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主题 : 中国社会科学院研究生院2015英语真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-06-11   
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中国社会科学院研究生院 \o:ELa HY  
2015 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷 =sE2}/g  
英  语 vv2vW=\  
2015 年  3 月  14  日 15xd~V?ai:  
8:30 – 11:30  Qe>i{:N  
1 x)ddRq l  
PART I: Vocabulary and Grammar IpWy)B>Fl3  
Section A  (10 points) t['k%c   
Directions: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.  v[{8G^Z}54  
1.  Even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and  b^[W_y  
vertically structured. Power in Washington is ______________ and horizontally spread out. %RQC9!  
a. prudent            b. reversible         c. diffuse          d. mandatory eVw\v#gd  
2.  In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States  at different stages in their  ""1#bs{n  
history ,  some  of  the  factors  which  account  for  their  similarity  amid  difference  can  be  readily  hWD !  
accounted for, others are difficult to _______________. U1,~bO9  
a. refine                b. discern          c. embed           d. cluster m~)Fr8Wh6  
3.  The  partial  transfer  of  legislative  powers  from  Westminster,  implemented  by  Tony  Blair,  was  jWH{;V&ZV  
designed  to  give  the  other  members  of  the  club  a  bigger  ______________  and  to  counter  mje<d"bW  
centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union. E rop9T1  
a. say  b. transmission      c. decay           d. contention FI]P<)*r  
4.  It can hardly be denied the proliferation of so-called dirty books and films has, to date, reached  :/C ?FHs9  
almost a saturation point. People do not acknowledge the _______________  fact that children  Ps U9R#HL1  
are  bound  to  be  exposed  to  ―dirty  words‖  in  a  myriad  of  ways  other  than  through  the  public  UL 86-R!  
airwaves. Guk.,}9  
a.  irrefutable           b. concrete         c. inevitable        d. haphazard 3iE-6udCS  
5. A condition is an essential term of the contract. If a contract is not performed, it may constitute a  9$7&URwSDI  
substantial breach of contract and allow the other party to  _______________ the contract, that is,  Lw*;tL<,  
treat the contract as discharged or terminated.  uYFMv=>j  
a. repudiate  b. spurn     c. decline         d. halt [Q4_WKI0T  
6.  Each  of  us  shares  with  the  community  in  which  we  live  a  store  of  words  as  well  as  agreed   C=fsJ=a5;  
conventions ______________ these words should be arranged to convey a particular message. tIq>Oojdx  
a. as the way by which                    b. by the way in which D t.0YKF  
c. as to the way in which    d. in the way of which 9YR]+*  
7.  Rarely  ______________  a  technological  development  _______________  an  impact  on  many ePf+[pV3  
aspects of social, economic, and cultural development as greatly as the growth of electronics. (+|X<Bl:`  
a. has… had          b. had…had  c. has…has      d. have…had  Q*]$)D3n  
8. If early humans ______________ as much as they did, they probably ______________ to evolve  }$o*  
into different species.   B\\6#  
a. did not move and intermingle…would continue   B?+ .2  
b. would not move and intermingle…had continued ]b3/Es+  
c. had not moved and intermingled…would have continued    C\ tp rnY  
d. were not to move and intermingle…could have continued  kr%2w  
2 pX@Si3G `  
9.  It  was  ______________  the  last  time  around  the  track  ______________  I  really  kicked  it  &J_Z~^   
in--passing  the  gossiping  girlfriends,  blocking  out  the  whistles  of  boys  who  had  already  _w 5RK(  
completed their run and now were hanging out on the grassy hill, I ran--pushing hard, breathing  *c{wtl@  
shallowly,  knowing  full  well  that  I  was  going  to  have  to  hear  about  it  from  my  disapproving  8O>}k  
friends for the next few days.  a Sf/4\  
a. not until…when    b. not until…that  c. until…when      d. until…that  d')-7C  
10.One impediment ______________ the  general use of a standard in  pronunciation is the fact  Bs[nV}c>>  
______________  pronunciation  is  learnt  naturally  and  unconsciously,  while  orthography  is  )l_@t(_  
learnt deliberately and consciously. S=' wJ@?;  
a. in…which           b. of …in which    c. on…that         d. to…that  zF8'i=b&  
Section B  (5 points) %%>_B2vc  
Directions: Choose the word that is the closest in meaning with the underlined word. -D^L}b  
11.  It is some 15 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of citizens  Y2C9(Zk U  
between India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947. 3t)v %S|k  
a. division           b. turmoil          c. fusion            d. consolidation {Hl[C]25X  
12.  Concerning speculation, philosophy looks upon things from the  broadest possible perspective;  QYQtMb,  
for criticism, it has the twofold role of questioning and judging everything that  pertains  either yPV' pT)  
to the foundations or to the superstructure of human thinking.  *5e+@rD`  
a. inebriates          b. forsakes         c. relates           d. emaciates Zk&h:c  
13.  Meeting  is,  in  fact,  a  necessary  though  not  necessarily  productive  psychological  side  show.  $<|o cUC7  
Perhaps it is our civilized way to moderating,if not preventing, change. 9XX>A*  
a. promoting          b. impeding         c. tempering        d. arresting !Vheq3"q/  
14.  The  truth  about  alliances  and  their  merit  probably  lies  somewhere  between  the  travel  utopia  (DDyK[t+VX  
presented by the players and the evil empires portrayed by their critics. k;I  &.H  
a. collaboration        b. worth            c. triumph         d. defect Q6IQV0{p  
15.  But Naifeh and Smith reveal a keen intellect, an avid reader and a passionate observer of other  =p@8z /u  
artists’ work who progressed from labored figure studies to inspired outbursts of creative energy.  H2;X   
Far from an artistic flash in the pan, he pursued his calling with dogged determination against  S:q$?$  
nearly insurmountable odds. Ri#H.T<'  
a. insuperable         b. unsurpassable  c. uncountable  d. invaluable    <*|?x86~  
Section C  (5 points) NOt@M  
Directions: Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence. f?56=& pHY  
16. One of the most important non-legislative functions of the U.S. Congress is the power to #?[.JD51l  
