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主题 : 考博英语范文35篇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-08   
来源于 考博资料 分类


C^9G \s'  
1. Television Program and Their Effect on children ;D.a |(Q  
Television programsregularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of ourchildren. Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, withlittle thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child. Mostprograms can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect theprogram might have on a child. .<&o, D  
The beneficialtelevision programs are mainly thouse that educate the young. There are oftenspecials on animal life. A few regular children’s programs develop the child’sinterest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, andthat encourages him or her to be creative. The beneficial commercials, such asthose on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in thiscategory. 8CCd6)cG  
 On the opposite side are the shows, which aregenerally harmful to children. Many commercials, especially those sponsoringthe children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for anunnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy. All adult programsthat include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind withconfusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child toviolence. uqe{F+;8&  
 Thoughtful parents will definitely not allowtheir children to view the bad programs. A child’s viewing time should belimited to watching educationlly benefical programs. 0'8_:|5  
  s jl(  
2. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities ,dn6z#pb+  
   With the development of modernindustryu, more and more people are flowing into big cities. Accordingly, thehousing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious. \yt-_W=[  
   People have offered manysolutions to this problem. I think building satellite cities in the suburbs ismore practical. The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will beappealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc. inthe overcrowded city. With more people leaving the city, more space will beavailable for those remaining. The housinmg problem in big cities will thus besolved. S}L$-7Ct  
3. “The younger generaton knows best” 6{Y3-Pxg  
   Old people are always sayingthat the young are not what they were. The same comments is made fromgeneration to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than tiis today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spendand enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent ontheir parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept theideas of their elders. Events, which the older generation remembers vividly,are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every newgeneration is different from the one preceded it. Today the difference is verymarked indeed. /zxLnT; 5  
The old always assume thatythey know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer.They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened.And this precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning theassumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. They take leaveto doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds.What they reject more than anything is conformity. Office hours, for instance,are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldn’t people work best if they weregiven complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who saidthat all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts?If we turn our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differencescan best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Who saidthat human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or byviolent means? Who said that human differences can best be solved throughconventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation sooften used violence to solven their problems? Why are they so unhappy andguilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and thedesire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right withthe rat —race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that is important in life? u\-WArntc  
There are not questions theolder generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past forty yearsor so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned totheir elders for guilance. Today, the situation might reversed. The old—if theyare prepared to admit it — could learn a thing or two from their children. Oneof the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not “sinful”.Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surelynot wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure to shed restrictinginhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in thepast or future. This emphasis on the present is only to be expressed becausethe young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constant threat ofcomplete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprisedthat they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathedit ? |,!]]YO.V  
4. Public Transportation 'dJ#NT25  
   As part of domesticmodernization, public transportation needs to be developed urgently in China. Ican illustrate some examples. w7Fz(`\  
There does not only existserious traffic jams but also crowded buses, underground and railways.Commuters find it hard to get to work on time due to overcrowded buses or tubes.Travelers could hardly get on buses in big cities during weedends owing tofewer buses and more people. When Spring Festival is drawing near, there ismuch greater –ressure on public transportation since it has to deal with alarge number of travelers rushing home. And travelers need special arrangementsto go home. In a word, public transportation has become bottleneck to theadvanc of Chinese economy. 0zJT _H+  
 To solve the above-mentioned problems, thedepartments concerned should carry out the following steps: to build moreroads, highways or railways and to add buses or trains to the original lines.But ther funds have to be raised both from the government and the public. yTt,/+I%gJ  
