetes等),谓语通常用单数形式。 aVO5zR./)  
4. “分数或百分数+主语”,谓语跟主语保持一致。 s~IOc%3  
   Two thirds of the villages are flooded (the area is under water). G0^23j  
5. 不定代词(one, each, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something等)作主语,谓语用单数。 J=Ak+  J  
   Everyone knows that you’ve come here. ?G* XZ0u~  
   If anybody wants to see me, let them wait till I come back.    (--thing 的情况例外) [qIi_(%o  
6. 谓语同并列主语的第一部分保持一致(as well as, with, along with, together with, as much as, accompanied by, besides, but, except, in addition to, like, more than, no less than, rather than, including等) zi:GvTG  
   He no less than John is interested in literature. #- z*c  
7. 谓语同最贴近的主语保持一致。(or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, not…but, partly…partly等) `(_cR@\  
   Either my father or my brothers are coming.    %+Z 0 $Q  
8. each,every,many a, no …+主语,谓语用单数。 C ])Q#!D|  
   Many a student and teacher has been to the Great Wall. V/"XC3/n*  
真题剖析 ]6pxd \Q  
(2000) …Mexico City already 52 twenty million people and Calcutta twelve million. According to the World Bank, 53 of Africa’s cities are growing by 10% a year,  54 of urbanization ever recorded. 0{BPT>'  
   53. A. none   B. few   C. any   D. some    DcQ^V4_  
倒装 A0V"5syY  
全部倒装 I{_St8  
1. “There (Here) +be+主语” LJc w->  
  There stand big buildings in this district. p27A#Uu2}  
  Here on the desk lies a pile of books. m{JiF-=u  
2. 单个副词(in, out, now, up, down, away, off, then)位于句首(短语动词不可拆,如it blew up.) PJAE~|a  
   In came the boss. / Ahead sat an old man. _>dqz(8#  
3. 介词短语作状语位于句首 -E2[P W4$  
   In the middle of the room stood the naughty boy. vk5pnCM^3  
4. 表语位于句首 xGk@BA=0<  
  Especially remarkable was his flat nose. q&<#)#+  
  Not far from here is a famous university. <^~Xnstl  
5. so,nor, neither, no more 位于句首,代表前文 ~BERs;4  
  She wasn’t angry, and neither was I. $\81WsL '  
  Peter doesn’t like pop music. No more does his brother. p$?c>lim  
6. 分词短语位于句首(分词+be +主语) cQ6[o"j.  
  Gone forever were the days that we depended on foreign oil. yx{Ac|<mR  
部分倒装 ,RCjfX a  
1. 疑问句 x3PeU_9  
2. 否定副词(seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, little, never, few, not until, not only) 位于句首(作形容词时例外) #7lkj:j4  
   Never did John speak rudely to his parents. %b\xRt[0v7  
3. “only+状语”位于句首 S/~6%uJ  
   Only when he comes back can be leave. ~-']Q0Z  
4. “hardly…when”, “scarcely…when”, “no sooner…than”, “not only…(but also)” 位于句首 tborRi)  
  No sooner had he got into the classroom than the class began. ~q4DePVE  
5. not,no组成的词组位于句首(in no way, under no  circumstances, on no account…) +FY-r[_~  
   By no means should you break the rules. 7 aDI6G  
   At no time should we give in to difficulties. d2.n^Q"?3  
6. 虚拟倒装(had, were, should放到句首)    k`oXo%  
7. “形容词/名词/动词+as/though(尽管,虽然)+be动词” _9!Ru!u~  
   Small though the room is, it can hold more than twenty people. M?[lpH3  
   Search as they would, they could find nothing in the house.









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