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主题 : @@@复旦同学提供的复习词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-02-21   


[p:5] _eq$C=3Ta  
1. [pp|*@1T  
Contend ~!2fUewEu  
to compete in order to win something )\:IRr"  
There are three world-class tennis players contending for this title. KMkD6g  
He's contending against someone with twice his experience. u0arJU_.)  
This decisive defeat puts them out of contention for this year's championship finals. +%,oq ]<[,  
to state something is true or is a fact 4 FZR }e\  
The lawyer contended (that) her client had never been near the scene of the crime. 7?uDh'utt  
contend with sth R!"|~OO  
to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation &xB9;v3  
At the age of nine, he had the death of both parents to contend with. f V Y I  
content (HAPPY) +Fad Ox7X$  
He seems fairly content with (his) life. v9r.w-  
batter (HIT) ;T0X7MNx  
to hit and behave violently towards a person, especially a woman or child, repeatedly over a long period of time, or to hit something with force many times F."ZCEb  
He was battered to death with a rifle-butt. Yl'8" \HF  
He was battering (at/on) the door with his fists and howling. nj;3U^  
The waves battered against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. Z:AB (c  
The burglars had battered down the door of the house (= hit it so hard that it broke and fell down). 286reeN/e  
battered   |XG&[TI- "  
1 hurt by being repeatedly hit pL[3,.@WA  
She set up a sanctuary for battered wives. ic!% }S?  
2 damaged, especially by being used a lot T+B-R\@t  
battered furniture/toys u1UCe  
confer (TALK)   PknKzrEG:>  
to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often in order to reach a decision on what action to take %f("3!#H  
I should like some time to confer with my lawer dr &G>  
confer (GIVE)   `w >D6K+  
to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone 5HHf3E [  
An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Edinburgh University. }vY^e OK.  
Conference m(9I+`  
|X XO0  
2. U" 3L  
endeavor, v. Hq<4G:#  
try one’s utmost to, take pains to, spare no effort to, make effort to, try everything possible to, undertake, strive, aspire, VR1]CN"G  
endeavor. N oO3 ^9?Z  
exertion C|IHRw`[  
potential, adj (Ly^+Hjg  
possible, plausible, within the realm of possibility, 3 i>NKS  
n. potentiality. +'93%/:  
Actuality, reality "m6G;cv  
Recession Ue Z(@6_:  
Depression, slump, stagnation, sag, r 20!   
Inflation, deflation, devaluation. h~qvd--p0  
-W@nc QL}  
recess (PAUSE)   noun `DSFaBj,  
1 [C or U] a period of time in the year when the members of a parliament are not meeting BKI-Dh  
2 [U] US in school, a period of time between classes when children do not study `# !>}/m  
recess (SPACE)   noun 2g5 4<G*e  
1 [C] a small area in a room which is formed by one part of a wall being set back further than other parts m*iSW]&  
The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves. m;xa}b{(i  
2 [C usually plural] a secret or hidden place SCMvq?9  
Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/innermost recesses of the mind. {0fQE@5@  
3. 7 u Q +]d  
optional $K\e Pfk  
not compulsory, elective, non-obligatory, alternative, W;!V_-:  
demanded, imperative, enforced, required, T 8 ]*bw  
@Ss  W  
optimum   (also optimal) ume70ap}m  
best; most likely to bring success or advantage Vx5fQ mx  
A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment. "mU2^4q  
optimize, optimise   verb [T] (NfB+Ue}  
to make something as good as possible w&es N$2  
We need to optimize our use of the existing technology. ${ DSH  
humane adjective qyy .&+  
showing kindness, care and sympathy towards others, ##mBOdx  
The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly. ~K|ha26W  
The opposite is inhumane j3+ hsA/(k  
humanely adverb 4wEkxCWp/  
I don't support the death penalty, but if people are to be executed, it should be done humanely. g.8^ )u  
n >E1\($   
Barbaric, barbarian, barbarous, outlandish, vulgar, primitive, 9 MQwc  
4. |?f~T"|>  
revive, restore, recuperate, >8vq`,e  
recuperate   verb [I] slightly formal td$RDtW[3  
to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc .p'McCV=  
She spent a month in the country recuperating from/after the operation. H#nJWe_9A  
testify verb [I or T] C4d CaiX  
to speak seriously about something, especially in a court of law; to give or provide evidence s{Y-Vdx  
[+ that]He testified that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder. 6 Rg>h  
testimonial   noun [C] _IxYnm`pc  
JV !F<  
predict, L1@<7?@X  
foretell, foresee, forecast, prophesy, envisage, L0%W;m  
5. Eh9{n,5-  
deteriorate v.,D,6qZ  
deteriorate   verb [I] LiGECqWBa'  
to become worse 7s0y.i~  
She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated. >oAXS\Ts  
The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. Ogh,  
deterioration   Ycxv=Et  
We've seen a deterioration in relations between the countries. @zt"Y~9i  
6 n2'XWbMaL  
once and for all 2,h]Y=.s  
completely and in a way that will finally solve a problem m'ZxmsFo  
Our intention is to destroy their offensive capability once and for all. {~Q}{ha  
7. z<cPy)F]"  
account (JUDGE) verb [+ object + noun or adjective] formal vsB3n$2@u  
to think of someone or something in the stated way; judge  bWZzb&  
She was accounted a genius by all who knew her work. OZ<fQf.Gh}  
J b 7^'P  
account (to sb) for sth (EXPLAIN) +xYg<AFS  
to explain the reason for something or the cause of something ORIXcj]  
Can you account for your absence last Friday? ECuNkmUI  
She was unable to account for over $5 000. 0A75)T=lQ  
8 T&E'MB  
enlighten   verb [I or T] GM0pHmC  
to provide someone with information and understanding; to explain the true facts about something to someone Dv=pX.Z+  
Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to enlighten? _=I&zUF  
I don't understand this. Could you enlighten me? [ofZ1hB4  
9 r{Z4ifSl(  
count on sth (EXPECT) .H86f !=  
to expect something to happen and make plans based on it $69d9g8-(!  