3 ~GJN@ka4%  
investigate, which is usually delegated to committees—either standing committees, special  GKiukX$'  
A                      B               g> S*<  
committees set for a specific purpose, or joint committees consisting of members of both  rR,2UZR  
C                                       D      ?":'O#E  
houses. j>Ag\@2ME  
17. One of the important corollaries to the investigative power is the power to publicize  3=  -pG  
investigations and their results. Most committee hearings are open to public and are reported  (\a6H2z8l  
A                                      B g~S)aU\:,  
widely in the mass media. Congressional investigations thus represent one important tool  @kFu*"  
C R?66b{O  
available to lawmakers to inform the citizenry and to arouse public interest in national issues. >TjJA #  
D !@A#=(4R4  
18.  It is not a voice we recognize at once, whereas our own handwriting is something which we  7=XL !:P  
A                                   B c+dg_*^  
almost always know. We begin the natural learning of pronunciation long before we start v$wBxC Y  
C vuQ%dDxI  
learning to read or write, and in our early years we go on unconsciously imitating and  !xIm2+:(  
D w}R~C   
practicing the pronunciation of those around us for many hours everyday. ]bi)$j.9s  
19. It had happened too often that the farmers sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts  xI*#(!x"G  
A               B;K`q  
were coming due, only to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On various occasions,  8}e,%{q  
B sj?3M@l95W  
producer groups, asked firmer control, but the government had no wish to become involved, at C1EtoOv K  
C \C^;k%{LV  
least not until wartime when wheat prices threatened to run wild. Xjio Z  
D dq1:s1  
20.  Detailed studies of the tribe by the food scientists at the University of London showed that  JPn$FQD  
A W5L iXM  
gathering is a more productive source of food than is hunting. An hour of hunting yields on L6Wt 3U`l  
B                             C KInk^`C/H  
average about 100 edible calories as an hour of gathering produces 240. jjM\.KL]  
D YXurYwV  
PART II: Reading comprehension (30 points) Nc Pgq?3p  
Directions: Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below. iJ' xh n  
Passage 1 l1U=f]  
Plato’s Republic has been the source of great consternation, especially in literary circles, for its  jOpcV|2  
4 wkqX^i7ls  
attack on the poets. Socrates in fact asserts that they should have no place in the ideal state. Eric  %ek'~  
Havelock  suggests  that  there  are  several  misunderstandings  in  this  regard,  and  in  his  Preface  to  fb~=Y$|  
Plato he identifies the issues, explains the historical context. -x8nQ%X  
Havelock opens his discussion by suggesting that the very title of the Republic is the source of  }]n$ %g (  
much confusion. The book is commonly understood to be a treatise on the ideal political entity, but  zk*c)s  
even a casual analysis will show that only one-third of the text is concerned with statecraft. The  e!Y0-=?nf#  
other two-thirds cover a variety of subjects, but the thrust of Plato’s argument amounts to an attack  (/-hu[:  
on the traditional Greek approach to education.  /&F,V+x  
The educational methods still in use in the 4th century BC had their origins in what has been  !zj0/Q G\  
called the Greek Dark Age beginning around 1200 BC when the Mycenaean era collapsed. Very  0;4t&v7  
little is known about the whys and wherefores of this collapse, but it   wasn’t until around 700 BC  "8^5>EJ Wv  
that the Phoenician alphabet began to be adapted and used in the Greek-speaking world. During the  o&AM2U/?  
intervening centuries, all knowledge concerning Greek history, culture, mores and laws were orally  dVB~Smsr  
transmitted  down  through  the  generations.  The  most  effective  device  in  aid  of  memorizing  vast  <<=WY_m}  
amounts of information was rhyme. The epic form we see in Homer’s Iliad  grew out of the need to  @/ZF` :   
preserve the Greek cultural memory. Havelock takes the reader through Book 1 of  The Iliad  and  ?Kvl!F!`  
dissects  it  in  detail  to  show  how  this  cultural,  historical  and  ethical  heritage  was  conveyed.  The  uZfnz d)c  
Iliad takes on new and significant meaning to the reader of this minute examination. L-B <nl  
The Iliad and presumably other poetic vehicles were taught to children from  an early age. The  %sHF-n5P  
whole  of  the  Greek-speaking  world  was  immersed  in  the  project  of  memorizing,  and  out  of  the  qd8n2f  
masses arose those individuals with superior memories and theatrical skills who became the next  +xc'1id@[  
generation  of  minstrels  and  teachers.  Education  was  thus  comprised  of  memorization  and  rote  9j W2  
learning, and the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals. !T](Udf  
Plato’s focus in the  Republic  and elsewhere is on Homer and Hesiod and to some extent the  2 I*;A5$N1  
dramatists which at the time were the centerpieces of the educational regime. Their works presented  lds- T  
gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth.  The overall result is  &Tl 0Pf  
that the Greek adolescent is continually conditioned to an attitude which at bottom is cynic al. It is  >.dWjb6t  
more important to keep up appearances than to practice the reality. Decorum and decent behavior  '* \|; l#1  
are not obviously violated, but the inner principle of morality is.  Once the Republic  is viewed as a  s w39\urf  
critique of the educational regime, Havelock says  that  the logic of its total organization  becomes  F(na{<g};  
clear. +w=AJdc  
What Plato was railing against was an ―oral state of mind‖ which seems to have persisted even  h3dsd  
though the alphabet and written documentation had been in use for three centuries. Illiteracy was  hs tbz  
thus still a widespread problem in Plato’s time, and the poetic state of mind was the main obstacle  b~nAPY6  
to scientific rationalism and analysis. This is why Plato regarded the poetic or oral state of mind as  /-#I_>:8'  
the arch-enemy. In his teachings he did the opposite. He asked his students to ―think about what  M33_ja+L  
they were saying instead of just saying it.‖  The epic had become, in Plato’s view, not ―an act of  >A@Y$.  
