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主题 : 医学考博完型、改错、语法课程讲义
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-11-17   
来源于 考博资料 分类


第一章:概况 IFW"S fdZk  
1教材简介 }Gh95HwE  
2、考博要掌握的内容 3|1v)E  
第二章:真题讲解 <2fgao&-n  
12001年完形填空 L-Pq/x2r  
Reading to oneself is a modernactivity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medievalworlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meantreading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century   31   silent reading become commonplace. ECvTmU'=  
One should be   32  ,however. of assuming that silent reading came about   33   because reading aloud is a distraction toothers. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silentreading reveals that it became the usual   34   of reading for most adult reading tasks mainlybecause the tasks themselves changed in character. ,^&amWey  
The last century   35   a steady gradual increase in literacy, andthus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potentiallisteners declined, and   36   there was some reduction in the need to readaloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common,   37   came the flourishing of reading as a privateactivity in such public places as libraries. Railway carriages and offices,   38   reading aloud would cause distraction to otherreaders. R2f^dt^  
Towards the end of the century there wasstill considerable argument over whether books should be used for informationor treated respectfully, and   39   whether the reading of material such asnewspapers was in   40   way mentally weakening. Indeed this argumentremains with us still in education. However,   41   its virtues, the old shared literacy culturehad gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and bybooks and periodicals for a specialized readership   42  . zIbrw9G  
By the end of the century students werebeing recommended to   43   attitudes to books and to use skills inreading them which were inappropriate,   44   not impossible, for the oral reader. Thesocial, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered   45   the term “reading” implied. $VUX?ii$7=  
31A. would      B. should       C. did      D. could }\aJ%9X02  
32A. way      B. aware       C. sick      D. thought klx28 /]  
33A. correctly      B. simply       C. amply      D. directly J42/S [Rt  
34A. mode      B. model       C. mould      D. mood gE~LPwM  
35A. saw      B. watched       C. experienced      D. concluded #9p|aS\  
36A. ever      B. thus       C. even      D. for UKp ^TW1^  
37A. however      B. as       C. so      D. since I"2*}v|  
38A. which      B. whose       C. where      D. there ^W ,~   
39A. of      B. in       C. against      D.over #= @?)\~  
40A. no      B. any       C. one      D. some zx;~sUR;  
41A. wherever      B. whoever       C. whatever      D. whichever 5b;~& N4~  
42A. on the other      B. in the second place    C. on the contrary      D. in hand J)P7QTC  
43A. adapt      B. adopt       C. consume      D. condemn ?OVje9  
44A. whether      B. though       C. if      D. unless ecyN};V>  
45A. that      B. what       C. how      D. why J1@skj4#\~  
2、标注题型 V$3`y=8  
32002年真题 eR: C?v  
You feel generally depressedand unable to concentrate. You   51   of daily activity may change: you findyourself   52   and active in the middle of the night; yousleep late into the day, when most others are working. You stay in your roomand have little contact with people   53   with those who speak your language. In yourmind, you criticize the people around you they are rude, loud, unfriendly,uninformed, concerned with insignificant things,   54   stupid; you complain about them to any friendsyou have. You become   55   when you can't go into a restaurant and orderthe type of food you really like; you get angry when the TV news containsmostly U. Snews and very little about events that are important to you.You are constantly making comparison between life here and the perfect life   56   home. Above all, you are homesick almost allthe time. c]R27r E  
If you ever find yourself behaving inways   57   these, you are probably suffering from cultureshock. Culture shock is a psychological   58   that sometimes has physical effects. Itaffects people who have moved away from an environment where they know how tolive   59   anew environment where much is unfamiliar to them—the food, the weather, thelanguage, and especially the   60   rules for social behavior that few people areconsciously aware of. R0YWe  
51A. way      B. pattern       C. method      D. track cr~.],$Om  
52A. sleepy    B. happy        C. awake       D. sad Cm;M; ?  
