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主题 : 中国人民大学 2008 年博士生入学考试英语试题
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中国人民大学 2008 年博士生入学考试英语试题

中国人民大学 2008 年博士生入学考试英语试题
Part I. Vocabulary (20%) t13V>9to  
Directions: Choose the best answer (from A, B, C and D) to complete each of the following sentences. Mark your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. ~gI%lORqN  
1. Let's give a big _____to tonight's prize-winner. g>/Y}{sL-  
6W i n!4  
 A. respect B. shout P $` 1}  
C. praise D. hand im>(^{{r&  
2. It was a depressed and divided country, accustomed to failure and of change. `J.,dqGb  
 A. definite B. curious m.<_WXH  
 C. suspicious D. anxious  ~~>m  
b <W\#3~G  
3. The secret of the____ of Wal- mart in the retailing industry lies in is single-minded and skillful pantsuit of the lowest prices. !#0)`4O  
 A. unalleviated B, uncombed + <bj}"  
@ m`C%7<  
 C. unprecedented D. unaccompanied '?rR>$s  
4. Those who got angry and crazy set fire to cars and shops in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, then the problems_____. opa/+V3E4  
I!/32* s1t  
 A. evolved B. evaporated pBqf+}g4  
/H'- }C  
 C. escalated D, exalted TEV DES  
5. The supervisor, his explanation when his fault was pointed out by some  talented young students. u&~Xgq5[  
 A. stumbled over B. got over S1=P-Ao  
 C. dashed to D. gave out ,M.C]6YMr  
6, it is evident that no one, no matter how much they _____ is immunity from the effect of advertising. J&6p/'UPZ  
0AM_D >fH  
 A, refuse B. reflect nlv,j&  
. X!!dx1<  
 C. proclaim D. protest VxY]0&sq  
Z  `F[0-  
7. "It's probably just stress." How many times have you uttered those words to yourself to____ a headache, pain or illness? U5"u h} 3  
 A. dismiss B. dispose Jt$YSp=!!  
 C. dispel D. disrupt A f`Kg-c_(  
8. Schools and colleges have no right to use our public money to promote conduct that is _____to the religious and moral values of parents and taxpayers. ?e9tnk3  
 A. conducive B. comparable EC,,l'%a|/  
 Caponizing D. offensive % Z6Q/+#fn  
9. The old farmer his wife, living until 105 years of age.  r(^00hvH  
 A. beat B. survived (H:c8 0/V  
 C. lasted D. endured w,P@@Q E  
10. He didn't know anything about business, so starting his own was______ wai3g-`  
. A. a climb to power B. a leap in the dark F,vkk{Z>  
 C. a run on the bank D. a step backwards w!UF^~  
11. Public attitudes toward business regulations are deeply _______ most people resent intensive government rules, yet they expect government to prevent business from defrauding, exploiting the public. 6EC',=)6R  
 A. hostile B. emotional Fepsa;\sU  
 C. ambiguous D. cynical zgFL/a<  
12. Ever since the TV show came off the air, there has been _______ that a movie might be made of the show. Finally in autumn 2007, news broke that filming had started. IS" [<  
 A. specification B. suspicion Y;Nq(  
 C. simulation D. speculation V|A)f@ Fs  
 13. A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman's stock______. pcv\|)&}  
 A. in trade B. in reserve !>'A2V~F  
##By!F TP  
 C. in effect D. in business $@s-OQ}  
 14. Innovative product platforms like the portable transistor radio and the_____ walkman the digital lifestyle era. h}| .#!C3  
 A. set the Stage for B. shed light on 4,@jSr|I3i  
 C. made sense of D. gave a hand to L_ T+KaQCH  
 15. Successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of _____, is the first step in learning to be creative. f#Ud=& >j  
/ \qzTo  
 A. resolution B. elegance i{9.bpp/  
 C. aspiration D. originality 63'% +  
16. Our parents love us because we are their children, and this is an fact. so that we feel safer with them than with anyone else. Zqf ovG  
