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主题 : 2006年北京航空航天大学考博英语试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-12-19   
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2006年北京航空航天大考博英语试题 .h^Ld,Chj  
Part I  Listening Comprehension(略) -vAG5x/,  
Part II  Reading Comprehension >(KUYX?p  
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANWER SHEET with a single line through the center. "fd=(& M*l  
Passage 1 |ema-pRC  
Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one's muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies. =H?5fT^  
You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted in direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job. bGO_y]Pc  
Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less pronounced motions of his body. iqP0=(^m  
The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less pronounced. O4mWsr  
21. Some psychologists maintain that thinking is______. $& gidz/w  
A. not a mental process k-0e#"B  
B. more of a physical process than a mental action sJ()ItU5i  
C. a process that involves your entire body vjS7nR"T  
D. a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain IWnW(>V  
22. Few people are able to listen to familiar music without ______. -bQvJ`iF  
A. moving some part of their body 3e1"5~?'<  
B. stopping what they are doing to listen Ia" Mi+{  
C. directing the orchestra playing it 13 p0w  
D. wishing that they could conduct music properly PmTd +Gj$  
23. Body movements are necessary in order for the listener to ______. Ut@)<N  
A. hear the music w=2 X[V}  
B. appreciate the music Np_6ZUaqz  
C. enjoy the music fully rMloj8O*  
D. completely understand the music vUA`V\  
24. According to the selection, muscle participation in the process of thinking is ______. NYRNop( N#  
A. deliberate   B. obvious   C. not readily apparent   D. very pronounced W0hLh<Go  
25. The best title for this selection is ______. 2N#L'v@g=+  
A. An Ear for Music qpCi61lTDJ  
B. Music Appreciation FA,CBn5%  
C. How Muscles Participate in Mental Acts G9Ezm*I;:  
D. A Psychological Definition of the Thinking Process w"J(sVy4  
  Passage 2 @^@-A\7[KO  
Laziness is a sin----everybody knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of ridicule or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of fantasies may prevent work; some people are so busy planning, sometimes panning great deals or fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with whatever "lesser" work is on hand. Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely procrastinating-rescheduling their day. E>v~B;@  
Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators, some people may look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, contemplating, researching. We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries occurred by chance or while someone was "goofing off". Newton wasn't working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. All of us would like to have someone "lazy" to build the car to stove we buy, particularly if that "laziness" were cause by the worker's taking time to check each step or his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being "lazy"----- that is, taking time off for a rest is good for the overworked student or executive. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who's simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic. So be careful when you're tempted to call someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting, or planning his or her next book.  UI'eD)WR  
26. The main idea of this passage is that ______. iqYc&}k,  
A. laziness is a moral sin o,I642R~  
B. there are advantages and disadvantages in being lazy p6*D^-  
C. laziness is the sign of deep-seated emotional problems X)S4rW%  
D. lazy people do more careful work 5E8P bV-l  
27. The passage states that ______. ( d.i np(  
A. laziness is a disease n\4+xZr  
B. some people appear lazy because they are insecure lQjq6Fl2  
C. laziness is more beneficial than harmful 4g9VE;Gd  
D. a good definition of laziness is emotional illness usi p>y  
28. Which of the following conclusion does the passage support? ______ ~ln,Cm} 4  
A. The word laziness is sometimes applied incorrectly. b04~z&Xv  
B. Most of the time laziness is a virtue. . ^,vK7  
C. Most assembly line workers are lazy. @lI/g  
D. Most insecure people are lazy. _ev^5`>p/  
29. The final paragraph is ______. }e$);A|  
a. gloomy   B. humorous   C. serious   D. ironical s_N!6$tS   
30. "Goofing off" as used in paragraph 2 probably means ______. *` W82V  
A. wasting time   B. sleeping   C. working    D. chatting with friends 5+r#]^eQY-  
  Passage 3 y[vjqfdmU  