[+ ing form of verb]I'm counting on the meeting finishing on time, or I'll miss my train. OT3~5j1[  
Sorry I'm late, I didn't count on being held up in the traffic. kclZ+E  
There's never a taxi when you want one - that's the one thing you can count on! >ti)m > f  
Wait on sb hand and foot 7@!3.u1B  
Stand by ])Z p|?Y  
She has vowed to stand by her husband during his trial. C ?aa )H  
stand by (DO NOTHING) phrasal verb "1-z'TV=  
to allow something unpleasant to happen without doing anything to stop it v}u zUY  
We can't stand by while millions of people starve. qfgw^2aUa  
Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement. =5 $BR<'  
10 ?H21Ru>:*  
stand for sth (ACCEPT)  e3%dNa  
If you will not stand for something, you will not accept a situation or a particular type of behaviour '6f)^DYA'?  
I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour from him, if I were you. 8} |!p>  
stand for sth (REPRESENT) bMN ]co  
1 to support or represent a particular idea or set of ideas 9_J'P2e  
This party stands for low taxes and individual freedom. X;yThb` iI  
2 If one or more letters stand for a word or name, they are the first letter or letters of that word or name and they represent it )xYGJq4  
'GMT' stands for Greenwich Mean Time. _5v]69C#  
14 (Cbm*VL  
die off D<Z ]kR(  
If a group of plants, animals or people dies off, all of that group dies over a period of time. JYa 3xeC;  
fall apart (STOP WORKING) +Al* MusS  
1 If an organization, system or agreement falls apart, it fails or stops working effectively QT[4\)  
The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing. }n?D#Pk,  
Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair. \!Ap<  
2 informal to experience serious emotional problems that make you unable to think or act in the usual way J''lOj(@  
After his wife died, he began to fall apart. <O~ieJim  
15 NdM \RD_R  
imprudent: indiscreet, injudicious 5O:4-} hz  
conjecture sn yA  
surmise, supposition, speculation (4FZK7Fm  
16 !>6`+$=U  
adhere to sth p}|<EL}Z9  
to continue to obey a rule or maintain a belief nSq$,tk(  
She adhered to her principles/ideals throughout her life. *I`Eb7 ^  
They failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement/treaty. Ba9"IXKH  
sJm v{wM  
18 *):s**BJ$  
give way MO *7:hI  
yield to sth (STOP) UW-` k1  
20 kjOI7`DU  
The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape. )?k~E=&o  
The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students. 0D}k ^W  
The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans. 1c:/c|shQ_  
|i - S}M  
21 fP{IW`t}]  
Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people. ]v0=jm5A  
U sV?}  
approval or permission, especially formal or legal QX+&[G!DZH  
They tried to get official sanction for the scheme. {N@tJ,Fh{  
Gvqu v\  
22 (_eM:H=e>  
Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep. \Z625jt  
This is a more conducive atmosphere for studying. Gvc/o$_  
Duce, duct = to lead ! $fF3^8-  
Conduce, conduct, deduce, deduct, deduction, induce, induct, induction, h~k+!\  
{\ogw 0X  
23 Qz([\Xx:  
Leave off! used to tell someone to stop being annoying [<VyH.  
Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair. Ej'N !d.  
I've made a list of names - I hope I haven't left anyone out. Tnb5tHjnh  
None of the other children play with her, and I think she feels rather left out (= feels that no one wants to be her friend). #=I5_u  
26 |JTDwmR  
sb/sth in question formal 4_o+gG%HaM  
the person or thing that is being discussed JO\KTWtjO  
I stayed at home on the night in question. 5>~q4t)6z}  
8 <Ex `  
27 t&rr;W]  
repulsive, offensive, atrocious, disgusting, loathsome, obscene, repellent, unwholesome, _"- ,ia[D  
alluring (0zYS_m A  
Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency. WsR4)U/]v  
The bodies of dolphins are more streamlined than those of porpoises. N1X;&qZDd  
The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company. !9EbG  
The government recently announced details of its plan to streamline the taxation system. sW!MVv  
Overwhelm o^<W3Z  
to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion Fzn#>`qG  
They were overwhelmed with/by grief when their baby died. ;;n=(cM|z  
I was quite overwhelmed by all the flowers and letters of support I received v#$}3+KVC  
Disperse, scatter, dispel, dissipate l6HT}x7OiH  
Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered. q4ej7T8  
Dispense +c\uBrlZQ;  
They've had to dispense with a lot of luxuries since Mike lost his job. gEnc;qb  
31 u&$1XZ!es  
run over (sth) ^j]"5@f  
I'm afraid we're starting to run over time, so could you make your speeches short please. 8:}$L) [V  
to quickly say or practise something  h]?[}&  
She quickly ran over her speech before going on-stage. K${CHKFf  
The director wants to run through the whole play this morning. o)Nm5g  
sys; Rz2  
33 a: [m;  
legitimate   StM)lVeF  
1 allowed by law }t5pz[zl  
The army must give power back to the legitimate government. <zF/at  
2 reasonable and acceptable &^@IAjxn  
He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense. 1A/l i%  
Poverty-stricken &6@e9ff0  
34 9Q*zf@w  
indisposed (ILL) Lcy>!3q3~  
not willing /R)(u@jk  
After their rude attitude in the past, we feel distinctly indisposed to help them now. 9/LJ tM  
35 px.] m-  
rectify (CORRECT) XX'Rv]T  
1 to correct something or make something right Q OP8{~O  
I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation. 6'vt '9  
Every effort is made to rectify any errors/mistakes before the book is printed. YM]Z L,8  
Rect=right, straight vCtag]H2@  
Rectal,直肠的 rectangle, direct, erect, ]mmL8%B@_  
37 IDr$Vu4LCW  
tap   F6\r"63  
to obtain or make use of something p3(&9~ s  
For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources. 9:jZ3U  
There is a rich vein of literary talent here just waiting to be tapped (into) by publishers. +{S^A)  
She carefully steered the car around the potholes. UHW;e}O5  
This car is very easy to steer. 9oA.!4q  
She steered her guests into the dining room. Oy/+uw^  
I'd like to steer our discussion back to our original topic. u6(>?r-  
The main task of the new government will be to steer the country towards democracy. [{!5{k!  
