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主题 : 中科院考博英语翻译试题及译文
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-08-02   


As we enter the 21st century, the gap between the worlds’s rich and poor is widening, both within and among countries. 1) The vast majority of the world's population is receiving an ever-decreasing share of its collective wealth, while the share claimed by a few rich nations and individuals is steadily growing. In 2001 Forbes magazine counted 538 billionaires with a total net worth of 1.7 trillion dollars, while the United Nations identified 2.8 billion people surviving on less than two dollars a day. Overall, the richest 20 percent of the world's people control 86 percent of global income, while the poorest 20 percent control barely one percent. }z8HS< #Q  
The impacts of this widening rich-poor gap are varied and worrisome. 2) They include environmental destruction—richer nations and individuals can afford to over-consume resources, while poorer nations and individuals are forced to over-exploit the environment just to survive. They include migration—people are forced to move in search of adequate resources. And they include conflict—wealthier nations and individuals fight to keep what they have, while those suffering a lack of resources fight to obtain them. 3) Because poorer groups typically lack the assets and technology to conduct large-scale conventional war to obtain their goals, they often resort to low-intensity conflict and terrorism. ;?0r,0l2$  
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  The causes of this global disparity are diverse and complex, but include colonial era trading patterns that favor industrialized nations; the globalization of economies and economic structures, in which poor nations struggle to compete; a growing "digital divide" characterized by lack of access to information technology; inadequate governance and protection of law; and lack of access to education, healthcare, and social safety nets, especially for women and girls. w"K;e(S  
  4) Individuals and nations need not remain in poverty indefinitely, however. With an awareness of the interdependence of our modern world and a concerted   political will, it is possible to reverse this trend that threatens to divide the world against itself. And reversing this trend would have powerful and positive impact on our future. vS'5Lm  
  5) Bringing the nearly 5 billion people of the less industrialized world into a sustainable economy through “pro-poor” policies would provide a tremendous boost to the world economy, as well as to those people. With increased economic opportunities comes improved access to nutrition, education, and health care. With those comes higher income, greater autonomy—especially for women—and the opportunity to pursue environmentally sound technologies and products. ,BG L|5?3z  
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  进入21世纪以来,在全球范围内,不论是国内还是国家之间,贫富差距加大。全球财富中,世界上绝大多数人所能获得的份额在日益减少,而少数几个富人和富国所获得的份额却在稳步增长。2001年《福布斯》杂志收录了资本净值总额为l.7万亿美元的538位亿万富翁,而联合国确认有28亿人每天靠不足2美元艰难度日。总的说来,全世界最富裕的20%的人口控制着全球86%的财富,而最贫穷的20%的人El所占的财富仅为1%。 (}LLk +  
  贫富差距日益加大所产生的影响是方方面面的,也是令人担忧的。其中包括对环境的破坏:富人和富国因财力充足而过度地消费资源;穷人和穷国为了生存而不得不过度地开发利用环境。其次是迁移——人们为了寻找足够的资源而不得不背井离乡。还有冲突——富人和富国通过对抗以确保对财富的所有权;饱受资源不足之苦的穷人和穷国则通过对抗来获得他们所需要的资源。贫穷的群体一般都缺乏资金和技术,无力从事大规模的常规战争以达到自己的目的,因此常常诉诸于小型的对抗和恐怖活动。 -Lbi eS%  
  虽然导致全球贫富差距的原因是多方面的,也是很复杂的,但是其中就包括了有利于工业化国家的殖民时代的贸易模式;穷国在其中奋力抗争的经济和经济结构的全球化;由于信息技术不发达而逐渐增大的“数字化差异";法律管理和保护的不善;教育、医疗保健、社会安全保障体系的缺乏,尤其是针对妇女和女童的安全保障体系的缺乏。 +_LWN8F  
但是,这些国家和个人不必毫无止境地贫困下去。意识到当今世界需要相互依赖,在共l司的政治愿望的促使下,扭转这种迫使世界违背自身的愿望而分裂的趋势是有可能的。而扭转这种趋势对我们的未来会产生积极而有力的影响。 h\i>4^]X.  
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