The idea of humanoid robots is not new. They have been part of the imaginative landscape ever since Karl Capek, a Czech writer, first dreamed them up for his 1921 play "Rossum's Universal Robots". (The word "robot" comes from the Czeeh word for drudgery, robota.) Since then, Hollywood has produced countless variations on the theme, from the sultry False Maria in Fritz Lang's silent masterpiece "metropolis" to the withering C-3PO in "Star Wars" and the ruthless assassin of "Terminator". Humanoid robots have walked into our collective subconscious, coloring our views of the future. .:0nK bW  
    But now Japan's industrial giants are spending billions of yen to make such robots a reality. Their new humanoids represent impressive feats of engineering: when Honda introduced Asimo, a four-foot robot that had been in development for some 15 years, it walked so fluidly that its white, articulated exterior seemed to conceal a human. Honda continues to make the machine faster, friendlier and more agile. Last October, when Asimo was inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame in Pittsburgh, it walked on the stage and accepted its own plaque. ,LvJ'N  
At two and a half feet tall, Sonys QRIO is smaller and more toy-like than Asimo. It walks, understands a small number of voice commands, and can navigate on its own. It is falls over, it gets up and resumes where it left off. It can even connect wirelessly to the internet and broadcast what its camera eyes can see. In 2003, Sony demonstrated an upgraded QRIO that could run. Honda responded last December with a version of M;OYh  
Asimo that runs at twice the speed. .B@;ch,  
In 2004, Toyota joined the fray with its own family of robots, called Partner, one of which is a four-foot humanoid that plays the trumpet. Its fingers work the instruments valves, and it has mechanical lungs and artificial lips. Toyota hopes to offer a commercial version of the robot by 2010. This month, 50 Partner robots will act as guides at Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan. sXUM,h8$!+  
Despite their sudden proliferation, however, humanoids are still a mechanical minority. Most of the world's robots are faceless, footless and mute. They are bolted to the floors of factories, stamping out car parts or welding pieces of metal, making more machines. According to the United Nations, business orders for industrial robots jumped 18% in the first half of 2004. They may soon be outnumbered by domestic robots, such as self-navigating vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and window-washers, which are selling fast. But neither industrial nor domestic robots are humanoid. P~&X$H%e  
31. In paragraph 1 the author introduces this topic by relating ______. Hd:ZE::Q'#  
A. the idea of humanoid robots ~(c<ioIf  
B. Karl Capek's creation of robots 8 PQ& 7o  
C. Hollywood's production of robot films x>Kem$z  
D. the origin of and popular movies about robots 0y(d|;':  
32. According to the author's description, Asimo ______. 1+]e?  
A. is a four-legged robot )wC>Hq[mhW  
B. seems more like a human being than a machine in action k~H-:@  
C. seems more like a machine than a human being in action L6FUC6x"  
D. is in a sort of animal form *{ .u\ BL5  
33. Sonys QRIO could perform all the following tasks EXCEPT ______. Z^sO`C  
A. walking everywhere freely q>Y_I<;'g  
B. understanding some words uttered by people <J- aq;p  
C. finding its way tqHXzmsjW  
D. continuing walking after it stumbles Yy&0b(m U  
34. From the passage we may infer that Toyotas Partner ______. :Qf^@TS}O  
A. is much better than any other robots (T@ov~ @  
B. is no more than a mechanic device } nQH P4'  
C. may be put into mass production E*kS{2NAq  
D. may speak like man Y }0-&  
35. Judging from the context, this passage is probably written ______. .AKx8=f  
A. in 2004   B. in 2005   C. between 2003~2004   D. between 2004~2005 S>6APQ-   
 Passage 4 Na#2sb[)  
Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold bout 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, bout 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucking into the atmosphere k|w6&k3  
each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence. iJ~p X\FKO  
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent. RVD=CX  
     Another outstanding characteristic of water is that it has a heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and sore vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climate extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practiced, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and Magnesium is produced from seawater along the American Gulf Coast. B64%| S  