steer clear of /IN/SZx  
to avoid someone or something which seems unpleasant, risky or dangerous ^zr]#`@G  
Her speech steered clear of controversial issues. Q.G6 y,KR  
L E>A|M$X  
38 @}cZxFQ!C  
illusory   (also illusive) A_WtmG_9  
not real; based on illusion c 0%%X!!$  
Their hopes of a peaceful solution turned out to be illusory. )gR !G]Y  
ostensible   ^J=l]  l  
appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else 7!E?(3$#"  
Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government. T=QV =21qn  
Lud= to play V3u[{^^f  
Allude,暗指 allusion, collude,共谋串通 delude,欺骗迷惑 delusion, elusive,逃避的,难以捉摸的 illusion, disillusion,幻灭 prelude, interlude, Q7 Clr{&  
Practical, practicable 2I#4jy/g  
40 kgvB80$4  
pull sth off (SUCCEED) -/.Xf<y58  
to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected {<HL}m@kQ  
The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years. 0pS|t/h0  
13370209065 ~iZMV ?w  
Cover the expense =x4:jas  
pull (sb) through (sth) (MANAGE) ?[K+Ym+  
to succeed in dealing with a difficult period, or to help someone do this ;u'mSJI'  
It was a crisis year for the company, but we have pulled through. -T4{PM  
$C UmRi{T  
42 nz|;6?LCLY  
The proposed restrictions have ignited a storm of protest. uw@z1'D[i"  
43 pHFh7-vj  
compel 7 N?x29  
pel,puls =drive &t +   
pulse, compel,强迫 compulsive, compulsory, dispel,驱散 expel,驱逐 expulsion,放逐 impel, impellent, impulse, impulsion, impulsive, propel, propeller, propulsion, repel,逐推 repellent驱虫剂 u , %mVd  
&X +Qi  
45 "msCiqF{z  
integrate   1 to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits and customs qwu++9BM  
[R]It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own. 2sjP":  
Children are often very good at integrating into a new culture. zi23k=  
<R7* 00  
The idea with young children is to integrate learning with play. ]],6Fi+  
The town's modern architecture is very well integrated with the old. w~EXO;L2  
integrated circuit K,[g<7X5  
46 #D3e\(  
intricate :4h4vp<  
complex, complicated, sophisticated, knotty, elaborate, a}a_&rf~Z  
 O+1 e  
47 )#MKOsOct  
denote   VuwBnQ.2k  
to represent something !W/Og 5n  
The colour red is used to denote passion or danger. p2PD';"  
endorse (SUPPORT) a J[VX) "J  
1 to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone sMli!u  
I fully endorse (= agree with) everything the Chairperson has said. 2GcQh]ohc  
49 r!yrPwKL  
assert   verb [T] ?]f+)tCMs  
1 formal to say that something is certainly true je.jui"  
[+ that]He asserts that she stole money from him. Kwfrh?  
2 to do something to show that you have power knpb$eX4  
She very rarely asserts her authority over the children. skdSK7 n  
assert yourself $}l0Nh'Eu  
to behave in a way which expresses your confidence, importance or power and earns you respect from others TclZdk]%T  
I really must assert myself more in meetings. *-Y77p7u  
aggravate (MAKE WORSE) M9]O!{ sq  
1 to make a bad situation worse OCo=h|qBp  
Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion. W<yh{u&,  
2 to make a disease worse W!I"rdo; V  
The treatment only aggravated the condition. 9+9}^B5@A  
Q <^'v>~n  
51 uwQ{y>SG  
for fear of: in case of 1;SW% \M  
Shut the window in case of rain 6*kY7  
in case of: for fear of A2uSH@4  
We’d better ensure the house in case of fire. O9A.WSJ >}  
In case of fire, break the glass. 0Apdhwk~  
Take the coat in case it rains (in case it should rain) v%/_*69a  
52 r3hj GcpaX  
blare   QgEG%YqB  
to make an unpleasantly loud noise s4 1<e"  
The loudspeakers blared across the square. `HgT5}  
Glare /Y:_qsO1  
a long angry look fa/ '4  
She gave me a fierce glare. 9,82Uta  
to shine too brightly 5ts8o&|   
The sun was glaring right in my eyes. P00d#6hPJ  
Blemish: defect, flaw, vice, imperfection. *@dRL3c^=  
+~  :1H.  
