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主题 : 上海交大医学院考博英语辅导班材料词汇练习
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-02-20   
来源于 考博资料 分类


词汇练习 @6roW\'$  
1. For many decades, economists have beenarguing about the role of ideas, innovation and _______ in economic growth. G2{.Ew  
a. ingathering    b. ingredient    c. ingratitude    d. ingenuity sBo|e]m#  
2. In thiscompany, absenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly ______ theefficiency of the firm operation. re `B fN  
a. cut off    b. cut over     c. cut up     d. cut into u\JYxNj1  
3. The day wasstar-crossed: Friday 13th in the month of October, on the eve of thesecond anniversary of a ______ market crash. t*&O*T+fgy  
a. agitating    b. devastating    c. evacuating    d. withstanding *:*Kdt`'G  
4. Even with theprice cutting, the 32-bit systems are still far too expensive to _____consumers used to paying &100 or less for a game machine with plenty ofgood software. AxOn~fZ!  
a. justify   b. topple  c. lease    d. tempt QE.a2 }  
5. If goodintentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deterioratingatmosphere, the planets _____ layer of air would be as good as fixed? `XJU$c  
a. sheer     b. fragile     c. initial    d. lethal jo-qP4w  
6. Tom went tohave further studies in the United  Kingdom. He found it______ that he couldn’tspeak English well. Yzr|Z7r q}  
a.fascinating    b. frustrating    c. optimizing    d. rationalizing b\U p(]  
7. There were manypeople on the street, but the police_____ the thief’s attempt to escape. HZ#<+~J  
a. pursued    b. collaborated    c. scooped    d. foiled ~S],)E1w  
8. The factory hasobtained a _____ on the invention. % e@Jc 3  
a. patent    b. scenario     c. continuation    d. passion ;LBq!  
9. If you want toobtain information for particulars, please ______ the office. #Zm%U_$<  
a. work on    b get into    c. apply to     d. interact with w<3g1n7R  
10. After years of_______ in his studies, Jeff successfully earned his Ph. D. last year. fFHT`"bD:  
a. agonizing    b. persevering    c. competing    d. converting jtMN)TM  
11. Few peopleknow that he has a(n)_____ desire for revenge, for he has always been such akind person. f/r@9\x  
a. vulnerable   b. petty   c. acute      d. variable O%(E 6 n  
12. All the _____of experimental and mathematical procedures should be strictly observed. {!B^nCSL  
a. minutiae    b. scenario    c. informatics     d. academia m|RA@sY%`  
13. It was incrediblethat the children in some African countries were _____ starving. "v"w ER?  
a.unscrupulously    b. insanely     c. savagely       d. literally k-v@sb24_  
14. There is______ evidence of corruption in some government agencies and therefore strongmeasures must be taken. BJM_kKH  
a. rewarding     b. shrinking      c. mounting     d. packing +=5Dt7/|  
15. The big dogattacked the burglar ______. ?0Qm  
a. savagely      b. unscrupulously     c. vitally    d. fertilely %CxrXU  
16. The concernswith the origins of the earth ______ their study. 6QCU:2IiL  
a. motivated    b. advised      c. excited    d. informed *EZ'S+wR  
17. He seems poor,but I ______ that he has quite a lot ofmoney. vKzq7E  
a. suspect     b.form     c. elaborate    d. formulate )$*T>.JA  
18. If you push inthe world, the world will push back on you; if you touch the world gently, theworld will touch you gently _____. ;_yp@.,\T  
a. in return    b. in the long run    c. in turn     d. in place (W7cQ>  
19. He was ____enough to understand my question from the gestures I made. }*2q7K2bj  
a. intelligent    b. efficient     c. proficient    d. diligent 2BU%4IG  
20. On the firstday when a pupil enters school, he is asked to conform ______ the school rules. y%X{[F  
a. in       b. at       c. on       d. to nyZUf{:  
21. He rewrote thenovel in an effort to turn it into a more popular ____. 6#/Riu%  
a. version     b. copy       c. issue      d. booklet -?A,N,nnX  
22. Galileo, thefirst modern scientist, was forced by the Church under threat of torture to_____ that the earth moves around the sun. O\64)V 0  
a. admit      b. elaborate      c. deny      d. approve $e=pdD~  
23. Many peoplefind religious beliefs important in their lives, but such beliefs are not partof science because they are matters of faith with principles that are meant tobe ______ without question. zCdQI  
a. criticized    b. accepted     c. declined     d. refused cO,ELu  
24. The laws andtheories of science do not represent “ultimate truth”: they are consideredvalid only ______ no contrary evidence comes to light. NR8YVO)5$  
a. whenever      b. as soon as      c. even if     d. as long as `TM[7'  
25. The mostcareful observations, the most elaborate calculations will not be fruitful_____ the right questions are asked. L{K:XiPn  
a. wherever    b. no matter     c. unless     d. regarding C F2*W).+  
26. What surprisedus most was the huge ______ of treasure stacked pile after pile in theunderground cellar. k_rtsN  
a.accumulation     b. acceleration   c. analysis    d. ancestor x[Xj[O  
27. Mr. Smith was______ to buy a cheaper car in order to save enough money to purchase anapartment suite. \:cr2w'c  
a. obliged    b. indulged     c. pursued    d. identified -5Qsc/ s&  
28. Victoria is in asplitting_______ since she can’t decide who will be her Mr. Right. qB`zyd8yu  
a. stagnation    b. resentment    c. assets     d. dilemma 6vVx>hFJ47  
29. Peking Operais among the most valued cultural _____, though mostly liked by the old insteadof the young. i^[yGXtW  
a. array    b. technicality    c. competence     d. legacies Sm;EWz-?  
