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主题 : 浙大考博2002-2006英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Vocabulary x e`^)2z  
2002年春 _wq?Pa<)e  
1 The chairman proposed at the meetingthat we have someone with ___________ and imagination to design a marketingstrategy. H71sxek3  
A. intuition qlO}=b/  
B. enterprise ks4`h>i  
C. undertaking jJ ,_-ui  
D. innovation  7GgZ: $d  
2 The fish moved silently through thewater, ____________ by short sweeps of its tail. EApKN@<"  
A. urged nr!N%Hi  
B. propagated L44m!%q  
C. propelled U&5* >fd=  
D. operated .JhQxXj  
3 A few workers have ___________ themajority decision and gone into work despite the strike. ]?Ef0?44  
A. defied )g0 fN+Mb  
B. destined M;(,0dk  
C. detained ]R__$fl`8  
D. deferred &.?XntI9O  
4 Philosophy differs from science in thatits questions cannot be answered _______ by observation or experiment. $<}c[Nm  
A. emotionally LFp "Waiv  
B. deliberately )- C3z   
C. empirically P15 H[<:Fz  
D. extremely -fR :W{u  
5 The music the Three Brothers playedyesterday is described in the paper as an explosive _________ of Latin Americanand modern jazz rhythms. !IxO''4  
A. mixture zkQ[<  
B. welding "t@p9>  
C. consolidation *XVwTW[a  
D. fusion {$*N1$(%  
6 Didn’t you find her enthusiasm for theproject ____________? Almost everyone on the team is now doing their utmost toresolve the difficulty. JxAQ,oOO  
A. contagious -yYdj1y;  
B. operate wp[Ug2;G  
C. effectual f:T?oR>2  
D. infections <n"BPXF~  
7 Recently a large internationalconference was held with aim of promoting __________ development in allcountries. QLA.;`HIE  
A. retainable  {_rfhz  
B. sustainable =YO ]m<  
C. unpredictable q'2vE;z Kb  
D. unthinkable ny={OhP-  
8 A government report indicates that sincethe early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has____________ at 50%. d:H'[l.F%  
A. confirmed VJh8`PVX  
B. endured 1J@Iekat  
C. stabilized tYS4"Nfb+  
D. retained +n3I\7G>  
9 The delegates to the convention insistthat steps be taken to stop the ___________ of the world’s tropical forests. nQ%HtXt;  