53 ToCB*GlL  
ingenious ,78 QLh9:  
(of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing) cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods I^[R]Js  
an ingenious idea/method/solution >wdR4!x!?  
Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials. Od^y&$|_%`  
Adroit, canny, creative, innovational, innovative, innovatory, original, con. Awkward, clumsy, O=MO M  
;q6: *H/  
ingenuous 2!-ZNd:(+  
honest, sincere and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems foolish :upi2S_e  
It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to look after his luggage. +su>0'a  
T#|Qexz6 @  
55 ^%)'wDK  
entail ?< #6=  
to make something necessary, or to involve something x!{5.#  
Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk. 0 4x[@f`  
Repairing the roof will entail spending a lot of money. ^p|MkB?uM  
defy DCPK1ql  
1 to refuse to obey, or to act or be against, a person, decision, law, situation, etc "k)( ,  
The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy (= act against) the law of gravity. I$n 0aR6  
A forest fire raging in the south of France is defying (= is not changed by) all attempts to control it. 6U @3 xU`  
2 defy belief/description/explanation to be extreme or very strange and therefore impossible to believe/describe/explain go|/I&  
The chaos at the airport defies description. a^~T-;_V  
denounce (CRITICIZE) wlAlIvIT  
to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly {[jcT>.3j  
We must denounce injustice and oppression. 0F1 a  
rG:IS =  
57 T8GxoNm  
sever   verb [T] T@U_;v|rf  
The knife severed an artery and he bled to death. HN7(-ml=B  
Electricity cables have been severed by the storm. 7Wmk"gp  
The US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961. TKx.`Cf m  
59 s_hf,QH  
call (in) on sb (VISIT) to visit someone for a short time Dq)V] Zx  
I thought we might call in on your mother on our way - I've got some magazines for her. .</d$FM JE  
call on sth (USE) MOP/q4j[  
to use something, especially a quality that you have, in order to achieve something W#P)v{K  
She would have to call on all her strength if she was to survive the next few months. UA!-YTh  
61 !e?=I  
Hang on a minute - I'll be with you in a moment! |g;hXr#~  
Hang on tight - it's going to be a very bumpy ride. Y/2@PzA|  
The safety of air travel hangs partly on the thoroughness of baggage checking. J/ >Y mi,  
hang over sth -8-  
If a threat or doubt hangs over a place or a situation, it exists s]#D; i8  
Uncertainty again hangs over the project. &p8b4y_  
0UB)FK ,9  
hang out ry\Nm[SQ  
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone c~3OK_k  
You still hang out at the pool hall? @Hw#O33/'  
{u{n b3/jl  
63 \HF|&@}hU  
access y2;uG2IS_g  
cede, ceed, cess= go, yield =e=sK'NvD  
accede,应允、就职 access, accessible, antecede,先行、超越 antecedent, cede,放弃、割让 cessation, concede,容许、勉强 concession, 特许权、租借地exceed, excess, excessive, incessant,不断的 intercede, 从中调停precede, precedent, proceed, process, procession, recess, secede,脱离、退去 succeed,   |k1(|)%G  
J.W0F #?  
64 Eyv%"+>  
revoke (S$ziV  
to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect _CN5,mLNRk  
The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area. /FJ )gQYA  
Voc, voke = call, voice JnQ5r>!>3  
Vocal, vocalist, vocabulary, vocation, vouch,保证、担保 advocate, convoke,召集 equivocal,模棱两可 evoke, 唤起、使追忆到invoke,祈求、求助于 provoke, 刺激、激起、provocation, irrevocable, 不能取消的、 Xb6X'rY  
65 F6J,:  
inviting, tempting, appetizing, palatable, EVZuwbO)|  
68 UfI H!6Q  
She pampers her dog with the finest steak and salmon. mX66}s}#  
Why not pamper yourself after a hard day with a hot bath scented with oils? K,(37Id'  
69 cc`+rD5I-  
befall 8 -]\C  
If something bad or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you Xy/lsaVskX  
Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter. :Rl*64}  
afflict v d A 3  
If a problem or illness afflicts a person or thing, they suffer from it s\&qvL1D  
It is an illness which afflicts women more than men. f/+UD-@%m  
a country afflicted by civil war BN\Y N  
impose kD1[6cJ!=.  
Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. /WqiGkHV*  
Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences. MoAZ!cF8  
I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children. (NB\wJg $  
70 q8 jI y@  
A note of discord has crept into relations between the two countries. ~t0\Q; @($  
+7%}SV 2)  
71 j\SvfZ0"  
by virtue of because of; as a result of R|tf}~u !x  
She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent. ]&;M 78^6  
be at the mercy of sb/sth 2$S^3$k'  
to be in a situation where someone or something has complete power over you #ArMX3^+w7  
Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders. w+ MCOAB  
73 GJLe733o  
Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please! 0xZX%2E  
Please confine your use of the telephone to business calls. svT1b'=\$I  
By closing the infected farms we're hoping to confine the disease to the north of the region Ic!8$NhRS  
f 3bZ*G%f  
acquiesce to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly T~Z7kc'  
Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans. s"jNS1B  
|~V`Es +j  
confirm (MAKE CERTAIN)   k2 axGq  
to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by telephone or writing %BV 2 q  
[+ that]Six people have confirmed that they will be attending and ten haven't replied yet. FXF#v>&  
Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. 97XGJ1HI  
The leader's speech was impressive and confirmed her faith in the party. $d[ -feU  
!X 8<;e}2  
to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or increasing b0vbE8wa  
to combat crime/terrorism/inflation/disease OI0tgkG  
The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse. %\uEV  
74 ,:G3Y )  
Students are required to undertake simple experiments. ,vN0Jpf}\8  
She undertook not to publish the names of the people involved. @qGg=)T  
Y64B"J=P 9  
The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the last minute when police received a tip-off. G iF})e}  
78 xUG:x4Gz+  
hold/keep sth/sb at bay 9YtdE*,k  
to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming you 'y q'J)  
Exercise can help keep fat at bay. #9Fe,  
80 Rlq6I?S+  
They made for the centre of town. <;?&<qMo,P  
Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system. q|8p4X}/]  
take after l5jW`cl1  
to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character d\cwUXf J  
He takes after his mother/his mother's side of the family. @c8s<9I]  
82 -}ebn*7i\  
take sth on (ACCEPT) z~g7O4#  
to accept a particular job or responsibility &<u pjb  
She took too much on and made herself ill. B) 81mcy  
take sth on (BEGIN) to begin to have a particular quality `B`/8Cvg  
Her voice took on a troubled tone. y %k`  
S*H :/Ip  
take sb on (EMPLOY) n9zS'VU  
to employ someone h&!k!Su3#  
She was taken on as a laboratory assistant. PAe2 hJ  
84 1%L* 9>e  
underway, under way   1 If something is underway, it is happening now `9Qr kkG+  
Economic recovery is already underway. Bx&.Tj  
It's a very beautiful village but it's a bit out of the way. ,E gIH%* g  
6TE R Q  
85 Ii?"`d+JA  
Their baby bears a strong resemblance/an uncanny likeness to its grandfather. }9=\#Le~\  
The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces. eiZv|?^0  
[+ two objects]I don't bear them any ill feeling . @ j$tpz  
Thank you for your advice, I'll bear it in mind I`44}oJ  
Eventually her efforts bore fruit and she got the job she wanted. 1K'0ajl1A  
disclaim >GiM?*cC  
to say that you have no responsibility for, or knowledge of, something that has happened or been done !oU$(,#9  
We disclaim all responsibility for this disaster. 's$pr#V  
Jkt L|u:k  
86 qEE3 x>&T]  
meager: very small or not enough q[]!V0Ek10  
a meagre salary (Jf i 3 m  
The prisoners existed on a meagre diet. w\Q3h`.  
87 l)z15e5X  
flamboyant a very confident in behaviour, or intended to be noticed, especially by being brightly coloured @+}Q<  
a flamboyant gesture Cc]s 94  
His clothes were rather flamboyant for such a serious occasion. kq:,}fc;B  
Her flamboyance annoys some people but delights others. >"F~%D<.  
88 "yc/8{U  
Mr Young was given a six-month jail sentence suspended for two years bm1ngI1oI  
A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air. ,I=Cl mR  
5 d(A(  
They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students. j&fr4t3  
discounted goods/rates -baGr;,Cu  
discount (NOT CONSIDER) verb [T] d"XS;;l%<  
You shouldn't discount the possibility of him coming back. Rv q_Zsm  
90 7^ KQQ([  
replenish to fill something up again 2>fG}qYy$  
Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from the USA. j Xi<ZJ  
Does your glass need replenishing? z}C#+VhQ`  
replete j#&sZ$HQ4  
1 full, especially with food 7L;yN..0  
After two helpings of dessert, Sergio was at last replete. UXQ{J5Ox+  
2 well supplied H gNUr5p  
This car has an engine replete with the latest technology. ![abDT5![  
91 lu(G3T8  
matrimonial   @dCu]0oNI  
related to marriage or people who are married #yr19i ?  
92 s 7xRry  
dispatch, ;S?1E:\av  
1 to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose 0E\R\KO$>  
Two loads of woollen cloth were dispatched to the factory in December f!LZT!y  
93 bk6$+T=>  
outgrow F |P2\SPL  
1 to grow bigger than or too big for something sgX}`JH?z  
My seven-year-old had new shoes in April and he's already outgrown them (= his feet have grown too large for them). /mD KQ<  
2 to lose interest in an idea or activity as you get older and change XIjSwR kYJ  
He eventually outgrew his adolescent interest in war and guns. 4`8.\  
alleviate, relieve, lC_zSmT  
95 (ZEVbAY?i  
assemblage noun U1q$B32  
1 [C] formal a collection of things or a group of people or animals oC7#6W:@w  
A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food. /XMmE  
zf o.S[R@  
96 n/|/Womr  
refer to sb/sth (DESCRIBE) \FKIEg+(2  
In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays. =u'/\nxCF  
He always refers to the house as his "refuge". [ThzLk#m  
