我们在医学考博英语考试的写作中常常会需要表达“不同”、“差别”和“区别”,怎么表达才地道呢?有哪些固定的表达方式和句型呢? &h)G>Sqc
好,我们先来测试一下,请大家试着翻译一下下面8个简单的句子。 AIZs^
我国的膳食结构与西方不同。 ^Mw>'*5^
相反,同城里人不一样,农民喜欢价廉方便的中医。 !OwRx5
两组的症状大大不同。 (`S32,=TS
相反,有些高校对心理咨询的作用认识不足。 uJ:'<dJ
研究人员发现,男孩和女孩在学习方式上有一些重大差异。 Y:|_M3&'o
男女在智力方面当然没有差异。 8GpPyG
人类所需要的各种营养素其市场价格有高低之分。 1J$sIY,Ou
烧伤严重程度不同,对烧伤病人的急救方式也不同。 fq*.4s
如果你能把这几句话能顺畅地用英文表达出来,那恭喜你,可以愉快地绕行了!如果不能,没关系,快来看一下如何用英语地道地表达“不同”和“差别”,新技能速速Get! Y=RdxCCx4
4 3cdWd%
常用结构 1J8okBhZ
A is different from B in sth. vZEeb j
A differs / varies from B in sth. $nR1AOm}.B
A is unlike B. =4RXNWkud
In a different way, ...
好的,下面我们将用大量的句子来举例说明该如何用英语恰当地表达“区别”和“不同” UhQsT^b_
1. 人有男女老少之分,工农商学兵之分,贫富地位高低之分,ABC型性格之分,四种气质之分等。 C$MaJHkiF
People differ / are different in gender, age, occupation, social status, character and temperament. 4;G:.k!K
There are always differences between people in gender, age, occupation, social status, characters and natures. ;CbQ}k
People have different genders, ages, occjpatons, social and financial conditions, characters and natures. T
2. 医生与病人进行语言交流应注意因人而异、因时制宜和因地制宜。 T /iKz
When a doctor talks with his patient, his talk should vary from person to person, time to time and place to place. |\g =ua+h
The conversation between the doctor and the patient should differ / vary according to different persons and occasions. lq2Ah=FuN
3. 由于病人的年龄、职业、性格特点、文化程度等不同,而且个人的病情不同,采取的交流方式也应该不同。 $umh&z/
As patients differ in age, occupation, character, education and disease, the way of talking should vary / differ accordingly. <