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主题 : 考博语法练习
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-04-04   


语法部分 2x<,R/}  
ZxF RE#y~2  
Part One Multiple Choice 9 `4M o+  
1.     are an effective means by which advocacy groups can bring inequalities to the attention of local, state, and federal officials. :c)N"EJlI2  
  A. Demonstration public                B. Demonstrations public NitsUg@<  
  C. Demonstration publics                D. Demonstrations publics :[YHJaK  
2. The magnificent     temple was constructed by the Chinese. E">FH >8K}  
  A. eight-centuries-old                B. eight-century-old I7,5ID4pn  
  C. eight-century’s-old                D. old-eight-centuries W;!OxOWZJ  
3. I have been to Tibet   . 0h=NbLr|S-  
  A. a hundred time                    B. hundred times c&me=WD  
  C. hundreds of times                    D. hundred of times EIQ`?8KSR  
4. Since 1974 there have been two     in this city. m[n=t5~  
  A. woman mayors                    B. woman mayor AtU%S9  
  C. women mayor                    D. women mayors ynY (  
5. It’s     by coach from Melbourne to Sydney. F#NuZ'U  
  A. a nine hour’s journey                B. a nine hour journey ^m pWQ`R  
  C. a nine hours’ journey                D. a nine-hours journey ;\a?xtIy  
6. Because they are generally taken simply to obtain a recognizable and relatively clear image, most nonprofessional photographs demand     equipment. >V1vw7Pa  
  A. few                            B. a little BPO)<bx_  
  C. a few                            D. little Pa)'xfQ$Y6  
7. To the finalists,   , the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficulty. D]tI's1  
  A. Bob and I                        B. Bob and me WAq! _xE  
  C. I and Bob                        D. me and Bob wH]5VltUT1  
8. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than,     at the other store. {0L.,T~g+[  
  A. anyone                            B. the others BN7]u5\7  
  C. that                            D. the ones     da ' 1 H  
9. You don’t think we were all     careless, do you? JsP<etX  
  A. as                                B. this 6&* z  
  C. such                            D. that fM/~k>wl  
10. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children—the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity,     that capacity small or great. Hnft1   
  A. be                                B. being b I"+b\K  
  C. were                            D. are R1 C}S  
11. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers     for. >;Ag7Ex  
  A. be demonstrating                    B. demonstrate y:',)f }  
  C. had been demonstrating            D. have demonstrated "%(SLQOyy  
12. Having spent his last penny for the cheese, he was determined to eat it all, even though it tasted l4bL N  
  to him. _.%U}U  
  A. bitterly                            B. bitter ]A=yj@o$xN  
  C. bitterness                        D. bitterlier icK>|   
13. His desire to be a psychiatrist was born of his sympathy with   . P9 w);jp;  
  A. the mental ill                        B. the ill mentally YMn*i<m  
  C. the mentally ill                    D. the mental illness *$]50 \W  
14. General George Brown was older     in his regiment, but he was unwilling to retire from military service. %ZsdCQc{`  
  A. than any other officer                B. than any officers 8-B6D~i  
  C. than other officers                    D. than any other officers Lm8uN?  
15. According to the time table, the aeroplane for San Francisco     at eight o’clock in the morning. "T@9#7Obu  
  A. will leave                        B. is going to leave gb{8SG5ac  
  C. has left                            D. leaves 7v&>d,  
16. As automation increases, the problems of unemployment will become more serious unless more men and women     the training necessary for white-collar positions. x,NV{uG$n  
  A. have been given                    B. are given "c.@4#/_  
  C. will be given                        D. would be given WES$B7y  
17. Talk to anyone in the drug industry,     you’ll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered. RkZyqt @+  
  A. or                                B. for ~ <36vsk  
  C. and                            D so + )n}n5  
18. We can’t give you a room now unless you     reservations. .~C%:bDnX7  
  A. made                            B. will make m[CyvcF*u  
  C. have made                        D. are making cd|/ 4L 6  
19. Immanuel Kant was so regular in his habits that until the day he died people     their watches by his actions. )(9[>_+40  
