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主题 : 浙江大学考博英语03年试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-07-13   


浙江大学考博英语03年秋词汇题 fAgeF$9@  
    1. Hoping that he might be able to _____the problem,I asked Manio to look at the engine.  y:RW:D&  
    A . shed light on    B. make light of    C. bring light to    D. set light to w.q`E@ T*  
    2. His_____ and unwillingless to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. 7GOBb|  
    A. arrogance   B. dignity   C. humility   D. solitude m$p}cok#+S  
   3. The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a(n)______in world trade. ]E-/}Ysz  
    A. inflation    B. stimulus    C. bulge    D. boom wa8jr5/k"  
    4. He decided he was going to take______ for the murder of his sister p^pd7)sBr  
    A. refuge    B. testify     C. certify    D. allege 9\4x<*  
    5. No one expected him to ____against his former employer. Wx:v~/r  
    A. dedare    B. testify    C. certify    D. allege $|=| "/  
    6. Rachel was the_____ choice for the job thanks to her communication skills ~#E&E%sJ  
    A. unanimous    B. genuine    C. harmnious    D. agreeable ,`bW (V  
    7. The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form on ____ account. NV * 2  
    A. senstive     B. genuine     C. expressive     D. coherent 4Hz3 KKu  
    8. You should have your eyes examined_____to be sure of your eyesight. !-lI<$S:  
    A. periodically    B. persistently    C. continuously    D. continually yMNJHiE/  
    9. You should treat those remarks with the ___ that they deserve don’t give them a second thought. 8g0 #WV  
    A. negative    B. disgrace    C. contempt    D. sarcasm .V hU:_u  
    10 The book is a rain attempt to ____ the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history. 6\.g,>   
    A. worship    B. glorify    C. adore    D. cherish VZi1b0k1.  
    11 The government is seeking to ___ itself from the latest financial. n+8YTjd  
    A. detach    B. extract    C. derive    D. ease ZWCsrV*;  
    12 Heavy rainful in the south of England means that flooding is____ {N2GRF~c-y  
    A. imminent    B. momentous    C. transient    D. prospective 9 Zos;  
    13 He____ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. xw8k<`  
    A. dispose    B. dispensed    C. dispatched    D. dispersed !0l|[c4 e>  
    14 I didn't ignore her_____ just didn't recognize her. 2H`r:x<Z-  
    A. attentively    B. intensively    C. intentionally    D. intensely nGVr\u9z  
    15 You will only be allowed to leave early in_____ circumstances @ym:@<D  
    A. exceptional    B. concidental    C. peculiar    D. imperative I0F [Z\U  
    参考答案: A A D B B A D A A B B A C C A k{f1q>gd  
    浙江大学考博英语04年春词汇题 _/:--Z  
    1. It is important to keep the factory working at ____ efficiency all the time. u0wu\  
    A optimistic    B optimum    C optical     D optional 1|p\rHGd  
    2. We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market. K>'4^W5d,  
    A lingering    B chronic     C lengthy     D abiding rPB Ju0D"  
