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主题 : 南开考博英语部分真题解析
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-12-31   
来源于 考博试题 分类


南开大学考博英语部分真题解析 9W5lSX #^;  
Ⅰ LISTENING TEST (20 points) sl l\g  
(略) 客观题部分 ?l{nk5,?-Y  
请用铅笔将此部分的答案填涂在答题卡上,否则无效! ~ .g@hS8>  
Ⅱ Vocabulary (10 points) `U_)98  
Part A (5 points) F)QDJE0  
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are q3!bky\  
four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes JH9J5%sp  
the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar 0s[Hkhls  
across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ. Example: gr2U6gi  
She prefers foreign wine to that produced ________. q]-r@yF  
A. previously B. virtually C. primarily D. domestically wn%A4- %{  
The sentence should read, “She prefers foreign wine to that $6 f3F?y7  
produced domestically.” {!L~@r  
Therefore, you should choose D. Sample Answer [A][B][C][D] _B<X`L =  
1. International sport should create goodwill between the nations, n_A3#d<9  
but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages H1 ./x6Hr  
________patriotism. 8nV+e~-w  
A. obsolete B. aggressive C. harmonious D. amiable XRi8Gpg  
2. One can understand others much better by noting the immediate NX rlk  
and fleeting reactions of their eyes and ________ to expressed ^09,"<@k  
thoughts. <bWG!ZG  
(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ: 772678537) WOap+  
A. dilemmas B. countenances C. concessions D. junctions #*Ctwl,T  
3. People innately ________ for superiority over their peers wmLs/:~  
although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power. } q8ASYNc  
A. strive B. ascertain C. justify D. adhere B]tQ(s~  
4. Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or {P_.~0pc*  
wildlife ________ for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness .ioEI sg  
areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally  \4fQMG  
while we observe them. a:w#s}bL  
A. conservation B. maintenance C. storage D. reserve Avb\{)s+  
5. According to the latest report, consumer confidence ________ x.$FNt(9  
a breathtaking 15 points last month, to its lowest level in 9 years. ;4\;mmLVk  
A. soared B. mutated C. plummeted D. fluctuated P&Vv/D  
6. Melissa is a computer ________ that destroyed files in 8":Q)9;%  
computers and frustrated thousands of users around the world. A. J|73.&B  
genius B. virus C. disease D. bacteria M_DwUS 1?  
7. The ________ emphasis on examinations is by far the worst form V'gh 6`v  
of competition in schools. r~['VhI!;E  
A. negligent B. edible C. fabulous D. disproportionate 8. The S_H+WfIHV'  
boy seemed more ________ to their poverty after seeing how his pQB."[n  
grandparents lived. xAm6BB c  
A. reconciled B. consolidated C. deteriorated D. attributed Q7CsJzk~)  
9. During his two-month stay in China, Tom never ________ a chance %WS+(0*1  
to practice his Chinese. d<Tc7vg4|U  
A. passed on B. passed up C. passed by D. passed out OY({.uVdX  
10. When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his ________ F :DrX_O%  
can be distributed. ,/unhfs1q  
A. paradoxes B. legacies C. platitudes D. analogies ],].zlN  
Part B (5 points ) -UT}/:a  
Directions: In each of the following sentences there is one word c:.eGH_f  
or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four choices marked A, }<:}XlwT%  
B, C, and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined QS`]  
part. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the m#p'iU*va,  
square bracket on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ. P!k{u^$L  
Example: The secretary is very competent; she can finish all kG*~ |ma  
these letters within one hour. jc9y<{~x/  
A. careful B. industrious C. clever D. capable Gs[XJ 5%`~  
In this sentence, “competent” is closest in meaning to Kc(FX%3LU  
“capable”. Therefore you should choose D. Sample Answer ~Cjn7  
[A][B][C][D] 4KrL{Z+}  
11. He claims that advertising today tends to portray women in T[A 69O]v  
traditional roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby. WX0tgXl  
A. depict B. advocate C. criticize D. analyze >o,TZc\  
12. They achieved more than they had ever dreamed, lending a magic #LOwGJ$yVz  
to their family story that no tale or ordinary life could possibly cN9t{.m  
rival. H>@+om  
A. confirm B. achieve C. match D. exaggerate _J[P[(ab  
13. The most urgent thing is to find a dump for those toxic hR|MEn6KC  
industrial wastes. A. imminent B. recyclable C. smelly D. poisonous Sa5G.^ XI  
14. British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate $, '*f?d  
that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further U.N. N}YkMJy  
sanction. FC"8#*x  
A. allies B. delegates C. voters D. juries N17RLz *\  
15. The analysis suggests that the tradeoff between our dC4'{ n|7  
children's college and our own retirement security is chilling. tklH@'q  
A. frightening B. promising C. freezing D. revealing xn|(9#1o  
16. Their signing of the treaty was regarded as a conspiracy pY$Q  
against the British Crown. 76` .Y  
A. secret plan B. bold attack C. clever design D. joint effort 5 rUdv}.  
17. Evidence, reference, and footnotes by the thousand testify o%*xvH*A  
to a scrupulous researcher who does considerable justice to a full 9]@!S|1  
range of different theoretical and political positions. 1g~R/*Jo  
A. trustworthy B. intelligent C. diligent D. meticulous ^y4Z+Gu[  
18. Despite their spartan, isolated lifestyle, there are no .XhrCi Z  
stories of women being raped orwanton violence against civilians in FNId ;  
the region. o ,3a4nH;  