30. the localgovernment is planning a salary _____ on a big scale which will lead to a raisein purchasing power of common workers. #GBe=tm\K  
a. boost     b. devotion    c. temperament     d. globalization 9kcp(  
31. The thrillingnews was totally beyond students’ expectation and it therefore ______ the wholecampus. M<t>jM@'A#  
a. enlarged    b. dedicated    c. electrified    d. declined 4%Q8>mEvT  
32. The railroadand the automobile have contributed much to the great ____ of population allover the world. qRMH[F$`  
a. mobility     b. pouring      c. purifying     d. morality mOj6 4}_`"  
33. It is assumedthat the number of people _______ by the recent quake may continue to rise. $gsn@P>"  
a. displaced      b. disguised     c. abused      d. accounted y6|&bJ @  
34. For the sakeof safety, speeding is completely _____ in front of school areas. Las4ux[_  
a. controlled     b.compromised      c. banned     d. coerced |A_yr/f  
35. The touristswere extremely delighted to find that they would be _____ in a grand andluxurious hotel. "^j& ^sA+  
a. adapted     b. accustomed       c. accommodated     d. adjusted dQ97O{O:i  
36. He welldeserved the “Best Supporting Actor” prize on account of his incredibleperformance which ____ the sweet memory in people of the “good, old days”. ^ q]BCOfJ(  
a. presumes    b erodes   c. evokes    d. assigns -Dw qoWZ  
37. Language is______ to human life because it gives meaning to otherwise random experience. )Yvf9dl  
a. indisputable     b.indescribable     c. indispensable    d. indiscernible HH[b1z2D  
38. The ITindustry was forced to make a(n) ____ reduction in employment due to years ofsales drop. Ea@N:t?(8=  
a. drastic    b. dominant     c. optimistic    d. optional 8fzm CRFH  
39. It serves youright: your lack of motivation and vitality ______ your ultimate failure. jIx5_lFe  
a. attributesto    b. contributes to    c. results from    d. involved in t.m65  
40. Aneye-witness, one of the few post-war survivors, firmly pointed out how the Jewswere _____ by the Nazi during WWII. K9co_n_L  
a.replenished    b. persecuted    c. proclaimed    d. purified Ob+L|FbnN  
41. From the _____scene, the millionaire, who became wealthy overnight by lottery realized thathis grand house must have been broken in. 7_ g}t!b`  
a. chaotic     b. fragile    c. moral   d. desirable /g3U,?qP  
42. The attractiveaspect of this robot lies in its ____ ; as its “feet” can move freely to meetdifferent needs. 0eY$K7 U  
a.flexibility    b. esteem    c. humanity    d. identity LGq}wxq  
43. _______ allthe circumstances, he thought it wise not to say anything further. T69'ta32V  
a. centeringon     b. Leaving off  c. Taking into account   d. Going back to $FEG0&  
44. The localgovernment plans to ______ the anti-pollution & pollution-prevention schemein five year. uGl +"/uDu  
a. implement    b. cripple    c. detach     d. perceive p{7"a  
45. The designersof TV commercials often rack their brains and try their best to produce aunique visual picture and convince ______ buyers that the products beingadvertised are the best. HABMFv  
a. potent    b. productive    c. prospective     d. private z5Hz-.  
46. The royal cookwas eager to know what kinds of food or dishes would ______ the would-be queen.So he inquired many people from the high officials to the palace maids of lowrank. Wbc*x  
a. appeal for    b. call on    c. call for     d. appeal to _A%} >:q  
47. _______ hisold age, his stage performance was really incredible: almost beyond everyone’simagination. l+S08IZ  
a. Taking intoaccount    b. Coming into being    c. Falling into step )`]w\s #  
d. Centering on b`E'MX_ m  
48. When theheadmaster told her the good news about her championship in the nationalcontest, she couldn’t help bursting into laughter and her eyes ______. 7>`QX%  
a. emitted    b. shot   c. sparkled    d. span )|f!}( p  
49. The injuredrequiring immediate attending should be given _____ in the hospitals. a?%X9 +1A  
a. priority    b. urgency    c. superiority   d. emergency HErTFY+vC  
50. The couple hadto ____ their meager savings to pay for their son’s university tuition fees. ?}y?e}y*xZ  
a. draw on    b. draw up    c. contribute to     d. attribute to (</cu$w>H)  
51. The Giantseized a few small kids ______ at the lightening speed from the terrified crowdand took them away in his huge hands. `V[{(&?,n  
a. byaccident    b. at random    c. on occasion    d. on average t5 n$sF  
52. Thegovernments put forward several policies and regulations in order to ____ theever soaring price of the housing. G@b|{!  
