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主题 : 博士生入学英语辅导(语法部分)(转)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-09-03   


What is English Grammar ? /suW{8A(E  
The study or use of certain rules of the English language *eLKD_D`!C  
Rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences t6JM%  
So English Grammar studies the words and sentences - fm1T|>#  
An Overview of English Grammar Z|k>)pv@  
Parts of  speech (词类): XVwJr""+  
noun, article, pronoun, numeral, adjective, verb(auxiliaries--primary ~, model verbs), adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection   D{)K00mm  
Phrases(短语): v+b#8  
verb phrases, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, participial phrases, infinitive phrases .nG14i7C  
Sentences: PDi]zp9>H  
simple, compound, complex, compound-complex Jdc{H/10  
Noun: U-mZO7y!  
名 词 的 数(少数名词的复数形式是不规则的) Vhi4_~W3j]  
child→children, man→men, woman→women, foot→feet, tooth→teeth, goose→geese, mouse→mice, ox→oxen rT mVHt  
autos, dynamos, pianos, kilos, photos; radios, ratios, zoos, bamboos,  portfolios, studios(cargoes, Negroes, tomatoes, potatoes heroes) ^_rBEyz@  
beliefs, chiefs, cliffs, gulfs, proofs, roofs, safes(loaf → loaves, wolf→ wolves, leaf→ leaves, knife→knives, thief→thieves, life→lives, shelf→shelves) R|u2ga ~  
名 词 的 数(少数名词的复数形式是不规则的) N R0"yJV >  
analysis→analyses, axis →axes(轴心) bacterium→bacteria, basis→bases, crisis→crises, criterion→criteria, datum→data, thesis → theses, formula→formulae(或formulas), fungus→fungi, medium → media, phenomenon→phenomena, syllabus→syllabi, thesis→theses wS"`~Ql_  
单复数一样的名词有:aircraft, spacecraft, Chinese, deer, fish, Japanese, means, series, species等 BJNZH#"  
hair和fruit一般情况下用单数,表示总体 :I !}ZD+Z  
police和cattle的谓语形式总是用复数形式 `$oy4lDKQ  
the hostess's living room, 3[Xc:;+/  
the children's mother W_bp~Wu  
soldiers' training ground pg9 feIW1  
John’s and Tom’s room (c.f. John and Tom’s room) 089 <B& <  
my uncle’s, the barber’s, the chemist’s, ZR8%h<  
the Smiths(一家), the Smiths’(的住所), the Smith’s(的家) w =2; QJ<  
Pronoun fG_<HJS(~  
习惯用法: ]*]#I?&'Hx  
He is nothing but a singer. 他只不过是个唱歌的。 "969F(S$  
Nothing but a miracle can save us. 只有奇迹才能救我们。 F6Ne?[b  
She is anything but beautiful. 她并不美。 {\u6Cjx  
John is anything but a liar. 约翰决不是个骗子。 me+u"G9I;  
He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。 \f-@L;8#  
I’m something of a cook. 我略懂烹饪。 JH+uBZh6  
He is not much of a scholar. 他算不上个很好(高明)的学者。 pJo#7rxd6  
The new arrival was none other than the President. ,~G:>q$ad  
(刚到的那人就是总统本人。) 3S=$ng  
We did the work none too well. 我们活干得一点也不好。 S|  
Adjective and Adverb !%/2^  
习惯用法: %{B4M#~  
There are no less than five hundred people present at the New Year party. pqD lg  
(“不亚于”,表示出席的人较多) [5;_XMj%  
There are not less than five hundred people present at the New Year party. R q .2  
(“不少于”,表示出席的人较不多) E^C [G)7n  
Rather than allow the potatoes to go bad, she sold them at half price. )CoJ9PO7  
Rather than cause trouble, he left..( rather than后面跟动词原形) CuFlI?~8 z  
Verb: ,E &W{b  
时 态 !N74y%=M  
被 动 语 态 $VJE &b  
虚 拟 语 气 xzb{g,c   
情态动词 }*|aVBvU  
非谓语动词:不定式,-ING分词,-ED分词 IN=l|Q$8f  
被 动 语 态 }+fBJ$  
主动形式表示被动意义,如某些系动词如cook, feel, prove, smell和taste等其主动语态表示被动的意义 {k)H.zwe  
The pattedshoes that my wife bought me _____ comfortable. A"wso[{  
[A] felt 0Ci:w|J  
[B] feels 98Im/v  
[C] was felt :1gcLsF  
[D] is felt 2#Y5*r's\  
As [A] the proverb says [B] , “ Good medicine is tasted [C] bitter to [D] the mouth.” CA3`Ee+rD  