    3. Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely____ #X)DFAtb  
    A legible    B intelligible     C distinctive    D conceivable |KJGM1]G  
    4. We are going to____ what were learned so for by doing some revision exercise today. pss')YP.  
    A consolidate     B reinforce     C affirm     D conform @>z.chM;  
    5. Kerin made one last____attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him and then left OFo hyy(  
    A considerable     B trival     C futile     D resultant H2],auBY  
    6. The school agree to ___ their decision until they had spoken to his parents. ?.,F3@W "  
    A convert     B retain     C deter     D expel Oyb9 ql^  
    7. Repullican Party member were confidently ____ victory even as the first few votes come in Z84w9y7O<  
    A acclaining     B reclaining     C exclaining     D proclaiming b|87=1^m[  
    8. The___between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank 9vi+[3s/=;  
    A discrepancy     B conflict     C contrast     D divergence "'DPb%o  
    9. The idea that a good night sleep will cure everything is a complete _____ pp|$y\ZzB  
    A defect    B fallacy    C fraud    D abuse c:=HN-*vQ  
    10 Before a bill can become law it has to have the full ____ of both Houses of Parliament. +sx(q@  
    A justification    B warrant    C endorsement    D verification Mprn7=I{Tg  
    11 The image is ____ by a series of lenses within the telescope tG]W!\C'h  
    A magnified    B signified    C extended    D expanded vm xS^_I  
    12 Strangely enough the most obvious explanation did not ___Juckie until the next day *[>{ 9V  
    A stumble on    B occur to   C come up with   D stand up to :tENn r.9v  
    13 The government wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a ___ objective? s|WcJV  
    A reflective   B flexible   C feeble   D feasible ]@_|A, ]  
    14 She has still ___ by what happened in Bancelona, although she had left 20years earlier  2X`t&zg  
    A haunted   B frequented   C recalled     D sustained E\2 f"s  
    15 The hands on my alarm clock are____.So I can tell time in the dark kJ* N`=  
    A imminent   B luminous    C illumination   D illustrative -R9{Ak  
    参考答案:B B A A C B D A B C A B D A B -4Q\FLC'k  
    浙江大学考博英语04年秋词汇题 g6gwNC:aF  
  (大部分与03年秋以及04年春词汇部分重复,不同的有) "Z';nmv'N  
    1. You can't cure a common cold, but you can ____ the symptoms. &w=ul'R98  
    A moderate   B alleviate    C dilute    D subdue HH3Z?g  
    2. For years scientists have been ___ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. MTR+|I3V  
    A tangled     B terrified      C evoked     D baffled 1Uah IePf  
    3. The flood was a___ from which Bangladesh has never really recored. }L`Z<h*H  
    A calamity     B downfall     C reverse     D scandal Qp@}v7Due  
    4 Our company's management____negotiations on a new union contract B%x?VOdBE  
    A launched     B triggered     C terminated     D preserved OgK' ~j  
    参考答案:B D A A #T>pu/EQX_  
    浙江大学考博英语05年春词汇题 -lfbn =3  
    1. If wool is submerged in hot water,it tend to___ C szZr>Z  
    A snap     B shrink     C fade     D condense ZlMS=<hgFx  
    2. His last play was ___ by the critics as a masterpiece p`"Ic2xPJ  
    A claimed     B proclaimed     C exclaimed      D acclaimed IUG}Q7w5  
    3. It is the builder’s job to make sure that the house conforms to the architects___ in every way. vgn,ZcX  
    A regulations      B specialities      C essentials      D specifications "?_ af  
    4.Your letter has been___ to the authority concerned. Tj2pEOu  
    A transited     B transfered      C transported      D transmitted a!j{A?7Kw.  
    5.Among her many___ are loyalty ,courage andtruthfulness p CeCR  
    A virtues      B morals      C characters      D graces @E> rqI;`  
    6 The soldiers___ their arms as thay marched. /BS yanro  
    A swayed       B swung      C swerved      D swelled fndH]Yp  
    7. The country's constitution___ the ideals of equality and freedom. Rx@0EPV  
    A embodies      B symbolizes     C marks     D represents 7Zft]C?|@  
    8. It was ___ whether the patient will survive the operation 7<*g'6JG[  
    A vague      B suspicious     C ambiguous      D doubtful Jg&f.  
    9, The brochure______us into thinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach $GD Q1&Z  
    A trapped      B frightened     C engaged      D misled F:Yp1Wrb<  
    10 "I'm far too busy to talk to you now."    he said, in his usual____manner. jU{~3Gn?  
