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主题 : 考博英语热点词汇及短语--文化生活类
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-04   
来源于 考博资料 分类


[font=ˎ̥, serif]…列为世界自然文化遗产[font=ˎ̥, serif] list …as a world natural heritage site qWz%sT?C3L  
  摆架子(摆谱儿)[font=ˎ̥, serif] put on airs [font=ˎ̥, serif]show off[font=ˎ̥, serif] keep upappearances[font=ˎ̥, serif] D6X0(pU0  
  保护文化遗产[font=ˎ̥, serif] protect culturalheritage [font=ˎ̥, serif]relics[font=ˎ̥, serif] Kvx~2ZMx6  
  博采各国文化之长[font=ˎ̥, serif] draw on strongpoint of the cultures of other countries L@ 9@3?  
  不注重历史[font=ˎ̥, serif] neglect history UnTnc6Bo7W  
  采取保护态度[font=ˎ̥, serif] take protectiveattitude UAleGR`,  
  承担应有的义务[font=ˎ̥, serif] undertake the dueobligations d$DNiJ ,  
  承前启后,继往开来[font=ˎ̥, serif] build on the pastand prepare for the future[font=ˎ̥, serif] inherit the pastand usher in the future (*qMs)~]B  
  充分发挥知识分子的积极性和创造性[font=ˎ̥, serif] givefull play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals okwkMd-yW  
  触击现行法律的盲区[font=ˎ̥, serif] touch a blankarea of the existing law Xy(8}  
  创建卫生城市[font=ˎ̥, serif] build anationally advanced clean city m9~cQ!m  
  辞旧迎新[font=ˎ̥, serif] bid farewell tothe old and usher in the new [font=ˎ̥, serif]ring out the oldyear and ring in the new[font=ˎ̥, serif] t UOqF  
  从事电子商务工作[font=ˎ̥, serif] conducte-commerce +95: O 8  
  促进儿童身心健康发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] promote the healthydevelopment of children both physically and mentally Z+p'3  
  促进交流[font=ˎ̥, serif] promote thecommunication Hs9; &C  
  促进文化市场健康发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] facilitate thesound development of the markets for cultural products {&u`d.Lk2p  
  促进相互了解[font=ˎ̥, serif] enhance [font=ˎ̥, serif]further[font=ˎ̥, serif] mutualunderstanding 4Ny lc.2mi  
  得到群众的广泛支持[font=ˎ̥, serif] enjoy grass-rootsupport lftT55Tki  
  抵住[font=ˎ̥, serif]…的诱惑[font=ˎ̥, serif] resist the temptation of X(r$OZ  
  对[font=ˎ̥, serif]…持欢迎态度[font=ˎ̥, serif] take a welcoming attitude to 4hl`~&yDf  
  对[font=ˎ̥, serif]…情有独钟[font=ˎ̥, serif] show special preference [font=ˎ̥, serif]favor[font=ˎ̥, serif] to T:<mme3v  
  发挥[font=ˎ̥, serif]…的聪明才智[font=ˎ̥, serif] develop one’s own talents and wisdom 9nGS"E l{  
  发挥潜力[font=ˎ̥, serif] tap one’spotential `8x.Mv  
  繁荣文学艺术[font=ˎ̥, serif] enable literatureand art to flourish promote flourishing literature and art K U;d[Z@g  
  反映中国的灿烂文化[font=ˎ̥, serif] reflect the richculture of China N6R0$Br  
  放下架子[font=ˎ̥, serif] relinquishhaughty airs [font=ˎ̥, serif]get off one’s highhorse[font=ˎ̥, serif] throw off one’s airs[font=ˎ̥, serif] RyuI2jEy  
  腐蚀人的灵魂[font=ˎ̥, serif] poison one’s mind {zNFp#z  
  改进教学[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve teachingand learning Q[6<Y,}(pd  
  给学生减负[font=ˎ̥, serif] alleviate theburden on students zWA~0l.2  
  和[font=ˎ̥, serif]…持相同观点[font=ˎ̥, serif] share views similar to









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