2 Some Lessons Drawn from the Flood in 1998 *1{A'`.=\
2 Knowledge Economy z<%bNnSO
2 My View on Higher Education HI 1T
2 Consumers Await the Maturity ofE-Commerce z k/`Uz
2 To ReleasePupil’s Burden l<GN<[/.+
2 The Influence of High-tech on the Society. _.Hj:nFHz
2 Directions:“Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day; teach me how to fish and I’ll eat for alife time.” Is a famous saying often quoted. In this part, you are expected towrite a composition based on the saying above and the following outline foreach paragraph. -X!<$<\y;
2 To buy a car or notto buy a car
2 Sciencediscovery----curse or blessing v_EgY2l(
2 Should all collegecourses be specifically related to a future occupation? q
i yK
2 On Holidayeconomy v:QUwW
2 View on Internet information w01[oU$x=
2 University tuition system in China hmGlGc,lf
1. a briefintroduction of tuition system in universities in China H'zAMGZa
2. viewpointsfor it kC%H E
3. viewpointsagainst it RU7+$Z0K
4. yourcomments iL);bv W
2 Private Schools in China SoM,o]s#y
Outline: 1. the advantages; 2. the disadvantages;3. your comments ]jxyaE&%4