  A. have set                            B. had set i A<'i8$P  
  C. have been setting                    D. set 6p9 { z42  
20. By the year 2000, scientists probably     a cure for cancer. LJ6L#es2  
  A. will be discovering                B. are discovering ~h:(9q8NLC  
  C. will have discovered                D. have discovered GExr] 2r  
21. They told me that Professor Smith     here for twenty years by this winter. erKi*GssZ  
  A. would have been teaching            B. had been teaching R^mkQb>m.  
  C. had taught                        D. will have taught 3Vbt(K  
22. For centuries large communities of people     on houseboats in parts of the world where the climate is warm and waters are calm. cm0$v8  
  A. have been living                    B. had been living b0/YX@  
  C. are living                        D. were living (*b<IGi;  
23. A thousand miles no longer     much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us over this distance within a matter of a few hours. P4zwTEk`  
  A. meant                            B. mean /~Bs5f.]?  
  C. means                            D. will mean N/'8W9#6  
24. The vice-president and production director of the company     the welcoming ceremony held by the Capital Hill this evening. UM`{V5NG#  
  A. were to attend                    B. are to attend O._\l?m  
  C. is to attend                        D. have attended G[*z,2Kb>  
25. An iron and steel works, together with some satellite factories,     to be built here. d"@ /{O^1  
  A. is                                B. are 61b*uoq0w?  
  C. have                          D. has been r \[|'hA  
26. A large collection of contemporary photographs, including some by Edward Steichen,     on display at the museum. 2;j<{'  
  A. are                                B. is j0j!oj)7I  
  C. have been                        D. to be xXc>YTK'  
27. That intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals     by some psychologists. LuHRB}W  
  A. are questioned                    B. have been questioned a#{"3Z2|  
  C. is questioned                        D. has questioned 97U OH  
28. The advent of low-cost, high-speed data processing facilities     school administrators with resources not available a few years ago. (w{T[~6  
  A. have provided                    B. has provided ,Tu.cg  
  C. have been provided                D. has been provided ks\q^ten  
29. Water is the only substance that     at ordinary temperatures in all three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. 3 tCTPZy  
  A. occurs                            B. occur "\O7_od-  
  C. will occur                        D. has occurred G0|}s&$yL  
30. He is the only one of my friends who     to settle abroad. N$=9R  
  A. is                                B. are #HH[D ;z  
  C. has been                        D. to be u z7|!G!43  
31. If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955, the housing problems now in some parts of this country     so serious. Il9xNVos#  
  A. would have been                    B. wouldn’t be iLIb-d?!a&  
  C. had been                        D. should have been xs\<!  
32. The million of calculations involved, had they been done by hand,     all practical value by the time they were finished. d,N6~?B  
  A. could lose                        C. ought to have lost as]M%|/-I  
  C. would have lost                    D. might lose S6(48/  
33. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it     v@OELJX  
  in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. D4@?>ek6U  
  A. is to be analyzed                    B. has been analyzed 0?8>{!I  
  C. be analyzed                        D. should have been analyzed v0dzM/?*  
34. Every attention must be paid to him, lest he     that he is inferior to my other guests. c5$DHT @N"  
  A. would feel                        B. feels p<H_]|7$7U  
  C. felt                                D. feel dp^PiyL  
35. John wants to see me today, but I would rather he     tomorrow than today. n]Yz <#  
  A. came                            B. had come }dzVwP=  
  C. would come                        D. should come e-P{)L<s5  
36. I would have gone to visit you but I     in touch with you while I was in Boston. -rI7ihr*  
  A. couldn’t get                        B. hadn’t got ;Us6:}s  
  C. couldn’t have got                    D. shouldn’t have got PvV\b<Pe+  
37. My phone call to the electrician     as I subsequently discovered my wife had phoned. 1="]'!2Is  
  A. needn’t be made                    B. shouldn’t be made 7F>]zrbK  
  C. needn’t have been made            D. didn’t have to be XrTc5V  
38. From the tears in Nedra’s eyes we can deduce that something sad ____. JUA%l  
  A. must have occurred                B. would have occurred 4y+hr   
  C. might be occurring                D. should occur Lf ^ 7|  
39. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,     to find it locked. D$)F X(  
  A. just                            B. only y'8T=PqY[t  
  C. hence                            D. thus !gLJBp  
40. More than a quarter of the smokers     in last year’s survey said they had begun smoking regularly while in college. T+P{,,a/]  
  A. having questioned                B. questioned /_cpS q  
  C. to be questioned                    D. questioning u;^H=7R  
