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主题 : 浙大考博2002-2006英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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Vocabulary TV{)n'aA  
2002年春 Rk<%r k  
1 The chairman proposed at the meetingthat we have someone with ___________ and imagination to design a marketingstrategy. H(\V+@~>AD  
A. intuition } 21j  
B. enterprise K ~>jApZ%  
C. undertaking xtJAMo>g  
D. innovation t>U!Zal"  
2 The fish moved silently through thewater, ____________ by short sweeps of its tail.  0:dB 9  
A. urged vbn> mg5  
B. propagated G6Q4-kcK  
C. propelled m,NMTyJoz  
D. operated La}o(7 =s  
3 A few workers have ___________ themajority decision and gone into work despite the strike. {Nq?#%vdT  
A. defied UpeQOC  
B. destined M1uP\Sa  
C. detained >i8~dEbB  
D. deferred A1<k1[5fJ  
4 Philosophy differs from science in thatits questions cannot be answered _______ by observation or experiment. /;+,mp4  
A. emotionally P|N?OocE  
B. deliberately WOH9%xv  
C. empirically 4qBY% 1  
D. extremely N<b D  
5 The music the Three Brothers playedyesterday is described in the paper as an explosive _________ of Latin Americanand modern jazz rhythms. +UaO<L  
A. mixture V~c(]K)-  
B. welding .jum "va%  
C. consolidation QX/]gX  
D. fusion ;@'0T4Z&l  
6 Didn’t you find her enthusiasm for theproject ____________? Almost everyone on the team is now doing their utmost toresolve the difficulty. y7; 5xF?q  
A. contagious t;XS;b %  
B. operate (lb`#TTG x  
C. effectual  /Ef4EX0  
D. infections q @*UUj@   
7 Recently a large internationalconference was held with aim of promoting __________ development in allcountries. Znq(R8BMW  
A. retainable iDR6?fP  
B. sustainable Ebbe=4  
C. unpredictable ;<VR2U`  
D. unthinkable |N6mTB2  
8 A government report indicates that sincethe early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has____________ at 50%. EUXV/QV{  
A. confirmed 4Q/r[x/&C  
B. endured I &cX8Tw  
C. stabilized u- 1@~Z  
D. retained >T(M0Tkt  
9 The delegates to the convention insistthat steps be taken to stop the ___________ of the world’s tropical forests. Cea"qNq=k  