A. depletion {h<D/:^v  
B. termination y4V:)@ P  
C. peril gT+/nSrLV  
D. shrinkage i;[y!U  
10 ProfessorTaylor is a real expert on art, as I feel completely ________ whenever I talkto her about it. 1v o)]ff  
A. incapable <N<Q9}`V  
B. inadequate I7f ^2  
C. out of mind tF2"IP.  
D. in despair 3Ob.OwA  
2003 )Q)qz$h@  
1 Hoping that he might be able to___________ the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine. 8;PkuJR_]  
A. shed light on IThd\#=  
B. make light of p!.~hw9  
C. bring to light PnsBDf%v  
D. set light to Onmmcem  
2 His ___________ and unwillingness tolearn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. @Mk`Tl  
A. arrogance YJi%vQ*]  
B. dignity 2*Z2uV^  
C. humility rIb+c=|F  
D. solitude QFh1sb)]d)  
3 The economy grew at its fastest ratesince 1980 thanks to a(n) _____________ in world rate. M5xJ_yjG  
A. inflation `-NK:;^  
B. stimulus +A9~h/"kt  
C. bulge 6&3,fSP  
D. boom _Hb;)9y  
4 He decided he was going to take____________ for the murder of his sister. Iq$| ?MH  
A. refuge m 2H4V+M+  
B. revenge 3f;=#|l  
C. rebellion i1iP'`r  
D. riot qY_qS=H^  
5 No one expected him to _____________against his former employer. ~^t@TMk$  
A. declare bMH~vR  
B. testify De$AJl  
C. certify 'uPAG;)m  
D. allege %&ejO= r  
6 Rachel was the ______________ choice forthe job thanks to her communication skills. J8|MK.oD  
A. unanimous :uL<UD,vu3  
B. consistent  ZR .k'  
C. harmonious "hkcN+=  
D. agreeable \Lx=iKs<  
7 The police detective put together thepieces of evidence to form one ___________ account. fv+]iK<{  
A. sensitive 1HJ: ?]  
B. genuine d\z6Ob"t  
C. expressive dab]>% M  
D. coherent )|gw5N4;  
8 You should have your eyes examined___________ to be sure of your eyesight. M!&Hn,22  
A. periodically MBLZ:A| C  
B. persistently q8 v iC|  
C. continuously  N:j 7J  
D. continually 2a d|v]  
9 You should treat those remarks with the___________ that they deserve --- don’t give them a second thought. LIg1U  
A. negligence FW]tDGJOw  
B. disgrace q'D Ts9Bj  
C. contempt L*z=!Dpo  
D. sarcasm :X>Wd+lY:_  
10 Thebook is a vain attempt to _____________ the name of one of the worst dictatorsin modern history. 84ij4ZYe  
A. worship An2 >]\L  
B. glorify mc{z  
C. adore 3(YvqPp&  
D. cherish r@G*Fx8Z  
11 Thegovernment is seeking to ___________ itself from the latest financial scandal. ?sfqg gi  
A. detach &raqrY|V  
B. extract T(|'.&a  
C. derive RpdUR*K9x  
D. erase q4RO uE|d  
12 Heavyrainfall in the south of England means that flooding is __________- Nt>^2Mv   
A. imminent @yp0WB  
B. momentous }'[>~&/"  
C. transient Gp%po@A&  
D. prospective W>3S%2d  
13 He_____________ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. fA=Z):w  
A. disposed c~0kZA6  
B. dispensed d$IROZK-D  
C. dispatched 0X)vr~`  
D. dispersed ;" dX]":  
14 Ididn’t ignore her ___________ --- just didn’t recognize her. '9\cIni0  
A. attentively Ejug2q  
B. intensively *-0s ` rC  
C. intentionally Q2 q~m8(  
D. intensely \,R;  
15 Youwill only be allowed to leave early in ___________ circumstance. ^s~)"2 g  
A. exceptional ZP"; B^J  
B. coincidental ~ l}f@@u  
C. peculiar 9xA4;)36  
D. imperative {Y~>&B5  
aoy Be|H~=  
2004 FJ_JaIby  
1 It is important to keep the factoryworking at ______ efficiency all the time. w/@ZPBRo]  
A. optimistic }s,NM%oI  
B. optimum 0 zW*J JxV  
C. optical KL \>-  
D. optional ^4=#, K  
2 We need to take steps to counter the________ decline in our export market. [O3:?BNY  
A. lingering kcS7)"/ zC  
B. chronic $J1`.Q>)4  
C. lengthy d(IJ-qJ N  
D. abiding qU26i"GHp  
3 Her handwriting is so bad that it isbarely____________ b1Vr>:sK47  
A. legible f*%kHfaXgN  
B. intelligible X>I3N?5  
C. distinctive T"xJY#)}  
D. conceivable XFWpHe_ L  
4 We’re going to __________ what we’velearned so far by doing some revision exercises today. tW/k  
A. consolidate `r$7Cc$C  
B. reinforce vW?\bH7}I  
C. affirm <7P[) X_  
D. conform ^J]&($-  
5 Kevin made one last ________ attempt topersuade Sandra to go with him, then left. jPSVVOG  
A. considerable .wNXvnWr  
B. trivial `cp\UH@  
C. futile [9 MH"\  
D. resistant xn*$Ty+  
6 The school agreed to ________ theirdecision until they had spoken to William’s parents. pGD@R=8  
A. convert 4Y(@ KU b  
B. retain _(-jk4 L  