creation but an act of reminder and recall‖  and contributed to what Havelock terms ―the Homeric  #j *d^j&  
state  of  mind.‖  It  was  Socrates’  project  (and  by  extension  Plato’s)  to  reform  Greek  education  to  BD`2l!d  
encourage  thinking  and  analysis.  Thus  all  the  ranting  and  railing  about  the  ―poets‖  in  Plato’s  S"Zp D.XX  
Republic  was  limited  basically  to  Homer  and  Hesiod  because  of  what  he  viewed  as  a  wholly  5]M>8ll  
inadequate approach to education of which these particular poets were an integral part. 5|jw^s7  
Unfortunately,  Western  culture  has  misconstrued  what  Plato  and  Socrates  meant  by  ―the  MwmUgN"g  
poets.‖  And  because  we  view  poetry  as  a  highly  creative  and  elevated  form  of  expression,  our  wn)J XR  
5 rj6#1kt  
critics have failed to recognize that Plato’s diatribe had a very specific and limited target which had  }:Z#}8  
nothing to do with high-minded creativity, of which there is plenty, by the way, in the proscribed  wm+/e#'&  
poets.  It wasn’t really the poets who were  the problem;  it was the use of them that was deemed  EvOJ~'2 Y%  
unacceptable. q$aaA`E%  
Post-Havelock, we can now read the  Republic  with the scales lifted from our eyes and see it  bQ~j=\[r  
for what it  really  was: an indictment of an antiquated educational regime which had no place in a -!c"k}N=  
democratic society.  da (km+  
Comprehension Questions:  C -iK$/U  
21. The mistaken understanding of Plato's Republic consists in the widespread belief that it consists  e^ v.)  
of _______________. ar:+;.n  
a. literary criticism                      b. a treatise on the ideal polity dDF .qXq.  
c. a critique of rationalism                d. an indictment of an obsolete pedagogy otk}y8  
22. According to Havelock, Plato’ s anger with the poets arose from: hUYd0qEbEt  
I: Their representation of  gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for  <n(*Xak{a  
youth. A'2w>8  
II: Their transmission of culture, mores and laws. Me=CSQqf<  
a. I.                b. II.               c. Both I and II.     d. Neither I nor II. WD1G&5XP  
23.  Prior  to  the  4 /PLn+-  
th cq$i  
century  BC,  recitation  was  considered  the  best  educational  method  because  &LbJT$}V  
______________. E8-P"`Qba  
a. poetry was seen as a highly creative and elevated form of expression .jj$Kh q]  
b. rhyme was the most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of information U*3uq7  
c. there was no writing system / z}~zO  
d. the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals Ox@ sI:CT  
24. In Plato's diatribe the poetic or oral state of mind is the arch-enemy of _______________. JJ%ePgWT  
a. democratic society                    b. the Mycenaean Republic hXA6D)   
c .the Phoenicians                       d. literacy DG?"5:Zd  
25. A common critique of the present-day Chinese educational system resembles the educational  CP6LHkM9  
system that Plato fulminated against in that it often _______________. {uHU]6d3qy  
a. asks students to think about what they were saying instead of just saying it @WI2hHD  
b. comprises of memorization and rote learning '{(UW.Awo  
c. has a very specific and limited target ;g~TWy^o  
d. encourages thinking and analysis 3mOtW%Hl  
Passage 2 I}t#%/'YA  
To govern is to choose how the revenue raised from taxes is spent. So far so good, or bad. But  IV)<5'v  
some  people  earn  more  money  than  others.  Should  they  pay  proportionately  more  money  to  the  lIProF0  
government than those who earn less? And if they do pay more money are they entitled to more  0lv %`,  
services  than  those  who  pay  less  or  those  who  pay  nothing  at  all?  And  should  those  who  pay  F}=aBV|-  
nothing at all because they have nothing get anything? These matters are of irritable concern to our  l \sU  
6 V<j.xd7  
rulers, and of some poignancy to the rest. u{*SX k  
Although the equality of each citizen before the  law is the rock upon which the American  mL4]l(U  
Constitution  rests,  economic  equality  has  never  been  an  American  ideal.  In  fact,  it  is  the  one  _N@ro  
unmentionable subject in our politics, as the senator from South Dakota recently discovered when  | M+<m">E  
he  came  up  with  a  few  quasi-egalitarian  tax  reforms.  The  furious  and  enduring  terror  of  $5*WLG&AK  
Communism in America is not entirely the work of those early cold warriors Truman and Acheson. lhkwWbB  
A  dislike  of  economic  equality  is  something  deep-grained  in  the  American  Protestant  character.  m o:D9  
After all, given a rich empty continent for vigorous Europeans to exploit (the Indians were simply a  p1|f<SF')  
disagreeable part of the emptiness, like chiggers), any man of gumption could make himself a good  qcN'e.A  
living. With extra hard work, any man could make himself a fortune, proving that he was a better  MzL1Bh!M  
man than the rest. Long before Darwin the American ethos was Darwinian. V#`fs|e;y  
The vision of the rich empty continent is still a part of the American unconscious in spite of the  IhA*"  
Great  Crowding  and  its  attendant  miseries;  and  this  lingering  belief  in  the  heaven  any  man  can  Q_Gi]M9  
make  for  himself  through  hard  work  and  clean  living  is  a  key  to  the  majority’s  prevailing  and  DuOG {  
apparently unalterable hatred of the poor, kept out of sight at home, out of mind abroad. AqV7\gdOC  
Yet  there  has  been,  from  the  beginning,  a  significant  division  in  our  ruling  class.  The  early  X3V'Cy/sy  
