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主题 : 医学考博阅读理解解题方法
级别: 高级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-10-14   


医学考博阅读理解解题方法 2i6P<&@  
}o GMF~  
先读问题,再读原文。如问题中有明显特征,如大写字母,数字等,可到原文寻找对应点。注意,应先做有特征的题,以减少浪费在阅读上的时间。 E?K(MT&@  
接着你只好认命地从头开始阅读,当然是带着问题。找到敏感区域再回头看选项。注意,1不要自行引申;2文中没提到的是错误选项;3对不确定的选项,在敏感区域找关键词,一般情况下是同义词或意思相对应的句子。 js)E:+{A,  
其他:如选项出现绝对词汇(every/all)一般为错误解。 0""%@X]m  
现以某人(SORRY,一时想不起他的名字)的模拟试题1为例: fH ,h\0  
Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%) p'/%"  
Passage One ,0Udz0  
By about ten thousand years ago, with virtually every part of the globe populated, however sparsely, humanity was in place for the advent of agriculture. At the time, hunting and gathering was the universal means of subsistence, each band of humans exploiting the seasonal offerings of the animal and plant kingdoms of its own locality. By now the bow and arrow had been invented, as had the spear and spearthrower; both of these were important technological advances for hunting. The technology of plant- and food-gathering, however, remained simple: merely a container in which to carry fruit, nuts and succulent roots back to the camp. Life was essentially nomadic, unhurried, leisurely. 78Zb IL  
In general, hunting and gathering bands were relatively small, consisting of perhaps five or six family units. They would be part of a large and widespread tribe, sharing the language and culture of their neighbours but subsisting as a small, mobile band. Some hunter-gatherers, however, did not have to move camp every few weeks in search of new food sources. Some even built small villages, containing a hundred or more people. The reason for this unusual stability would have been a particularly rich food source. One such village is in Lepenski Vir. There, on the eve of the agricultural revolution, a band of hunter-gatherers built a village perched above the rushing Danube. Although they gathered food from the surrounding countryside, their main subsistence was on fis1Tm the river. In their village they carved faces on boulders, giving them distinctly fishy expressions. UG}"OBg/  
An obvious first step from the straightforward gathering of abundant plant foods towards actually cultivating them is simply to help them grow a little better-by irrigation, for instance. Until not very long ago, the Paiute Indians of the Owens Valley in the south-western United States did just this. They dug irrigation canals which they fed from dammed streams to enhance the growth of their plant foods, none of which they planted themselves. Taking care of growing plants is certainly a step towards agriculture, but the distinctive element is the actual sowing of the seeds, and even more the sowing of specially selected seeds. The backbone of successful crop-growing has been genetic selection for high yield and for resistance to diseases. /WAOpf5   
Maize was one of the first crops to be cultivated, and the initial steps in the selective breeding towards today’s super cob (
超级玉米) were probably fortuitous(偶然的). The simple act of gathering the tiny cobs would tend to select those in which the kernels fall out least readily: if the cobs are taken back to the village to be dried, the kernels that survive the journey will be those which stick most tenaciously in the cob. Once people had taken the conscious step of sowing seeds it was then just a matter of experience and insight to improve the crops by using seeds from the healthiest plants of the previous season. jw2hB[WR  
Whether, initially, deliberate sowing followed a conscious experiment, or was the result of keen observation of accidentally spilled seeds that had been meant for food, we shall never know. The event must have occurred independently in many places and in many different ways, sometimes perhaps accidentally and sometimes by design. And the circumstances for beginning regular root-cropping must also have differed. The previous focus of any hunting and gathering community must, of course, have influenced the style of agriculture it adopted. =%FhY^-  
以下列问题为例: ,+n {xI2  
61. At the time of the advent of agriculture, the global population _______ ,`ehR6b  
很好,你很快就在第二段看到“the advent of agriculture”,而且前面有一个转折“however”,这个词无论什么时候都是那么让人振奋,其后紧跟着一个副词“sparsely”,这个时候你一定心跳很快,因为副词和形容词是多么重要的细节啊。那么接着读选项吧,很好,你发现选项C“not evenly distributed”很可爱,应为它与“sparsely”正好呼应。Bingo,答案正是C y3'K+?4  
  was restricted to particular types of land Z79Y$d>G<E  
  had begun to increase steadily Vc|QW  
  was not evenly distributed [ dVRVm0N  
  had insufficient food supplies U3>ES"N  
62. What characterized the finding of food at that time? gWjz3ob  
虽然做对了上一题,你还得认命地接着往下读,因为,这不是托福那样的标准化命题,考点不定在哪呢。幸好你很快又发现敏感区域了,接着看选项,ABC在敏感区域都没提到,答案很可能是D。你可能还是不确定,这时,切勿绞尽脑汁引申,你要做的是回敏感区域找关键词。很好你找到了“seasonal offerings…”,答案确定是D了。并且令人高兴的是,由于下一题已解,你完全可以不看第二段,而是直接跳进第三段。 `@ Ont+  
  People’s diet was varied throughout the year. 9qJ:h-?M  
  Hunters travelled long distances to stalk their prey. 60 p*4>^v  
  Hunting was more significant than gathering. g7LS  
  What people ate depended on the time of year. +^aM(4K\  
63. The writer mentions the people of Lepenski Vir because _______ #5IfF~* i  
注意此处出现了大写字母,可到原文中寻找对应。找到对应后,看到代词“SUCH”就知还应往前找到其所指代的东西。并且你还可以发现一个很有意思的词“stability”,这样你完全可以判断选项C是正确的了。 +JFE\>O  
  they showed creative talent A}03s6^i;  
  they caught fish 1,G f;mcQ  
  they settled in one place 9fq CE619a  
  they were among the first farmers dy0xz5N-  
64. What is the key element in the development of agriculture? 1FEY&rpR  
很讨厌,你在几乎第三段的最后一句才看到与“key element”相对应的关键词“backbone”,这样毫无疑问,正确选项是A ATU]KL!{  
  Growing plants from specially chosen seed. ^ 5gB?V,  
  Taking care of growing plants. bcprhb  
  The channeling of water. KA0_uty/T  
  Finding plants that can resist disease. ;=ERm=  
65. What first improved the quality of maize? ulnlRx  
情况稍好,你在第四段的第一句就看到与“first”相对应的“initial”了,再看选项你又乐了,因为你看到选项B与含有关键词的句子中的“fortuitous”相对应。 ZzO.s$  
  People chose which plants to collect. Z0%Qy+%  
  It was a matter of chance. lMBXD?,,J  
  Plants were carefully tended. 'd 6z^Z6  
  Farmers observed which plants did well. &!FWo@  
P "mD 73a  









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