我们在医学考博英语考试的写作中常常会需要表达“相同”或“相似”这两个概念,怎么表达才地道呢?有哪些固定的表达方式和句型呢? VAR/"
我们先来测试一下,请大家先在心里把下面这7个句子默默地翻译一下,然后再决定要不要细读本文。 ';7|H|,F
艾滋病病毒感染者外表和正常人一样。 S[M\com'
这种病像皮肤癌但又不是皮肤癌。 %x7l`.)N
同样的原因产生同样的结果。 s/'gl
他们处理这种消毒骨的方法与处理骨折的方法相同。 iJE|u
一位美国科学家报导了类似的发现。 `P4qEsZE>`
他们的身体需要咖啡或茶就像吸烟者需要烟叶一样。 f:g<Bz=u)*
像体温一样,生存质量是可以科学测量的。 9P)<CD0
如果你能把这几句话能顺畅地用英文表达出来,那恭喜你,可以愉快地绕行了!如果不能,没关系,快来看一下如何用英语地道地表达“相同”和“相似”,新技能速速Get! !ZV#~t:)
1.常用结构 "$8<\k$LGT
1、...as ... as _.06^5o
A is as good as B. A1f]HT
A studies as hard as B. I.e'
A studies hard just as B does. [l5"'{x
2、利用形容词及动词词组来表达 e@,,;YO#4
same as sth. +msHQk5#$m
similar to sth. Q84KU8?d
3. 利用介词来表达比较 |H_)u
like #CQ>d8&
A is like B. q%:Jmi>
4. 利用副词及副词短语来表达 %#QFu/l
In a similar way, ... |f?C*t',
In the same way, ... }5tn
Likewise, ... LMG\jc?,
Similarly ... }Rux<=cd|
下面我们将用大量的句子来举例说明该如何用英语恰当地表达“相同与相似” Z|?XQ-R5
1. 走路可给予你许多与慢跑或跑步同样的益处,只不过所花的时间长一些。 8rpN2M3h
Walking can bring you many of the same benefits as jogging or running does, though it takes more time. a@jP^VVk
Walking can benefit you just as jogging or running does, but it takes more time. xBG1up<z
Like jogging or running, walking can bring you many benefits, though it is more time -consuming. #*]=
2. 蛋白质的供热量与碳水化合物相同,但价格较贵。 GK
Although protein can provide the same amount of calories as carbohydrate does, it is more expensive. }b^lg&$(
Like carbohydrate, protein can provide calories, but it is more expensive. zm .2L
3. 在这方面人和动物一样。 X0$_KPn
It is the same with man as with animals. 7=AKQ7BB>b
Man and animals are the same in this. 4QVd{
Man and animals are similar in this. N+V-V-PVk
Man and animals are alike in this. N_DgnZ7*
There is a resemblance between man and animals in this. \~H"!vj
4. 这是因为非典引起的症状与许多其他疾病相似。 -?'CUm*Od
This is because SARS produces signs like many other sicknesses. 3U`.:w`
This is because SARS produces signs that are similar to those of other diseases. >lW*%{|b$^
This is because SARS produces signs that resemble those of other diseases. #"M Pe4
5. 他的发现似乎与中国的一位科学家早些时候的研究相一致。 ,i,=LGn
His findings seem to agree / accord with an earlier research by a Chinese scientist. FS}z_G|4]
His finds seem to be in agreement with / in accord with an earlier research by a Chinese scientist. ]O\W<'+V
His findings seem to be similar to those of an earlier research by a Chinese scientist. E)E!
6. 人生气时大脑释放的激素与紧张应激状态下分泌的激素相同。 aS7zG2R4H
When a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones that are produced during tense, stressful situations. 8dhY"&
The hormones that are released by the brain when a person is angry are the same that are produced during tense and stressful situations. M Sj0D2H
7. 对有些人来说,喝茶就像刷牙洗脸一样,是早晨正常活动的一部分。 dW`D?$(@,
For some people dringking tea is as much a part of normal morning activities as brushing teeth or washing face. |<*(`\'w
For some people drinking tea is a part of normal morning activities as brushing teeth or washing face is. z&0V21"l
For some people dringking tea is a part of normal morning activities like brushing teeth or washing face. <X