虚拟语气的特殊表现形式: 4`p[ t;q  
   lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句(这时谓语多用should+加动词原形) ar:qCq$\  
We dare not play jokes on Mr. Wang lest he should become angry. t]6 4=  
He hurried on, lest he should drop out in the forced match. lTZcbaO?]  
Every attention must be paid to him lest he (should) feel that he is inferior to my other guests. 。) *?!A  
He’s working hard for fear that he should fail in the exam. EoOw u-{  
虚拟语气的特殊表现形式: WO+_ |*&  
   介词短语表示虚拟: but for, but that…, in case of, otherwise, supposing, under more favourable condition, without 等表示让步假设 x<>In"QV  
He worked very hard; otherwise he might have failed. Ombvp;  
We could have done better under more favorable conditions cxxrvP-  
虚拟语气的特殊表现形式: !;B^\ 8{  
  虚拟错综条件句: $jN,] N~  
   If I had a bike(now), I would have lent it to you yesterday. 3k* U/*  
   I am very sorry if I had done anything wrong to you, but I am sure that it was unintentional. AjMx\'(C  
虚拟语气的特殊表现形式: $qk(yzY  
  would rather(宁愿),would sooner(宁愿), had rather(宁愿) 等词或短语后面的从句中的谓语动词应使用一般过去时表示虚拟语气,表示与过去相反的也可用过去完成时 oT[8Iu  
 I’d rather you _____ anything about it for the time being. _.BX#BIF  
[A] do [B] didn’t do [C] don’t [D] didn’t E{E%nXR)  
 I _____ rather you did it. B#K 2?Et!t  
[A] had [B] should [C] shall [D] have 5# $5ct  
 I _____ much rather it was forgotten. oWdvpvO  
[A] will [B] could[C] would [D] shall q /^&si  
情态动词 ~ H $q  
used to 在否定陈述句中,一般用didn‘t use to,也可用used not to;在疑问句中用“Did…use to”。used to还可与never,often,always等连用。  ^6Y:9+  
used to与be used to的不同,后者表示be accustomed to “习惯于某种状态”,而且跟接名词或ING形式,而used to后接动词原形,e.g. \7A6+[ `fa  
He used to drink. (表示“他过去经常喝酒”而现在不喝了。) ompkDl\E  
He is used to wine (He is used to drinking wine) at each meal. (表示“他现在已养成习惯,每顿饭喝点葡萄酒。”) s(M8 Y  
不定式:如果不定式动词是不及物动词,那么就要在动词后加上相应的介词 "ju0S&  
He has a lot of trifles to deal with. i*Ee(m]I  
I had got no place to live in. f iu?mb=*  
That girl has nothing to worry about. 1U< g  
He has a strict teacher to listen to. xbhU:,o  
She has four children to look after.  QKtTy>5  
She had a sick mother to live with. }dO^q-t$3  
This is the very person to sell your ticket to. q$ 6Tb  
不定式:介词except和but(“只有……,只能……”)跟不定式结构,but后的不定式不带to) s6J`i&uu  
He seldom goes back home except to ask for money from his parents. h?ZxS  
He did nothing there except watch TV for the whole night.(不带to的不定式) q(I`g;MF  
I had no choice but to stay in bed. o$-!E(p  
Last night I did nothing but prepare my lessons. c;pv< lX'  
用ING分词作宾语的常用动词: ',P E25Z  
acknowledge, admit(坦白,承认), advise, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, can't help, consider, contemplate(深思), delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape(躲过,避开), excuse, fancy, finish, give up, imagine, include, keep on, justify, mean(意味着,等于), mind(在乎), miss, postpone, practise, prohibit, put off, quit, recall, regret, resist, resume, risk(冒险干…), suggest, threaten。 ]EZiPW-uy  
ING分词:习惯用法 hIv8A_>@`  
There is no getting along with him. e4/Y/:vFO  
There(It) is no use advising him to give up smoking. 9akIu.H  
He is busy mapping out his plans for the next semester. X,"(G}KUA  
I don’t feel like eating just now. Xv'5%o^i*  
What do you say to joining us for dinner? x[5uz))  
have +  a problem (difficulty, fun, trouble, a good(hard) time ) +(in)+ -ING分词








关键词: 博士 英语
级别: 禁止发言
沙发  发表于: 2010-09-03   
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楼主这么热心,谢谢了。可有联系方式? o6[aP[~F  

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