Thomas  Jefferson  had  a  dream:  a  society  of  honest  yeomen,  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits,  iySRY^  
without large cities, heavy industry, banks, military pretensions. The early (and the late) Alexander  J52 o g4l  
Hamilton wanted industry, banks, cities, and a military force capable of making itself felt in world  =hMY2D  
politics. It is a nice irony that so many of today’s laissez-faire conservatives think that they descend  ]~E0gsq  
from  Hamilton,  the  proponent  of  a  strong  federal  government,  and  that  so  many  liberals  believe  Sx8OhUyux  
themselves to be the heirs of the early Jefferson, who wanted little more than a police force and a  nTz6LVF  
judiciary.  Always  practical,  Jefferson  knew  that  certain  men  would  rise  through  their  own  good  ZAXN6h  
efforts while, sadly, others would fall. Government would do no more than observe this Darwinian  yd?x= |  
spectacle benignly, and provide no succor. mljh|[  
In  1800  the  Hamiltonian  view  was  rejected  by  the  people  and  their  new  President  Thomas  ^)W[l!!<)  
Jefferson. Four years later, the Hamiltonian view had prevailed and was endorsed by the reelected  a! u r ew#  
Jefferson. Between 1800 and 1805 Jefferson had seen to it that an empire  in posse  had become an  ~R@Nd~L  
empire in esse.  The difference between Jefferson I and Jefferson II is reflected in the two inaugural  NwZ@#D#[ Y  
addresses. 6MxKl D7kl  
It is significant that nothing more elevated than greed changed the Dr. Jekyll of Jefferson I into  [ U w i  
the Mr. Hyde of Jefferson II. Like his less thoughtful countrymen, Jefferson could not resist a deal.  DmOyBtj  
Subverting  the  Constitution  he  had  helped  create,  Jefferson  bought  Louisiana  from  Napoleon,  Z"uY}P3  
acquiring  its  citizens  without  their  consents.  The  author  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence  was  _X'"w|0  
quite able  to forget the unalienable rights of anyone whose property he thought should be joined to  [Ts"OPb% ~  
our empire—a word which crops up frequently and unselfconsciously in his correspondence.  <&:=z?30"  
In the course of land-grabbing, Jefferson II managed to get himself into hot  water with France,  Y "VY%S^  
England, and Spain simultaneously, a fairly astonishing thing to do considering the state of politics  R?p00  
in Napoleonic Europe. ;JRs?1<='  
Comprehension Questions: vVgg0Y2  
26. The author believes that Americans ________________. XB_B4X1R  
a. still believe America to be largely unpopulated MG{YrX)oi  
b. largely believe in lower taxation &zuG81F6  
c. are in favor of taxation without representation  G2^et$<{uU  
7 D2,z)O%VK  
d. should reconsider the Louisiana purchase [u._q:A  
27. From the passage, we may assume that the senator from South Dakota _______________. 6 HlePTf8  
a. opposed tax reform                        b. was Thomas Jefferson yOwA8^q  
c. failed in his attempt to reform tax law  d. was Alexander Hamilton %bdjBa}  
28. Jefferson made it possible for ________________. g=e71DXG2  
a. a potential empire to become a real one _{ZqO;[u  
b. tax laws to reflect the will of the people Zt3)]sB  
c. France, England, and Spain to simultaneously vacillate upon their mutual feelings towards  25&J7\P*  
the United States. l#}.^71+  
d. Darwinian social theories to be accepted without question Q[d}J+l4{  
29. Jefferson’s early political writings espoused what would today be called _______________. hnznp1[#@  
a. collectivism  b. libertarianism  c. socialism  d. liberalism +L5\;  
30. The author holds that Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territories _______________. =dx1/4bZl|  
a. may be seen as a hypocritical act %/rMg"f:  
b. rigorously held with his previous views of inalienable rights ZZyDG9a>7  
c. cannot be seen as an act of empire-expansion xrN &N_K#  
d. was an act meant to lower taxes and improve the wealth of the nation U5 r7j  
Passage 3 RAp=s  
If, besides the accomplishments of being witty and ill-natured, a man is vicious into the bargain,  }E7:ihy  
he is one of the most mischievous creatures that can enter into a civil society. His satire will then  +nT'I!//  
chiefly fall upon those who ought to be the most exempt from it. Virtue, merit, and everything that  G!XIc>F*  
is praiseworthy, will be made the  subject of ridicule and buffoonery. It is impossible to enumerate  zR32PG>9  
the evils which arise from these arrows that fly in the dark; and I know no other excuse that is or  .&x}NYX4  
can  be  made  for  them,  than  that  the  wounds  they  give  are  only  imaginary,  and  produce  nothing  ez9 q 7SpA  
more than a secret shame or sorrow in the mind of the suffering person. It must indeed be confessed  Rtjqx6-B;  
that a lampoon or a satire do not carry in them robbery or murder; but at the same time, how many  l]]l  
are there that would not rather lose a considerable sum of money, or even life itself, than be set up  "rAY.E]  
as a mark of infamy and derision? And in this case a man should consider that an injury is not to be  VG>vn`x>a  
measured by the notions of him that gives, but of him that receives it. Those who can put the best  5~yNqC  
countenance upon the outrages of this nature which are offered them, are not without their secret  g%k`  
anguish. I have often observed a passage in Socrates’ behavior at his death in a light wherein none  ILic.@st  
of the critics have considered it. That excellent man entertaining  his friends a little before he drank  wlPx,UqZ  
the bowl of poison, with a discourse on the immortality of the soul, at his entering upon it says that  /N-_FMl?  