 A. unambiguous B. uncontrollable mz x$(u  
 C. unalterable D. unintentional \' zloBU  
17. As a journalist Hemingway trained himself in of expression. His deliberate avoidance of very attractive adjectives is some of the traces of his early journalistic practices. |F\fdB}?S:  
 A. economy B. elegance 7'8G,|&:*  
 C. depth D. neatness W@z xGH$z>  
18. It is the vast number of irresponsible dog owners which has roused public and demands for tighter controls. }Q9+krrow  
,jW a&7  
 A. obsession B. apprehension BbCW3!(  
sUQ Q/F6  
 C. exclamation D. indignation A!^r9?<  
19. Talking to children about the death of others is a subject that adults_____away from very strongly. hW~UJ/$  
 A. shy B. stay "1 >w\21  
Q t>|TGz  
 C. slip D. skip 9GT}_ ^fb  
20. That's all fight, it is better to the feeling than to let it build up. WuI$   
FI$ -."F  
 A. displace B. disarm "~zLG"  
 C. discharge D. dispatch e_l|32#/  
21. Many people are to insect bites, and some even have to go to hospital. j0Cj&x%qF}  
A. insensitive B. allergic C. sensible D. infected 5yj#9H  
22. When you're driving on a motorway, you must obey the signs telling you to get into the right ___ 1*6xFn  
A. way B. track C. road D. lane $Xu/P5  
23. The motorist had to ____ to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road. O.\\)8xA  
A. swerve B. twist C. depart D. swing rz`"$g+#  
24. In winter drivers have trouble stopping their cars from on icy roads. l,3,$  
A. skating B. skidding C. sliding D. slipping 9HPwl  
25. This project would __ a huge increase in defense spending. ^^n (s_g  
A. result B. assure C. entail D. accomplish l[%=S!  
26. The chances of a repetition of these unfortunate events are ___ indeed. >M##q?.  
A. distant B. slim C. unlikely D. narrow ufw[Ei$I:  
27. We should make a clear ___ between "competent" and "proficient" for the purposes of our discussion. Fq o h!F  
A. separation B. division C. distinction D. difference agkKm?xIL  
28. In the present economic we can make even greater progress than previously. |B'4wF>  
A. air B. mood C. area D. climate kd]CV7(7  
29. Rite of Passage is a good novel by any standards__ it should rank high on any list of science fiction. ab.B?bx  
A. consistently B. consequently C. invariably D. fortunately ?_p!teb  
30. The diversity of tropical plants in the region represents a seemingly source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized. BSJS4+,E  
A. exploited B. controversial C. inexhaustible D. remarkable 6X?:mn'%QF  
o`7 Z<HF  
31. his expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in to his income. 5ug|crX  
| WTWj  
A. comparison B. proportion C. association D. calculation 1w7XM0SHcn  
N7 hlM  
32. Although he has become rich, he is still very of his money. K=}Eupn=  
A. economic B. thrifty C. frugal D. careful B9KBq $e  
33. As the manager was away on a business trip, I was asked to the weekly staff A=Hv}lv  
meeting. XzqB=iX  
A. preside B. introduce C. chair D. dominate nHQ *#&$  
34. The of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from Greek. 7#oq|5  
s,!vBS n8  
A. origin B. generation C. descent D. cause ?D_iib7  
35. The hook was a work of such that it took 20 years to write. }|N88PN  
V"2 G  
A. magnitude B. extent C. degree D. amount 5K682+^5  
36. The police have offered a large for information leading to the robber's arrest. r$'.$k\  
A. award B. compensation C. prize D. reward NjA[(8\:  
37. I arrived at the airport so late that I missed the plane. (: k n)  
A. only B. quite C. narrowly D. seldom 9HiyN>(  
38. The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers' fears were completely ___. d)D!np=  
A. unjustified B. unjust C. misguided D. unaccepted  YGs'[On8  
}NG P!  