C. defer !( lcUdBd  
D. expel M50I.Rd  
7 Republican party members wereconfidently __________ victory even as the first few votes came in. cWAw- E5  
A. acclaiming 0&s6PS%  
B. reclaiming |aDBp  
C. exclaiming k6CXuU  
D. proclaiming m* m),mZ"  
8 The __________ between the two sets offigures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. uw\@~ ,d  
A. discrepancy xr'1CP  
B. conflict Y,s EM%  
C. contrast O cL7] b0  
D. divergence ;M?)-dpZ  
9 The idea that a good night’s sleep willcure everything is a complete ____________ Ay(p~U;gN*  
A. defect i}vJI}S.$  
B. fallacy c|/HX%Y  
C. fraud N|DfE{,  
D. abuse ? Ek)" l  
10 Beforea bill can become law it has to have the full _______ of both Houses ofParliament. D|q~n)TW5  
A. justification O|H:  
B. warrant s70Z&3A  
C. endorsement HAn{^8"@  
D. verification [NSslVr  
11 Theimage is __________ by a series of lenses within the telescope. f30J8n"k  
A. magnified yz68g?"  
B. signified -+ByK#<%  
C. extended vh\i ^  
D. expanded ` O6#-<>  
12 Strangelyenough, the most obvious explanation did not ___________ Jackie until the nextday. s!(R  
A. stumble on 2Wzx1_D "a  
B. occur to >W>rhxU  
C. come up with h:fiUCw  
D. stand up to 9d"*Z%!j  
13 TheGovernment wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____________ objective? b~zSsws.  
A. reflective bqbG+ g  
B. flexible hF$`=hE,F~  
C. feeble SXw r$)4_  
D. feasible r<0E[ ~  
14 Shewas still _____________ by what happened in Barcelona although she had lefttwenty year earlier. dBI-y6R  
A. haunted _9>,9aL  
B. frequented /MtmO$ .  
C. recalled 6La[( )  
D. sustained d7^ `  
15 Thehands on my alarm clock are _______________ so I can tell the time in the dark. q=3>ij {v  
A. imminent Mqr]e#"o  
B. luminous EA~xxKq  
C. illuminate _s;y0$O  
D. luminant N|i>|2EB  
2004 xCZ_x$bk  
1 You can’t cure a common cold, but youcan ___________ the symptoms. $$ND]qM$M  
A. moderate >7BP}5`.;  
B. alleviate A"S"La%"  
C. dilute M !6Fnj  
D. subdue Q+1ot,R  
2 For years scientists have been___________ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. XKGiw 2 C  
A. tangled |V5BL<4  
B. terrified P"NI> HM  
C. evoked %R$)bGT  
D. baffled SAnr|<Y/  
3 The flood was a ___________ from whichBangladesh has never really recorded. ZSNbf|ldiE  
A. calamity )#AYb   
B. downfall OD'~t,St  
C. reverse O ?T~>|  
D. scandal d_ =K (}eR  
4 Our company’s’ management ____________negotiations on a new union contract. aX.BaK6I  
A. launched p>)1Z<D"a  
B. triggered ;,-)Z|W  
C. terminated @ fMlbJq  
D. preserved b#I,Z+0ry  
2005 v Z10Rb8  
1 If wool is submerged in hot water, ittends to __________ ^:?z7m  
A. snap W4 q9pHQ  
B. shrink F-@y H  
C. fade _LF'0s*  
D. condense `_vPElQXZ#  
2 His last play was _________ by thecritical as a masterpiece. [%>*P~6nK  
A. claimed @d Q r^'h  
B. proclaimed "a(R>PV%  
C. exclaimed jEKa9rt  
D. acclaimed 5M\0t\uEn  
3 It is the builder’s job to make surethat the house conforms to the architect’s _________ in every way. ,~;`@  
A. regulations NZ`6iK-V_  
B. specialties w+rw<,u%  
C. essentials e77s?WxbK  
D. specifications h1>.w pr  
4 Your letter has been __________ to theauthority concerned. ZHen:  
A. transited :8n?G  
B. transferred :x q^T  
C. transported ~i^,Z&X:  
D. transmitted #O^zA`D   
5 Among her many ____________ are loyalty,courage and truthfulness. ;2 o{ 6  
A. virtues k'$7RjCu  
B. morals =uwG.,lC  
C. characters >y+j!)\  
D. graces p38s&\-kEN  
6 The soldiers ___________ their arms asthey marched. avS9"e  
A. swayed jbOzbxR?  
B. swung + $~HRbo  
C. swerved ^1}ffE(3>  
D. swelled u@wQ )^  
7 The country’s constitution ____________the ideals of equality and freedom. ,v| vgt  
A. embodies fv3)#>Dgp>  
B. symbolizes [0+5 Gx  
C. marks (K"t</]  
D. represents '9wD+'c=A  
8 It was ____________ whether the patientwill survive the operation. D/{Spw@  
A. vague Qzk/oH s  
B. suspicious X>jwjRK $  
C. ambiguous 9aqFdlbY  
D. doubtful cmh/a~vYaY  
9 The brochure _____________ us intothinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach. ?yz}  
A. trapped j1toV$)P  
B. frightened }Lwj~{  
C. engaged 48%a${Nvvj  
D. misled @p2dXJeR<  
10 “I’mfar too busy to talk to you now.” he said, in his usual _____________ manner. *DoEDw  