he does not believe any the most comic genius can censure him for talking upon such a subject at  Cz8f1suO4  
such at a time. This passage, I think, evidently glances upon Aristophanes, who write  a comedy on  o#[  KS:Y  
purpose to ridicule the discourses of that divine philosopher. It has been observed by many writers  !(t,FYeH  
that Socrates was so little moved at this piece of buffoonery, that he was s everal times present at its  BJS-Jy$-  
being acted upon the stage, and never expressed the least resentment of it. But, with submission, I  ^ bLRVp1  
think the remark I have here made shows us that this unworthy treatment made an impression upon  \`w4|T  
8 z7-k`(l4  
his  mind,  though  he  had  been  too  wise  to  discover  it.  When  Julius  Caesar  was  lampooned  by  O0PJ6:9P  
Catullus, he invited him to a supper, and treated him with such a generous civility, that he made the  WX4;l(P L=  
poet his friend ever after. Cardinal Mazarine gave the same kind of treatment to the learned Quillet,  D\H/   
who had reflected upon his eminence in a famous Latin poem. The cardinal sent for him, and, after  |0z;K:5s  
some kind expostulations upon what he had written, assured him of his esteem, and dismissed him  U'*t ~x <  
with a promise of the next good abbey that should fall, which he accordingly conferred upon him in  UgN28YrW  
a few months after. This had so good an effect upon the author, that he dedicated the second edition  OD=!&LM  
of  his  book  to  the  cardinal,  after  having  expunged  the  passages  which  had  given  him  offence.  #*>E*#?t  
Though in the various examples which I have here drawn together, these several great men behaved  tV/Z)fpyH  
themselves very differently towards the wits of the age who had reproached them, they all of them  vJ`.iRU|  
plainly  showed  that  they  were  very  sensible  of  their  reproaches,  and  consequentl y  that  they  9GdB#k6W`  
received them as very great injuries. For my own part, I would never trust a man that I thought was  8by@iQ  
capable of giving these secret wounds; and cannot but think that he would hurt the person, whose  D?M!ra  
reputation  he  thus  assaults,  in  his  body  or  in  his  fortune,  could  he  do  it  with  the  same  security.  ?U7) XvQ  
There is indeed something very barbarous and inhuman in the ordinary scribblers of lampoons. I  _P?\.W@  
have indeed heard of heedless, inconsiderate writers that, without any malice, have sacrificed the  J`*iZvW#Bx  
reputation  of their friends and acquaintance to a certain levity of temper, and a silly ambition of  \x >65;  
distinguishing  themselves  by  a  spirit  of  raillery  and  satire;  as  if  it  were  not  infinitely  more  $t-n'Qh^2  
honourable  to  be  a  good-natured  man  than  a  wit.  Where  there  is  this  little  petulant  humor  in  an  #?B%Ja% ;W  
author, he is often very mischievous without designing to be so.  u z\0cX_  
Comprehension Questions: (.3'=n|kE  
31.  According  to  the  author,  those  who  want  to  trivialize  satire  tend  to  suggest  that  H@uE>  
_______________. 3I 0eW%,  
a. the damage is immaterial    b. the effect is mere buffoonery &2I*0  
c. wit is a streak of genius  d. the mischief must be taken in a spirit of raillery 2-0$F Q@ /  