2 The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors. wcL0#[ )  
look to sb for sth AQV3ZVP  
to hope that someone will provide something for you >{??/fBd-  
They looked to the government for additional support. o>*{5>#k'  
look up (IMPROVE) d:wAI|  
to become better eS.]@ E-T  
I hope things will start to look up in the new year. 0Gs]>B4r/  
Our financial situation is looking up at last. K5ph x  
100 B~ez>/H^  
put sth/sb up (SUGGESTION) :Aa^afjJw  
to suggest an idea, or to make a person available, for consideration nSC>x:jY5/  
Each party is allowed to put up one candidate. jCl[!L5/1  
William has been put up as a candidate for the committee. %51pfuL  
Is Chris willing to be put up for election? a;zcAeX  
put sb off (sth) (TAKE ATTENTION AWAY) z7_./ksQ  
Once she's made up her mind to do something, nothing will put her off. !I Nr  
Could you be quiet please - I'm trying to concentrate and you're putting me off. a&[nVu+  
put sth/sb forward (SUGGEST) [y:LA ~q  
The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration. pZjFpd|  
I wasn't convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward. "<(~  
101 ~;W% s  
barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impediment, O(d'8`8  
102 !:8!\gE ^P  
prevail IW#(ICeb  
1 to get control or influence ?xet:#R'  
I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end. O+N-x8W{  
And did reason prevail over emotion? 6>Cubb>  
The Sahara Desert extends (= reaches) for miles. 34=0.{qn  
The path extends (= continues) beyond the end of the road. 'zb7:[[7%  
On^# x]  
permeate   :]s] =q&]  
to spread through something and be present in every part of it bq O"k t  
Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated every section of society. nM`)`!/  
?q P }=nJ  
103 H.L@]~AyL  
surge   noun [C] x _K%  
1 a sudden and great increase ]`prDw'  
There has been a surge in house prices recently. f<wgZM  
3 a sudden increase of an emotion q~n2VU4L*  
She was overwhelmed by a surge of remorse. g8Z14'Ke  
hgK=fHJ k  
The company's profits have surged. o__q)"^~-  
She felt a wave of resentment surging (up) inside her. 8;8}Oq  
104 :3f2^(b~^  
expand u*{ _WL[(  
to increase in size, number or importance, or to make something increase in this way 1' m $_  
The air in the balloon expands when heated. Zi)b<tM q  
They expanded their retail operations during the 1980s. YkX=n{^  
the rapid expansion of the software industry  iC]lO  
Expansion into new areas of research is possible. Ao T7sy7  
an expansion of industry jhv1 D' >6  
extend (REACH) ItADO'M  
to (cause something to) reach, stretch or continue; to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer lIg2iun[n  
The Sahara Desert extends (= reaches) for miles. LltguNM$  
The path extends (= continues) beyond the end of the road. }eM <A$J  
105 I&8m5F?$`  
turn off (sth) (ROAD) to leave the road you are travelling on and travel along another one s2~dmZ_B|_  
Turn off the motorway at the next exit. r%d 11[z  
turn sth/sb down 'V#ew\  
to refuse an offer or request :-La $I>  
He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned it/him down. ; ,jLtl  
He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. k&iDJt  
106 $?AA"Nz  
eligible )C]&ui~1  
1 having the necessary qualities or fulfilling the necessary conditions  /;6@M=6u  
Only people over 18 are eligible to vote. m,C,<I|'d  
2 describes someone who is not married and is desirable as a marriage partner, especially because they are rich and attractive AUsQj\Nm%  
I can think of several eligible bachelors of my acquaintance. P lH`(n#  
edible suitable or safe for eating l/zC##1+.  
Only the leaves of the plant are edible. /1~|jmi(  
legible describes writing or print that can be read easily )kKmgtj  
Her handwriting is barely legible. DnsP7k.8T  
The opposite is illegible <W59mweW#5  
|( 9#v t#  
elated   dP7Vs a+  
extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved q%k(M[  
The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his new daughter. ITIj=!F*  
elation bro  
107 xVkTRCh  
Trim the lateral shoots of the flower 30 [#%_* o  
108 BBR" HMa4  
Pornography degrades women. J4v0O="  
It is so degrading to have to ask for money. \D U^idp#  
] @)!:<+  
deteriorate 4Kn9*V  
to become worse daB l%a=  
She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated. o4 %Vt} K  
The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. /pN'K5@  
1 causing a lot of damage or destruction tpa^k  
The drought has had devastating consequences/effects. @>G&7r:U  
2 making someone very shocked and upset }B=qH7u.K  
devastating news _jTwiuMS-  
3 describes a personal quality that has a powerful effect nx-1*  
She had a devastating beauty/charm/smile that few men could resist. 4W!\4Va  
109 s[3![ "^Y  
tune in (UNDERSTANDING) be tuned in to have a good understanding of what is happening in a situation or what other people are thinking 5:%..e`T  
She just doesn't seem to be tuned in to her students' needs. HkdN=q  
revolve around/round sb/sth 4`8IFK  
The conversation revolved around childcare problems. E7gHi$  
His whole life revolves around football. |^Ew<  
-@ZzG uS(  
111 =a)iVXSB]  
As a young man, he had agitated against the Vietnam war. r(: 8!=~K  
The anti-war agitation is beginning to worry the government. ls"b#eFC#  
to make someone feel anxious and not calm EO#gUv  
She became very agitated when her son failed to return home. cBifZv*l  
112 ;TL(w7vK  
oblivious F!7f_m0=  
not aware of something, especially what is happening around you $D QD$  
Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.  Y*@|My`  
The government seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation. 3 sZ,|,ueD  
g/IH |Z=A  
an obscure island in the Pacific 3`58ah  
Official policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure. IQ3n@  
His answers were obscure and confusing. })@tA<+  
113 \ V6   
deterrent noun [C] i?F[||O"$  
something which deters people from doing something 1"}B]5!  