53A. for       B. lest          C. besides      D. except hr3<vWAD  
54A. even      B. merely       C. indeed      D. rather ~9n30j%]s  
55A. offended   B.uninterested   C. frustrated      D. isolated > Ft)v  
56A. here       B. there         C. back          D. away 1C(sBU"  
57A. the same as   B. different from       C. similar to      D. familiar with 8T88  
58A. situation      B. condition       C. reflection      D.position I %|;M%B  
59A. in           B. at            C. within        D. into vL8Rg} Jh4  
60A. unwritten    B. written       C. spoken      D. secrete "<&) G{  
42004年真题 UHR%0ae  
RobertSpring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was ableto make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famousAmericans. Spring was born in England in 1813 and   51   in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore.At first he prospered by selling his small but   52   collection of early U. Sautographs.Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began   53   signatures of George Washington and BenFranklin and writing then on the title pages of old books. To lesson the chanceof detection, he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale and   54  . vH/RP  
Forgers have a hard time selling theirproduces. A forger can't approach a   55   buyer must deal with people who don’t havemuch knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their work lookreal. For example, they buy old books to use the   56   paper of the title page, and they can treatpaper and ink with chemicals. zZ;V9KM>v  
In Spring's time,   57   after the Civil War, Britain was still fond ofthe Southern state, so Spring   58   a respectable maiden lady known as Miss FannyJackson, the only daughter of Genera “Stonewall” Jackson. For several yearsMiss Fanny's   59   problems forced her to sell a great number ofletters and manuscripts belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work veryhard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring from dyingin poverty, leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating hisforgeries from the   60  . m~-O}i~)  
51A. arrived      B. migrated       C. traveled      D. moved 2d&]V]:R*  
52A. excellent      B. genuine       C. false      D. rare n 0g8B  
53A. originating      B. innovating       C. designing      D. imitating "EwzuM8 f  
54A. subscription      B. retention       C. circulation      D. accumulation ^0&jy:{  
55A. respectful      B. respectable       C. respective      D. respecting Zxh<pd25Y  
56A. rough      B. fragile       C. aged      D. preserved ik1asj1  
57A. right      B. simply       C. only      D. late nf1O8FwRb  
58A. invented      B. discovered       C. detected      D. located [9G=x[  
59A. lawful      B. financial       C. administrative      D. criminal Q" r y@ (I  
60A. fakes      B. realities       C. originals      D. duplicates `\GR Y @cg  
52005年真题 6j95>}@  
In Mr. Allen's high schoolclass, all the students have to "get married." However, the weddingceremonies are not real ones but 51.These mock ceremonies sometimesbecome so \>x1#Vr>#V  
_52_that the loud laughter drowns out the voice of the"minister." Even the two students getting married often begin togiggle. d:"7Tw2v+  
The teacher, Mr. Allen,believes that marriage is a difficult and serious business. He wants youngpeople to understand that there are many changes that _53_ take placeafter marriage. He believes that the need for these psychological and financial_54_ should be understood before people marry. *Qyu QF  
Mr. Allen doesn't onlyintroduce his students to major problems _55_ in marriage such asillness or unemployment. He also exposes them to nitty-gritty problems theywill face every day. mZO-^ct4  
He wants to introduce youngpeople to all the trials and _56_ that can strain a marriage to thebreaking point. He even _57_ his students with the problems of divorceand the fact that divorced men must pay child support money for their childrenand sometimes pay monthly alimony to their wives. _}F _Q5)  
It has been upsetting forsome of the students to see the problems that a married couple often faces. _58_they took the course, they had not worried much about the problems of marriage.However, both students and parents feel that Mr. Allen's course is valuable andhave _59_ the course publicly. Their statements and letters supportingthe class have _60_ the school to offer the course again. 'x5p ?m  
51. A. duplications     B.imitations       C. assumptions      D. fantasies
52. A. noisy          B. artificial       C. graceful          D. real
53. A. might          B. would          C. must            D. need
54. A. issues          B.adjustments      C. matters          D. expectancies