32. What would be the best strategy for the object of satire to adopt, according to the author? Ejq#~ Zhr!  
a. To take no heed.         b. To placate the author. 23DJV);g8  
c. To take offence.                     d. To suffer the consequences. {0YAzZ7  
33. The main purpose of this article is ________________. Br d,Eg  
a. the derision of the perpetrators of satire  StYzGJ  
b. a warning against mischievous scribblers R \s!*)  
c. creating understanding of the genre `3q;~ 9  
d. reproaching fellow satirists $WW)bP d4^  
34.  When  the  author  speaks  of  ―this  little  petulant  humor‖  it  is  evident  that  he  means  'YSuQP>  
________________. %G3sjnI;l  
a. good-natured wit  b. the choleric temper kD.pzx EM  
c. a silly ambition  d. submission #Tp]^ n  
35. In view of the opinion of the author, it is unlikely that the author is a ________________.  _2vd`k  
9 `&$B3)Eb  
a. man of letters  b. satirist  c. wit  d. a good-natured man .>6 Wv0  
Passage 4   F:37MUQi  
Alexander  the  Great’s  conquests  in  the  Eastern  Mediterranean  initiated  a  series  of  profound  UmKX*T9  
cultural transformations in the ancient centers of urban civilization of the Fertile Crescent. The final  ,R wfp=*E  
destruction  of  native  rule  and  the  imposition  of  an  alien  elite  culture  instigated  a  cultural  0NO1M)HQv  
discourse—Hellenism—which irrevocably marked all participants, both conquerors and conquered.  YT yX`Y#  
This discourse was particularly characterized by a transformation of indigenous cultural traditions,  `3iQZu i  
necessitated by their need to negotiate their place in a new social order. As Bowerstock has argued,  %kU'hz Lg  
the process of Hellenization did not accomplish the wholesale replacement of indigenous cultural  X Y+y}D %  
traditions  with  Greek  civilization.  Instead,  it  provided  a  new  cultural  vocabulary  through  which  RB3 zHk%  
much  pre-existing  cultural  tradition  was  often  able  to  find  new  expression.  This  phenomenon  is  "2Op[~V  
especially  intriguing  as  it  relates  to  language  and  literacy.  The  ancient  civilizations  of  the  ^lO76Dz~a  
Syro-Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultural spheres were, of course, literate,  possessing indigenous  Qu~*46?0  
literary  traditions  already  of  great  antiquity  at  the  time  of  the  Macedonian  conquests.  The  E(L<L1:"  
disenfranchisement  of  traditional  elites  by  the  imposition  of  Greek  rule  had  the  related  effect  of  SQ#7PKH  
displacing many of the traditional social structures where in indigenous literacy functioned and was   ,-rB=|w  
taught—in particular, the institutions of the palace and the temple. A new language of power, Greek,  5 d ;|=K  
replaced the traditional language of these institutions. This had the unavoidable effect of displacing  t%+$" nP  
the  traditional  writing  systems  associated  with  these  indigenous  languages.  Traditional  literacy’s  Dl;d33  
longstanding association with the centers of social and political authority began to be eroded. E8-53"m  
Naturally, the eclipse of traditional, indigenous literacy did not occur overnight. The decline of  kR6A3?[  
Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic literacies was a lengthy process. Nor was the nature of their respective  .2X2b<%)  
declines  identical.  Akkadian,  the  ancient  language  of  Mesopotamian  court  and  temple  culture,  /)V4k:#b  
vanished forever,  along with cuneiform writing, in the first century CE. Egyptian lived on beyond  uu}-"/<~7  
the disappearance of hieroglyphic in the fourth century CE in the guise of Coptic, to succumb as a  MD'>jO;n  
living, spoken language of daily social intercourse only after the Islamic conquest of Egypt.   Even  &:!ij  
then,  Coptic  survives  to  this  day  as  the  liturgical  language  of  the  Coptic  Orthodox Church.  This  FDLd&4Ex  
latter point draws attention to an aspect of the decline of these indigenous literacies worthy of note:  W(@>?$&  
it is in the sphere of religion  that these literacies are often preserved longest, after they have been  (K!4Kp^m  
superseded in palace circles—the last dated cuneiform text we have is an astrological text; the last   Tb#  
dated hieroglyphic text a votive graffito. This should cause little surprise. The sphere of religion is  $A?}a  
generally  one  of  the  most  conservative  of  cultural  subsystems.  The  local  need  to  negotiate  the  k!E"wJkpz  
necessities  of  daily  life  and  individual  and  collective  identity  embodied  in  traditional  religious  |U=(b,  
structures is slow to change and exists in ongoing dialogue with the more readily changeable royal  6An{3 "  
and/or state ideologies that bind various locales together in an institutional framework.   Fp:3#Bh  
The  process  of  ―Hellenization‖  of  the  ancient  cultures  of  the  Eastern  Mediterranean  K+mU_+KRp  
provides  us,  then,  with  an  opportunity  to  observe  the  on-going  effect  on  traditional,  indigenous  (2%>jg0M  
literacy of the imposition of a new status language possessed of its own distinct writing system. The  ~t9Mh^gij  
cultural politics of written and spoken language-use in such contexts has been  much discussed and  MFTC6L+T  
it is clear that the processes leading to the adoption of a new language—in written form, or spoken  @+dHF0aXd  
form,  or  both—in  some  cultural  spheres  and  the  retention  of  traditional  languages  in  others  are  uL>:tb  
complex.  Factors  including  the  imposition  of  a  new  language  from  above,  adoption  of  a  new  'rx?hL3VW  
language of social prestige from below, as well as preservation of older idioms of traditional status  ^/{4'\p  
10 {8ECNQ[]  
in core cultural institutions, must have affected different sectors of a conquered society in different  ;o >WXw  
fashions and at different rates. KW>VOW<.  
Comprehension  Questions: 6S_y%8Fv&[  
36. The languages that have to some extent managed to survive Hellenization did so in what area? r|bPR !0  
a. In palace circles.                      b. In governmental institutions. .93S>U<_  
c. In the religious sphere.                 d. In philological circles. ;fx1!:;.  