a nuclear deterrent Bul.RCP'  
Tougher prison sentences may act/serve as (= be) a deterrent to other would-be offenders. F9MR5O"  
detergent   noun [C or U] n`%2Mj c  
a chemical substance in the form of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes or dishes, etc. (cvh3',  
114 Sv7 i! j  
on the wane (of power, popularity, etc.) becoming less strong R'zu"I  
There are signs that support for the party is on the wane. T^~)jpkw  
115 Z<;U:aH?}  
comply to act according to an order, set of rules or request i;c'P}[K  
There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations. -'6<   
compliance q xfLfgu^  
1 formal when people obey an order, rule or request #+9rjq:v#]  
The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws. SSE3tcRRl  
encumber   a:A n=NA  
to weigh someone or something down, or to make it difficult for someone to do something t05_Px!mW  
Today, thankfully, women tennis players are not encumbered with/by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses. id^|\hDR  
pTWg m\h  
117 Z?17Pu'Dp  
incident noun [C] Vo,[EVL  
an event which is either unpleasant or unusual QBoFpxh=  
an isolated/serious/unfortunate incident 1 tPVP  
A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night. zOB !(R  
y;nv R6)  
she experienced/suffered a setback. ["a"x>X&  
There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans. >SoO4i8  
recurrence   noun [C or U] y7z(&M@  
The doctor told him to go to the hospital if there was a recurrence of his symptoms. GRT] aw  
118 p&^J=_O  
infer _A{+H^,  
What do you infer from her refusal? Fu7M0X'p  
[+ that]I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave. +@ MPQv  
Fer=carry, bear d yh<pX/$  
Ferry, fertile (sterile), circumference,圆周 confer, defer,延期,顺从 deference, differ, differentiate, indifferent, prefer, refer, suffer, transfer, XWUP=D~  
119 Z/<#n\>t0>  
diffuse >{5 p0  
1 to (cause something to) spread in many directions GqLq  gns  
Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge. [Atc "X$  
2 to (cause a gas or liquid to) spread through or into a surrounding substance by mixing with it E!J=8C.:  
The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water. PLA#!$c7q  
The lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory. WC*=rWRxF  
Digression (ChD]PWQ  
121 #HAC*n  
succumb 1 to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat UDEj[12S  
I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake. w1 `Q Iv  
I felt sure it would only be a matter of time before he succumbed to my charms. v2)g 1sXd  
2 to die or suffer badly from an illness +=BAslk  
Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months. G2:%g(  
Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. z6*<V5<7  
Sweden is often held up as an example of a successful social democracy. Y32 "N[yw  
Bv6 K$4  
122 d0'HDVd  
rather (MORE EXACTLY)   "=1;0uy]  
1 more accurately; more exactly !w39FfU{  
She'll go to London on Thursday, or rather, she will if she has to. ;# uZhd  
126 pkgjTXR2b  
The children are playing in the open. 5PT5#[  
Animals live in the wild. n'1'!J; Q  
a^U~ 0i@[S  
127 c!K]J  
Of course, a 200-year-old building is very old in American terms. r!PpUwod  
I've always been on good terms with my neighbours. g%[c<l9  
128 vw,rF`LjZ  
Ej ".axjT  
It's hard work teaching a class of lively children. <r#eL39I  
a lively city %a+mk E  
A new coat of paint would liven the kitchen up. \R36w^c3  
139 *37uy_EpV  
Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord. 1i[FY?6`dh  
The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath *t[. =_v  
obligation   noun 8_<4-<}P:  
1 [C or U] when you are obliged to do something Qham^  
[+ to infinitive]If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to (= it is not necessary to) pay them any money. 3 @ak<9&  
You have a legal obligation to (= The law says you must) ensure your child receives a proper education. 3RLFp\i"s  
ho ##Z*O  
151 EkgE_8  
let out a secret V-<GT ?  
h 3]wL.V  
pay up phrasal verb informal n2)q}_d  
to give someone the money that you owe them, especially when you do not want to na9sm  
Eventually they paid up, but only after receiving several reminders. ~0beuK&p  
part with sth ,lZB96r0  
to give something to someone else, especially when you do not want to WI?oSE w  
I was going to give away her old baby clothes, but I couldn't bring myself to part with them. At-U2a#J{  
{r@Ty*W} L  
155 $STaQ28C  
destination noun [C] U}[I   
the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken I 'V4D[H5  
We arrived at our destination tired and hungry. /YZr~|65  
His letter never reached its destination. a)wJT`xu  
The Caribbean is a popular tourist/ holiday/ vacation destination.  o4|M0  
destiny noun e" St_z(  
1 [C] the things that will happen in the future dBz/7&Q   
The destiny of our nation depends on this vote! xai*CY@cQ  
People want to control/determine/take charge of their own destinies. ;M)Q wF1  
157 D)L+7N0D~  
gear (sb/sth) up \WxukYH  
to prepare for something that you have to do, or to prepare someone else for something 03q 5e  
Politicians are already gearing up for the election. hDF@'G8F  
I'm gearing myself up to ask him to give me my money back. f|\onHI)>  
I'm trying to gear myself up for tomorrow's exam. RW<D<5C  
161 ?l9XAW t\  
reference   noun [C or U] nAv#?1cjz  
a mention of something k$blEa4  
Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to (= mentioning) weddings. Zy`m!]G]80  
formal I am writing with/in reference to (= in connection with) your letter of 15 March. Q+[n91ey**  
preference 6 (]Dh;gC  
I have a preference for sweet food over spicy. p{T*k'  
Choosing furniture is largely a matter of personal preference. fD[*_^;h)  
2 an advantage which is given to a person or a group of people X $jWo@  
We give preference to those who have worked with us for a long time. uvkz'R=  
He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university. GS$ifv  
The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized. >*35C`^  
5?{ r  
163 @>,^":`#  
prosecution   noun [C or U] +r2+X:#~T  
A number of the cases have resulted in successful prosecution. ^aItoJq  
Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution. p`olCp'  
The prosecution alleged that he lured the officer to his death by making an emergency call. M\uiq38  
Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the ten-year regime. Ni9/}bb  
They left the country out of fear of persecution. YvaK0p0Z  
166 ;17E(tl  
come to (BECOME CONSCIOUS) to become conscious again after an accident or operation "q3ZWNS'w  
come off (SUCCEED) to happen as planned or to succeed 8'HEms  
I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off (= no one laughed). t% d Z-Ym  
come through (sth) (DIFFICULT SITUATION) to manage to get to the end of a difficult or dangerous situation |mZxfI  