55. A. to face         B.facing         C. having faced      D. faced
56. A. tribulations     B.errors          C. triumphs         D. verdicts
57. A. informs        B.concerns       C. familiarizes       D. associated
58. A. Until          B. Before         C. After             D. As
59. A. taken          B. suggested       C. endorsed         D. reproached
60.   A. confirmed       B. convinced     C. compromised      D. conceived
Culture shock might be calledan occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.Like most ailments, it has its own symptoms and cure.    cg_ " }]Y1  
Culture shock is precipitated by the 51 that results from losing allour familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. +;4;~>Y  
Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we 52ourselves to the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to saywhen we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to make purchases, when toaccept and when to 53 invitations, when to take statements seriously and54. +\$c_9|C+  
These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, ornorms, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are 55 a part of our culture as thelanguage we speak or the beliefs we accept. ,4Q8r:_ u  
All of us depend 56 our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundredsof these cues, most of which we do not carry 57 consciousawareness.    HJBGxy w  
Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of thesefamiliar cues are 58. He or she is like a fish out of water. ZMLN ;.{Na  
No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be, a series ofprops have been knocked 59 you, followed by a feeling of frustration andanxiety. {{?MO{Mh*  
People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject theenvironment which causes the discomfort. “The ways of the host country are badbecause they make me feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get togetherto grouse about the 60 country and its people, you can be sure they aresuffering from culture shock. 6TTu[*0NT  
 51. A. complaint    B. anxiety    C. grief   D. conflict (H"{r  
52. A. convert   B. associate    C. orient  D. familiarize g/}d> 6  
53. A. refuse    B. welcome    C. deliver  D. withdraw   ~f"3Wa*\B  
54. A. why not    B. what not    C. when not    D. where not L9XfR$7,z  
55. A. as much    B. as much    C. as much     D. as if R!yh0y}Z  
56. A. on       B. with        C. as     D. for Nu3gkIz5z-  
57. A. on the level of              B. in accordance with qM+Ai*q  
   C. by means of                D. in view of #%F-Xsk  
58. A. adjusted    B. modified    C. rejected    D. removed [oXSjLQm[  
59. from behind    B. from under    C. out of   D. away from ?PqkC&o[q  
60. A. guest       B. target      C. host       D. master Uk*(C(  
72003年真题 *JfGGI_E  
There were red faces at one ofBritain's biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy$100,000 worth of shares from a fifteen-year-old schoolboy theythought he was twenty-one.The shares fell in value andthe schoolboy was unable to   51  4_ypFuS^  
The band lost $20,000 on the   52   that it cannot get back because, for onething, this young speculator does not have the money and, for another,   53   under eighteen, he is not legally liable forhis debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell,he would have pocketed $20,000   54  X)6G :cD  
Not bad for afifteen-year-old. If certainly is better than   55   the morning full newspaper. In another recentcase, a boy of fourteen found, in his grandfather's house, a suitcase full offoreign banknotes. The clean, crisp, banknotes looked very   56   but they were now not used in their country oforigin or anywhere else. This young boy   57   straight to the nearest bank with his pocketsfiled with notes. W -HOl!)  
The cashiers did not realizethat the country in   58   had reduced the value of its currency by 90%Theyexchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In threedays, before he was found out, he took $200,000 from nine different banks59  , he had already spent more than half of this on taxi-rides,restaurant meals, concert tickets and presents for his many new girlfriendsatleast he was generous!before the police caught upwith him. Because he is also under eighteen the banks have   60   a lot of money, and severalcashiers have lost their jobs. S=lCzL;j"  
51A. pay off      B. pay up       C.pay for      D. pay out V8nQ/9R;  
52A. principle      B. criterion       C. custom      D. deal ~JNE]mg  
53A. to be      B. having been       C. being      D. is S>r}3,]S  
54A. profit      B. advantage       C. benefit      D. commission |vm-(HY!  