37. Which aspect of society, according to the passage, is one of the most resistant to change? (j=DD6fC  
a. Monarchical institutions.                b. Religious institutions. `]hCUaV   
c. Linguistic norms.                      d. State ideologies.  ;o%:7 &  
38.  In  the  first  paragraph,  you  saw  the  underlined  word  disenfranchisement.  Choose,  among  the  #Gp M22d'(  
following expressions, the closest in similar meaning.  LJ l1v  
a. the removal of power, right and/or privilege &oc_ a1 R  
b. a strong sense of disappointment r./z,4A`  
c. the prohibition of the right to conduct business gA"<MI'y  
d. the loss of social position O3&|}:<  
39. Who was the leader of the Macedonian Conquest? TnxU/)  
a. King Philip of Macedon.                 b. Pericles of Athens. .h!9wGi`  
c. Alexander the Great.                    d. the Ottoman Empire. @e={Wy+Vm(  
40. According to the passage, can the imposition of a foreign language and culture bring about rapid  rr)9Y][l}  
change in all of the conquered people’s institutions? 8L{$v~+  
a. Yes, court life will change to remain functional, and it will affect all other institutions. 7p !zp9|  
b. No, apparently it affects different parts of society in different ways at different speeds.  .f+9 A>  
c. It isn’t clear from the passage, but it may happen quickly.  x57'Cg \  
d. Yes, the speed at which a society’s institutions are affected by a conquering power would be {N Y]L==H  
quite rapid. ny~ W]1  
PART III: Reading and Writing Lv^a+'  
Section A   (10 points) Kf&r21h  
Directions: Some sentences have been removed in the following text. Choose the most suitable  6_Fpca3L  
one from the list A—G to fit into each of the blanks. There are two extra choices which do not ha5 bD%  
fit in any of the blanks. Ef-a4P i  
But there is of culture another view, in which not solely the scientific passion, the sheer desire  +RdI;QmM  
to  see  things  as  they  are,  natural  and  proper  in  an  intelligent  being,  appears  as  the  ground  of  it.  A mvw`u>  
There  is  a  view  in  which  all  the  love  of  our  neighbor,  the  impulses  towards  action,  help,  and  :( +]b  
beneficence,  the  desire  for  removing  human  error,  clearing  human  confusion,  and  diminishing  s7vPI   
human misery, the noble aspiration to leave the world better and happier than we found it, --motives  |o|gP8  
eminently such as are called social--come in as part of the grounds of culture, and the main and  n~9 i^  
11  tb:    
preeminent  part.  Culture  is  then  properly  described  not  as  having  its  origin  in  curiosity,  but  as  M,ppCHy/$  
having its origin in the love of perfection; it is a study of perfection. (41) ____________________. l~CZW*/  
Religion says: The Kingdom of God is within you; (42) ____________________. It places it  ::0aY ;D2  
in the ever-increasing efficacy and in the general harmonious expansion of those gifts of thought  hzW{_Q.|?  
and feeling, which make the peculiar dignity, wealth, and happiness of human nature. As I have said  BQE{  
on a former occasion:  ―It is in making endless additions to itself, in the endless expansion of its  yW[L,N7d  
powers, in endless growth in wisdom and beauty, that the spirit of the human race finds its ideal. T o  ofVEao  
reach this ideal, culture is an indispensable aid, and that is the true value of culture. ‖  Not a having  P4i3y{$V  
and a resting but a growing and a becoming, is the character of perfection as culture conceives it;  _F3KFQ4,S-  
and here, too, it coincides with religion… CGCQa0  
If culture, then, is a study of perfection, and of harmonious perfection, general perfection, and  #"|"cYi,  
perfection which consists in becoming something rather than in having something , in an inward   dD:  
condition of the mind and spirit, not in an outward set of circumstances, it is clear that culture… has  _r~!O$2  
a very important function to fulfill for mankind.  And this function is particularly important in our  e21E_exM0  
modern world, of which the whole civilization is, to a much greater degree than the civilization of  Lf[G>0t&n  
Greece  and  Rome,  mechanical  and  external,  and  tends  constantly  to  become  more  so.  te4F" SEf  
(43)_______________________. U0!^m1U:  
The pursuit of perfection, then, is the pursuit of sweetness and light…  culture has one great  Ng?apaIi@~  
passion, the passion for sweetness and light.  It has one even yet greater!  --the passion for making  j l}!T[5  
them prevail.  It is not satisfied till we all come to a perfect man; it knows that the sweetness and  q;CayN'I  
light of the few must be imperfect until the raw and unkindled masses of humanity are touched with  =U=e?AOG2  
sweetness and light. If  I  have not shrunk from saying that we must work for sweetness and light, so  vYYS .ve  
neither have  I  shrunk from saying that we must have a broad basis, must have sweetness and light  ?s1u#'aO  
for as many as possible… (44) _______________________. )3BR[*u*  
(45)  ________________________.  The  great  men  of  culture  are  those  who  have  had  a  UY1JB^J$  
passion for diffusing, for making prevail, for carrying from one end of society to the other, the best  dMey/A/VYt  
knowledge, the best ideas of their time; who have labored to divest knowledge of all that was harsh,  Rrh<mo(yj#  
uncouth, difficult, abstract, professional , exclusive; to  humanize  it, to make it efficient outside the  oNiToFbQu  
clique of the cultivated and learned, yet still remaining the best knowledge and thought of the time,  ^fFtI?.6jI  
and a true source, therefore, of sweetness and light.  A4~D#V  
A.  Culture  seeks  to  make  the  best  that  has  been  thought  and  known  in  the  world  current  pESB Il  
everywhere; to make all men live in an atmosphere of sweetness and light, where they may  Pz5ebhgq  
use ideas, as it uses them itself, freely, --- nourished, and not bound by them. e} sc]MTM  