We've had some hard times, but we've come through. l!D}3jD  
qU \w=  
169 KjD/o?JUr  
drought noun [C or U] (~p< P+  
a long period when there is little or no rain .73X3`P25  
draught (COLD AIR) $o+j El>  
a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room X]ipI$'+C  
183 M H|Og84  
take to sb/sth (LIKE) yl'u'-Zb6  
to start to like someone or something k$n|*kCh  
She's taken to tennis like a duck to water 6_(&6]}66  
{ a =#B)6  
188 Sj3+l7S?  
optimal) 2R[:]-b  
best; most likely to bring success or advantage D(~U6SR  
A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment. f[]dfLS"W  
.#EF LXs  
compelling adjective !Lu2  
1 If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong Pd8![Z3  
compelling evidence 0- B5`=yU  
It's a fairly compelling argument for going. ko!)s  
2 very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen E fqX y>W  
I found the whole film very compelling. &eJfGt5  
a compelling story %[GsD9_-  
^vZS UfS  
190 +V2F#fI/  
hold off \<bx [,?  
They've decided to hold off on buying a car until they're both working. =0 #O U  
hold forth 9p]QM)M  
to talk about a particular subject for a long time, often in a way that other people find boring Usvl}{L[  
She held forth all afternoon about/on government incompetence.  -uS!\  
hold down a job 9i:L&d N  
to manage to keep a job for a period of time j;zM{qu_  
192 -E[Kml~U  
He was on his knees, pleading for mercy/forgiveness. KM, \  
She appeared on television to plead with the kidnappers w?L6!)oiz  
205 &$+AXzn  
transcend verb [T] x>K Or,f  
to go beyond, rise above or be more important or better than something, especially a limit 1C+13LE$U  
The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers. cVv=*81\  
The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else. )$2QZ qX  
\doUTr R  
209 #~]zhHI  
pledge noun [C] }rUN_.n4z  
I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you. As&Sq-NWf  
 fgTg7 m  
compulsion (DESIRE) )rU  
a very strong or uncontrollable desire (to do something repeatedly) dFxIF;C>/  
I seem to have a constant compulsion to eat. LH.]DVj  
compulsive ELoDd&d8  
a compulsive liar/thief/eater dlh)gp;  
233 ;+R&}[9,A)  
stand up to sb/sth (DEFEND) g/d<Zfq<{  
to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly o'aEY<mZ7  
He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies. 1ba~SHi  
stand up to sth (NOT CHANGE) d'gfQlDny  
to not be changed or damaged by something NN{?z!  
Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough roads? "S]0  
235 F {e@W([  
burst into song/tears/laughter ]jQ utlg|  
to suddenly begin to sing/cry/laugh yxQ1`'[CR  
Much to my surprise Ben suddenly burst into song. a.\:T,cP>  
break into sth p` dU2gV  
to suddenly begin to do something s\(k<Ks  
He felt so happy that he broke into song. (8DC}kckE  
She walked quickly, occasionally breaking into a run 7F7 {)L  
250 M/'sl;  
counterfeit   adjective NNR`!Pty  
made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes ZQsJL\x[UK  
counterfeit jewellery/passports/coins &{hL&BLr  
251 9&2O 9Nz6  
keep sth off (sb/sth) (STOP) lv<* 7BCp  
to stop something touching or harming someone or something On:il$MU  
Wear a hat to keep the sun off 'F3f+YD  
10~k2{ Z  
write sb/sth off (FAILURE) N)|yu1S  
to decide that a particular person or thing will not be useful, important or successful ^zmG0EH,  
A lot of companies seem to write people off if they're over 50. xC:L)7#aw  
255 4r#= *  
fall away/off (AMOUNT) dr}`H,X"3  
to become smaller or lower in amount or rate %D34/=(X  
Membership of the club has fallen away in recent months. Oc#syfO  
= `F(B  
fall out (ARGUE) (,Q7@s  
to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them 81F/G5  
He left home after falling out with his parents. yCR?UH;  
fall short ||= )d&  
to fail to reach a desired or expected amount or standard, causing disappointment ~s*)f.l  
August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations. 5"@*?X K^  
[< ?s?Ci  
fall through <n];mfh1  
to fail to happen ZR B)uA)5=  
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through. H3 ^},.  
256 w^|*m/h|@u  
repulsive adjective 61>.vT8P  
extremely unpleasant or unacceptable ^z IW+:  
What a repulsive old man! 2!m/  
obnoxious   3> AMII  
very unpleasant or rude 2j88<Yh]H  
Some of his colleagues say that he's loud and obnoxious.









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