    A rigid      B steep      C abrupt     D stern 0Fs2* F S  
    11 He's rich and keeps____about how much money he's got to impress people Pp;OkI``[  
    A exaggerating      B boasting      C admiring     D inspiring h.xtkD)Y~  
    12 She was____enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. 5',&8  
    A initiative      B pervasive      C imaginative      D perceptive [KEw5-=i@  
    13 The two countries___ their peace efforts after a break of two and a half years -;YhQxxC}L  
    A rebuked      B renewed       C reviewed      D reclaimed )SaMfP1=v  
    14 People always greet each other warmly,____ their different origins and beliefs.  ,}^FV~  
    A in regard to      B in contrast with      C with respect to      D regardless of \ 5# eBJ  
    15 The express train from London___ on time. m*14n_m'  
    A pulled up       B pulled over       C pulled in      D pulled through  fTGVG  
    参考答案:B D D B A B A D D C B D B D C 4@jX{{^6%  
浙江大学考博试题 Vo(bro4ZQi  
Section I Listening comprehension (20 marks, 1 mark each) i&L!?6 5-f  
Part A (Write not more than 3 words) (I#3![q  
Part B (Write not more than 5 words) fHgvh&FU  
Part C =BO>Bi&&  
M ~6 $kT  
Section II Vocabulary (15 marks, 1 mark each) 3oApazH*  
21. It is important to keep the factory working at _____ efficiency all the time. }Rq{9j,%  
A. optimistic                 B. chronic                 C. optical          D. optional j^mpkv<P  
22. We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market. Hw,@oOh.  
A. lingering                B. chronic                  C. lengthy          D. abiding {Ok]$0L  
23. Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely _____.  aco w  
A. legible                        B. intelligible       C. distinctive          D. conceivable .|KBQ MI  
24. We’re going to _____ what we’ve learned so far by doing some revision exercises today. a6"-,Kg  
A. consolidate                B. reinforce         C. affirm                   D. conform T:*l+<?  
25. Kevin made one last _____ attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him, then left. G^le91$  
A. considerable                B. trivial              C. futile             D. resistant \$xj>b;  
26. The school agreed to _____ their decision until they had spoken to William’s parents. Oh,]"(+  
A. convert               B. retain                C. defer            D. expel 5jsZJpk$  
27. Republican party members were confidently _____ victory even as the first few votes came in. ,#j'~-5  
A. acclaiming           B. reclaiming           C. exclaiming         D. proclaiming jaQH1^~l/-  
28. The _____ between the two sets of figures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. 9D7i>e%,;-  
A. discrepancy             B. conflict            C. contrast            D. divergence o`Q.;1(Y'  
29. The idea that a good night’s sleep will cure everything is a complete _____. h*\u0yD)  
A. defect               B. fallacy               C. fraud               D. abuse ,hE989x<iI  
30. Before a bill can become law it has to have the full _____ of both Houses of Parliament. ;]W@W1)$  
A. justification        B. warrant             C. endorsement         D. verification ]&X}C{v)G  
31. The image is _____ by a series of lenses within the telescope. )Cd.1X8  
A. magnified           B. signified            C. extended              D. expanded kG`&Z 9P  
32. Strangely enough, the most obvious explanation did not _____ Jackie until the next day. plM:7#eA  
A. Stumble on           B. occur to             C. come up with           D. stand up to 0xfF  
33. The Government wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____ objective? v4F+^0?  
A. reflective          B. flexible             C. feeble             D. feasible WF<3 7"A@  
34. She was still _____ by what happened in Barcelona, although she had left twenty years earlier. 9A *gW j  
A. haunted               B. frequented       C. recalled                 D. sustained }d%Fl}.Ez  