A. depletion *\C}Ok=  
B. termination <f[9ju  
C. peril 4KZSL: A  
D. shrinkage )e#fj+>x)  
10 ProfessorTaylor is a real expert on art, as I feel completely ________ whenever I talkto her about it. 7:ckq(89  
A. incapable Mf#2.TR  
B. inadequate Age-AJ  
C. out of mind wiKCr/  
D. in despair ]zX\8eHp!  
^CO#QnB @  
2003 Lq3(Z%  
1 Hoping that he might be able to___________ the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine. V5cb}xx  
A. shed light on M3)v- "  
B. make light of h#vL5At  
C. bring to light d|R HG  
D. set light to S|s3}]g9  
2 His ___________ and unwillingness tolearn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. 5ZZd.9ZgM  
A. arrogance m Mn 2(  
B. dignity =H L9Z  
C. humility =lYvj  
D. solitude ngtuYASc  
3 The economy grew at its fastest ratesince 1980 thanks to a(n) _____________ in world rate. p<<6}3~  
A. inflation UeFtzty,a  
B. stimulus ux)<&p.  
C. bulge %{7$ \|;J'  
D. boom ftDVxKDE?S  
4 He decided he was going to take____________ for the murder of his sister. JkRGtYq  
A. refuge R:SIs\%o  
B. revenge ")fOup@ ^a  
C. rebellion V6A5(-%`y  
D. riot O@G<B8U,K  
5 No one expected him to _____________against his former employer. H57jBD  
A. declare [N' r3  
B. testify nhB^Xr=  
C. certify ?z*W8b]'  
D. allege Y}eZPG.h  
6 Rachel was the ______________ choice forthe job thanks to her communication skills. 11nO<WH  
A. unanimous wWp?HDl"M  
B. consistent |:`?A3^m#  
C. harmonious Y/QK+UMW*  
D. agreeable .H*? '*  
7 The police detective put together thepieces of evidence to form one ___________ account. A- <.#  
A. sensitive /3xFd)|Ds  
B. genuine BV_a-\Sa=  
C. expressive zIX}[l4EW~  
D. coherent ^hGZVGSv  
8 You should have your eyes examined___________ to be sure of your eyesight. D/ NIn=>j  
A. periodically ^MF=,U'8  
B. persistently Qe' PAN=B  
C. continuously fb;hf:B:  
D. continually d1C/u@8^  
9 You should treat those remarks with the___________ that they deserve --- don’t give them a second thought. ?Mgt5by  
A. negligence E!O(:/*  
B. disgrace am)J'i,  
C. contempt G5X|JTzpu<  
D. sarcasm <3J=;.\6  
10 Thebook is a vain attempt to _____________ the name of one of the worst dictatorsin modern history. kG~ivB}x  
A. worship -&HoR!af  
B. glorify o9(#KC?3  
C. adore NR@SDW  
D. cherish LT y@6*  
11 Thegovernment is seeking to ___________ itself from the latest financial scandal. _3g %F  
A. detach :7'0:'0$t  
B. extract \t 7zMp  
C. derive kB!M[[t  
D. erase <jg wdbT"6  
12 Heavyrainfall in the south of England means that flooding is __________- RM / s :  
A. imminent 55)ep  
B. momentous CH|g   
C. transient q@=#`746e  
D. prospective !IrKou)/_  
13 He_____________ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. sC'A_-'  
A. disposed +HVG5l  
B. dispensed 'e8d["N  
C. dispatched Wg3WE1V  
D. dispersed EJiF_  
14 Ididn’t ignore her ___________ --- just didn’t recognize her. hgMnO J  
A. attentively Y$DgL h  
B. intensively N"Nd$4  
C. intentionally x[h<3V"  
D. intensely 0yEyt7 ~@  
15 Youwill only be allowed to leave early in ___________ circumstance. GA*Khqdid  
A. exceptional &|,q sDK(  
B. coincidental 97@?Q I}  
C. peculiar k>@^M]%  
D. imperative \|4MU"ri  
2004 6P[ O8  
1 It is important to keep the factoryworking at ______ efficiency all the time. '%/u103{e  
A. optimistic 2nz'/ G  
B. optimum Gt *<?  
C. optical tfU3 6PR  
D. optional [T&y5"@  
2 We need to take steps to counter the________ decline in our export market. ~\(>m=|C:H  
A. lingering MnsWB[  
B. chronic rsj}hS$  
C. lengthy > ]N0w  
D. abiding -D':7!@  
3 Her handwriting is so bad that it isbarely____________ h 7P?n.K  
A. legible f v7g93  
B. intelligible iPL'JVPZ  
C. distinctive =-& iF  
D. conceivable 17i@GnbNb  
4 We’re going to __________ what we’velearned so far by doing some revision exercises today. @ dU3d\!}  