41. There was no sign that Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite     from leadership of it, would intervene personally. U= n  
  A. being resigned                    B. having resigned _?{KTgJG  
  C. going to resign                    D. resign 0K^@P #{hd  
42.     London Bridge was then rebuilt as part of a tourist attraction. 8b,Z)"(U3  
A.    It was sold to an Arizona entrepreneur 4jZt0  
B.    Sold to an Arizona entrepreneur Lp$&eROFVs  
C.    Having sold to an Arizona entrepreneur ,:}VbQ:3I  
D.    Selling to an Arizona entrepreneur Dy. |bUB!f  
43. When Richard Nixon became president, he was quite familiar with the White House,     an eight-year term as vice president under Eisenhower. Iu~(SKr=|$  
  A. has served                        B. serving 9} C(M?d  
  C. to have served                    D. having served JK^%V\m  
44. The local health organization is reported     twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president. o%]b\Vl6  
  A. to have been set up                B. to be set up 2g)q (  
  C. being set up                        D. having been set up U .^%7.  
45. They exchanged views on the questions of   . -y&>&D  
  A. electing whom                    B. whom to elect 4yxf/X)  
  C. whom to be elected                D. to elect whom 65 &+Fv  
46. The students expected there     more reviewing classes before the final exams. \@Z D.d#  
  A. is                                B. have been ezJ^ r,D|  
  C. being                            D. to be 6 ;\>,  
47. A few years ago,     through Italy, the idea for a history of Florentine architecture occurred to him. %tkL<e  
  A. traveling                        B. to travel 0#e Pg6n  
  C. when he was traveling                D. traveled g ?% ]()E  
48. While     by the side of a hot dog stand, an airplane flew over our head with such a deafening roar that we almost choked with the soda we were drinking. MGKSaP;x  
  A. to stop                            B. we stopped :VRQd}$Pi  
  C. having stopped                    D. stopped x*^)B~7}  
49. First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual international event     concerns about environmental issues such as pollution. :,^x?'HK  
  A. dedicated to raising                B. dedicated to raise %`dVX EO  
  C. dedicating to raising                D. to be dedicated to raising kf",/?s2Z  
50. A new technique   , the yields as a whole increased by 20 per cent. \xZ6+xZd1  
  A. working out                        B. having been worked out a=^>A1=  
  C. having worked out                D. to have been worked out c30 kb  
51. They have worked out a method     the agricultural production could be raised on a large scale. .)=j~}\  
  A. to which                        B. with which RjR  
  C. by which                        D. of which 7LW %:0  
52. It is useful to be able to predict the extent     which a price change will affect supply and demand. 9[\$\l  
  A. from                            B. with 2I~a{:O  
  C. to                                D. for DVyxe}  
53. There is no material     will deform more or less under the action of forces. tj!~7lo  
  A. who                            B. but /kd6Yq(y  
  C. as                                D. that  A,|lDsvM  
54. Settlers of the western United States had a sense of equality in the face of hardship,     led to democratic political practices. nR$Q~`  
  A. which                            B. what z 4`H<Pn  
  C. that                            D. who c f1GA  
55. The village is no longer a remote and backward place     it used to be. )VR/a  
  A. where                            B. what _Nq7_iT0  
  C. which                            D. that =dI2j@}c  
56. The laser beam is also different from ordinary light beams in the way   . V IU4QEW`x  
  A. on which it travels                B. by which it travels J{5&L &4  
  C. through which it travels            D. it travels |/35c0IM  
57. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything     going on in the world. ]^CNC0  
  A. it is                            B. as is 0NG<uZ  
  C. there is                            D. what is nqyB,vv0  
58. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much     encourages aggressive patriotism. rw ou[QU  
  A. which                            B. that |nj,]pA  
  C. what                            D. whose okZDxg`6  
59. The policemen went into action     they heard the alarm. 9AdA|/WV  
  A. promptly                        B. presently d$`NApr  
  C. quickly                            D. directly ,] ,dOIOwn  
60. We hope the measures to control prices     taken by the government will succeed. nXOJ  
  A. when                            B. as : |?nz$   
  C. since                            D. after H|0GRjC  
61.     is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production. `'{>2d%\g  
  A. What                            B. That Je#vl4<L  
  C. It                                D. As ,NQucp  
62. Scientists say it may be five or ten years ____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. 6:(*u{  
  A. when                            B. after 5:ZM-kZT  
  C. before                            D. since ]HK|xO(  
63. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital,     they have no schedules to keep. RTW4r9~'  
