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主题 : 考博听力中的影响理解的词组汇集
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-01-28   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻 bqcCA9 1  
e.g. I had a big time there. h 3CA,$HJ  
the big time:第一流,最高级  z% wh|q  
e.g. Don’t worry you are in the big time now. l a3B`p  
2) according to:按照,根据 I%3[aBz4  
e.g. They were commended or criticized according to their work. ljKIxSvCFp  
according as:随……而定 Tlw'05\{J  
e.g. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold. Al-`}g+^  
3) admit to:承认 ==dKC;  
e.g. I have to admit to a dislike for modern music. n3a.)tcC  
admit sb.(in) to:允许某人进入某地或加入某组织、行业 1F@ j?)(  
e.g. They have admitted me into their club. UT<e/  
4) all for:完全赞成 3 _  
e.g. I am all for holding a meeting to discuss it. QKG3>lU  
for all:尽管 ))"gWO  
e.g. They could not open the box for all their forces. ;]dD\4_hK  
5) all in all:总的说来 C-&ymJC|  
e.g. All in all it is a success. $h#sb4ek  
all in:疲倦,筋疲力尽 Og\k5.! ,  
e.g. He was all in but he stuck it out. ^D+J k8  
6) as it is (was):照目前的情况来看 6_j |@  
e.g. As it is we shall be able to complete our task in time. n#(pT3&  
KF. {r  
as it were:可以说,姑且这样说  - vvyG  
e.g. He is as it were a walking dictionary. x)PW4{3qR  
7) as much as:几乎,实际上 or]v]*:~l  
e.g. By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money. =oBpS=<7  
as much…as:与……一样多 Un6R)MVT  
e.g. It is as much our responsibility as yours. i>m%hbAk  
8) as well:也,还是……为好 > i/jqT/  
e.g. He gave me advice and money as well. Since you have begun to do it you may as well finish it. $V~@w.-Z#  
as well as:不仅……而且,除……之外 6nx\|F  
e.g. With television we see a picture as well as hearing sound. Small towns as well as big cities are being =X$ieXq|  
rapidly industrialized. }p)K6!J0  
9) at one time 从前某个时期 5ya9VZ5#  
e.g. At one time we met frequently. gaF6 j!p  
at a time:每次,一次 }9fa]D-a?  
e.g. You can borrow only two books at a time. a|ufm^ F  
10) attach to:属于,归因于 (V{/8%mWc  
e.g. No blame attaches to him. ^? fOccfQ{  
attach oneself to:参加,加入 (@?mm  
e.g. He attached himself to the group of climbers. m:H^m/g  
11) be a credit to:为……增光 NoI|Dz  
e.g. I hope you will be a credit to your school. QYH-"-)  
do credit to:为……增进荣誉 <kn 2  
e.g. This piece of work does credit to you. LF dvz0  
12) bear in mind:记住 >*- %:ub  
e.g. I hope you will bear in mind all I am saying. d ^bSV4  
have in mind:考虑 =z1Lim-  
e.g. Don’t give your confidence to others regarding the plan you have in mind. q"d9C)Md  
13) begin with:以……为起点 bZowc {!\  
e.g. He advised me to begin with something easy. N[{rsUBd  
to begin with:首先 Aztrq  
e.g. To begin with we must consider the problem from all sides. 2BccE  
14) build up:逐步建成,增强 WjV Bz   
e.g. They are trying hard to build up an independent economy. He went for an ocean voyage and built up axQ>~v WN/  
his health. j>k ;Z j  
build on:以……为基础,依赖 i/>k_mG$d  
e.g. Let’s build on your idea. We shall build on your supporting us. )5|9EXh  
15) by day:在白天 ]\yIHdcDi  
e.g. Most of them work by day and study by night. _}[ Du/c  
by the day:(指工作报酬等)按日计算 gM96RY  
e.g. Will you pay me by the day or by the hour? +d, ~h_7!  
16) can but 只好……罢了 wNa5qp 0  
e.g. We can but try to make him see how unreasonable he has been. `>"#d ? ,  
cannot but:不得不,禁不住 PT>b%7Of  
e.g. I cannot but tell her the truth.(=I cannot help telling her the truth) *@rA7zPFf  
17) come forth:出现,发行 oW~W(h!  
e.g. Many new things are coming forth.. Do you know that a set of new stamps has come forth? 6wlLE5  
come forward:自告奋勇,提出供讨论 Bii'^^I;?  