A. consolidate *y@]zNPD  
B. reinforce bWzc=03  
C. affirm t|XC4:/>T  
D. conform x \{jWR%  
5 Kevin made one last ________ attempt topersuade Sandra to go with him, then left. B_G7F[/K  
A. considerable \) ONy9  
B. trivial GM92yi!8  
C. futile G#M]\)f%  
D. resistant @"5u~o')@v  
6 The school agreed to ________ theirdecision until they had spoken to William’s parents. AR2+W^aM3  
A. convert J(*"S!q)6  
B. retain VrP%4P+  
C. defer gVWLY;c 3}  
D. expel vDb}CQ\  
7 Republican party members wereconfidently __________ victory even as the first few votes came in. `-\JjMSQ1  
A. acclaiming `215Llzk;  
B. reclaiming Ct33S+y  
C. exclaiming 5~5ypQj  
D. proclaiming ? +!?$h  
8 The __________ between the two sets offigures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. 0w&1wee(  
A. discrepancy gQG iph |  
B. conflict +t6m>IBu  
C. contrast )&-+:u0  
D. divergence _P+|tW1  
9 The idea that a good night’s sleep willcure everything is a complete ____________ GDntGTE~sk  
A. defect |e(x< [s5  
B. fallacy s2kynQ#a  
C. fraud zvg&o)/[  
D. abuse .;s4T?j@w  
10 Beforea bill can become law it has to have the full _______ of both Houses ofParliament. hR{Zh>  
A. justification ~;` #{$/C&  
B. warrant zD|W3hL2&  
C. endorsement [Xg"B|FD0  
D. verification v}i}pQ\DK  
11 Theimage is __________ by a series of lenses within the telescope. vZsVxx99  
A. magnified i{0_}"B  
B. signified N<%,3W_-_  
C. extended N<WFe5  
D. expanded 'z:p8"h}  
12 Strangelyenough, the most obvious explanation did not ___________ Jackie until the nextday. .(ir2g  
A. stumble on I'hQbLlG  
B. occur to %cL:*D4oz  
C. come up with I&c#U+-A'  
D. stand up to ,vj^AXU  
13 TheGovernment wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____________ objective? .S;/v--F  
A. reflective ?0X.Ith^.  
B. flexible g(^l>niF:  
C. feeble Cz%ih#^b  
D. feasible YoA$Gw2  
14 Shewas still _____________ by what happened in Barcelona although she had lefttwenty year earlier. Pe.D[]S  
A. haunted Ns_d10rZ.  
B. frequented z7o5 9&  
C. recalled crQuoOl7  
D. sustained &[uG fm+@  
15 Thehands on my alarm clock are _______________ so I can tell the time in the dark. 5o*x?P!$  
A. imminent iuEdm:pW  
B. luminous %k_JLddlW  
C. illuminate wpdT "  
D. luminant <G={V fr  
ak zb<aT  
2004 B4C`3@a  
1 You can’t cure a common cold, but youcan ___________ the symptoms. dj#<,e\  
A. moderate '4iu0ie>D  
B. alleviate U\N`[k.F  
C. dilute ;F U d.vg{  
D. subdue Kfh"XpWc$  
2 For years scientists have been___________ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. [(hENX}o :  
A. tangled E+gUzz5  
B. terrified @({65gJ*  
C. evoked fXN;N&I  
D. baffled dFlx6H+R!0  
3 The flood was a ___________ from whichBangladesh has never really recorded. &^Io\  
A. calamity ] [Kj^7/  
B. downfall UU_k"D~  
C. reverse *m2:iChY  
D. scandal  `k+k&t  
4 Our company’s’ management ____________negotiations on a new union contract. q(C+D%xB  
A. launched vCJjZ%eO%D  
B. triggered j$,`EBf`:<  
C. terminated plca`  
D. preserved WVV qH_  
qz 'a.]{=  
2005 %!@Dop/<  
1 If wool is submerged in hot water, ittends to __________ W];4P=/  
A. snap ']V 2V)t  
B. shrink fQ<V_loP.@  
C. fade m2_ B(-  
D. condense (t <Um Vd  
2 His last play was _________ by thecritical as a masterpiece. nD!^0?  
A. claimed A&z  
B. proclaimed {W0@lMr D  
C. exclaimed I)6)~[:'  
D. acclaimed C@K@TfK!M  
3 It is the builder’s job to make surethat the house conforms to the architect’s _________ in every way. !=ZbBUJF  
A. regulations _r&#Snp  
B. specialties zITXEorF!J  
C. essentials )J 0'We  
D. specifications ='~C$%  
4 Your letter has been __________ to theauthority concerned. EPyFM_k  
A. transited En1pz\'  
B. transferred gbF.Q7?$u  
C. transported tL D.e  
D. transmitted 2Ddrxc>48  
5 Among her many ____________ are loyalty,courage and truthfulness. )4j#gHN\  