55A. sending      B. transmitting       C. delivering      D. dispatching +H?g9v40  
56A. convincing      B. valuable       C. unusual      D. priceless ^*4#ZvpG2  
57A. came      B. pulled       C. headed      D. pushed s,f2[6\Y  
58A. problem      B. question       C. talk      D. saying #d3_7rI0V  
59A. Interestingly      B. Unfortunately       C. Particularly      D. Amazingly n#Dy YVb  
60A. kissed goodbye     B. got rid of       C. lived up to      D. made up for p`rjWpH  
81999年真题 /4OQx0Xmm  
The problem of caring for theweak and sick members of the society has existed from the very earliest times.But the idea is a new one in the history of man. EC0B6!C&7  
The Greek, for instance, had 31public institutions for the sick. Some of their doctors maintained surgerieswhere they could carry on their work, but they were very small, and only one patientcould be treated 32 . The Romans, in time of war, establishedinfirmaries, 33 were used to treat sick and injured soldiers. Later on,infirmaries were founded in the larger cities and were 34 out of publicfunds. H! 5Ka#B  
35, the Roman influence was responsible forthe establishment of hospitals. 36 Christianity grew, the care of thesick became the duty of the Church. During the Middle Ages Monasteries andconvents provided most of the hospitals Monks and nuns were the nurses. |bSAn*6b  
The custom of making pilgrimagesto religious shrines also helped advance the 37 of hospitals. Thesepilgrimages were often long, and the travelers had to stop 38 at smallinns along the road. 1Az&BZU[  
These inns were calledhospitalia, or guest houses, from the Latin world hospes, meaning “a guest”.The inns connected with the monasteries 39 themselves to caring fortravelers who were ill or lame or weary. In this way the name “hospital” becameconnected with 40 for the afflicted. >yLDU_P)  
Since living conditions duringthe Middle Ages were not very comfortable or hygienic, the hospitals of thosedays were 41 clean or orderly. In fact, many 42 hospital would put twoor more patients in the same bed! lK7:q o  
During the seventeenthcentury, there was a general 43 living conditions. People began to feelthat it was the duty of the state to care for its ailing citizens. But itwasn’t 44 the eighteenth century that public hospitals became general inthe larger towns of England. Soon, the idea of public hospitals began to 45and they appeared all over Europe. d }fd^x/  
31. A. a few      B. no             C. many             D. few Lg(G&ljE@k  
32. A. at a time    B. at no time      C. once and again      D. once for all A^6z.MdYZ  
33. A. they       B. that            C. in which           D. which  F.x7/;  
34. A. supplied    B. recruited        C. built              D. supported VyN F) $'T  
35. A. In the same way    B. In a big way R!7--]Wcg  
  C. In a way          D. In the way r}e(MT:R'  
36. A. Since       B. Although        C. If                D. As 9<y{:{i  
37. A. history      B. idea            C. condition          D. equipment >T*BEikC  
38. A. overnight    B. for sleeping      C. once              D. in time 1|-C(UW>  
39. A. devoting     B. that devoted     C. casing            D. friendship mt0v (  
40. A. housing      B. hospitality      C. casing            D. friendship YU 0pWM  
41. A. far from being                 B. far to being 2-qWR<E  
  C. so far as to be                D. so much from being B* 3_m _a  
42. A. a           B. other           C. of the            D. such bA Yp }  
43. A. agreement on                  B. awareness of ;Ccp1a~+  
  C. improvement in               D. interest in B/K=\qmm  
44. A. in          B. by             C. up to             D. until #Pz'-lo  
45. A. occur       B. spread          C. conceive          D. strike n} !')r  
第三章:定语从句1 z;@<J8I  
1、定语从句(1) )v+&l9D  
 8个关系代词和3个关系副词 S/y(1.wh  
2、定语从句练习 2002年试题/Unit1(1) ]Hi1^Y<  
As reading for the benefit oflisteners grew less common,   37   came the flourishing of reading as a privateactivity in such public places as libraries. Railway carriages and offices,   38   reading aloud would cause distraction to otherreaders.  f>mEX='w  
38A.which      B. whose       C. where      D. there Wt!;Y,1 s  
15. This is the shop__ I often speak to you. qkc,93B3  
A. where    B. which      C. of which       D. in which wRwx((eb  
16. This is the shop__ I often buy food stuff. L { &1w  
A. where    B. which      C. of which       D. in which #=Xa(<t  
11. The reason__ he died was lack of medicalcare. 1 rbc}e  
A. which    B for that   C as   D why &.z-itiV  
10. There can’t be any life on Venus, ___ thetemperature is as high as 900F R*W1<W%q=  
A which    B when         C. where        D there l,A\]QDvl  