39. The head of the Museum was ___ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts. ~)>.%`v&  
A. promising B. agreeing C. pleasing D. obliging \w1',"l`  
40. The multi-national corporation was making a take-over ___ for a property company. n5BD0q  
A. application B. bid C. proposal D. suggestion  cC|  
Part II. Reading Comprehension (30%) AcH!KbYf  
n _ ?+QF  
Directions: Read the following passages and then choose the best answer (from A, Jg{K!P|i  
B,C and D) to complete each of the following sentences. Mark your choice with a j%Z5[{!/,X  
single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. ~&F|g2:  
Passage one #Yp &yi }  
/38I (0  
Many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern M2d&7>N  
woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of s"w^E\ >6  
work instead of eliminating it. Machines have a certain novelty value, like toys for 0.nkh6 ?  
adults. It is certainly less tiring to put clothes in a washing machine, but the time 'Z9UqEGV  
saved does not really amount to much: the machine has to be watched, the clothes kRbJK  
have to be carefully sorted out first, stains removed by hand, buttons pushed and D8 PC;@m  
water changed, clothes taken out, aired and ironed. It would be more liberating to 4oryTckS  
pack it all off to a laundry and not necessarily more expensive, since no capital 9kqR-T|Q  
investment is required. Similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make P_  8!Gp  
cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop. If one compares the image of the q*Hg-J}  
woman in the women's magazine with the goods advertised by those periodicals, one _Ye.29  
realizes how useful a projected image can be commercially. A careful balance has to -wl&~}%M  
be struck: if you show a labor-saving device, follow it up with a complicated recipe c~OPH 0,  
on the next page; on no account hint at the notion that a woman could get herself a job, }|[0FP]v  
but instead foster her sense of her own usefulness, emphasizing the creative aspect of &sBD0R(a  
her function as a housewife. So we get cake mixes where the cook simply adds an egg i1KjQ1\a+  
herself, to produce .. that lovely home-baked. flavor the family love" , and knitting 4tUt"N  
patterns that can be made by hand, or worse still, on knitting machines, which became ZHeq)5C ;f  
tremendously fashionable when they were first introduced. Automatic cookers are #<sK3PT  
advertised by pictures of pretty young mothers taking their children to the park, not by 4t/?b  
professional women presetting the dinner before leaving home for work. )Td{}vbIh  
3c wBPqH  
41. According to the passage, many of the home electric goods which are supposed to l=Pw yJ  
liberate women ;YMg 4Cs  
A. remove unpleasant aspects of housework. Fi;OZ>;a  
B. save the housewife very little time. whP5 u/857  
C. save the housewife's time but not her money. _G.!^+)kEm  
D. have absolutely no value for the housewife. $ywROa]  
42. According to the context, "capital investment" refers to money HyKA+ 7}  
$G }9iV7  
A. spent on a washing machine. B. borrowed from the bank. 34k>O  
C. saved in the bank. D. lent to other people." S-~)|7d.  
43. The goods advertised in women's magazines are really meant to h7TkMt[l  
A. free housewives from housework. B. encourage housewives to go out to Ty~z%=H  
work. %, iAn gF'  
C. turn housewives into excellent cooks. D. give them a false sense of fulfillment. 7gB?rJHV,  
44. The example of automatic cookers in the end supports that the home electric 6\I1J= C  
goods ___ fR{_P  
A. completely liberate the modem woman B. only change the nature of work 4e AMb  
ONDO xXs  
C. indeed eliminate the tedious work D. actually have novelty value ^?sP[;8S!  
45. From this passage, we can infer that the writer is ___ about the home electric yZgWFf.X  
goods for liberating the modem women. $U9]v5  
y06* *f)  
A. opponent B. pessimistic C. happy D. concerned rWDD$4y  
Passage two GbZ~e I`,2  
42 lw>gzr!  