A. rigid ?Ve5}N  
B. steep ")M.p_b[Z=  
C. abrupt f{z%PI[  
D. stern {K0T%.G  
11 He’srich and keeps __________ about how much money he’s got to impress people. )@`w^\E_~_  
A. exaggerating KF-gcRh  
B. boasting <ct{D|mm  
C. admiring Z*e7W O.  
D. inspiring nt[0krG  
12 Shewas __________ enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. yZ)ScB^  
A. initiative IA!ixabG  
B. pervasive WE~3(rs#X#  
C. imaginative .y2<2eW  
D. perceptive hJ4.:  
13 Thetwo countries ___________ their peace efforts after a break of two and a halfyears. ze\~-0ks +  
A. rebuked !<6wrOMaO  
B. renewed 6$dm-BI  
C. reviewed >`\*{]  
D. reclaimed *wF:Q;_<z  
14 Peoplealways greet each other warmly, _____________ their different origins and beliefs. Zz&i0 r  
A. in regard to pn7 :")Zx  
B. in contrast with eB@i)w?@o  
C. with respect to I2DmM"-|  
D. regardless of d=KOV;~);  
15 Theexpress train from London ___________ on time. 8k`zMT  
A. pulled up jb![ Lp  
B. pulled over t5Mo'*j =  
C. pulled in -pGt ;  
D. pulled through *_wef/==  
2005 YPy))>Q>cK  
1 He was an _________ statesman anddiplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the publictreated him with great respect. fDqXM;a"  
A. imminent $B?7u@>,  
B. eminent VfcQibm  
C. immune `k| nf9_  
D. empirical QMxz@HGa|  
2 Nobody expected Martha to change herplans; her decision to do something different was _________ and surprising toall. e d*AU,^@v  
A. sheer g[jZ A[[  
B. blunt ncdr/(`  
C. abrupt ~=mM/@ HD  
D. irregular E\S&} K,s  
3 In order to avoid the storm, the pilotof the plane was force to ___________ from the usual course. *a%PA(%6  
A. convert Q8q_w2s,  
B. stray w$ {  
C. deviate %$x FnGb  
D. transfer x+e _pb   
4 When his father was injured, John____________ for weeks about whether he should stay in school or quit to take ajob. `7_LJ \>I  
A. portrayed ECzNByP  
B. posed swFOh5z  
C. pondered B^?XE(.  
D. postponed WCu%@hh=h  
5 The _________ of that textbook is toobroad; too much material is mentioned and not enough specific detail isincluded. z0[ZO1Fo(  
A. capacity RWo B7{G  
B. outlook \Agg6tY r  
C. latitude N=wy)+  
D. scope KgWT&^t  
6 Before I went into the forest I put onspecial medicine designed to _____________ mosquitoes and other insects. =3C)sz}  
A. impose "%t`I)  
B. compel b1]_e'jj  
C. dispose ji -1yX  
D. repel V9_HC f  
7 The workmen _______ the shabby old hoteland built a modern office building in the place where it had been. X2YOD2<v  
A. distinguished <,4(3 >js  
B. erased /$,=>  
C. flattened f {Z%:H  
D. razed b_Jq=Gk`  
8 Please don’t tell me any bad news today,I’m upset and feel especially ______. Q5n : f+  
A. vulnerable {dXBXC/Ju  
B. accessible "nno)~)u  
C. sensitive B~z g"  
D. sympathetic qU*&49X  
9 I admired Janie because she’s so ______,she’s accomplished in athletics, music, and history, and she’s a marvelousdancer and cook as well. UH-uU~  