B.  This is the social idea; and the men of culture are the true apostles of equality. 0@II &  
C.  It moves by the force, not merely or primarily of the scientific passion for pure knowledge,   %zA2%cq<  
but also of the moral and social passion for doing good. PN1(j|  
D.  All  these  things  ought  to  be  done  merely  by  the  way:  the  formation  of  the  spirit  and  -}=@ *See#  
character must be our real concern. 7p P|  
E.  They  humanized  knowledge;  because  they  broadened  the  basis  of  life  and  intelligence;  X{5v?4wI  
because they worked powerfully to diffuse sweetness and light. Z}sG3p  
F.  And culture, in like manner, places human perfection in an internal condition, in the growth  y_ }K?  
and predominance of our humanity proper, as distinguished from our animality. }2-[Ki yv  
G.  But above all in our own country has culture a weighty part to perform, because here that  %E4$ZPSW  
12 >P<k[vF  
mechanical  character,  which  civilization  tends  to  take  everywhere,  is  shown  in  the  most  kS@9c _3S  
eminent degree.  `f\5p+!<7R  
Section B   (10 points) J0IdFFZ|w  
Directions: Write a 100—120-word summary of the article in this part. <Cf7E  
PART IV: Translation  5W?yj>JR  
Directions: Write your translations in your answer sheet. g\ 8#:@at  
Section A: Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.    (15 points) 5QqJ I#4~  
The second design in this great centuries-old tradition is to argue that any form of public help  y8< lp+  
to  the  poor  only  hurts  the  poor.  It  destroys  morale.  It  seduces  people  away  from  gainful  "i!2=A8k  
employment.  It  breaks  up  marriages,  since  women  can  seek  welfare  for  themselves  and  their  u#zP>!  
children once they are without husbands. 1Qp1Es<)  
(1)  There is no proof of this--none, certainly, that compares that damage with the damage that  gp#b Q  
would be inflicted by the loss of public assistance. Still, the case is made–and believed–that there is  k7z(Gbzu   
something  gravely  damaging  about  aid  to  the  unfortunate.  This  is  perhaps  our  most  highly  "@c';".|  
influential piece of fiction. fl pXVtsQ  
(2)  The  third, and closely related, design for relieving ourselves of responsibility for the poor  "ay,Lr  
is the argument that public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on incentive.  They transfer  "<cB73tY  
income  from  the  diligent  to  the  idle  and  feckless,  thus  reducing  the  effort  of  the  diligent  and  )z ?&" I  
encouraging the idleness of the idle. The modern manifestation of this is supply-side economics.  USnD7I/b  
Supply-side economics holds that the rich in the United States have not been working because they  EWu iaw.  
have too little income. So, by taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich, we increase  7|h3.  
effort and stimulate the economy. Can we really believe that any considerable number of the poor  .d# G]8suF  
prefer welfare to a good job?  (3)  Or that business people–corporate executives, the key figures in  +P> A P&  
our time–are idling away their hours because of the insufficiency of their pay? This is a scandalous  !Zk%P  
charge against the American businessperson, notably a hard worker. Belief can be the servant of  ="#:=i]  
truth–but even more of convenience. zVc7q7E  
The fourth design for getting the poor off our conscience is to point to the presumed adverse  Ov~S2?E8  
effect  on  freedom  of  taking  responsibility  for  them.  Freedom  consists  of  the  right  to  spend  a  2;Y@3d:z  
maximum  of  one’s  money  by  one’s  own  choice,  and  to  see  a  minimum  taken  and  spent  by  the  ;qT!fuN;  
government.  (Again,  expenditure  on  national  defense  is  excepted.)  In  the  enduring  words  of  .J<qfQ  
Professor Milton Friedman, people must be ―free to choose.‖ 1OiZNuI:E  
This is possibly the most transparent of all of the designs; no mention is ordinarily made of the  J^s<x#C  
relation of income to the freedom of the poor. (Professor Friedman is here an exception; through the   H3/Y  
negative income tax, he would assure everyone a basic income.)  (4)  There is, we can surely agree,  NE; (..  
no  form  of  oppression  that  is  quite  so  great,  no  construction  on  thought  and  effort  quite  so  ])$. "g  
comprehensive, as that which comes from having no money at all.  (5)  Though we hear much about  ={mPg+Ei'  
the limitation on the freedom of the affluent when their income is reduced through taxes, we hear  =E"kv!e   
nothing of the extraordinary enhancement of the freedom of the poor from having some money of  Ul$X%  
their own to spend.  Yet the loss of freedom from taxation to the rich is a small thing as compared  .^)C:XiW  
with  the  gain  in  freedom  from  providing  some  income  to  the  impoverished.  Freedom  we  rightly  !"Oj$c -  
13 Fl#VKU3h  
cherish. Cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need. Gw\G+T?M-  
Section B: Translate the following sentences into good English.    (15 points) 9GtVI^]  
1.  两千余年来,丝绸之路作为中西交通的大动脉承载着中国与世界的交往、 对话,彰显着古 DiYJlD&  
代中国开放的文化品格、不朽的文明成果。今天,“丝绸之路”一词早已超越其历史含义, }]39 iK`w  
成为一种精神和象征,为当今世界的和平与发展提供了价值典范。 jnU*l\,  
2. 谈到美国文学时,不能断言它与欧洲文学截然不同。广义上说,美国和欧洲齐头并进。 z2s|.M]&-D  
在任何时间,旅行者都会在两地发现同样风格的建筑,相同式样的服装,书店出售相同 "zeJ4f  
的书籍。思想如同人和商品一样会自由自在地跨越大西洋,尽管有时速度慢些。 hD6ur=G8u  
3.  当人类逐渐了解自然,开始向自然索取并慢慢发展到企图征服自然,并愈演愈烈时,自然 FB =  
的和谐与平衡便遭到毁坏。荒漠化的地区出现了,灾难性的洪水来临了,连空气和水质也 `!Ge"JB6   
常受到污染,人类赖以生存的环境基础受到了破坏。 o+X'(!Trw  








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2017-03-19   

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