They have come forward with an offer to help. The matter was deferred at last evening’s meeting but will 8xy8/UBIk0  
come forward at our next session. cAR `{%b  
18) compare … to 比拟(指出其中的相似点) \M`qaFan5^  
e.g. Man’s life is often compared to a candle. =~:IiK/#  
compare … with:把……和……相比(指出其不同之处) 3kxo1eb  
e.g. He compared his camera with mine. 7Kw'Y8  
19) consist in:包含在……中 L;V 8c  
e.g. Happiness consists in good health. -y.cy'$f  
consist of:由……组成 a_N7X  
e.g. The apartment consisted of two rooms and a kitchen. _H$Lu4b)N  
20) end on:两端相碰,正对 hBU)gP75  
e.g. The two ships collided each other end on. We shouldn’t place the bicycles end on. Y"FV#<9@7E  
on end:竖着,连续地,不断地 -XYvjW,|  
e.g. Place the box on end. She often works for 20 hours on end 7xnj\9$m  
21) familiar to:某事为某人熟知 J[ }H^FR  
e.g. There were facts not familiar to me. xpdpD  
familiar with:熟悉或通晓某事 +tPBm{|  
e.g. He is familiar with English German and French.. qzW3MlD  
22)feel for sb.:同情某人,为某人难过 ,z&S;f.f  
e.g. I feel for you in your sorrow. 1Vpti4OmU  
feel for sth:(用手、脚、棍子等)摸索,寻找某物 #-yCR  
e.g. She felt under the pillow for her watch. W9SU1{*9  
23)for a moment:片刻,一会儿 4*EMd!E=<  
e.g. She was silent for a moment weighing in her mind the pros and cons. uj.i(U s  
for the moment:此刻、暂时 2cCiHEL#  
e.g. I cannot recall his name for the moment. *OLqr/ yb  
24)get down:下去,下来;写下来 ]-gyXE1.r  
e.g. The bus was so jammed that I could not get down. Here’s the telephone number I got down for you. ggD T5hb  
get down to:认真着手进行处理 i{^T;uAE  
e.g. It is no good shirking the job it will have to be got down to. o/N!l]r  
25)get into trouble with sb.:遭到某人的(训斥等) ^xe+(83S2?  
e.g. Poor Tom is always getting into trouble with the boss. T;6MUmyC  
get sb. into trouble:使某人陷入困境 BqNsW (+  
e.g. The letter got me into trouble. VWft/2p~  
26)give sb. a hand:帮助某人或参与某人做某事 ~i|6F~%3  
e.g. Give me a hand with the cleaning please. 01A{\O1$j  
give sb. one’s hand:与某人握手 Im;%.J  
e.g. She gave me her hand and wished me a good trip ?[JP[ qS  
27)go through:检查,搜查;通过,穿过 GD4S/fn3  
e.g. They went through our luggage at the customs. It took us a whole week to go through the great forest. o=Vs)8W  
go through with:把……坚持到底 TUfj\d,  
e.g. We should go through with the experiment now we’ve started. !v}TRGX  
28) good for:有益于 /2p*uv }IP  
e.g. This book is good for your English study. ?tLApy^`?  
for good:永久地 3^/w`(-{@  
e.g. The lost money was gone for good. @j\:K<sk  
%#2 $B+  
29)have a fancy for:爱好,喜爱 RqA>"[L  
e.g. She has a fancy for nice clothes. WE\TUENac(  
have a fancy that:猜想,认为 $7q3[skH  
e.g. I have a fancy that he will come tonight. neFwxS?  
30)head up:领头;领导 *L^W[o  
e.g. A band headed up the parade. Mr. Jones will head up the new business. P) vD?)Q  
heads up:注意,小心 kyHli~Nr"  
e.g. Heads up now You can do better than that. COw"6czX/  
31)in a way:在某种程度上 2 5 \S>  
e.g. In a way it is an important book. %0GwO%h},  
in the way:妨碍,挡路 cO J`^^P  
I will visit you next weekend if there is nothing in the way. k!Yc_ZB:*l  
32)in black:穿黑色衣服 AlQhKL}|s  
e.g. Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes. bB$f=W!m%  
in the black:赢利,赚钱 UyRy>:n  
New production methods put the company in the black. -DkD*64wu  
33) in charge of:负责 UBwl2Di  
e.g. Who is in charge of this work? JvO1tA]ij  
in the charge of:照护 ):K%  
e.g. The patients are in the charge of the nurse. 'ma X  
34) in hand:控制 ek&~A0k_o  
e.g. There was a little rioting but the police soon had the situation in hand. /"e@rnn  
hand in:递交,交给 Pxl,"  
e.g. He handed in his resignation in protest against it. iYr)Ao5X  
35) in one’s honor:向……表示敬意或感谢 7n5gXiI"  
e.g. The day was kept as a holiday in honor of victory. h~#iGs  
on one’s honor:用人格担保 Z1,rN#p9  
e.g. We were on our honor not to cheat on the exam. Z=&|__ +d  
36) in possession of:占有 Y#@D% a8  
e.g. He is in possession of this house. #z P-, 2!r  
in the possession of:被占有 $+80V{J#  
e.g. The keys are in the possession of the door keeper. @1o X&#  
37)in spirit:在内心,在精神上 cq[9#@ 4=  
e.g. In spirit at least these laws were very fair. jj`# ;Y  
in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等) )5@P|{FF  
e.g. He is in poor spirits because of his failing in the exam. E+Bc>xl@ m  
38)keep up:继续,保持 }F]Z1('  
e.g. They entered into a correspondence which was kept up for almost ten years. I7_lKr3  
keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上 k[8F: T-  
e.g. With their help he has kept up with the class. I7_8oq\3D  
39)look about:环视 eQi^d/yi  
e.g. He looked about him with great interest. &-*l{"7p+%  
look about for:四处寻找 8)S)!2 _h  
e.g. She was looking about for the key she had just lost. *Hx*s_F  
40)look up:向上看 IFBt#] l0  
e.g. He looked up and nodded to me. bf/6AY7  
look up to:尊敬 ,Mw93Kp Va  
e.g. It must be rewarding to be looked up to by so many people. (RI)<zaK ;  
41) make one’s way:开路 #U-y<[ 3  
e.g. As soon as he saw us the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us. )bg|l?  