  A. even though                        B. for OXs-gC{b  
  C. as if                            D. since f@%H"8w!  
64. ____, he always tries his best to complete it on time. <4{,u1!t  
  A. However the task is hard            B. However hard the task is jcWv&u|  
  C. Though hard the task is            D. Though hard is the task Ls#= R  
65. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ____ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors. ;L5'3+U  
  A. by which                        B. in that v^a. b  
  C. to which                        D. so that "?Eh_Dw  
66. It was training that he had as a young man ____ made him such a good engineer. .&A S-">Z  
  A. has                            B. later Ccw6,2`&  
  C. which                            D. that \o- Q9V  
67. Physics is the present-day equivalent of     used to be called natural philosophy, from which most of present-day science arose. a3wTcp "r  
  A. that                            B. all R)AFaP |  
  C. which                            D. what cvR|qHNX  
68. Intelligence is to the mind ____ sight is to the body. Lzzf`jN]  
  A. what                            B. as 7T]}<aK<c[  
  C. that                            D. like _yq"F#,*  
69. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true     it comes to classroom tests. sglYT!O  
  A. when                            B. since -vcHSwG b  
  C. before                            D. after ;O*y$|+PA  
70. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes ____ I heard voices. @aU%1h5W;l  
  A. as                                B. when c]`}DH,TJ  
C. after                            D. while 0f).F  
71.     much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption. 6% @@~"  