A. virtues Q|:\  
B. morals @n<WM@|l  
C. characters oSxHTbp?  
D. graces Jyvc(~x  
6 The soldiers ___________ their arms asthey marched. #  *\PU  
A. swayed VaH#~!  
B. swung =8[HC}s|$  
C. swerved ~W!sxM5(*  
D. swelled O0wD"V^W  
7 The country’s constitution ____________the ideals of equality and freedom. \07 s'W U  
A. embodies V"gnG](2l  
B. symbolizes ;[&g`%-H<  
C. marks WnA]gyc  
D. represents +b 1lCa_  
8 It was ____________ whether the patientwill survive the operation. !qT.D:!@zF  
A. vague EY':m_7W  
B. suspicious tFXG4+$D  
C. ambiguous W&)O i ZN  
D. doubtful DqbN=[!X~n  
9 The brochure _____________ us intothinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach. 6dV92:  
A. trapped taw #r  
B. frightened anHP5gD  
C. engaged tvZpm@1  
D. misled V\^?V|  
10 “I’mfar too busy to talk to you now.” he said, in his usual _____________ manner. F(:+[$)  
A. rigid !ZHPR:k|  
B. steep %/jm Q6z^  
C. abrupt Jy{A1i@4~s  
D. stern ~%m-}Sxc  
11 He’srich and keeps __________ about how much money he’s got to impress people. - TSn_XE  
A. exaggerating (WX,&`a<$  
B. boasting e%o6s+"  
C. admiring rQ LNo,  
D. inspiring ?E=&LAI#  
12 Shewas __________ enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. ZoF\1C ^  
A. initiative JEGcZeq)  
B. pervasive @?f3(G h,  
C. imaginative M n3cIGL  
D. perceptive Rq<T2}K  
13 Thetwo countries ___________ their peace efforts after a break of two and a halfyears. V.>'\b/#  
A. rebuked z{7&=$  
B. renewed ~W_m<#K(  
C. reviewed 1ki##v[ W8  
D. reclaimed ]@)X3}"!  
14 Peoplealways greet each other warmly, _____________ their different origins and beliefs. s-J>(|  
A. in regard to Da0E)  
B. in contrast with !Z`~=n3bk  
C. with respect to W -8<sv$b  
D. regardless of uL1e?  
15 Theexpress train from London ___________ on time. 1}}.e^Tsfr  
A. pulled up kzMCI)>"  
B. pulled over 2X&~!%-  
C. pulled in ck){N ?y  
D. pulled through Nc ,"wA  
2005 =hH>]$J[  
1 He was an _________ statesman anddiplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the publictreated him with great respect. (dLt$<F  
A. imminent pej/9{*xg(  
B. eminent ?kI-o0@O.  
C. immune N4}j,{#  
D. empirical [-x~Q[  
2 Nobody expected Martha to change herplans; her decision to do something different was _________ and surprising toall. a]>gDDF  
A. sheer ;O}%_ef@  
B. blunt Ia=wf"JS)  
C. abrupt bc}U &X<  
D. irregular f<= #WV  
3 In order to avoid the storm, the pilotof the plane was force to ___________ from the usual course. nU-.a5  
A. convert Qx1ZxJz #  
B. stray 3;zJ\a.+  
C. deviate ^/47 *vcN5  
D. transfer 2asA]sY  
4 When his father was injured, John____________ for weeks about whether he should stay in school or quit to take ajob. 3ZGU?Z;R  
A. portrayed <*3{Twa1T  
B. posed Kn SXygT  
C. pondered T;XEU%:LK  
D. postponed QZ$94XLI  
5 The _________ of that textbook is toobroad; too much material is mentioned and not enough specific detail isincluded. A,ttn5Sh?  
A. capacity bg[k8*.:F  
B. outlook kj~)#KDN  
C. latitude ~ ' 81  
D. scope ~aQ>DpSEf  
6 Before I went into the forest I put onspecial medicine designed to _____________ mosquitoes and other insects. VO] Jvf  
A. impose y44FejH(v  
B. compel $v#Q'?jE  
C. dispose  T OdH  
D. repel O`~G'l&@T  
7 The workmen _______ the shabby old hoteland built a modern office building in the place where it had been. :0$(umW@I"  
A. distinguished _v{,vLH  
B. erased 0N$tSTo.-<  
C. flattened "%dWBvuO  
D. razed %Rj:r!XB:  
8 Please don’t tell me any bad news today,I’m upset and feel especially ______. #F@53N  
A. vulnerable 5\8Ig f>  
B. accessible H_sLviYLu  
C. sensitive h@=H7oV7k  
D. sympathetic I~H:-"2  
9 I admired Janie because she’s so ______,she’s accomplished in athletics, music, and history, and she’s a marvelousdancer and cook as well. ; 29q  