35. The hands on my alarm clock are _____ so I can tell the time in the dark. 664D5f#EJ  
A. imminent             B. prominent           C. illuminate           D. luminant M[(pLYq:  
PJ^qE| X  
Section III Cloze Test (20 marks, 1 mark each) aP#/%  
        The Canadian government is introducing one of the _____ anti-tobacco laws in the world. __37__, health groups are describing the bill as a missed opportunity because it fails to include __38__ proposals that were considered in previous __39__. MfO: BX@$  
        The law introduces strict __40__ on the sale and advertising of tobacco. Companies will have to __41__ the contents of cigarette smoke. __42__ giving tar and nicotine contents on cigarette packets, says the government, __43__ will be required to list other toxic constituents of smoke alongside their __44__. But with some 4000 such toxic components, the government plans to __45__ only a handful on each packet. %^[D+1ULb  
        Health groups __46__ this move, but are disappointed that the law fails to demand that cigarettes be __47__ in generic white packets with the brand name given in standard black lettering. “We have a major __48__ here,” says LeGresley. `4g}(-  
        The new bill, which is __49__ by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers’ Council as “very extreme”, is now being rushed through parliament. It is designed to discourage cigarette sales to the young, __50__. Young people buying cigarettes will have to show proof of age, just __51__ they do for alcohol. The bill also __52__ cigarette ending machines and mail-order sales. oXU b_/  
        Some advertising will be permitted. Tobacco companies are still forbidden to advertise on television or radio, but will be allowed to place advertisements in publications where __53__ is mostly __54__, such as daily newspapers. __55__ of sporting and cultural events, which may be shown on television, will also be allowed. 3cF8DN h  
36. A. toughest        B. universal           C. reasonable               D. flexible ',/2J0_  
37. A. Even so        B. Even though        C. On the contrary          D. On the whole Nnq1&j"m  
38. A. adventurous    B. sensible            C. controversial            D. innovative :[7O=[pk  
39. A. sketches        B. drafts             C. codes                    D. regulations SYa O'c  
40. A. controls         B. bans                 C. disciplines              D. orders QNH3\<IS  
41. A. incorporate      B. comprise           C. disclose                D. confess ?:G 3U\M  
42. A. Rather than     B. As well as          C. In spite of               D. In view of wx YGr`f  
43. A. manufacturers   B. advertisers          C. dealers                 D. consumers YrV@k*O*  
44. A. capacities        B. components        C. implications           D. quantities &xUD (  
45. A. attach            B. enclose            C. highlight               D. discriminate Kxg@(Q  
46. A. appraise         B. assess               C. applaud                D. compliment MzD osr3:  
47. A. sold             B. promoted           C. introduce               D. sealed mhy='AQJ  
48. A. setback          B. misfortune           C. hardship               D. adversity 3R0ioi 7  
49. A. commented      B. described           C. hailed                  D. reflected 2=/-,kOL_  
50. A. in part          B. in particular         C. in general             D. in haste eTuKu(0 E  
51. A. as                B. since                C. when                  D. if I Zw  
52. A. objects          B. promotes            C. notifies                D. prohibits %"eR0Lj+zq  
53. A. employee       B. audience             C. spectator              D. readership e[s}tjx  
54. A. adult           B. professional           C. adolescence          D. female }pIn3B)  
55. A. Broadcasting     B. Sponsorship        C. Advertising           D. Coverage aYDo0?kF'  