1. The professor and her achievement __ you toldme about are admired by us all. a04S&ez j  
A. who    B. which    C. that    D. whom p>pAU$k{O  
31. I have kept up a friendship with a girl whoI was at school __twenty years ago. ^dxy%*Z/  
A. about    B. since     C. till     D. with F3Vvqt*2  
3、定语从句(2 c(?OE' "Z  
Unit 1 定语从句练习 R~TG5^(  
3. Such people __ know Tom thought he was atrustworthy man. ^H<VH  
A. that    B. which   C. as   D. what 6w{""K.{  
Passage 1 JL:B4 f%}B  
Comparisons were drawn betweenthe development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printingin the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened   1   .As was discussed before, it was not  2   the 19th century that thenewspaper became the dominant pre-electronic   3   followingin the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the   4   ofthe periodical. c No)LF  
Astime went by,computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became “personal” too, aswell as   13   with display becoming sharperand storage   14   increasing . N;m62N  
4、定语从句练习Passage13/Unit1(2) \vj xCkg{  
Families have also   13   changesthese yearsmore families consist of one-parenthouseholds or two working parents;  14   childrenare likely to have less supervision at home  15   was common in thetraditional family   16   . \4*i;a.kU  
15A.than           Bthat             Cwhich           Das n1+J{EPH  
7. A microscope can reveal vastly __ detail thanis visible to the naked eye. ;Oqbfl#%  
A. than       B. than more          C. morethan         D. more +#'QP#  
6. There ought to be less anxiety over theperceived risk of getting cancer than __ in the public today. c/3]M>+M  
A. exists       B. exist         C. existing          D. existed *qIns/@  
5、定语从句练习 Unit 1(2) /dVcNo3"  
20. The quality of teaching should be measuredby the degree ___ the students’ potentiality is developed. )7rMevF(xJ  
A. of which        B. with which         C. in which      D. to which Ahg6>7+R.  
23. They will move into the new house nextFriday, ____ it will be completely furnished. u/?;J1z:  
A. by the time                         B. by which time hA"z0Fszh  
C. by that time                         D. by this time yLt?XhRlp  
39. He’s written a book ___ the name I’vecompletely forgotten. ;wr]_@<~  
A. whose   B. which     C. of which    D. that yucbEDO.  
第四章:通过真题分析六大题型 l {\@+m  
1、并列、排比关系 Passage 13 umiD2BRZ  
Many theories concerning thecause of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus eitheron the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.Theories   on the individual suggest that childrenengage in criminal behavior   2   they were not sufficiently penalized forprevious misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through   withothers. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commitcrimes in   to their failure to rise above theirsocioeconomic status 5   as a rejection of middle-class values. RAEiIf!3  
2A.before           Bunless           Cuntil             Dbecause !r0 z3^*N  
4A.return           Breply            Creference         D. response ;\+A6(GX{  
第五章:定语从句2 fbW#6:Y  
1、定语从句(3) |<7nf75c}  
But引导定语从句 %G~%:uJ5  
2、What引导从句 ~48mCD  
3、What引导从句2001年试题 nr{ }yQ u  
By the end of the centurystudents were being recommended to   43   attitudes to books and to use skills inreading them which were inappropriate,   44   not impossible, for the oral reader. Thesocial, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered   45   the term “reading” implied. JE+{Vx}  
45A.that      B. what       C. how      D. why 8c'E  
4、定语从句(4) <0)@Ikhx  
5. This is the best book ___ on the subject. N+ R/ti  
  A. whichthere is                       B. thatthere is (z<& PP  
  C. whichis                             D. what is 1 Xu^pc  
2. I don’t suppose anything happens ___ hedoesn’t foresee. ma26|N5  
  A.that      B. which      C. what      D. as -n$fh::^  
第六章:六种题型的巩固与提高 "Mmvf'N  
1、题型简单介绍 !~k-S exh  
第七章:非谓语动词 o %tvwv  
1、三大非谓语动词(1 +#y[s Ka  
I was angry for ___ being late. ^Q4m1? 40  
2、三大非谓语动词(2 fM)RO7  
12. After seeing the movie, ____. #fYz367>  
A. the book was read by him. a|@^ N  
B. the book mad him want to read it. Iih~rWJ  
C. the reading of the book interested him. "-TIao#  
D. he wanted to read the book <%Re!y@OL  
14. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction,completely ____ to the outside world. 5ff66CRw  
A. being lost      B. having lost      C. losing      D. lost m:~s6c6H  
15. He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanshipof the society, ____ insufficiently popular with all members. %8+'L4  
A. being considered                   B. considering 8f|  
C. to be considered                    D. having considered S<LHNZu|^A  
3、三大非谓语动词(3 dDy9yw%f?  