A. vain $'btfo4H  
B. versatile &>\E >mJ  
C. vicious ~z#Faed=a  
D. vivid A\ds0dUE  
10 Thetrue cause of the accident was made known after several witness ______ aboutwhat really happened. } R!-*Wk  
A. swore 9_V'P]@  
B. testified ]Cnj=\'  
C. affirmed 28JWQ%-  
D. charged A]`63@-.  
11 Ihave to find a new apartment since the lease on my current one has been_________. i`Fg kABw  
A. terminated |(N4ZmTm  
B. initiated 2LGeRw  
C. resumed >i7zV`eK  
D. abolished 34_:.QK-  
12 BecauseI was out of butter. I ________ oil in the recipe. .>DqdtP[  
A. contributed L3iY Z>]  
B. distributed %m yg67u  
C. substituted u'M \m7  
D. constituted s <Pk[7`*  
13 Althoughthe new project was confusing when it was first presented, it gradually becameclear as details were explained in ____________ meetings. rU`#3}s  
A. subsequent "& 'h\  
B. precedent eE5U|y)_  
C. consequent VeeQmR?u-  
D. previous \72(d  
14 Sheis a very __________ woman; you will not be able to deceive her or takeadvantage of her. 1.U5gW/3L  
A. naïve K.4t*-<`[  
B. shrewd vggyQf%  
C. transparent ysm)B?+k  
D. genuine <o,]f E[  
15 Theaudience ______________ uncomfortably in their chairs as the speaker continuedhis long and boring speech. d|CSWcU  
A. altered h'YC!hjp   
B. removed  "_t2R &A  
C. shifted `wz@l:e  
D. transferred T#%r\f,l0  
2006 Y5 e6|b|  
1 You will only be allowed to leave earlyin _______ circumstances. unu%\f>^4  
A. exceptional gBb+Q,  
B. coincidental |pxM8g1w  
C. peculiar %_C!3kKv~  
D. imperative sT:$:=  
2 His latest ________ was buying asecond-hand car which turned out to have a faulty engine. }qU(G3  
A. agony l?GN& u  
B. stigma /KGVMBifM  
C. wrath jx B  
D. folly CUIT)mF:  
3 The champagnes had caused his face to_______ and his eyes were bright. TpXbJ]o9  
A. flourish s8;/'?K  
B. fresh #rnO=N8  
C. flesh *9.4AW~]X  
D. flush "`<tq#&C1  
4 He needs a hobby to keep him busy andstop him from getting into _______ . nP`#z&C  
A. mischief A'Q=Do E  
B. nuisance &,E^ y,r  
C. hostility &("HH"!  
D. bustle Hw[(v[v  
5 Poor sight and hearing are common_______ of old age. TY,5]*86I&  
A. presentations o"h* @.  
B. afflictions ~2 aR>R_nT  
C. outcome z+IHt(  
D. relevance 7;0$UYDU*  
6 The dream of many scientists has been tocreate a ________ motion machine – one that would always continue moving onceit had been started. .3Ex=aQcX  
A. transient *^agwQ`  
B. temporary S ?v^/F  
C. perpetual ~Q< h,P  
D. periodic )Pr*\<Cld  
7 Only a small _______ of those attendingthe convention came from outside the state. -jN:~.  
A. fracture 7-Bttv{  
B. fragment %&EDh2w>  
C. fraction Iu(j"b#  
D. fragrance 79}voDFd  
8 Chemicalsfrom the factory up the river ________ the water, killing many fish and makingthe water totally unfit for human use. Wp5w}8g  
A. corrupted }<G"w 5.<  
B. infected U9N1 )3/u  
C. contaminated St9+/Md=jQ  
D. stained jGV+ ~a  
9 It is strictly illegal to _______ a gun,knife, or any other weapon when boarding an airplane. Hz A+Oi  
A. shelter Hzos$1DJ  
B. disguise wD9Gl.uQ  
C. conceal WsHC%+\'  
D. veil X MkyX&y  
10 To_______ the boredom of studying, it is a good idea to take frequent breaks. m5Q?g8  
A. intensify ^uG^XY&ItC  
B. aggravate z 'iAj  
C. illuminate D)0pm?*5A  
D. alleviate , Oqd4NS  
11 Althoughwe felt _______ for the child who had lost his parents, there was really notmuch we could do to comfort him. L p(6K  