The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the La '6k  
goods and services which the country produces. A country's standard of living, xf,A<j (o  
therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in yTK3eK  
this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can v@q&B|0  
buy:" goods" such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and en- 8Yf*vp>T/x  
tertainment. : #?_4D!r  
<DR! AR)  
A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most f)f <rK[&JlJ  
which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a 2PRiiL@  
country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and |%ZJN{!R  
so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a ?a% F3B  
fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them. vazA@|^ 8  
"!A tS  
Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. Some countries Eri007?D  
are perhaps well off in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and QKts-b[3  
external wars, and for this and other reasons have been unable to develop their -C~zvP; a  
resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, U5~aG!E  
enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to a)=|{QR>W  
produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well 4K7ved)  
ordered. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. |nnFjGC`~  
Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers and technicians Z8Y& #cB  
are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely '/6f2[%Y"  
unskilled. V59!}kel1%  
A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is wEX<[#a-  
produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly j n SZ@u  
produced through international trade. For example, Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and <a - a~  
other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those a.gMH uL  
grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be .JB1#&B +  
traded abroad for the agricultural products that would otherwise be lacking. A u t4:LHF  
country's wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, bCC &5b  
provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. ':_gYA  
j?] +~  
46. The standard of living in a country is determined by u?MhK# Mr  
A. its goods and services. B. the type of wealth produced. ;^0ok'P\~9  
C. how well it can create wealth. D. what an ordinary person can share. uaKbqX  
47. A country's capacity to produce wealth depends on all the factors EXCEPT ONcLhwH  
A. people's share of its goods. B. political and social stability. {c LWum[SY  
<b _K*]Z  
C. qualities of its workers. D. use of natural resources. :R:@V#Y  
48. According to the passage, ___ play an equally important role in determining a PX&}g-M9  
country's standard of living. +`Nu0y!rj  
A. farm products B. industrial goods US9aW)8  
C. foodstuffs D. export & import LCA+y1LP-_  
49. The manufacturing capacity may be a key factor to a higher standard of living m zoH$@  
when one country eS ?9}TG|  
A. has traded her manufacture. B. has established her wealth. yW7>5r  
~.U \Y  
C. has been an industrialized one D. has produced surplus manufactured goods u 6l)s0Q  
Passage three +/mCYI  
 How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we Lp|n)29+du  
are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are lAC "7 Z?F  
content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends p}gA8 o  
of fashion. :ntAU2)H  
Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should \' A- Lp  
dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be 0ZI}eZA j  
able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently  !e |Bi{  
and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. t&5Ne ?  
A barber today does not cut a boy's hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do LXrk5>9  
not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers 7) RvBcM  
show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow k_?OEkgUh  
the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull. /FPO'} 6i  
What causes fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity .s41Tc5u  
or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats, for PX/^*  
example. In cold climates, early building were cold inside, so people wore hats *(]ZdB_2  
indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a J#3[,~  
depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men 8o $ ` '  
followed his example. toOdL0hCe  
There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, |_+l D|'  
short skirts became fashionable. Meter World War II , they dropped to ankle length. r5(efTgAd+  
Then they got shorter and shorter until the miniskirt was in fashion. Meter a few more e?O$`lf  
years, skirts became longer again. "<)Jso|  
Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to ZIh)D[n  
dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the 2 1+[9  
way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity {/aHZ<I&^h  
of jeans and the "untidy" look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly NB.'>Sar  
expensive fashions of the top fashion houses. 7<B-2g  
At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then n 3-VqYUP  
we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for. a 2hryY  
job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater; and it would be discourteous to visit 'W("s  
some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a night club. M&Ln'BC  
However, you need never feel depressed if you don't look like the latest fashion photo. +.|RH  
Look around you and you'll see that no one else does either! IAe/)  
50. The author thinks that people are &rX#A@=  
dq'f >S z}  
A. satisfied with their appearance. t&EY$'c  
B. concerned about appearance in old age. ?Drq!?3PDc  
qn |~YXn  
C. far from neglecting what is in fashion. }owl7G3  
D. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion. g+<[1;[-  
51. Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to Q[|*P ] w  
T5.^ w  
A. confidence in life. B. personal dress. *-Vr=e<8   
C. individual hair style. D. personal future. #reW)P>  
h a 2=O  
52. According to the passage, changing fashions reflected in all of the following









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