R ~
race radio railroad/railway rain rapid rare [tof+0Y6
rat read reader reading ready real reality p&x!m}!
realize really receive recent recite recognition recognize /{`"X_.o
recorder recover red reduce reform region regret ^Z#G_%\Y:
regular relationship relative relativity relax religion religious u>.a; BO
rely remain remember repair repeat reply report C
reporter republic republican research respect* respond response wpYk
responsible rest restaurant result* return review z2t+1In,
revolution* revolutionary rice rich ride right risk `j@1]%&z
river road* rob robber rocket role room |@'O3KA
rope rose rough round* rubber rubbish rude QK+,63@D\=
rule ruler run* Russian y)&K9
S 4>0q0}J=5
sad safe* safety sail sailor salad salary El5} f4sl
sale salesman same sand satellite satisfaction satisfactory D)ri_w!Q
satisfy Saturday save scarcely scare science scientific /Yp#`}Ii
scientist scold scream sea seaman seaport search hI!BX};+}
seaside season seat second secondary second-hand secondly ').)0;
secret security see* seem seldom self selfish [z2UfHpt~
sell send* separate September serious servant seven K us=.(
several sew sex shake shall shame shameful 0GrM:Lh y
share she sheep sheet shelf shine ship T8z?_ *k
shipwreck(船舶失事,海难) shirt shock shoe shoot shop $xZ ~bE9
shopkeeper shopping shore short* shortage shortcoming shortly n_km]~
should shoulder shout shut shy signal significance %r(WS_%K|
significant silence silent silk similar simple simply `R8&(kQ
since sing single sink* sister sitting-room situation 0dC5
six size skate ski skill skilled skillful (8h4\utA
skin skirt sky slave slavery sleep slow 7:u+cv
small smell smile smoke smooth shake snow j
so* soap sob social socialism society sock 70c]|5
soft soldier solid solve some somebody somehow (4L/I
someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son i)z|=
song soon* sorrow sorrowful sorry sort soul }<A.zwB<i
soup south southeast southern southward southwest Soviet [UzD3VPg
speak speaker special speech speed spell spelling !|&|%x6@
spend spirit spiritual splendid sport sportsman spread ,\\ba_*z
spy standard star stare start state statement J/4T =:\
stay steady steal steam steamer(汽船,轮船) steel RtM
step stocking(长统袜) stomach stone stool stop 29RP$$gR
store storm story straight strange stranger street {\[ Gl
strength strengthen strict strong struggle student study K4!-%d$
stupid style suburb subway success successful sugar F(HfXY3
suggest suggestion summer sun Sunday sunrise sunset }
sunshine supermarket supper support suppose sure surface Zok{ndO@|f
surprise surprising surround swear sweet swim sword nTqU~'d'
symbol system .c"nDCFVR
T N*-tBz
tail tailor take* tale(故事,传说) talk* tall /sKL|]i=
target task taste tax taxi tea teach 8 c8`"i
teacher teaching team teenager telegram telegraph telephone Lj1l]OD
television ten tennis tent terrible test text :X;G]B
textbook than that* the theater their theirs 6$k#B ~~
them themselves then theory there therefore these +FTc/r
they thick thief thin thing third thirdly qk (Eyp
thirsty thirteen thirty this those thousand three X8|H5Y:
through Thursday thus tiger till time* timetable ;}46Uc#WS
tiny tired to tobacco today toe together $xbC^ k
tomato tomb tomorrow ton tonight too tool ;28d7e}
topic total touch* tough tour tourism tourist 3B&A)&pEO
towards town toy train training traitor translate ?,vLRq.
translation travel treat tree tremble 7
trolley/trolly([英]无轨电车,[美]有轨电车) trouble trousers truck Ww]$zd-bo
true Tuesday tunnel twelfth twelve twentieth twice xE1?)
two type typewriter typist(打字员) >f]/VaMH{
ugly umbrella unable uncertain uncertainty uncle uncover /%T/@y
under undergraduate understand understanding unhappy unite #t+?eye~
university unjust unkind unknown unless unlike unlikely iiPVqU%
unlimited unlock unsatisfactory until unusual unwilling upon @Kpm&vd(
upstairs upward us usage use* used useful I\@r~]+y
usual usually wNf:_^|}
V VeA@HC`?"
vacation valley valuable various vegetable verb very /UCBoQ$/]
victory viewpoint village violin visible visit visitor O<m46mwM
vocabulary volleyball voyage(航海,航程)
waist wait waiter waitress wake waken walk B>2=IZ
wall wallet want war warm* warn warning */aY$a
wash waste wasteful watch watchful water wax 4)8k?iC*
we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear* weather S:xXD^n#H
wedding Wednesday weed week weekday weekend weekly )PYPlSQ*V
weep weigh weight welcome well* well-known west S^QEc tXU
western westward set what whatever wheat wheel PR{ubMn
when whenever where wherever which whichever 9jal D
whisky(威士忌酒) whisper whistle white who whoever A*h8 o9M
whole whom whose why wide widow(寡妇) wife j=0kxvp
wild will willing win wind window wine j*%#~UFw
winter wireless wisdom wise wish with within wT@Z|.)
without wolf woman wonderful wood wool woolen 3D|Lb]=
word worker world worry worse worst would YD4I2'E
wound wrap wrist write writer writing wrong m$8siF{<q
Y }&v}S6T
year yellow yes yesterday yet* young *bK=<{d1P
your yours yourself youth youthful re/-Yu$'
Z `_J&*Kk5
zero zoo