副词也是博士生入学英语考试中的一个重要项目。在这部分词类中,要求考生能够正确地识别副词的形式以及词义。在这一章中,我们将介绍副词的分类、用法、构成及特点,帮助考生熟悉考试的形式。 7=A9E]:
(一) 副词的分类 B1#>$"_0}=
副词按其词义和作用可分为下列几类: {; cB?II
1. 时间副词,如:yesterday,tomorrow,today,last,ago,recently,immediately,nowadays,still,just等。 6G$tYfX
2. 频率副词,如:never, sometimes, often, usually, hardly, seldom,always, frequently等。
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3. 地点、方向副词,如:here,there,outside,west,left,straight,over,on, in, out,off, somewhere,anywhere,up,down,over,away等。 < DZ76
4. 方式副词,如:awkwardly,largely,neatly,quickly,well,together,slowly,fast等。 x>"JWD
5. 强调副词,如:very,quite,too,more,extremely,so,pretty,terribly,wholly,almost,entirely,even,only等。 HCkqh4
6. 疑问、连接副词,如:when,where,why,how,whenever,however,wherever等。 6_K#,_oZ
(二)副词的用法 B2qq C-hw?
1. 修饰动词: The girl threw the ball quickly. :gaeb8`t
2. 修饰形容词: The job is too hard to him. 6 Ok=q:;
3. 修饰其他副词: He drives rather fast. i=H>D
4. 修饰小品词: They let her well behind. <?7,`P:h[
5. 修饰不定代词和数词: O[p^lr(B7
Nearly everybody came to out party. 4?M3#],'h
7. 修饰名词:Life here is full of Joy. )u/
9. 修饰全句: =&
Ordinarily we eat breakfast at seven. ~w9=Fd6
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(三)副词的构成 JP,(4h*
1. 大多数副词是由形容词加后缀-ly 构成的。如:politely,sadly;当形容词以-y结尾时。在加-1y之前,先变-y为-i:heavily,busily;以-1e结尾时去-e加-y即可: simply,ably;以-ll结尾时,只需加-y: dully,shrilly;以-ic结尾时,则在-ic之后加-ally: economically,basically等。 z "$d5XR
2. 由名词加-ly构成的副词,如:weekly,monthly,yearly。 "mK i$FV
3. 由数词加-1y构成的副词,如:firstly。 =/QU$[7X(
4. 由不定代词加-1y构成的副词,如:mostly。 O0(Q0Ko
5. 由介词加-ly构成的副词,如:overly。 ^zPEAXm
6. 由短语加-1y构成的副词, 如: matter-of-factly。 C9Z\G 3
7. 由各种词类加前缀-a或后缀-fashion,-ways,-style构成的副词,如:alike, IgR"euU
round,aloud,sideways,cowboy-style等。 /j69NEl
8. 有些副词由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成,意义是“向…”。如: backward(s),downward(s),forward(s),northward(s),onward(s),upward(s)等。 <CKmMZ{
9. 另外,有些副词是由名词加后缀-wise构成,表示方向、位置、状态、样子等,如:clockwise,crabwise,lengthwise等。 ytV)!xe
(四)与形容词同形的副词 xm,`
有些形容词与副词同形,但有着不同的句法功能。如: QT= ,En
We had an early breakfast. 9C)3
We had breakfast early. P9TBQW2G{
early在第一句中是形容词,做定语;在第二句中是副词,做状语。有些表示时间的如:daily,weekly,quarterly,monthly,yearly也能做如此用法。 /`O]etr`d
(五)兼有两种形式的副词 |~bR.IA
有些副词有两种形式:一是与形容词同形,二是由该形容词加-1y构成。这两种不同的形式,有些含义相同,有些略有不同,有些完全不同。如: Ag4Ga?&8ec
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1. close做“近”解: Am4^v?q
He lives close to the school.
He was following close behind. )dIfr
做其他解释时用closely: ?X#/1X%u:
Watch what I do closely. #;"D)C
The prisons were closely guarded. w0j/\XN2s
2. dead做“突然地, 完全地”解: {`H<=h__
She stopped dead. 6snOMa GRu
在非正式用语中作“完全地”“直接地”解: Gl8&FrR
He was dead tired. E<<p_hX8R
The wind was dead against us. .-KtB(t
deadly做“死一般地”或“非常”解, % nmY:}um
例如:deadly pale,deadly serious,deadly dull等。 Gh2Q$w:
5Z9 ~
3. direct做“直线地”“不绕圈子地”解: F?8BS*r_
The train goes there direct. 1 O7]3&L@
The next flight doesn’t go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris. @1qdd~B}
做“直接地”(即“间接地”的反义词)解时用directly: iO*`(s
He was looking directly at us. ] dHB}
She answered me very directly and openly. p`:*mf
directly也可以做“立即”或“马上”解: JYwyR++uo
Answer me directly. eB=v~I3
Let's meet directly after lunch. WDEe$k4.
有些词,如:above,in, on,around,away,off等,在与动词搭配时,其后面没有宾语,这些词是做副词。请看以下例句: l801`~*gO
They looked around. MCk^Tp!
Let’s go on with the work. pd4cg?K
上面两句中的around和on都是副词。 _\dt?(m|
(六)副词的词序 3ar=1_Ar
1. 副词修饰形容词、副词时,通常放在被修饰词的前面。 K8
The building is very high. }xDB ~k
He came long before the appointed time. 2yN%~C?$
2. 副词修饰动词。 z,{e]MB)M
不及物动词+副词:She speaks well. tu\mFHvl
及物动词+受词+副词:She speaks English well. 8p (!]^z
3. 地点副词和时间副词可置于句首或句末,放在句首时语气较强。 UvkJ?Bu
I was born in Zhejiang in 1963. NJZXs_%>$
?ork^4 $s
4. 频度副词的位置。 F:%^&%\
在一般动词前:They always say so. ?75\>NiR
有be动词时,在be动词后: ]o-Fi$h!
I am always busy. BlXX:aZv
有助动词时,在助动词和本动词之间:This job will never be finished. ht?CHUu
||uZ bP@
5. 两个以上的副词词序。单位较小者+单位较大者: _N98 vf0o
The school is situated at the fifth street, Beijing, China. RCzV5g
_=ugxL #eB
6. 两个以上不种类的副词词序。 bA9CO\Pp`
地点+状态+次数+时间: \}Dpb%^\
She arrived there safely the other day. tqK=\{U
程度十状态+地点十时间: kLJlS,nh\r
They played fairly well there yesterday.