Section IV Reading Comprehension (20 marks, 1 mark each) /KNDo^P  
Passage 1-4 (56-75) ,Aai-AGG@  
Section V Translation (25 marks) ` j(._`8%a  
Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories (21) ____ on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior (22) ____ they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through (23) ____ with others. Theories focusing on the role of society that children commit crimes in (24) ____ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status (25) ____ as a rejection of middle-class values. }YVF fi~  
     Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, (26) ____ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes (27) ____ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are (28) ____ to criticism. +vaA P=  
     Changes in the social structure may indirectly (29) ____ juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that (30) ____ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment (31) ____ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in (32) ____ lead more youths into criminal behavior. "r* `*1  
     Families have also (33) ____ changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; (34) ____, children are likely to have less supervision at home (35) ____ was common in the traditional family (36) ____. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other (37) ____ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased (38) ____ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing (39) ____ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, (40) ____ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established. WgqSw%:$H  
21.[A] acting     [B] relying     [C] centering     [D] cementing x7U=1y(  
22.[A] before     [B] unless     [C] until     [D] because  tH44\~  
23.[A] interactions  [B] assimilation  [C] cooperation  [D] consultation qz{9ND| )  
24.[A] return    [B] reply     [C] reference     [D] response `Z8k#z'bN  
25.[A] or     [B] but rather     [C] but     [D] or else }Sbk qd5  
26.[A] considering     [B] ignoring     [C] highlighting     [D] discarding q\]X1N  
27.[A] on     [B] in     [C] for     [D] with _p*8ke  
28.[A] immune     [B] resistant     [C] sensitive     [D] subject L*tfY onq  
29.[A] affect     [B] reduce     [C] chock     [D] reflect PXkpttIE]M  
30.[A] point     [B] lead     [C] come    [D] amount Cj<8r S4+  
31.[A] in general     [B] on average    [C] by contrast    [D] at length S`U8\KTi  
32.[A] case     [B] short     [C] turn     [D] essence (8)9S6  
33.[A] survived     [B] noticed     [C] undertaken     [D] experienced bo/9k 4N3  
34.[A] contrarily  [B] consequently  [C] similarly  [D] simultaneously o_BTo5]  
35.[A] than      [B] that     [C] which     [D] as vxj:Y'}  
36.[A] system     [B] structure     [C] concept     [D] heritage  }o*A>le  
37.[A] assessable     [B] identifiable     [C] negligible     [D] incredible rB$~,q&.V  
38.[A] expense     [B] restriction     [C] allocation     [D] availability {tUe(  
39.[A] incidence     [B] awareness    [C] exposure    [D] popularity Y?NL|cW4  
40.[A] provided     [B] since     [C] although     [D] supposing "TZY)\{L  
lAP k/G  
     Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 23, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 24 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, 28 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews,29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful 31 dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the 32 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult 33 visible in the background. in<.0v9w  
      In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have 34 attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37. This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility.38 they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules. s@@Km1w  
21.[A]thought [B]idea [C]opinion [D]advice d X cbS<  
