]Cj&C/( F,D& China welcomed Barack Obama as a youthful president-elect with the energy to tackle the financial crisis and an ethnic heritage that could help America reach out to the rest of the world, Reuters reported.
u,C-U!A qGw6Wp~ 周三,北京的大街小巷都对这场耗资十亿美元的选战而兴奋不已。尽管有些人甚至不知道两位竞选人的名字,但很多普通百姓还是对奥巴马的改革主张表示认可。
~q/`Z)(yc L+u_153 Excitement about the billion dollar race filtered down to the streets of Beijing on Wednesday, where ordinary Chinese citizens, some of whom could not even name the candidates, embraced Obama's message of change.
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BP7_o63/G 韩学(音译)刚刚做父亲。他经营着一家烟酒小店。通过柜台后面摆放着的一台电视机,他关注着美国大选的结果:“选那个黑人很明智,和另外一个人相比,他精力更加充沛,那个人太老了。”
+o#== |`|b&Rhu "The black guy is a good choice, he has so much more energy than the other one, who was far too old," said Han Xue, a new father who runs a small cigarette and alcohol store and followed the results on a television behind the counter.
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Pg:Nz@CQ u0x\5!?2 奥巴马的胜出引入瞩目。有几个数十年来未曾支持民主党的州这一次都选择了奥巴马。他的胜利极大地提升了美国的声誉。
LC}]6 l`1ZS8 [. The dramatic victory, in which Obama carried some states that had not voted for his Democratic party in decades, was a major boost to America's reputation.
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OS!47Z /q 中国社会科学院的学生李楠(音译)表示:“我很高兴美国历史掀开了新的一页。我想,以前,有很多中国人认为美国是个种族主义国家,即便是现在,电视上还说白人不愿支持奥巴马。”
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VD~; "I am very happy U.S. history was made. I think in a lot of Chinese people's eyes America was a racist country, even today the television said that white people wouldn't vote for Obama," said Li Nan, a student at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
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mF_/Rhu WcdU fv(> “而现在,我想很多中国人要改变他们的观点了。”
w90y-^p% ZHZ>YSqCS "I think that a lot of Chinese will change their mind now."
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Mn=_lhWK )I*V('R6| 上海美国研究所副所长吴心伯表示,奥巴马的当选展示了美国“伟大”的一面。
2n@"|\ uHD Ao,lEjN I Wu Xinbo, vice president of the Shanghai Institute of American Studies said Obama's success demonstrated the "greatness" of the U.S.
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R%ddB D\? #de]b 他说:“美国向世界传达了一个积极的讯息。它表明,自马丁-路德-金时代以来,美国人成长进步了很多。”
U$-FQRM4K wOOPuCw? "The U.S. is sending a very encouraging signal to the world and it shows the American people have come a long way since the days of Martin Luther King," he said.
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*zmbo >{( UH)A n:9 《华盛顿时报》报道,中国媒体也对巴拉克-奥巴马当选表示祝贺。
u2DsjaL M+ H$Jjcs China's media also greeted news of Barack Obama's victory with exuberance, the Washington Times reported.
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SQEXC*08 9m#`56G` 《中国日报》在一则评论中写道:“就像在太平洋彼岸的美国人一样,我们为民主党的巴拉克-奥巴马以绝对优势胜出而感到高兴。”
pa.W-qyu $bN%x/ The China Daily said in a commentary: "Like American people on the other side of the Pacific, we are elated, too, at the landslide win of Democrat Barack Obama.
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+pDuRr {gJOc,U4b “我们希望他能够带领美国人民尽快走出时下金融危机的泥沼,用他全新的思想和眼界振兴这个世界最大的经济体。”
`B^?Za,xN $biCm$a "We wish him all the best in bringing America out of the present financial quagmire as soon as possible, and [to] re-energize the world's largest economy with his brand new ideas and vision."
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PI }A')Nq. 然而,北京和美国那些在投票站的人们一样,对于这位下任美国领导人的经济政策,都非常关注。
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:~}?^%n But the economic policies of the next leader of the United States are almost as big a concern in Beijing as they were in polling booths across America.
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"4I`.$F%O( 彭博社报道,全球金融危机使出口的重要性超出了以往任何时候。奥巴马呼吁加强劳动和环保规定,并要求采取措施以减少美国贸易逆差,在亚洲人看来,这些明显属于贸易保护主义。
'os-+m@ 2<<,aL* To Asian ears, Obama's calls for tougher labor and environmental rules and steps to reduce the U.S. trade deficit sound like thinly veiled protectionism, just as a global financial crisis makes exports more crucial than ever, Bloomberg said.
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m,Os$>{Ok I2D<~xP~2+ 北京中央党校的在读博士王洪涛(音译)是奥巴马的支持者。他表示:“奥巴马可能受意识形态的影响更大,而这可能会在贸易方面对中国产生不利影响。”
w!tQU9+* )PR{ia64;< "Obama may be more ideological and that could be less good for China in terms of trade," said Wang Hongtao, an Obama supporter studying for a doctorate at the Central Party School in Beijing.
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Nqy',N hO\_RhsRy? 中国学者留意到,奥巴马对贸易问题的关注可能在一开始会对中美关系发展造成障碍,但是他们坚信,这不会对其长期政策产生大的影响。
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]LP Chinese academics are wary that Obama's trade concerns could prove an initial obstacle to the development of U.S.-China relations but remain confident that any impact on long-term policy will be minimal.
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9fyk7~V i3N _wv{ 很多中国人希望奥巴马提倡的团结和尊重的理念,以及不妖魔化中国的承诺能够开启美国和这个正在崛起的亚洲巨人关系的新时代。
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omtP } Many Chinese hope Obama's message of unity and respect, and his promise not to demonise China, will usher in a new era for U.S. ties with the emerging Asian giant.
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kBD] 一位名为吴珊(音译)的24岁英语老师表示:“希望奥巴马能平等地对待中国,尊重我们所做的以及我们取得的成就。布什太咄咄逼人了。”
>\[sNCkf I3p ~pt2 "Obama needs to treat China as an equal, he needs to respect what we are doing and what we have achieved. Bush was too pushy," said 24-year-old English teacher Wu Shan.
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d&B 路透社报道,很多普通的中国百姓认为,西方国家对中国的批评来自于对中国崛起的恐惧和嫉妒。中国百姓还担心他们(西方)试图阻止中国进一步发展。
(Sv 7^}j _hK7hvM> And many ordinary Chinese see Western criticisms of their country as a product of fear and envy over its rise, and worry they will try and hold back further development, Reuters said.
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L*11hyyk 一位名为郭洁(音译)的学日语的学生表示:“(美国)总统需要明白,中国还是一个发展中国家。”
s=u0M;A0Q n +`( R]Q "The president needs to understand that China is still a developing country," said Guo Jie, a student of Japanese.
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r_&R#~GT 此外,也有不少普通的中国百姓对这场在万里之外进行的选举漠不关心。
[}+0NGgR 8HxB\ !0F? Besides, there were many ordinary Chinese who were steering well clear of a vote taking place thousands of miles away.
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tlA4oVII PQlG! 出租车司机李鸿(音译)笑着说:“说到政治我就头疼。”
)U`H7\*) s"=e(ob "Politics gives me a headache," said taxi driver Li Hong with a grin.
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U^snb6\5 “我喜欢听收音机的娱乐节目。”
axxdW)+K acRPKTs
H "I stick to entertainment shows on my radio."