 There are three sources for fund raising. Oneis to raise the fares for all kinds of all transportation vehicles. Another isto increase the prices for various vehicles on sale. The third is to raise theprices of petrol and diesel oil in addtion to the governmental funds. If allthis money to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oiil in addtion to thegovernmental funds. If all this money collected is used to improvetransportation services, the situation will be bettered and favorable. ;QY UiR  
  The third step to take is to introduce newtechnology in order to raise the efficiency of vehicles. For instance, thespeed of trains can be increased as much as two times so that two times as manypeople can be held. In this way, the pressure on public transportation can bedramatically alleviated. So in a word, we need to introduce new technology to raisethe speed of vehicles while having built even wider roads and added moreefficient trains and huses. X}"Ic@8  
J-iFA KN  
5. Human Education U|tUX)9O  
  The other day, a professor fromPeking University gave a lecture “Chinese Intellectuals and Written CulturalText”. In his lecture, he held that Chinese intellectuals have lost the writtencultural text since the May 4th movement. His opinion set usthinking that the loss of traditional humane education resulted in a crisis ofcultural education. 9Q\CJ9  
   With the rapid development ofeconomy, the living standard of the Chinese people has improved a lot in termsof material wealth. In a period when economics take priority, people pay moreaned more attention to profit. At present, moneymaking and pleasure seeking arebecoming a popular fashion. On the other hand, there appears a barren field ofspirit in today’s society. It has become unexpectedly hard to rebuild theparadise of traditional culture.Ideological confusion, moral decline and achaotic cultural market, all this shows that it is the high time to havesomething done in order to tackle the problem of cultural orientation. Ourtimes call for an ideal humane education. ,Sz`$'^c  
It is unwise to discardtraditional Chinese culture as a whole. Some of the elements of this culturecan be made use of in the reconstruction of our spiritual civilizaiton directlyor wit5h some adaptation. Our attitude towards tradition should be “discardingthe dross and selecting the essence”. The humane education of the past canserve as a supplement to our Marxist education. It should start from primaryschool. In this way, our children will get educated so as to be possessed of aperfect personality. The national morale will be deeply rooted in people’smind, and will help push forward the growth of economy. ^eF%4DUC;  
 To sum up, we can find it badly necessary tobuild up an ideal humane education. We should find an efficient way to developour humane education and dig out5 more resources form traditional Chineseculture. RWyDX_z#<  
6. Criticism on Television JSXJlau  
A lot of people believe thattelevision has a harmful effect on chldren. A few years ago, the samecriticisms were made of the cinema. But although child psychoilogists havespent a great deal of time studying his problem, there is not much evidencethat television brings about teenager’s crimes. 7kiZFHV  
 For people in the modern worlds share theviews of parents a hundred years ago. In those days, writers for childrencarefully avoided any reference to sex in their books, but had not inhibitionsabout including scenes of violence. qW~Z#Si  
 The evidence collected suggests, however, thatneither the subject, nor the action in itself frightens children. The contextin which cruely or violence occurs is much more important. #eRrVjbo  
 A good guide to what is psychologicallyhealthy for a small child is therefore provided by a television series in whicha boy and a girl are supposed to be exploring distant planets with theirparents. In each story, they encounter strange monsters and find themselves indangerous situations but the parents are reassuring and sensible, as a child’spaprents should be in real life. There is an adult character who is a cowardand liar, but both the children are brave and , of course, every story endshappily. ?+3vK=Rf}  
 In my view, children should be exposed to theproblems of real life as soon as possible, but they cannont help seeing thesethrough news programs. When they are being entertained, the healthiestatmosphere is one which the hero and heroine are children like themselves whobehave naturally and confidently in any situation. pr~%%fCh  
F_ ^)zss  
7. The ony thing people are interesed in today is earing more money -4 *94<  
  Once upon a time there lived abeautiful young woman and a handsome young man. They were very poor, but asthey were deeply in love, they wanted to get married. The young people’sparents shook their heads. “You can’t get married yet.” They said. Wait tillyou get a good job with good prospects. So the young people waited until theyfound good jobs with good prospects and they were able to get married. Theywere still poor, of course, they didn’t have a house to live in or anyfurniture, but that did’t matter. They young man had a good job with goodprospects, so large organizations lent him the money he needed to buy a house,some furniture, all the latest electrical appliances and a car. The couplelived happily ever after paying off debts for the rest of their lves. And soends another modern romantic fable. $] ])FM"b  
We live in a materialisticsociety and are trained from our earlist years to be acquistive. Ourpossessions, yours and mine are clearly labeled from early childhood. When wegrow old enough to earn a living, it does not surpise us to discover thatsuccess is measured in terms of the money you earn. We spend the whole ofourlives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new televisionset , Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one. If we buy a new car, wecan be sure that Jones will go one better and get two new cars: one for hiswife and one for himself. The most amusing thing about this game is thatJoneses and all the neighbors who are struggling frantically to keep up withthem are spending borrowed money kindly provided, at a suitable rate ofinterest, of course, by friendly banks, insurance companies, etc. xi+bBqg<.K  