22.[A]strengthen [B]accommodate [C]stimulate [D]enhance <&l$xn  
23.[A]care [B]nutrition [C]exercise [D]leisure z7bJV/f  
24.[A]If [B]Although [C]Whereas [D]Because qqf`z,u  
25.[A]assistance [B]guidance [C]confidence [D]tolerance WJh TU@'  
26.[A]claimed [B]admired [C]ignored [D]surpassed S3ooG14Ls  
27.[A]improper [B]risky [C]fair [D]wise v S>'LX  
28.[A]in effect [B]as a result [C]for example [D]in a sense r6Yd"~ n  
29.[A]displaying [B]describing [C]creating [D]exchanging /B@{w-N  
30.[A]durable [B]excessive [C]surplus [D]multiple !Ud'(iGa  
31.[A]group [B]individual [C]personnel [D]corporation :}zyd;Rc  
32.[A]consent [B]insurance [C]admission [D]security YQ G<Q  
33.[A]particularly [B]barely [C]definitely [D]rarely 5p[}<I{  
34.[A]similar [B]long [C]different [D]short k56Qas+3=  
35.[A]if only [B]now that [C]so that [D]even if b?i+nh qI  
36.[A]everything [B]anything [C]nothing [D]something uGMzU&+  
37.[A]off [B]down [C]out [D]alone 51 q|-d  
38.[A]On the contrary [B]On the average[C]On the whole [D]On the other hand 8~C_ng-wn  
39.[A]making [B]standing [C]planning [D]taking UPuoIfuqI  
40.[A]capabilities [B]responsibilities [C]proficiency [D]efficiency 1l$Ei,9  
     Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened 21 As was discussed before, it was not 22 the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 23, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 24 of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution 25 up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading 26 through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures 27 the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in 28 . It is important to do so. W\~^*ny P6  
      It is generally recognized, 29, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, 30 by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process. 31 its impact on the media was not immediately 32. As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became "personal" too, as well as 33 , with display becoming sharper and storage 34 increasing. They were thought of, like people, 35 generations, with the distance between generations much 36 . \FVfV`x  
      It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe the 37 within which we now live. The communications revolution has 38 both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been 39 views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. "Benefits" have been weighed 40 "harmful" outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult. p0@^1  
21. [A] between   [B] before   [C] since   [D] later 13X}pnW  
22. [A] after   [B] by   [C] during   [D] until ^?VQ$o2  
23. [A] means   [B] method   [C] medium   [D] measure Gaix6@X6'  
24. [A] process   [B] company   [C] light   [D] form M/?,Qii  
25. [A] gathered   [B] speeded   [C] worked   [D] picked Z10Vx2B  
26. [A] on   [B] out   [C] over   [D] off YZg#H) w%  
27. [A] of    [B] for   [C] beyond   [D] into =8\.fp  
28. [A] concept   [B] dimension    [C] effect    [D] perspective Z>9@)wo  
29. [A] indeed    [B] hence    [C] however    [D] therefore j,k3]bP  
30. [A] brought    [B] followed    [C] stimulated    [D] characterized Tlw'05\{J  
31. [A] unless    [B] since    [C] lest    [D] although puC91  
32. [A] apparent    [B] desirable    [C] negative    [D] plausible SGAzeymw  
33. [A] institutional    [B] universal    [C] fundamental    [D] instrumental 5'} V`?S  
34. [A] ability    [B] capability    [C] capacity    [D] faculty ;77K&#1  
35. [A] by means of    [B] in terms of    [C] with regard to    [D] in line with &xnQLz:#  
36. [A] deeper    [B] fewer    [C] nearer    [D] smaller -'&/7e6>y  
37. [A] context    [B] range     [C]scope    [D] territory ;g|Vt}a&4  
38. [A] regarded    [B] impressed     [C] influenced    [D] effected = s&Rk~2b/  
39. [A] competitive     [B] controversial     [C] distracting    [D] irrational Qm%PpQ^Lz3  