make one’s way to:向……走去 /}1|'?P  
e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place. HsYzIQLL  
42)measure to:测量到某一精度 ;>2-  
e.g. Measure this part to mm. measure N/F_,>E  
up to:够得上,可以匹敌 Pt85q?->  
e.g. The new techniques measure up to advanced world standard. vk|f"I  
43)more than:很,非常 07SW$INb  
e.g. He was more than upset by the accident. 4Yvz-aSyO  
more…than:比……更 Rng-o!   
e.g. I regarded her more highly than me. s YTJ^Kd  
44) much as:虽然 I._ A  
e.g. Much as I should like to go I can’t go right now. dm/3{\ 4  
as much:同样的或同样多少的 9wCgJ$te  
e.g. You have always helped me and I will always do as much for you. {$EX :ID  
45) no less than:不亚于,竟达……之多 5 v.&|[\k  
e.g. There were no less than one hundred people at the meeting. >&HW6 c  
not less than:不比……差,至少 mKtMI!FR  
,l AZ4  
e.g. There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting. ,62~u'hR5  
请大家注意区分以上两句的差别,第一句是指“竟达100 人之多”,第二句则是“至少有100 人”,要 Up%XBA  
明白no less than 是一种强调说法,它和not less than 的区别在于事先假定的程度或是数量有所不同,no nN$.^!;&  
less than 在某种意义上说来没有超过的意思,而not less than 可能会超过,这种表达方式正好与no more waz5+l28  
than 以及not more than 相反。 :C^{Lc  
46) no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有 ,(oolx"Xa  
e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one. It is no more than empty talk. \roJf&O }  
not more than:不比……更,不如;至多 UQkd$w<  
e.g. He is not more clever than you are. There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation. CSjd&G *ZB  
47)on sale:出售的;廉价出售 %wl:>9]  
e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store. I got this book on sale it was very cheap. w!*ZS~v/r  
for sale:出售的,上市的 enxb pq#  
e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale. Vc(kw7  
在作“出售的”的意思的时候,on sale 和for sale 还是有一些不同的,一般来说,for sale 多指物主亲 5f_x.~ymA  
自或委托代理人经手出售,而on sale 通常表示店里的货物是供出售的。 _=x*yDPG}  
48)once again:再一次 w8 S pt  
e.g. I want to try this once again. N/lEfy<&g:  
once and again:一再 >l-u{([B  
e.g. I have told him once and again not to do that. f.` 8vaV  
49) out of question:毫无疑问,必定 ai/]E6r  
e.g. Out of question this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time. x xzUey  
out of the question:不可能的 CUTjRWQ  
e.g. What you propose is out of the question. MZ0cZv$v!~  
50)refer to:提及,涉及 3qGz(6w6E  
e.g. I would like to refer back to the first of my three points. o *U-.&  
refer to…as:称作,叫做 (e _p8[x  
e.g. Coal is often referred to as food for industry. ekfa"X_  
51)search sb.:认真搜查某人身体 D:K"J><@  
e.g. They searched him but nothing was found on him. 8T+o.w==  
search for sb.:搜查某地为找到某人 bCTN^  
e.g. They searched for him everywhere but failed. *EO*Gg0d  
52)settle down:落下;定居 f3vl=EA4|  
e.g. The dust slowly settled down. He has settled down in the countryside. H {_D#It  
settle down to:专心致力于;逐渐习惯于 ?~sNu k  
e.g. He settled down to his homework. They settled down to a new job. 5s%e9x|kP  
53)speak for itself:不言而喻 ?FS0zc!+  
e.g. One does not to be told that this fact speaks for itself. UZ<.R"aK  
speak for oneself:发表本人的意见 v 9G~i  
e.g. What others think I do not know I can only speak for myself. +F,])p4,]i  
54)submit to:屈服于 SG~Hz Q\%  
e.g. He has to submit to an operation. V_^pPBa  
submit…to:提交 >sAaLR4  
e.g. They must submit the case to the court. kwww5p ["  









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