 It is not only affluent societies that peopleare obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are desirableeverywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new  markets. Gone are the days when industrialgoods were made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning.Built-in obsolescence provides the means; goods are made to be discarded. Carsget tinnier and tinnier. You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you arethinking about its replacement. qu8!fFQjYL  
  This materialistic outlook has seriouslyinfluenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledgeonly for its own sake. Every course of studies must lead somewhere. i.e. to abigger wage packet. The demand for skilled personnel for exceeds the supply andbig companies compete with each other to recruit students before they havecompleted their studies. Tempting salaries and “fringe benefits” are offered tothem. Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the brain drain, the processby which highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder. Thewealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens.While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richers and the poor,poorer. c<k=8P   
cj[a^ ZH  
8. Communication and Language d+caGpaR  
  One of the first things wethink about when we hear the word communication language. There are thousandsof languages spoken around the world today. In fact, linguistis say that theremay be as many as 10000. yT$CImP73  
  Speaking with others is animportant means of communication, but we can also communicate without usingwords, that is by nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includesvoice quality, eyes movement, facial expression and body movements such asgestures and change in body position. But many people do not realize thateveryone uses nonverbal communication. Sometimes, we “say” more with our faceand gestures that we do with our voices. Xu.Wdl/{Ra  
   Books, magazines, newspapers,radio, television, are other means of communication. Today we can alsocommunicate over long distance with the help of communications satellites. Somescientists say that soon machines will be developed for sending message throughthe earth. The technology necessary to build these machines is very complex.But the language we speak every day is much more complex than the most moderncommunication technology. yr;~M {{4  
9. Cooperation Goes with Competition GgU8f0I  
   In our times, cooperation andcompetition spread over the world. Both of them speed up the wheel of economyand enrich the intelligence of mankind. It is possible to accomplish acomplicated program by only one person now. As we know, the more cooperation acompany depends on, the more efficient it will become in business. AfAlDM'  
Furthermore, we can’t avoidcompetition in our exchanges. From time to time, we compare ourselves withothers, expecting to catch up with others. This is the spirit of competition,by which we pursue the highest goal. It is only by competition in the marketthat a company can raise its reputation. Were it not for competition, say, allof us would not enjoy what we have achieved. Yg<L pjq5X  
B|f =hlY  
10. The Rise of IntellectualProperty Protection  iH`Q4  
   Intellectural propertyscarcely existed in the vocabularies of academic researchers and administratorseven 15 years ago. Now it is an ever-present part of discussions on researchpolicies and directions. This new importance of intellectual property inacademia reflects a changing view on ther relationships of research atuniversities to the surrounding society. Until recently, research atuniversities has been relatively isolated from demands of economic utility,andeducation of graduate students has emphasized a career in academic research asthe final goal. qsT@aSIo9  
Now almost all researchuniversities in the United States have technology licensing operations. Thenumber of U.S. patents granted to American universities in a year rose fromabout 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995. The direct economic impact oftechnology licensing on the universities themselves has been relatively small.In contrast, the impact of university technology transfer on the local andnational economies has been substantial, and leads to the concusion that theLicensing Act () is one of the most successful pieces of economic developmentin recent history. It has been estimated that more than 200000 jobs have beencreated in the United States in product development and manufacturing ofproducts from university licenses, with the number increasing fairly rapidly asthe licenses mature. =~DQX\  
  Intellectual property terms have becomevitally important. The company wants to be assured that it can use the resultsof the research-and that these results will not be available to theircompetitors. But most universities insist that transfer of research results iskey to their identity and mission and will not agree to keep the project resultssecret. The key to resolving this dilemman is to grant patents: the universitywill publish the results, but will first agree to file patents that willprotect the company’s privilege in the commercial market place. `i2:@?Kl9  
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11. Generation Gap |#b]e|aP  
    Despite various improvements in all aspectsof social life, the generation gap between the grown-up and the young remainsunbridged. Instead, it grows wider apart. %#jW  
Nowadays, the youths do notblindly follow what their elder say. Owing to widespread edcuation, the influenceof western civilization, to certain extent, gives them a new code ofphilosophy, which is completely different from that of their elders. Aninvisible cold wall thus appears between the two generations. B,5kG{2 !  
 Modern youths are trying to be more revolutionary.They have their own interpretation fro different matters; they also have theirown ideals. Their reluctance to learn old teaching and sayings becomes theconstant friction between the two generations. They always introduce newchanges. However, the old people, wedded to everything of the past, are hostileto changes and the generation gap becomes wider and wider. w=QlQ\  