  A. Because                        B. For  PK#; \Zw  
  C. Since                            D. While }JXAG/<  
72. We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best tourist guide. p$XL|1G*?H  
  A. whatever                        B. whomever j$h.V#1z  
  C. whichever                        D. whoever 'k=GSb  
73. Output is now six times     it was before 1990. b{|Ha3;w  
  A. that                            B. what b[<zT[.:  
  C. for which                        D. of that cD&53FPXC  
74. Only then     aware of the fact that there were more difficulties ahead than he had expected. SomA`y+ERn  
  A. he became                        B. did he became e"u=4nk  
  C. did he become                    D. he becomes {=W TAgP  
75.   , but it also filters out harmful sun rays. ;/$=!9^sZ  
A.    The atmosphere gives us air to breathe 6/ir("LK  
B.    Not only the atmosphere gives us air to breathe Az29?|e  
C.    The atmosphere which gives us air to breathe tG(#&54  
D.    Not only does the atmosphere give us air to breathe H#IJ&w|  
76. Beneath the streets of a modern city     of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants. MA\"JAP/  
  A. does the network exists            B. exist the network 0xbx2jlkY  
  C. exists the network                    D. the network exists l+BJh1^  
77.     is a wealth of gold, silver, copper and lead. ,bhOIuep3  
  A. Hidden underground                B. underground hidden LeB uPR$  
  C. It is hidden underground            D. Underground it is hidden "'us.t.  
78.     is a stream named Peach Brook. |~b.rKQt[  
  A. Across it runs                    B. Running across it USLG G}R  
  C. It runs across                        D. Running across ?-CZJr  
79. The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants     heavily polluted outside air. 0 e 1W&  
  A. than does                        B. like of }gQ FWT  
  C. more                            D. can some that are Wk$ 7<gkr  
80. Tired     he was, he insisted on going ahead with the plan at once. _5'OQ'P2  
  A. while                            B. as DIR_W-z  
  C. although                        D. despite #9aB3C  
81. The experiment requires more money than   . W99MA5P  
  A. have been put in                    B. being put in f/t1@d!  
  C. has been put in                    D. to be put in qdoJIP{  
82. In the course of a day students do far more than just     classes. DC4,*a~  
  A. attend                            B. attended Ox;q +5  
  C. to attend                        D. attending <rd7<@>5D  
83. It is often more difficult to find trained men than     for a research project. CR*R'KX D%  
  A. get financial support                B. to get financial support aa:Oh^AJy  
  C. getting financial support            D. to getting financial support @+LkGrDP  
84. It is not so much the language     the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand. U$o\?4  
  A. nor                            B. neither <Z%iP {  
  C. as                                D. other than jj^{^,z\  
85. It is not an agreement   , but it will serve as one. yi`Z(j;  
  A. on such                            B. for such ~e,k71  
  C. as such                            D. in such EU?)AxH^  
86. Fat cannot change into muscle ____ muscle changes into fat. 4:\1S~WW  
  A. any more than                    B. no more than v'Y)~Kv@!  
  C. no less than                        D. much more than &6%%_Lw$  
87. The heart is ____ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. TCAtb('D  
  A. not so                            B. not much 8z&7wO  
  C. much more                        D. no more ~_C[~-  
88. Language belongs to each one of us, to the flower-seller     to the professor. jbx@ty  
  A. as much as                        B. as far as <4,hrx&.  
  C. the same as                        D. as long as gf/$M[H!   
89. Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks,     the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words. uJ jm50R<  
  A. as                                B. thus zbsdK  
  C. so                                D. like E!.>*`)?.  
90. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt ____ lonely. UJ-IK|P.#  
  A. nothing but                        B. anything but _@I<H\^  
  C. all but                            D. everything but DiMkcK_e  
91. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take,     they can limit how much water you drink. Zt: .+.dV  
  A. much more than                    B. no more than l);M(<  
  C. no less than                        D. any more than wi'CBfr'z  
92. ____ can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction. G+Ft2/+\  
  A. Everybody                        B. Anybody ^2-2Jz@  
  C. Somebody                        D. Nobody I}JC~=`j  
93. Tom     better than to ask his brother to help at such a critical moment. 9\9:)q  
  A. shall                            B. has known ">='l9  
  C. shouldn’t                        D. should have known o HqBNTyH  
94.   , he never alters a decision. 1} 1.5[4d  
  A. Come what may                    B. What may come (V2~txMh  
  C. May what come                    D. May come whatever !1 :%!7  
95.     for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is. px6[1'|g  
  A. Had it not been                    B. Were it not K|Sh  
  C. Be it not                        D. Should it not be 5 [{l9  
96. The number of registered participants in this year’s marathon was half ____. *x[ZN\$`Y  
  A. of last year’s                        B. those of last year’s H4C]%Q  
  C. of those of last year                D. that of last year’s v x qsK  
97. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ____ me that evening. zu8   
  A. had interrupted                    B. would have interrupted ]PWK^-4P  
  C. to have interrupted                D. to interrupt pVgzUu7  
98. I cannot be     grateful for his kindness. d/I,`  
  A. very                            B. quite zN2CI6  
  C. so                            D. too 8nzDLFxp_  
99. “I can’t praise his work   .” George said. RsnK B /  
  A. enough                            B. greatly )b^yAzL?  
  C. yet                                D. also P)7:G?OTx  
100. I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner _____. YN.[KQ(!  
  A. the more excited I got                B. I got excited more u-v/`F2wN  
  C. and more I got excited                D. and I got more excited








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2009-04-12   
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