For the past decades television and technology executives in the US. Have been promings that views would use their remote controls for something other than channel surfing. Well. We’ve seen how that’s turned out. Ventures like Microsoft’s WebTV flopped. In Britain,however,that drem has become a reality .Thirty-one percent of Britain’s 26 million households have interactive TV , compared with only 8% in the US. 4W#E`9
How did Britain, a coutry not known for its high-tech powers ,achieve such dominance in interative television? Because cable was novelty in England until recently, the country was able to skip a generation of technology and go straight to digital TV , while US cable companies still upgrading their networks .Consumer behavior differs too .Fewer Britons own PCs ,and those who have internert access spend less time online than Americans, making them more willing to utilize Web-like functions on their TV sets. u<n`x6gL
市场调研是对各种市场需求、产品适应性、发展或开拓新市场的方法等方面所进行的研究。 调研根据不同的目的可采用不同的方法。常规的市场调研可追溯到20世纪30年代的瑞典和法国。第二次世界大战后,美国的公司在使用市场调研技术方面领先,这些技术很快传遍西欧大部分地区和日本。