  After all, the young generation, like the oldone, is made of flesh and blood. The young also need respect and they also haveskills and good ideas. In order to narrow the gap, both groups should try tounderstand each other. Most probably, these suggestions may help to solve theproblem. BNw};.lO  
12. Should Men and Women Be Equal? m ?e::W  
   Should men and women be equal?This is a question much talked about by many people. Some hold the opinion thatmen are superiro to women in many ways. For one thing, many a job men do canhardly be done by women, who are physically not strong enough; and for another,most of the word-famous scientists or statemen are found to be males. Moreover,the whole human society seems to have all along been dominated by men only. Isn’tit evident enough to show that men are a lot stronger than women? Hence, theformer should enjoy more rights than the latter. o#Viz:  
   Other people, however, thinkquite differently on this question. They firmly believe that men and women areborn equal. And women are certainly as talented as men if they are given equalopportunities of education. Isn’t it a fact known to us all that women havebeen working side by side with men in China and elsewhere in the wordl? Liketheir men folks, they have been distinguishing themselves not only in researchinstitutions, but in government bodies and other organizations as well. mx!EuF$I  
Personally, I am firmlystanding on the side of those women’s rights defenders. Since men and women areplaying an equally important role in all human activities, why should not theybe on an equal footing? Furthermore, from time immemorial, there have been twosex groups, namely, men and women. Our Human society could definitely not haveexisted or advanced without either of them. Is it wonder that men and womenought to be equal and enjoy equal rights accordingly? yg^ 4 <A  
13. Computer and Man zl3GWj|?\7  
   It is believed that thecomputer can do almost every thing. At the time the computer was invented,scientists, carried away by its calculating speed, felt that they had created amiracle. It b|DiU}  
Was graduallyused not noly in mathematics,physics,chemisry and astronomy, but in places likethe library, hospital and military army to replace the work of man. For thework of man. For this reason, the computer was entiled “Electronic Brain” interms of appreciation. (&KBYiwr  
  Can man be controlled bycomputers? The answer is negative. Although a computer works much faster andaccurately than man , a fact is undeniable; it is designed, manufactured andprogrammed by man, and therefore by human beings. Of course, science fictionshave made up many fascinating stories about a computer, or rather robot,whoconquers man and the earth, even the whole universe; however, they are onlyunrealistic imaginatio. A horse helps man a lot runs much faster than we, butit is only a slave. |V&E q>G  
  The future for the computer isvery promising. With the help of it, we can do things that could not be donebefore.Conquering the universe, discovering new things, explaining mysteruiysphenomena puzzling us at present are all made possible by computer. Y-s 6Z \  
jX; $g>P  
14. what kind of life to live-realistic or romantic ? b{Bef*`/  
  There has always been anargument between the young and the old about what kind of life tolive-realistic or romantic. Young people tend to think real think that reallofe is as dramatic and fascimating as it is in the novels and movies whilemore experiened adults think this naïve daydream is certain to be broken bylater experiences and everyone should learn to get used to the dull routine ofhis everydy life. ,Dy9-o  
   However, there are someinadequacies in the opinions on the part of both sides. Life will beunimaginable if everything we do is only for realistic purpose, and the same istrue if what we do everyday is just to enjoy ourselves. So it’s not difficultfor us to see that neither way can ensure a happy life. .Cu0G1  
  In my opinion, a real happylofe can never be separated from either of the two ways. On the one hand, let’senjoy life-enjoy the excitement of sports. On the other, let’s not forget ourwork. Happy life can never go without hard work. pt%*Y.)az  
15. Fast Food |%g)H,6c  
   Fast food is becoming morepopular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it'scertainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fastpace of modern society as powerfullyas fast food. 4 [ *G  
There areseveral reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves alot of time. The trends of modern societyseem to all point to one ultimate goal--saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into afast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can either eat it thereor take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean andcomfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent ervice, and theguaranteed quality of food. WjsmLb:5  
   However,in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does notcompose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggestthat people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Althoughcooking at home is time-consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, itoffers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is onlya good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. [85b+SKW  
  n #S?fsQN  
16. On the Attitude towards Fighting againstCriminals o&)v{q  
Today crime rate in our cities seems to be rising. Thefts,robberies, and murders are reported to take place even in the broaddaylight.  }1mkX\wWP  
Facing crime tide, people may takedifferent attitudes. Some feel frightened and prefer to turn a blind eye to thecriminals. Others are resolute and dare to run risk at the cost of their livesin fighting with the criminals. They take it as their duty to protect thesocial law and order. As for me, I take the attitude of the latter. = G>Y9Sc  
To ensure the social security and protectpeople’s safety, I may have some suggestions to make. First of all, thegovernment should always keep a continuous law education among the people,especially, in the younger generations. Secondly, criminals should be punishedseverely. And finally, it is imperative to set up a public foundation system toaward those who set merits in fighting criminals. Hbl&)!I  
17. Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays HBm(l@#.  