36. A characteristic of water NOT mentioned in this passage is that water ______. 1 }:k w  
A. expands on freezing   B. is a great solvent 4p F% G  
C. is like ammonia       D. has a very high heat capacity n] &fod  
37. From this passage, we may conclude that ______. keX0br7u_  
A. ocean and land masses are equal KBX dr52"  
B. ocean masses are smaller than land masses !I:6L7HdwB  
C. it is difficult to get fresh water from the ocean Hd4&"oeY  
D. none of the above is correct x *(pr5k  
38. By hydrosphere the author means ______. eE1w<] Eg  
A. the moisture in the air r0_3`; H  
B. the part of the earth covered by water @UD6qA  
C. the Milky Way V<+d o|@F  
D. the frozen waters of the earth ;IwC`!(#  
39. Fish can survive in the oceans because ______. +>{{91mN  
A. there are currents in the ocean   aY6]NpT  
B. ice floats AM\`v'I*6  
C. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle  8DyE  
D. water absorbs heat *pj&^W?  
40. Anomaly, as used in the second paragraph, means ______.  _8t{4C  
A. state of being anonymous   B. abnormality   C. characteristic   D. property _^Rf*G!  
 Part III  Vocabulary (10 points) E}yl@8g:#  
Directions: In this part, there are 20 sentences with four choices below each sentence. Choose the best one from the 4 choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. pZF`+6 42  
41. Early exponents of science fiction such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells explored with zest the future KK/~W  
possibilities opened up to the optimistic imagination by modern technology. Q_]O[Kx  
A. inspiration   B. enthusiasm   C. fantasy   D. endeavor (7&[!PS  
42. Except for coarse earthen-wares, which can be made from clay as it is found in the earth, pottery is made from special clays plus other materials mixed to achieve the desired results. k(!#^Mlz[  
A. conventional   B. unique   C. genuine   D. crude XP~4jOL]  
43. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their heads and ran into the elevator. N(6|TE2  
A. poured   B. dismayed   C panicked   D. trembled 8+Oyhd*|  
44. The English language contains a(n) ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary ps^Z)x`GV  
conversation. V]<J^m8  
A. altitude   B. latitude   C. multitude   D. attitude 67%o83\  
45. The wealth of a country should be measured ______ the health and happiness of people as well as the material goods it can produce. u0Irf"Ab  
A. in line with   B. in terms of   C. in regard with   D. by means of J_<ENs-  
46. Radar is used to extend the ______ of man's senses for observing his environment, especially the sense of vision. 44]/rP_m  
A. validity   B. liability   C. capacity   D. intensity Sycs u_je  
47. We are writing to the manager ______ the repairs recently carried out at the above address. q>?uB4>^  
A. with the exception of   B. with the purpose of C. with reference to D. with a view to 9g|o17  
48. They made detailed investigations to ______ themselves with the needs of the rural market +)dQd T0Fq  
A. adhere   B. acknowledge   C. acquaint   D. activate d>VerZZU  
49. Probably there's a good reason for her absence, as she doesn't usually stay away from work. ok  iI:  
A. Conspicuously   B. Prospectively   C. incidentally   D. Presumably 'O K)[\  
50. I was ______ in my reading, and didn't at first hear the doorbell ring. [2WJ>2r}6  
A. immured   B. immersed   C. busy   D. infatuated IJhJfr0)Oo  
51. Ten minutes later, the police came and ______ the crowd. LSs!U 3"  
A. dismayed B. dispersed   C. dismounted   D. distressed &>XIK8*  
52. There are ______ differences between theory and practice. .q"`)PT  
A. legible   B. laden   C. radical   D. medieval =I-SQI8  
53. Will you ______ my article to find out whether I've made any mistakes? >T'^&l(:  
A. look after B. look through C. look up D. look into Hw-,sze j"  
54. When he lived in that remote place, radio was the only means he had to keep ______ of current events in the country. \'q 9,tP  
A. account   B. trace   C. record   D. track y 4j 0n F  
55. The flashing red light served as a ______ of danger ahead. sL[&y'+  
A. predictor   B. caution   C. precaution   D. prevention (&npr96f  
56. According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______, it will snow this afternoon. 4 Z.G  
A. accurate B. dull C. awkward D. tedious !yI , ~`Z  
57. If his father could not keep up the payments on the mortgage, his uncle might ______ it for him. RP?UKOc  
A. redeem B. amend C. resemble D. appeal iaPrkMhd  
58. His writing depicts this changing world and the increasing cultural diversity of the United States. <x e=G]v  
A. conflict B. refinement C. variety D. movement 7O84 R^!|2  
59. She was artful and could always get round her parents in the end. Ou/JN+2A  
A. play B. deceive C. confuse D. annoy B U |]4  
60. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk coherently. MBXja#(k  
A. honestly B. appropriately C. intelligibly D. flexibly O{:_-eI&d  
DlIy'@ .  