A. vain t`ceVS  
B. versatile 5qkuK F  
C. vicious 0uO=wOIhH  
D. vivid W d56B+  
10 Thetrue cause of the accident was made known after several witness ______ aboutwhat really happened. 65#:2,s  
A. swore / &D$kxz  
B. testified L2.`1Aag  
C. affirmed q,+kPhHEgy  
D. charged aC~n:0 v  
11 Ihave to find a new apartment since the lease on my current one has been_________. ]_: TrH  
A. terminated I#E(r>KW*  
B. initiated 3u0<v%Qi  
C. resumed Tb1}XvZ  
D. abolished fb. \V]K  
12 BecauseI was out of butter. I ________ oil in the recipe. I,4-  
A. contributed 27E9 NO=  
B. distributed \y H 3Y  
C. substituted 4[,B;7  
D. constituted +}1hU :qW  
13 Althoughthe new project was confusing when it was first presented, it gradually becameclear as details were explained in ____________ meetings. Z\ =04[  
A. subsequent jXY;V3l  
B. precedent K+@eH#Cv,(  
C. consequent 2iPmCG  
D. previous (ND5CKCR^  
14 Sheis a very __________ woman; you will not be able to deceive her or takeadvantage of her. ^/C $L8#  
A. naïve ,d>X/kd|o  
B. shrewd @9uYmkcV  
C. transparent \YlF>{LVe  
D. genuine q]N?@l]  
15 Theaudience ______________ uncomfortably in their chairs as the speaker continuedhis long and boring speech. ewAH'H] o  
A. altered 5&<d2EG6l'  
B. removed _iGU|$a  
C. shifted ! nCjA\$  
D. transferred v dH+>l  
2006 lP@)   
1 You will only be allowed to leave earlyin _______ circumstances. 5"kx}f2$  
A. exceptional %9QMzz5  
B. coincidental {}g %"mi#  
C. peculiar \7,MZt  
D. imperative coF T2Pq  
2 His latest ________ was buying asecond-hand car which turned out to have a faulty engine. ){+[$@9  
A. agony KbwTj*k[  
B. stigma llHc=&y#  
C. wrath S9HBr  
D. folly C#Hcv*D  
3 The champagnes had caused his face to_______ and his eyes were bright. I(OAEIz  
A. flourish aJ :A%+1  
B. fresh (]3ERPn#y  
C. flesh NqJ<!q)  
D. flush _{6,.TN  
4 He needs a hobby to keep him busy andstop him from getting into _______ . I!f B1aq-  
A. mischief tS\=<T  
B. nuisance GA|/7[I}  
C. hostility ^uyNv-'F  
D. bustle VLcyPM@"Q!  
5 Poor sight and hearing are common_______ of old age. F+ffl^BQ  
A. presentations AH&9Nye8  
B. afflictions ==]Z \jk  
C. outcome / <JY:1|  
D. relevance ow2M,KU6Z  
6 The dream of many scientists has been tocreate a ________ motion machine – one that would always continue moving onceit had been started. b/}'Vf[  
A. transient )K{o<m~WAo  
B. temporary \s =QiPK  
C. perpetual %6AYCN?Ih  
D. periodic h ZoC _\  
7 Only a small _______ of those attendingthe convention came from outside the state. p1Q/g Il  
A. fracture |]^l^e 6m  
B. fragment \). Nag+  
C. fraction ?E % +}P  
D. fragrance 8)N0S% B  
8 Chemicalsfrom the factory up the river ________ the water, killing many fish and makingthe water totally unfit for human use. X(IyvfC  