Few people woulddefend the Victorian attitude to children,but if you were a parent in thosedays, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and notheard. Freud and company did away eith all that and patents have beenbewildered ever since.The child’s happiness is all-important, the psychologistsay, but what about the parents’ happiness?Parents suffer constantlu from fesarand guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apsrt. A goodold-fashioned spanking is out of the question: no modern childrearing manualwould permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout.Who knows what deep psychological wounds you might inflict? The poor child maynever recover from the dreadful traumatic experience. So it is that parentsbend over backwards to avoid giving theie children complexes which a hundredyears ago hadn’t evern been heard of. Certainlu a child needs love, and a lotof it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing moreharm than good. Rxq4Diq5k  
Psychologists have succeededin undermining parents’ confidence in their own authority. And it hasn’t takenchildren long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classicon chidcare, there countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so muchun solicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don’t know what to do anymore. In the end, they do nothing at all. So, from ear;y childhood, the kidsare in charge and parents’ lives are regulates according to the needs of theiroffspring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take completecontrol. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion againstparents all the more violent. If the young people are going to have a party,for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merelyspoils the fun, what else can the poor parents do but obey? 6t{G{ ]  
Children are hardlycreatures(far hardier than the psychologists would have us believe) and most ofthem survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness htat is the normalcondition in the modern  household. But agreat many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our won age is largelydue to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johny cvan look afterhimself, is not at home when he returns from school; so little Johnny roams thestreets. The dividing –line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is veryfine indeed. w :9M6+mM^  
  The psychologists have much to answer for.They should keep their moths shut and let parents get on with the job. And ifchildren are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not reallymatter too much. At least this will help them to develop vigorous views oftheir own and give them something po9sitive to react against. Perhaps there’ssome truth in the idea that children who’s had a surfeit of happiness in theirchildhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life. u/apnAW@M  
18. Adveriser Perform A Useful Service to The Community Q">wl  
   Advertisers tend to think bigand perhaps this is why thery’re always coming in for criticism. Their criticssmm to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion and becausethey have so much money to throw around. “It’s iniquitous,” they say, “thatthis entirely unproductive industry (if we can call it that ) should be absorbmillions of pounds each year. It only goes to show much profit the bigcompanies are making. Why don’t they stop advertising and reduce the price oftheir goods? After all, it’s the consumer who pays.” t9r R>Y9  
The poor old consumer! He’dhave to pay a great deal more if advertising didn’t create mass markets for products.It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are socheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose the knowledge wehave about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read.Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence ofones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, itis more than likely you would obtain details regarding perfromance, price,etc., from an advertisement. w19OOD  
Lots of people pretend thatthey never read advetisments, but this claim may be seriously doubted, it ishardly possible not to read advertisments these days. And what fun they oftenare too ! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be likewithout advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or readingrailway bye-laws while waiting for a train? Would you like to read onlyclosely-printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, wittyadvertisement makes such a difference to drab wall or a newspaper full of thedaily reation to calamities. H<"EE15  
We must not forget, either,that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. Newspapers,commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this sourceof revenue. The fact that we pay so little fro our daily paper, or can enjoy somany broadcast programmers is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price ! J4Ca0Ag  
 Another thing we mustn’t forget is the “smallads.” Which are in virtually every newspaper and magazine. What a tremendouslyuseful service they perform for the community! Just about anything can beaccomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy orsell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the“hatch, match and dispatch” columns; but by far the most fascinating section isthe personal or agony column. No other item in a newspaper provides suchentertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nautre. It’s thebest advertisement for advertising there is ! n T7]PhJ  
19. Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents G_}oI|B  
   From the health pointg of viewwe are living in a marvelous age. We are immunized from birth against many ofthe most dangerous diseases. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now becured by modern drugs and surgery. It is almost certain that one day remedieswill be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of lifehas increased enormously. But though the possibility of living a long and happylife is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughterof men, women and children on the roads Men versus the motor-car! It is anever-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over arekilled or horribly mutilated each year and we are quietly sitting back andletting it happen. Mehp]5*  
It has been rightly saidthat when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes theextension of his personlity. Ther is no doubt that the motor-car ofter bringsout a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasantmay become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering wheel. They swear,they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year olds and utterlyselfish. All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jeaslousies seem tobe brought to the serface by the act of driving. #n+sbx5~7  
The surprising thing is thatsociety smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behavior.Everything, is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almostuninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks;the countryside is desecrated by road networks; and the mass annual slaughterbecomes nothing more than statistic, to be conveniently forgotten. 1U(!%},  