3. A new technique ___, the yield of thisfactory rose last year. ZUMzWK5Th  
A. being worked out            B. to be worked out `riK[@  
C. working out                D. having been worked out t <#Yr%a  
8. ____, she went back to her room. vV| u+v{  
A. There was no cause for alarm *Ta*0Fr=9|  
B. There being no cause for alarm ([ xYOxcp5  
C. There be no cause for alarm #x&1kHu<  
D. There has been no cause for alarm |k> _ jO  
1. Since British Railways introduced its newinter-city expresses, many businessman have taken ___ by train. W!z=AL{  
A. in travelling                B. to travel Zl.}J,0F  
C. to travelling                D. on travel e?G] fz  
2. I don’t think you will have any difficulty___ a driving license. jzu1>*ok  
A. for getting                 B. to get (Y!@,rKd   
C. having got                 D. getting Xi1/w bC  
3. Sam is getting ___ to go to a party, but ishaving trouble ___ on what clothes to wear. dGcG7*EX  
A. to dress… deciding          B. to be dressed… to decide [:sV;37s  
C. dressed….deciding          D. dressing… deciding >e"CpbZ'  
4. I will overlook ___ so rude to my sister thistime but don’t let it happen again. m4|9p{E  
A. you to be                  B. your being zrG&p Z  
C. you to have been            D. you having been <`a!%_LC [  
5. Our modern civilization must not be thoughtof as ___ in a short period of time. O%y.  
A. being created               B. to have been created 9#.nNv*z3  
C. having been created          D. to be created 7\K=8G  
6. Shortly after his retirement, the formerpresident ___ gardening and hunting. _bn*B$  
A. took to      B. took on      C. took in      D. took after PygaW&9Z|d  
7. Technology will play a key role in ___ futurelife-styles. 9dr\=e6) C  
A. to shape     B. shaping      C. shaped of    D. shaped +EJIYvkFm  
9. When Jane fell off the bike, the otherchildren ____. c Q|nL  
A. were not able to help laughter  J O`S  
B. could not help but laughing jX!,xS%(  
C. could not help laughing [F/>pL5U$  
D. could not help to laugh o4,W!^ n2  
E. could not help but laugh Uoh!1_oV  
10. It is better to die on one’s feet than ____. $3|++ ?  
A. living on one’s knees              B. live on one’s knees q<yp6Q3^  
C. on one’s knees                   D. to live on one’s knees Z~ VOO7|m  
11. The students expected there ___ morereviewing classes before the final exams. &[}b HX /  
A. is      B. Being       C. have been          D. to be OW\r }  
13. For there ___ successful communication,there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by allpresent. /Zap'S/  