  = zJY5@^'7  
Part IV Cloze (10 points) & c a-  
Directions: Decide which of the choices given below could correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. M`^;h:DN^  
gwHNz5 a*V  
Who won the World Cup 2004 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? (61) ______ an event takes place, newspapers are on the street (62) ______ the details whenever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to (63) ______ the news. vd+yU9  
PO9<g% qTf  
Newspapers have one basic (64) ______, to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to (65) ______ it. Radio, television, and (66) ______ inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication (67) ______, this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the (68) ______ and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are (69) ______ and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. Besides keeping readers (70) ______ of the latest news, today's newspapers (71)______ and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers economic choices (72) ______ advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very (73) ______, Newspapers are sold at a price that (74) ______ even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main (75) ______ of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The (76)___ in selling advertising depends on newspaper's value to advertisers. This (77)_____ in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends (78) ______ on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment (79) ______ in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspapers value to readers as a source of information (80) ______ the community, city, county, nation and world ---- and even outer space. `uK_}Vy_  
61. A. Just when  B. While  C. Soon after  D. Before 2 ' fg  
62. A. to give B. giving C. given D. being given ma9VI5w  
R?bF b|5t  
63. A. gather B. spread C. carry D. bring cu&td g^q  
j n[%@zD}  
64. A. reason B. cause C. problem D. purpose 'Y`.0T[&  
65. A. make B. publish C. know D. write oB$7m4xO\  
66. A. another   B. other   C. one another D. the other dno=C  
67. A. However  B. And   C. Therefore   D. So '&~A  
68. A. value B. ratio C. rate D. speed P8#;a  
zD8q(]: A  
69. A. spread   B. passed   C. printed   D. completed +;nADl+Q  
70. A. inform B. be informed C. to be informed   D. informed 5tyr$P! N  
71. A. entertain   B. encourage   C. educate   D. edit xv! QO  
72. A. on   B. through   C. with   D. of O{" A3f  
73. A. forms B. existence C. contents   D. purpose |BysSJ  
~ ;aSE  
74. A. tries to cover   B. manages to cover   C. fails to cover   D. succeeds in 'IrwlS  
75. A. source B. origin   C. course   D. finance (^h47kY  
76. A. way B. means   C. chance   D. success UH8)r  
77. A. measures B. measured   C. is measured   D. was measured 8.vPh  
78. A. somewhat B. little   C. much   D. something m . 2)P~a  
79. A. offering   B. offered   C. which offered D. to be offered wzAp`Zs2Dm  
80. A. by    B. with   C. at   D. about Q"]C" ?  
  dy u brIG  
Part V Translation (15 points) AR\1 w'  
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate it into Chinese. Writing the translation on the ANSWER SHEET (2). kKVq,41'  
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are tow computer-related technologies that may cast large shadow on education. Much of school planning may be done not by human agents but by programs created by human agents; and much of what was once accomplished by textbooks and occasional field trips will now be performed in virtual reality. One can ask: what is the truth value of the materials prepared entirely by non-human entities? Ch ` Omq  
st3 6xS  
In a turnabout from previous trends, the acquisition of credentials may become less important. Individuals will be able to educate themselves (largely if not wholly) and to exhibit their mastery in a simulated setting. Why pay $120,000 to go to law school, if one can "read law" as in early times and then demonstrate one's *>.~f<V  
legal skills via computer simulation? Or learn to fly a plane by similar means, for that matter? hD58 s"L$  
Technology has revolutionized the world in which schools operate. Now it's time for education to catch up to change. Cg 85  
,%d n)gt7  
Part VI   Writing (15points) DC*|tHl  
UeE& 8{=d  
Directions: Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the following topic on the ANSWER SHEET (2). 'ESy>wA{y<  
> C_! }~  
Space   Research 4)9X) Qx  
,O a)  
  g;] 2'Rj  
s3kh (N  
  N. eSf  
  D zDt:.JZ  
  N@)4H2_u \  
  z eIBB  
` S85i*  
2006年参考答案 sOJ"~p  
21-25 DACCC $ HUCp9  
uF(- h~  
26-30 BBACA :syR4A WM  
31-35 DBACB u%*;gu"2  
;#xhlR* ~  
36-40 CCBCB Hh!x&;x}  
41-45 BDCBD +%gh?  
?on3 z  
46-50 DCCDB 2EE#60  
51-55 BCDDB i!cz I8  
56-60 AACBC ! B)Em  
, H[o.r=  
61-65 CBADC ruE.0VI @  
66-70 BADCD /-4%ug tD$  
71-75 CBBCA Z3#3xG5pl  
kF\ QO [  
76-80 DCABD V25u'.'v  
Part V Translation 8o4 vA,  
    人工智能和虚拟现实是两种与电脑有关的技术,他们可能对教育产生重大影响。许多教学计划可以不用人力制定,而是有人们发明的程序来制定,以前的课本教学和偶尔的野外旅行现在也都可以通过虚拟现实来完成。 也许有人会问:全部有非人类实体准备的材料的真正价值是什么? ;CU3CLn  
* |,V$  
    随着以往趋势的逆转,获得文凭就可能变得不那么重要了。每个人将能够自学,即使不能完全自学,大部分也是可以的,并且能够在模拟场景下展示自己的实力。如果一个人可以通过电脑模拟像以前一样学习法律,并展现自己在法律方面的才华,那他为什么还要花费$120,000去法律学校?或一个人能同样通过电脑技术学会驾驶飞机,那他为什么还要花费大笔钱去飞行学院学习? XE>XzsnC  
    技术使学校运作方式发生了重大变革。现在是教育来适应这样改变的时候了。 4Q!*h8O  
  rN>f "/J |  








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