Is high time a world codewere created to reduce this senseless waste fo human life. With regard todriving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictestare not strict enough. A code which was universally accepted could only have adramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate. Her are a few examples ofsome of the things that might be done. The driving test should be stadardizedand made far more difficult than it is; all drivers should be made to take atest every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed todrive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be putthrough stringent annual tests for safety. Even the smallest amount of alcoholin the blood can impair a person’s driving ability. Present drinking anddriving laws (where they exist) should be made much stricter. Maximum andminimum speed limits should be imposed on all roads. Governments should laydown safety specifications for manufacturers, as has been done in the USA. Alladvertising stressing power and performance should be banned. These measuresmay sound inordinately harsh, but surely nothing should be considered as toosevere if it results in reducing the annual toll of human life. After all, theworld is for human beings, not motorcars. S[CWrPaDQ  
(!a\2 3  
20. Population Control .uB[zJc  
Progress in science and theimprovement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of worldpopulation. Modern medicine, for example, has made it possible for babies togrow up healthily and for people to live longer. With improved livingconditions particularly in the countryside, people tend to have largerfamilies. As a result, the world population has increased so rapidly that ithas now exceeded 6 billion. ?lm<)y?I7+  
 But the overgrowth of population presents athreat to the existence of food supplies and shelter space. However, thelimited productivity and scarce world resources can hardly meet the needs ofthe ever-increasing population. Thus, in the long run, the overgrowth of theworld population will only harm mankind. Z ZT2c0AK  
 To guarantee the steady development of humansociety, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from a fast populationgrowth and carry out a family planning program. Only by adopting effective meausres,can human society develop steadily and have a bright future. @ev^e !B  
21Part-time Jobs for CollegeStudents G+WCE*  
Nowadays, many college boys and girls takepart-time jobs in their spare time. Some are employed by the companies near thecampus, working as office clerks or computer programmers. Others have becomesalespersons for the commercial businesses. Foreign language students may serveas interpreters or translators where international cooperation is carried out.Or they may become tour guides for travel agencies. Also, it is a commonpractice for girl students to become governesses helping children with theirschool work in their homes. _)~|Z~  
Many people, including some professors andparents, make no secret of their disapproval of this. On the one hand, they arguethat academic pursuit is the main task for college students and that takingpart-time jobs distracts their attention and consumes a lot of energy needed.On the other hand, professors and parents tend to believe that college boys andgirls need to further cultivate their personality and develop their sense ofresponsibility before they can be ready for any serious jobs. X^C $|:  
But in my opinion, every coin has two sides. Itis true that the students’ major task is to study. It is also true that takingpart-time jobs will take a lot of time and energy. However, if the students canlearn to arrange their time properly, the professors and parents might as wellbe relieved from all their worries. As many students take jobs related to theirfields of study, they can gain some first-hand experience instead of beingdistracted from their study. Moreover, treated as full adults on theirpart-time jobs, they will develop their sense of responsibility very soon. Whenthey finally graduate, they will find themselves in a more agreeable socialenvironment.(280w) z'zC  
22. Private Cars =H"%{VeC5  
A few years ago, having a private car might be a wild dream to manyChinese families. But today, you can see the number of private cars runningalong the road and street is increasing rapidly. Statistics show that one inevery six families in big cities has a car. Some people say that it is goodbecause the number of car ownerships indicates a country’s auto industry, whichin turn shows the country’s general economic development. The fact that more andmore people can afford a car demonstrates that people in China enjoy a higherstandard of living than they did before. Besides, a private car also adds a newdimension to a family’s work, daily life and leisure activities. wKJK!P  
Other people think differently. They argue that having private cars maynot necessarily mean a more advanced society. It may bring about more stress,instead. More cars would consume more petroleum, produce more air pollution,and thus aggravate the already serious environmental problems. What’s more,another problem remains yet to be solved. Road conditions being what they areesp. in urban areas, accidents become a common occurrence, resulting inthousands of deaths per year. No wonder cars have been considered as the numberone deadly weapon in the modern world. Cyud)BZvm  
I find some truth in both ofthe arguments mentioned above. I feel it a personal choice to buy a privatecar. If you can afford it and you really need it to get around, having a car isfine. But remember, try to use environment-friendly type of gasoline and takespecial care while driving. If you don’t have much need for cars in your workand life, there is no need to follow fashion or keep up with the Jones.Remember, when you cycle, you are living a healthy life and at the same timecontributing to our environment protection. Lve$H(GHT  
23What Have We Learned from SARS? 7N0m7SC  
In the spring of the year 2003, China has been afflicted with andsuccessfully withstood SARS. The epidemic is now ebbing away. But we shouldnever forget what we have gone through. What’s more important, we should learna great deal from this experience. -./ Y  
First, we understand that in the face of danger, we should fightbravely instead of shrinking away from responsibilities. Doctors and nurseshave set shining examples for us. They plunged into their work withoutconsidering their own safety. we?t/YB=  
Second, we have realized that diseases will yield not only to medicaltreatment but also to people’s will power. We are so determined in our finalsuccess that nothing can stop us from our effort. SARS has no way to go becauseeveryone in the country is guarding against it. ">s0B5F7  
Third, we should try to get rid of unhealthy habits. Such behaviors asspitting on the ground and throwing rubbish everywhere are something we shouldbe ashamed of. It’s important that everyone in society develop a good awarenessof public sanitation. We should keep our living surroundings clean and healthyjust as we do with our own homes. :0Fwaw9PH"  
Fourth, we should enforce strict laws to punish those who capture,smuggle and eat rare wild animals. These people not only endanger the animalworld by killing but also endanger the human society by bringing in odddiseases. G+iJS!=  
Most important is that we should have an efficient and effective systemto deal with outbreak of epidemics. It is a promising sign that our governmenthas already come up with some laws and regulations in this respect. iz-O~T/^  
The lesson from SARS epidemic has gradually sunk in. To China, it meansmuch more than the loss of over 1000 precious lives. How we respond to it sendsa message to the world: China has been actively and effectively combating SARSand China will still be a safe place to live in and an attractive place fortravelers and investors. DE?@8k  
e co=ia  
24. Fast Food .\)p3pC)  
   Fast food is becoming morepopular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it's hflDVGBW  
certainly difficult to thinkof any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfullyas fast food. 4;w# mzd  