40. [A] above     [B] upon     [C] against     [D] with C-&ymJC|  
y}?|+/ dN  
现代人们所面临的生活压力很大,如果一个人他没有在30岁以前有一个好的工作,一个好的合作伙伴,一部汽车,一座大房子,那么这个人与其他成功的人相比就是失败的 2d&F<J<sU  
Modern people faced life pressure very heavy, if a person he did not have one kind job before 30 years old, a good cooperative partner, an automobile, a large house, then compared with other successful persons this person fails <Riz!(G  
失败的人很痛苦,而成功的人可能也不快乐。 QUrPV[JQ  
The failed person is very in pain, and the successful person may be unhappy. 9kL,69d2  
失败对人都是痛苦的事,但失败也常常是珍贵的。大多数孩子在发现他们的高等数学不及格时,他们会感到痛苦,但是实际上他们从失败中却更好地了解自己。他们认识到自己不适合成为工程师或物理学家,认识到他们不会擅长于财会工作或与统计有关的工作。因此,如果孩子门从失败中得出正确的结论的话,失败也有助于孩子们过上更为幸福的生活。 8z9 {H  
Failures are all the pain in the neck to people, but it is often precious to fail. Most children, while finding that their higher mathematics fails, they will feel agony, but they understand oneself from failing better in fact. They realize they are unsuitable to become the engineer or the physicist, realize that they will not be good at financial accounting or the work related to counting . So, if child\'s door draws correct conclusion from failing, failing helps the children to live happier life either. 6mM9p)"$  
NAR6 q{c  
在当今竞争激烈的职场上,交流能力往往决定就业还是失业,在寻找优秀的科研人员时,机构 和公司看重专业证明(Science Credentials)以外的技能。最成功的科学家不仅谙熟学科,而且 懂得管理人群,管理技能对于刚起步的小公司尤其重要,因为公司的存亡可能取决于一个产品的成功与否。公司越小,就越需要你成为多面手。假如你是个出色的化学家,但是沟通能力一塌糊涂,公司就得完蛋。! G KBoSSnV&  
On with keen competition career nowadays, it is still the unemployment that communication skills often decide to obtain employment , while looking for outstanding scientific research personnel, the technical ability that the organization and company value the speciality beyond proving ( Science Credentials ). The most successful scientist is not only well versed in discipline but also know how to manage crowds, the management skill is especially important to the little company that just started, because the survival or perish of the company may depend on the succeeding or not of a product . The smaller the company is, the more need you to become the many-sided person . If you are an outstanding chemist, but link up ability in a complete mess, the company must be finished. ^hIdmTf6  
有几件事你们应该清楚,第一,自我激励与减轻压力是直接相关的。第二,并非所有的压力都是负面的。第三,既然是我们给自己制造压力,我们就能够控制它。第四,我们有控制压力的行之有效的方法,如果我们不愿尽最大的努力减轻压力,增强动力,我们就回给自己及他人带来无限的痛苦,没有一蹴而就的成功,如果我们能够成功处理生活中的压力,我们才有可能获得自我激励。你的个人成长取决于努力,取决于你愿意把振奋和放松精神的方法付诸实践。 5J5?cs-!  
There are several things you should be clear , first, it is relevant directly to encourage and lighten the pressure oneself. Second, it is not that all pressures are negative. Third, since we make the pressure for oneself, we can control it . Fourth, we have effectual method to control the pressure, if we are unwilling to do one's best to lighten the pressure, strengthening motive force, we bring the limitless agony to oneself and others, without success of accomplishing in one move, if we can succeed in dealing with the pressure in life , we may just get oneself and encourage . Your personal growth depends on efforts, depend on you would like to put inspiring and relaxing the method of spirit into practice PYkhY;*  
2002年Translation(80 minutes, 30 marks) V b0T)C  
从成年羊细胞克隆(clone)的羊不仅开辟了广阔的科学上的可能性,也带来了道德上的窘境,一个外表普通名叫多利(Dolly)的羊羔照片上周成为全球报纸杂志的头版,这是因为她惊人的出生:她是一位成年羊的一模一样的复制品,没有父亲。 ( S[z  
尽管研究工作者们已经清楚表明他们认为改变他们的技术来克隆人是不道德的,但他们的示范还是提供了令人不安的前景:别人不一定会如此有所顾忌,克隆人意味着妇女原则上不用男人的帮助也能繁殖。 )^j_O^T5  
已经有好几个国家宣布禁止克隆人的研究。但是如果克隆人证明确实是可行的话,那将不可能阻止医生克隆人——如果不在这个国家就可能在那个国家。 yXJhOCa  
克隆需要技术和耐心,但是所需要的设备则是生物实验室的普通之物,确实,有些研究人员已经宣布他们克隆了猴子,另外一些则在好几年前就知道如何利用相同的技术克隆母牛和兔子,因此可能不需要太多的投资就能建立一个研究中心来克隆病人。 ')m!48  
Translation (25 marks) =nEP:7~{  
76. 现在的年轻人心怀不切实际的抱负,追逐地位和财富,正在把自己弄得很痛苦。在最近的一个调查报告里,半数以上年轻人说:如果他们到30岁还没有一个长期的合作伙伴,银行里没有存款,没有一个高级的事业职位,没有一辆豪华车,没有家, 他们会感到好似失败了。显而易见,这是治疗痛苦的妙方。但是不可避免地,只有少数人会实现这些目标,而大多数人觉得自己失败了。更何况,即使表面上看似赢家的人也身处感到好像是失败者的大风险之中。 (V{/8%mWc  









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