A. corrupted Ay 2b,q  
B. infected 8{oZi]ob  
C. contaminated );=Q] >  
D. stained /x$}D=(CZ  
9 It is strictly illegal to _______ a gun,knife, or any other weapon when boarding an airplane. +<&E3Or  
A. shelter Tru c[A.2Z  
B. disguise 8pqs?L@W  
C. conceal FtE90=$  
D. veil \H^;'agA  
10 To_______ the boredom of studying, it is a good idea to take frequent breaks. o WI!u 5  
A. intensify #+$ zE#je  
B. aggravate mKM,kY  
C. illuminate Wu,S\!  
D. alleviate E-^2"j >o  
11 Althoughwe felt _______ for the child who had lost his parents, there was really notmuch we could do to comfort him. EOhC6>ATh  
A. compassion p+$+MeBz  
B. compass 4h;4!I|  
C. companion !:3^ hb  
D. compartment $%=G[/i'  
12 Thepolice were ________ by the crime and were never able to solve it. tj[c#@[B  
A. hindered h(nj,X+  
B. enlightened 88+ =F XG  
C. baffled `%Q&</X  
D. detained F_ 81l<  
13 _______for the top-of-the-range car include a compact disc player, electric windowsand a sunroof. Fwb5u!_,  
A. accessories <6/= y1QC)  
B. components 6lsEGe  
C. decorations `;$h'eI9  
D. colleagues  h,t:]  
14 Theauthor uses the ________ of bees when describing the workers at the bakery. z6I%wh  
A. correlation 0\Y1}C  
B. equivalent GWdSSr>  
C. analogy RJhK$\  
D. parallel P#MK  
15 Thebooks will be ________ from our warehouse tomorrow to your address. 8eN7VT eb  
A. dispatched f}iU& 3S  
B. disputed +P)ys#=  
C. dismissed &iBNO,v  
D. dispersed w#9_eq|3  
2006 )c+k_;t'+  
1 I am ___________ _ in the morning, untilI have had my coffee. [EO Vw%R  
A. inflexible 2"X~ju  
B. incurable OhFW*v  
C. inarticulate oL-2qtv  
D. irreversible Hhl-E:"H`  
2 A tunnel has been ___________ under theEnglish Channel to link England and France. - {{[cT I  
A. bored R,,Qt TGB  
B. delivered :h*a rT4{  
C. structured w7 *V^B  
D. reckoned ~*-qX$gr  
3 This knife is too ___________ to cutvegetables, could you please sharpen it? T$mbk3P  
A. portable 8:dQ._#v  
B. remote jDX>izg;V  
C. vulnerable Wekqn!h  
D. blunt g) 1X&>  
4 The editorial ____________ theviewpoints of conservative politicians. 1m)M ;^_  
A. echoed _ck[&Q  
B. perceived i=rH7k  
C. contended Cy@ cLdV  
D. received G%:G eW  
5 He’s one of those ________ people whothink they’re always right about everything. +}JM&bfK  
A. extroverted GLUUY 0  
B. humble <]U1\~j  
C. arbitrary  v~=\H  
D. nominal r*XLV{+4  
6 They are busy __________ some fact andfigures of documentary on the subject of E-commerce. iqPBsIW  
A. generalizing LW:1/w&pv  
B. compiling ( kw5>c7  
C. measuring OH'ea5x q  
D. promoting mYv(R!37'  
7 Dr. Smith proposed a number of relateideas that gradually __________ into a practical plan. $k%Z$NSN=  
A. hatched &JhX +'U  
B. assembled \?lz&<  
C. segregated lFq{O;q7}  
D. crystallized bw S*]!*  
8 The military government ___________ thecountry’s parliament and suspended all political activity. go'j/4Tp  
A. sacked :dnJY%/q  
B. revised VaLs`q&3>  
C. dissolved ;[ ' a  
D. ignored ,o#kRWRG  
9 Their many years of research havefinally ___________ in a cure for the disease. iiC!|`k"  
A. furnished A :e;k{J  
B. culminated l#qv 5f  
C. accomplished PK2~fJB  
D. fabricated (z7+|JE.  
10 Thepassage you have just read in the paper is ____________ from the AtlanticMonthly. q|(W-h+  
A. assembled = |U@  
B. condensed @N.jB#nEb  
C. curtailed UKBJ_r  
D. modified rf K8q'@  
11 Theweeds just __________, and before long the garden was a jungle. n"D ?I  
A. multiplied  zGlZ!t:  
B. expanded F -gE<<  
C. improved {6Au3gt/  
D. enlarged q_ fam,9  
12 Thecountry’s progress is being __________ by a leader who refuses to look forward. 8|g<X1H{M  
A. restricted dK9Zg,DZL  
B. confined UQ?%|y*Kc  
C. prevented  A[N {  
D. constrained HIvZQQW|  
13 Thefuel used is almost ___________ charcoal made from wood or shells. q6d~V] 4:  
A. habitually MgM D\  
B. voluntarily <i. a pBH  
C. invariably V"KS[>>f  
D. faithfully *%FA:Y  
14 Theofficial ___________ show that one out of four girls who marry between 16 and18 ends up in the divorce court. >{zk qvsQ&  
A. quota |V,<+BE i  
B. statistics /bRg?Q  
C. poll :l\V'=%9'@  
D. digits O6s.<` \  
15 Raysof sunlight focused through a _________ glass onto a piece of paper may makethe paper burn. (R}ii}&  
A. minimizing OjE` 1h\  
B. magnifying Vm1-C<V9  
C. exaggerating `)$_YZq|SR  
D. maximizing 19e8  









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