There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is veryconvenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point toone ultimate goal--saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fastfood restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You caneither eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributedto the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, theexcellent ervice, and the guaranteed quality of food. CzT_$v_  
   However, in terms of nutrition, fast food isfar from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a j MA%`*r  
balanceddiet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people,especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking athome is time-consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthyand delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choicewhen you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while '`p0T%w  
25. My Idea on How for Beijingto Prepare the 2008 World Olympic Games ,qlFk|A|  
As a youngstudent (cadre, engineer, technician), I am an active citizen in greeting the 2008World Olympic Games. As its host, Beijing is now busy in propagating for its advent.  %;G!gJeE  
Since it is thefirst time for Beijing to host such a world gathering, we are naturally shortof experience. And since it involves so many aspects, the whole nation shouldbe mobilized to participate in actively. P +3)Y O1C  
In facing the task, I have got some suggestions forits success: 1. Tours should be organized to go over the places such games havebeen held before to learn their positive experience; 2. Architectural qualitiesand financial contributions should be stressed to promote its success; 3.Careful calculations of costs and expenditures has to be done so as to avoidwaste. Though I am just a small potato, I wish my suggestion would win t dueattention from the authorities concerned . !i6 aA1'  
26. On University Tuition System a in China QLTE`t5w3'  
Tuition systemhas become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect.Different people have different opinions on it. $E@ke:  
Some people thinkthat there is no university in the world which is open to students withouttuition. As far as China is concerned, it is a developing country with thelargest population in the world. The government is unable to allocate enoughfunds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds ofexpenses. One of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to paytuition. The money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions forrunning schools. m<22E0=g  
     Others, however, are opposed to thetuition system. They argue that the living standard of the Chinese people,especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with thatin the Western World. The university tuition will certainly add to the alreadyheavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages. Moreover,tuition may become an obstacle to the development of China's higher education.This is because it hinders some talented people from entering the universityjust on account of their poverty.
27.What Would Happen if No Attention Paid to The Environmental Protection U 0S}O(Ptr  
With the development of oursociety, people want more convenience and comfort. Some European countries suchas Switzerland and Sweden can be taken as good examples. dkbKnY&  
However, our environment has been seriously polluted. Many factories orfarmlands not only polluted themselves but also bring about pollution to thewhole society. Sewage water, poisonous gases and waste mineral material are nowdestroying our environment. [h2V9>4:  
Facing the situation, I think, we must be aware of the long-lastingconsequences of our actions. Strict laws must be imposed to punish those whopollute the environment. What is more important is for everybody to realizethat only when we have a clean environment can we develop our economy in a healthyand sustainable manner for the future generations. Xq%!(YD|  
28.Women Should Be Let To Play A More Important Role In Our StateAffairs QfM*K.7Sl  
Women's social status has greatly changed since liberation. In spite ofthis, there still exists inequality between men and women in many ways. Forexample, we have many more men leaders in our government organs, factories andschools. No real equality can also be seen in the family. It is  still often heard, "after all, women arewomen, they are not comparable to men". 1')/BM2  
   To win real equality, weshould do at least the following: First, let all girls go to school and receiveregular education. Second, equal pay for equal work must be made a law andprinciple to obey. Third, up-bringing children should be regarded as acontribution to the whole society. Last of all women scholars and politicalleaders should be let to play more decisive roles .. #$%gs]  
29. The Role of MigrantWorkers gf2w@CVF>=  
  Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity ofcities. They leave their home-land for better chances. Some want to changetheir destiny, some want to make a fortune. Whatever the purposes theycherished when millions of them streamed into big cities, they have promotedthe development of cities. Qs{Qg<}  
   Mostof the migrant workers are hard working and unafraid of hardships. They take upthe dirtiest, the most strenuous or dangerous jobs which city laborers areunwilling to do. With lots of building they have set up and streets they havekept clean, they have helped modernize and beautify cities. Not only have theybecome the main work force in the construction sector, they also have helpedliberate city women from heavy housework chores by taking care of the babies,cleaning houses or providing any other services citizens need. JGD{cr[S  
   Although some of the citizenscomplain about the increasing number of the problems such as theft, robbery afew of migrant workers have committed, most of the citizens agree that theircontribution is obvious, and with better management, their role in theconstruction of cities will definitely be greater.  g^E n6n)  
30. The Effect of Decoding the Human Body @w:sNXz-  
The Human GenomeProject will revolutionize the detection, prevention and treatment ofconditions of certain diseases. Genes help early detection of diseases and fixhealth problems, not just to predict them. Genetic medicines will be aimed atthe causes of disease rather than the symptoms and doctors will startprescribing different treatments for different patients, depending on theirgenetic profiles. Many potential diseases will be cured before they arise. M !OI :v  
But decoding thebook of life poses moral dilemmas. It threatens to undermine privacy and bringon genetic discrimination in marriage, insurance and employment. With knowledgeof our genetic code, those who have got certain undesirable genes may bediscriminated when choosing their spouses. If genetic tests predict mentaldullness, short stature or other undesirable traits before babies are born, thesociety may look down upon children whose parents let them be born , thesociety may look down upon children whose parents let them be born with thosetraits. Employers may take your genetic profile before they offer you a job. F]?$Q'U  
In my opinion,the completion of the Human Genome Project is a great breakthrough in humanhistory. It will change the way we live and even the way we think about who weare to prevent genetic discrimination, in insurance and in employment based ongenetic tests. +CNRSq"  
31. The Orientation of China's Cross-CenturyEconomic Reform C12 7he  
The economicreform in the past 20 years has brought us tremendous changes in every way.China ranks No 9th according to its GNP in the world. aLXA9?  