A. is      B. to be        C. will be            D. being DZ |0CB~  
15. ____ to inanimate objects, such as machines,is a form of animism. 0{j] p^'<  
A. When attributing emotion               B. Attributing emotion 61HU_!A8S  
C. Emotion is attributed                   D. If emotion is attributed BYFvf(>  
20. John was relying on there ___ anotheropportunity. KyK%2:  
A. was    B. being       C. had been           D. would nxkbI:+t  
第八章:虚拟语气 7,ysixY  
第一节:虚拟语气(1 UmcPpZ  
1if条件句虚拟语气,如果……就…… }9<pLk  
2if 主将从现,主句是将来时,从句要用一般现在时来代替将来时 Eq=~SO%  
3、祈使句+and+表将来时态的句子——主将从现得变体形式 `+[Ct08  
5. ___ today, he would get there by Monday. )HQ':ZE$  
A. If he left                 B. Was he to leave ;fw}<M!6  
C. Were he to leave           D. If he leaves '/%]B@!  
6. The business is risky. But ___, we would berich. a,i k=g  
A. should we succeed         B. would we succeed :rd{y`59>&  
C. might we succeed          D. could we succeed >M=_:52.+  
16. ___ the timely investment from the generalpublic, our company would not be so thriving as it is. _GS_R%b  
A. Had it not been for           B. Were it not for hkB/ OJ  
C. Had it not been              D. Should it not be n@xC?D:t*  
38. ___ for your help, we’d never have been ableto get over the difficulties. IcRA[ g  
A. Had it not been              B. Had it not gb+iy$o-  
C. If it were not                D. If we had not been Z;Q2tT /F  
39. The storm delayed us. ___ the storm we wouldhave been in time. A!B: vJ  
A. For                        B. Were it not for ovm109fTx  
C. Had it not been for            D. But pURtk-Fr2  
第二节:虚拟语气(2 @+Ch2Lod  
8. One of the requirements for a fire is thatthe material ___ to its burning temperature. }z%fQbw  
A. is heated                    B. will be heated B' }h6ZH  
C. be heated                    D. would be heated :%G_<VAo!  
9. It is advisable that a general announcement___ to the teaching staff. |H-%F?<{  
A. will be made                 B. should make c12mT(+-  
C. be made                    D. have been made b y07l5  
17. The board deemed it urgent that these files___ right away. HiAj3  
A. had to be printed              B. should have been printed DO*rVs3'p[  
C. must be printed               D. should be printed O2xbHn4  
28. These facts suggested that women ___ inopportunity for physical exercise by cultural taboos. |wbXu:  
A. should been limited            B. had been limited 7v'aw"~  
C. be limited                    D. have been limited x[u4>f  
25. I second Mr. Wang’s motion that a specialcommittee ___ to examine the problem. a]H &k$!c  
A. be established                 B. established p^.qwP\P  
C. was to establish                D. was established x%h4'Sm  
17. The board deemed it urgent that these files___ right away. 74_':,u;]~  
A. had to be printed               B. should have been printed y{>T['"@  
C. must be printed                D. should be printed ,~Y[XazT  
第三节:虚拟语气(3 ;Mw<{X-  
31. I would very much like to have gone to seethe movie, but I ___ a ticket. q@i>)nC R  
A. shall not have                 B. haven’t had c r,fyAvX  
C. don’t have                    D. didn’t have 'p_ |Rw>  
26. He was fully occupied yesterday, otherwise he___ to the sales conference. _tlr8vL  
A. would come                  B. would have come )7c/i+FsC  
C. came                        D. had come @`mr|-Rp@  
24. Sally can’t have been in Paris, or ___. / jLb{Ky  
A. I met           B. I’d met           C. I’ll meet him         D. I’d have met xs 1V?0  
33. “I wish you ___ the play last night.” “It’sa shame that I ___”. y3XR:d1cg  
A. had attended/ didn’t            B. attended / didn’t @[LM8 @:  
C. had attended/ hadn’t            D. could attend / haven’t *epK17i=  
36. It is a imperative on us ___. ppuJC ' GW  
A. to be tolerant of him            B. that we should be tolerant ofhim a#D \8;  
C. to tolerant of him               D. to tolerant him B#]:1:Qn  
10. If only we ___ a phone! I’m tired of queuingoutside the public phone box.  &>n:7  
A. had           B. had had         C. wouldhave          D. have had -{2Vz[[  
第九章:主谓一致 lLur.f  
1、主谓一致 (I/ZI'Ydy  
1. She as well as the other students ___ how toinstall this electric equipment. \zh`z/=92  
A. has learned                   B. are learning yi8AzUW cW  
C. have learned                  D. are to learn lFp:F5  
2. Beef cattle ___ of all livestock for economicgrowth in certain geographic regions. nP&6i5s%  
A. the most are important          B. are the most important wG&Z7C b  
C. is the most important           D. that are most important =}" P;4:  
5. The police ___ the prisoner’s statements byquestioning several witnesses. hbe";(  
A. are verifying                  B. is verifying %!7A" >ai  
C. are verified                   D. is verified R5 i xG9  
8. In the last few years, intensive design anddevelopment effort ___ to the introduction of electronic exchanges. ~\*wt(o  
A. have been applied             B. has been applied n 5 <B*  
C. is been applied                D. would be applied HBNX a  
3. ___ in the desert is mainly due to thelimited supply of desert water. bzaweA H  
A. Plants are widely spaced        B. The spacing of plants is wide D W>O]\I  
C. Plants to be spaced widely       D. The wide spacing of plants @X2zIFm  
6. She says more than one ___ dismissed fromthis company. A4*D3\>%u  
A. have been                   B. should be Rzyaicj^c  
C. has been                    D. had been [s[!PlazX  
第十章:倒装 _aU :[v*!  