a. constrain    b. foster     c. accelerate     d. propel OL&ku &J_  
53. Those who fellin love with each other deem every minute spending in waiting for the other is________. hh`7b,+ 4  
a. inherent    b. eternal    c. subtle   d. ethereal U.UN=uv_  
54. He got the jobin Bell Lab ____ his strength of will as well as his abilities. nE)?P*$3Z  
a. by virtueof   b. by way of    c. by the time of    d. by the light of eZs34${fN  
55. Many peopleassumed that the New Economy has resulted in the ____ trend of rapiddevelopment of business and the booming prosperity, which has become a hotissue among economists. ^yiRrcOo  
a. almighty    b. subtle  c. irreversible    d.irreplaceable u$d T^c  
56. One of thedreams cherished by the poor peasants is to own a _____ pair of shoes. *KSQ^.sYh  
a. endurable    b. durable     c. smart     d. delicate k,O("T[  
57. It has beendecided that we are going on a sightseeing tour during the holiday. We all_______ it after several months of hard work. ~=i9] %g ?  
a. appreciate    b. prompt   c. suspend     d. evoke [5^"U+`{x  
58. As one part ofmoral education in high schools, students should be taught to _______ theirsense of responsibility. jI!}}K)d  
a. satisfy    b. intensify    c. enjoy    d. moderate  6!])\Ay  
59. Danwin’sstrong will and ______ made him a good researcher and a successful scientist inhis era. o7E?A  
a. ferment    b. resistance     c. persistence    d.spree Lh0Pvq0C  
61. This week’s“story-telling” program will _____ where the week before last left off. 4v cUHa|4  
a. drag down    b. end up  c. consequent upon    d. take up Qc-jOl  
62. As an ardentmember of the World Red Cross, she _____ the sick at hospital frequently. Y ## ftQ  
a. calls for    b. attends to      c. focuses on    d. goes back to C]K|;VQ  
63. During theearly period of one’s retirement, a person may feel at loss as to what to do.This can be attributed to his/her no longer being ______ with a group of peopleor an organization. }$r/#F/Fn  
a. affiliated    b. adhered    c. preoccupied      d. inter-wined |13UJ vR  
64. Manyprospective applicants have phoned the HR department to _____ about the vacantposition. Q1?  !,a  
a. pursuit   b. inquire   c. leverage    d. require EE5I~k 5  
65. One of the_____ of the CCTV Cup prize for English Speech contest sincerely conveyed histhankfulness to his English teacher and the school principal, who have beenencouraging him constantly and have offered him a lot of help. s0 hD;`cm  
a. pals    b. adolescent     c. recipients    d. receipt JlJy3L8L  
66. The doctorseemed to be ______ with something very serious all the time while the patientwas talking to him. deO/`  
a.preoccupied    b. occupied    c. absorbed    d. associated tWy0% -  
67. The literatureteacher always tells his students:” You should read between the lines….” Inother words, one should guess the meaning of the words or sentences evenparagraphs from the ______ when reading passages. )J#7:s]eo  
a. condition    b. situation     c. phenomenon   d. context <m:8%]%M6  
68. He tried todescribe the rules and reulations, especially the complicated terms in such away that it would be _____ to a layman. HM ;9%rtO  
a. acquired    b. intelligent    c. articulate    d. intelligible 4`Qu+&4J  
69. It’s nowgenerally accepted that whether to use animals to do research work or not isa(n) _____ problem. 86$9)UI  
a. scientific    b. individual    c. moral   d. ethic e>\[OwF-x  
70. Workaholics’daily life is typically _____ into their work as well as their leisureactivities. E4~k)4R  
a. departed    b. separated     c. compartmentalized    d. isolated 1:5jUUL8  
71. TheHead-Hunting Company is busy searching for those who have got strong liabilityto creativity and acute sense of _____ to the job. [`^5Zb  
a. commitment    b. commission    c. compensation    d. criterion uQgv ;jsPz  
72. David andJohnson failed to come to an agreement because their ideas towards thearrangement of the project are absolutely _______. 57*`y'C W  
a. incredible     b. proverbial    c. optional    d. irreconcilable Lq.aM.&;#  
73. The bridge gottumbled down after the big flood because of certain ____ flaws in design. gwwYz]'d>r  
a. corporate    b. aftermath    c. inherited    d. inherent k_$:? $  
74. Those popularmovie stars ______ merely small percent of the professional population buttheir income is incredibly out of proportion to their coverage in thepopulation percentage. | wuUH  
a. constitute    b. institute    c. substitute    d. consist v.Wkz9 w}  
75. The producerfirmly believes that the huge amount of money spent in his TV series willdefinitely be ______ because it will contribute to immense profits for hiscompany. S{_i1'  
a. supported   b. boosted   c. justified     d. advocated <RQ\nU  
AACCC   DACAA    BABAC     BABCD %!Z9: +;B  









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