1、呼吸系统:咳嗽、咳痰、呼吸困难、胸痛、盗汗、发热、流涕、打喷嚏、发绀 R\G0'?h
Respiratory system:cough, sputum, short of breath, chest pain, night 26I_YL,S
sweating, fever, running nose,sneeze, Cyanosis aJbO((%$|u
2、循环系统:心悸、胸痛、气促、咳嗽和咯血、水肿、晕厥、头晕 x7!L{(E3
Circulatory system:palpitation, chest pain, short of breath, cough ( u\._Gwsx
hemoptysis, edema, syncope, dizziness Mb|a+,:>3
3、消化系统:嗳气、返酸、腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、恶心和呕吐、打嗝、便血、黑便、柏油样便、稀(硬)便 p93r'&Q
Alimentary system: belching, sour regurgitation, abdominal distension, abd. e4
pain, diarrhea, nausea vomiting, hiccup, hematochezia, black stool (Melena), vgH3<pDiU6
tarry stool, loose (Hard) stool r%yvOF\>
4、泌尿系统:排尿困难、尿频、尿急、尿痛、腹痛、水肿、血便、便秘、无尿、排尿中断、少尿、多尿 j<VFn~*_
Urinary system:difficulty in micturition,frequent micturition, @s ?
urgentmicturition,painful micturition, abdominal pain, edema,bloody stool, hKLCJ#T
constipation, anuria, emiction interruption, oliguria, polyuria ' g=
5、造血系统:乏力、头晕、心悸、出血 =[cS0Sy
Hematopoietic system:fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, bleeding. =jOv] /
6、内分泌系统:心悸、怕热、多汗、烦渴、水肿、手抖、消瘦和肥胖、浮肿、皮疹、瘀斑、紫癜 Tc>
Endocrine system: palpitation, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, f_jo+z{-ik
polydipsia, edema, htremble, wasting obesity, edema, skin rash, Y)0*b5?1r
ecchymosis, purpura
7、神经系统:头痛、晕厥、头晕和眩晕、失眠、偏瘫、失语、嗜睡、意识模糊、昏睡、昏迷、谵妄、倦睡 =9O^p@Q#W
Nervous system:headache, coma, dizziness vertigo, insomnia, hemiplegia, "7'J&^|
aphasia, somnolence, confusion, stupor, coma, delirium, drowsiness
8、absolute refractory period 绝对不应期 ZRh~`yy
9、absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率 8=B|C'>
10、absorbed dose 吸收剂量 g]<4&)~
11、absorption coefficient 吸收系数 D0&,?
12、absorption of light 光的吸收 :mh_G
13、absorption spectrum 吸收光谱 jV
14、absorption 吸收,吸收作用 A-Sv;/yD_
15、absorptive cell 吸收细胞 bhTb[r
16、absorptivity 吸收率 cs,N <|