1、倒装 S\ K[l /  
1. Not only ___ to determine the depth of theocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil. , {}S<^?]  
A. to use seismology             B. is seismology used P_P~c~o  
C. seismology is used            D. using seismology jgqeDl\=+  
6. Not only ___ all the positive charge of anatom, it is the site of the weight of every atom. hXD`OlX  
A. does the nucleus hold          B. the nucleus holding N3V4Mpf  
C. the nucleus does hold          D. holds the nucleus aI;fNy /K  
4. Only recently ___ possible to separate thecomponents of fragrant substances and to determine their chemical composition. y#P _ }Kfo  
A. it becomes                  B. having become LWxP}? =  
C. has it become                D. which becomes l$!Z};mw0E  
18. Only with a complete grasp of all the cuesof social intercourse ___ disappear. f*EDSJu\  
A. this strain will               B. will this strain ZftucD|ZY/  
C. this strain should             D. should this strain t Kjk<  
3. ___ to speak when the audience interruptedhim. -j^G4J  
A. Hardly had he begun          B. No sooner had he begun qL$\[(  
C. Not until he begun            D. Scarcely did he begin +3pfBE|  
17. On no account ___ borrow money from friends,and still less ___ dependent on the favors of rich relatives. uZP( -}  
A. I would…I would be          B. would I…I would be eH9-GGr  
C. would I…would I be          D. I would…would I be EkOn Rm_hn  
13. ___ the 18th century did manrealize that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind. IFXnGDG$  
A. Not until                    B. It was not until aw3rTT(  
C. Until                       D. It was until tbB. n  
14. ___ that the pilot couldn’t fly through it. ;?gR,AKZ  
A. So the storm was severe        B. So severe was the storm QaOF l` i  
C. The storm so severe was        D. Such was the storm severe ai)?RF  
第十一章:总结和归纳 InG<B,/W?  
1、历年真题的总结、归纳和分析(1) =I$:-[(  
Families have also   13   changesthese yearsmore families consist of one-parenthouseholds or two working parents;  14   childrenare likely to have less supervision at home  15   was common in thetraditional family   16   . +7t:/_b~  
  13A.survived          Bnoticed           Cundertaken         Dexperienced ,f .#-  
14A. contrarily     Bconsequently       Csimilarly          Dsimultaneously I -XkxDw  
15A. than           Bthat             Cwhich           Das |H8UT S X+  
16A. system          Bstructure          Cconcept           Dheritage ]Wc 2$  
Changes in the socialstructure may indirectly   9   juvenile crime rates. For example,changes in the economy that   10   to fewer job opportunities for youth andrising unemployment   11   make gainful employment increasinglydifficult to obtain. Bs-MoT !  
9A.affect            Breduce           Ccheck            Dreflect C 2?p>S/q  
10A. point           Blead             Ccome            Damount l 4cTN @E  
11A. in general        Bon average        Cby contrast       Dat length Byns6k  
2历年真题的总结、归纳和分析(2) &wB? ks  
Cultureshock is precipitated by the  51  that results from losing all our familiarsigns and symbols of social intercourse. M5B?`mTl  
51. A. complaint      B. anxiety      C. grief       D. conflict D]Gt=2\NG9  









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