Nevertheless, weare still facing serious challenges. A too large population and lowereducational level still prevent us from more successful development. So, weshould ask ourselves what we should do to promote our reform more fruitfully. U w`LWG3T  
   To this problem, my answer isto strengthen the reform of our education and economic management to improvethe qualities of our young people and our material products after joining WTO.At the same time we have to establish better laws of labor or distributionsystems to arouse people's working enthusiasm. )SUN+YV^  
32.The Information Age and the Best Way to UseInformation D+o.9I/{  
It is often said that oursis the information age. v V^GIWK  
'Computers are playing amore and more important role in modern society. They are already widely used inindustry and in universities to do extremely comp1icated work in all branches oflearning. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or putthousands of unrelated facts in order. Because they work accurately and at highspeeds, they save research workers years of hard work. They play a key role inautomation. Besides, they have found applications in business, transportation,education and other fields. Computers have brought important socialconsequences. TcfBfscU  
Computers are also enteringordinary families. As computers are being made small, cheap , and at the sametime easy to use, more people buy computers for their homes. We Dfhs@ z  
use computers to control thework of washing machines, TV sets, electrical cookers and other electrical appliances.We use computers to process and store all kinds of information. We also usecomputers to entertain ourselves by playing games on them. There is no limit tothe application of computers in our lives. Despite all the advantages tcomputers can never take the place of human brains. Although computers workmuch faster and much more accurately than human beings, they can not “think".They need detailed instructions from human beings in  order to be ab1e to operate. They can neverlead independent lives, or “rule the world” or "rule the would "bymaking decisions of their own. No matter how capable they are, they are ourservants, not our masters. *E)Y?9u"  
33. Why Governmental Workers also Have to Go abroad? C${TC+z  
More and morepeople want to go abroad for academic advancement or business exchanges. So dothe government leaders and middle-level governmental workers to improve theirpublic services. /l$noask X  
Some people, however, keepan critical eye in this problem, saying this is "a kind of making a touron public money". Others say it is a kind of extra pay for theirover-service. I don't agree with them because they fail to see the importanceto be open and progressive in running governmental affairs by exchanging andlearning experience from the outside world. "Seeing is believing" canbe very useful for the governmental workers to improve their own work. And inmany cases, it can even bring about a major change in their working style.  }C&c=3V  
4COf H7Al9  
34. TheProblem in Using Water I3 x}F$^  
Water isindispensable to life. It is used for drinking and washing every day. We alsoneed water in great quantity in industry and agriculture. However, not everyoneis aware of the  importance of water.They tend to think since there is plenty of water, it does not matter if wewaste a little of it. They don’t know or they don’t want to know that watershortage has become more and more and serious in many cities, even in Beijing.If blind consumption of water is allowed to continue, the problem will becomeworse and worse. ( L6`_)  
In order to cope with the shortage of water, the government has to takemore effective measures. On the one hand, fines are to be imposed on thosefactories units that use water lavishly. On the other hand, the governmentshould carry on intensive education among the people. For us ourselves, weshould economize on water conscientiously. Rt:PW}rFf  
35. Compare withthe domestic hen and the duck 6Rf5  
The domestic hen and the duck both belong to the bird category. Theyhave some features in common such as wings, feet, beak, flight, nest,migration, food and eggs. BVNh>^W5B  
   Thedomestic hen has short wings which it rarely uses because it has a heavy bodyand lives on the ground. It is clumsy in flight and can cover only shortdistances. Its feet are designed for scratching the ground to find seeds andworms. It will also eat almost any other kind of food. Hens nest on the ground.They have been bred for egg production and can lay up to 300 eggs a year. $WPN.,7  
A duck has webbed feet so that it can swimeasily and walk on soft ground. It has a long, flat beak which it uses tosearch for food in river and pond mud. It has powerful wings which enable it tofly long distances. It nests in grass at water’s edge. Ducks migrate long distances.A duck lays 5 to 12 eggs at a time and may lay twice a year. Mk9 kGP%  
In conclusion, although there are something different among these twobirds, the basic features are quite similar. L wu;y@[  
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