A. compassion 4[q'1N6-  
B. compass W PDL$y  
C. companion  D I` M  
D. compartment N\ Nwmx  
12 Thepolice were ________ by the crime and were never able to solve it. 6LVJ*sjSy  
A. hindered CuS"Wj  
B. enlightened FrPpRe%!  
C. baffled |dP[_nh?  
D. detained m\h. sg&  
13 _______for the top-of-the-range car include a compact disc player, electric windowsand a sunroof. S`N_},  
A. accessories C}})dL;(  
B. components N.j?:  
C. decorations T*m;G(  
D. colleagues ^N{Lau  
14 Theauthor uses the ________ of bees when describing the workers at the bakery. -~wGJM VA  
A. correlation ;JNI $DR  
B. equivalent xK o l  
C. analogy >icL,n"]  
D. parallel HOEjLwH  
15 Thebooks will be ________ from our warehouse tomorrow to your address. #gHs!b-g@  
A. dispatched n\U3f M>N  
B. disputed )isJ^ *6y  
C. dismissed ZO^Y9\L  
D. dispersed *58`}]  
2006 X={n9*Sd8  
1 I am ___________ _ in the morning, untilI have had my coffee. c(]NpH i n  
A. inflexible !!WSGZUR  
B. incurable I eQF+Xz  
C. inarticulate EPY64 {  
D. irreversible #D{jNSB  
2 A tunnel has been ___________ under theEnglish Channel to link England and France. L}>XH*  
A. bored 6b-j  
B. delivered A;pVi;7  
C. structured b IS 3  
D. reckoned pi'w40!:  
3 This knife is too ___________ to cutvegetables, could you please sharpen it? T'n~Qf U  
A. portable NlBn V  
B. remote \xQ10\u  
C. vulnerable yAge2m]<B  
D. blunt r306`)kX  
4 The editorial ____________ theviewpoints of conservative politicians. d[b(+sHp a  
A. echoed F]#rH    
B. perceived H*l2,0&W  
C. contended "y%S.ipWG  
D. received $ LS$:%i4  
5 He’s one of those ________ people whothink they’re always right about everything. INm21MS$  
A. extroverted LI>tN R~  
B. humble WVP^C71  
C. arbitrary M]S&vE{D  
D. nominal E(5'vr0  
6 They are busy __________ some fact andfigures of documentary on the subject of E-commerce. 1NP(3yt%  
A. generalizing F2;k6M@  
B. compiling 8P wobln  
C. measuring IX!Q X  
D. promoting ;P` z ?>J:  
7 Dr. Smith proposed a number of relateideas that gradually __________ into a practical plan. OygR5s +  
A. hatched 07zbx6:t  
B. assembled RhJ{#G~:%  
C. segregated yQ33JQr  
D. crystallized ~w<u!  
8 The military government ___________ thecountry’s parliament and suspended all political activity. BE54^U  
A. sacked &^R0kCF`  
B. revised gFJ. p  
C. dissolved dS7?[[pg9  
D. ignored QLq^[ >n  
9 Their many years of research havefinally ___________ in a cure for the disease. vOb=>  
A. furnished 9=(*#gRd  
B. culminated 29]T:I1d[  
C. accomplished F`l r5  
D. fabricated 0]tr&BLl*  
10 Thepassage you have just read in the paper is ____________ from the AtlanticMonthly. 4I"p>FIkY  
A. assembled _z:7Dj#  
B. condensed -Y#YwBy;M  
C. curtailed g\ r%A  
D. modified s~ZLnEb  
11 Theweeds just __________, and before long the garden was a jungle. }Y/uU"t  
A. multiplied S#IlWU  
B. expanded mnK SO  
C. improved efj[7K.h  
D. enlarged }9w?[hXW"  
12 Thecountry’s progress is being __________ by a leader who refuses to look forward. 3I87|5V,Z  
A. restricted 6#sd"JvtQ  
B. confined ;T!w$({V0z  
C. prevented f(Vr&X  
D. constrained dQD YN_  
13 Thefuel used is almost ___________ charcoal made from wood or shells. Qh4@Nl#Ncf  
A. habitually Ks|qJ3;  
B. voluntarily [If%+mHdU  
C. invariably AE1EZ#  
D. faithfully {)E )&lL  
14 Theofficial ___________ show that one out of four girls who marry between 16 and18 ends up in the divorce court. [,A*nU$  
A. quota *D&(6$ [^  
B. statistics T%GdvtmS>  
C. poll gi26Dtk(h  
D. digits V)[ta`9  
15 Raysof sunlight focused through a _________ glass onto a piece of paper may makethe paper burn. nVkPYeeT  
A. minimizing )tB:g.2k  
B. magnifying C%hMh/Li;  
C. exaggerating ^FaBaDcnl  
D. maximizing SFKfsb!C  









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