A. intriguing B. exasperating C. demonstrative D. unprovoked e<q?e}>?  
19. The gang derived their nickname from their dark clothing and EAby?51+  
blacked up faces for nocturnalraids in the forest. _t}WsEQ+P  
A. illegal B. night-time C. brutal D. abusive ,wdD8ZT'Ip  
20. Though sometimes too lazy to work as hard as her sisters, Linda ##4HYQ%E  
has a more avidfondness for the limelight. {T~#?v (  
A. mercurial B. gallant C. ardent D. frugal k+l b@!  
Ⅲ Cloze (10 points ) :S(ZzY Q  
Directions: Read the following passage. Choose the best word for ?#Q #u|~  
each numbered blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single *s iFj CN<  
bar across the square bracket on Answer Sheet I. iMRwp+$  
Like many other aspects of the computer age, Yahoo began as an  qA5r  
idea, __21__ into a hobby and lately has __22__ into a full-time i<g-+Qs  
passion. The two developers of Yahoo, David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph. 1]/.` ]1  
D candidates __23__ Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, @2v_pJy^  
started their guide in April 1994 as a way to keep __24__ of their IRqy%@)  
personal interest on the Internet. Before long they __25__ that their iM 3V=&)  
homebrewed lists were becoming too long and __26__. Gradually they `,*5wBC  
began to spend more and more time on Yahoo. liz~7RY4  
During 1994, they __27__ yahoo into a customized database 0NX,QD  
designed to __28__ the needs of the thousands of users __29__ began 0%I=d  
to use the service through the closely __30__ Internet community. They ,U dVNA  
developed customized software to help them __31__ locate, identify Y% 5eZ=z  
and edit material __32__ on the Internet. The name Yahoo is __33__ q?/a~a  
to stand for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Orale”, but Filo OY@ %p}l  
and Yang insist they selected the __34__ because they considered cq4I pe  
themselves yahoos. Yahoo itself first __35__ on Yang's workstation, ls )%c  
“akebono”, while the search engine was __36__ on Filo's computer, C'}KTXiRW  
“Konishiki”. ."y1_dDql  
In early 1995 Marc Andersen, co-founder of Netscape Communication Rr|VD@%  
in Mountain View, California, invited Filo and Yang to move their I`4*+a'q&  
files __37__ to larger computers __38__ at Netscape. As a result e'b(gD}  
Stanford's computer network returned to __39__, and both parties \6*I'|5 d  
benefited. Today, Yahoo __40__ organized information on tens of x5*!Wx   
thousands of computers linked to the web. ^eYVWQ'  
21. A. became B. grew C. turn D. intend ]f9Cx\d:k  
22. A. made B. saw C. looked D. turned  zi`o#+  
23. A. in B. on C. about D. for $[=%R`~w  
24. A. touch B. contact C. track D. record Aj+F |l  
25. A. founded B. found C. argued D. reported 7g}w+p>  
26. A. unwieldy B. tough C. tamable D. invaluable E\pL!c  
27. A. exchanged B. shank C. sold D. converted QbpFE)TYJ|  
28. A. explain B. serve C. discover D. evaluate 9\JF`ff_  
29. A. which B. that C. actually D. eagerly $,Yd>%Y  
30. A. relative B. interactive C. bound D. contacted <1\Nb{5  
31. A. fluently B. efficiently C. exactly D. actually hv_XP,1K  
32. A. transmitted B. purchased C. sold D. stored +@iA; 2&  
33. A. about B. bound C. going D. supposed yhA6i  
34. A. fable B. model C. name D. brand v^iL5y!  
35. A. supported B. resided C. lived D. launched rFYWs6  
36. A. connected B. lodged C. introduced D. linked "y/?WQ>,3  
37. A. over B. away C. inside D. beneath Jcm&RI"{  
38. A. housed B. caught C. hosed D. hidden gi _5?$  
39. A. average B. normal C. ordinary D. equal :^3LvPM  
40. A. attains B. detains C. maintains D. contains i3'9>"`  
Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (20 points) k%QpegN  
Directions: Read the following passages, decide on the best one VrQmP  
of the choices marked A, B, C, and D for each question or unfinished :I^;jdL  
statement and then mark the corresponding letter with a single +@k+2?] FO  
baracross the square bracket on the ANSWER SHEET I. b-Q>({=i  
Passage 1 K':;%~I  
Guthrie's contiguity principle offers practical suggestions for +8d1| cB"  
how to break habits. 6?~"V  
One application of the threshold method involves the time young Y+u_IJ  
children spend on academic activities. Young children have short 9b"=9y,  
attention spans, so the length of time they can sustain work on one MC:@U~}6  
activity is limited. Most activities are scheduled to last no longer ^qQZT]  
than 30 to 40 minutes. However, at the start of the school year, \k!{uRy'  
attention spans quickly wane and behavior problems often result. To %Ax3;g#  
apply Guthrie's theory, a teacher might, at the start of the year, ^pF&` 2eD  
limit activities to 15 to 20 minutes. Over the next few weeks the n'kG] Q  
teacher could gradually increase the time students spend working on fd<:_ f]v  
a single activity. 64G[|" j D  
The threshold method also can be applied to teaching printing and e MY<uqdw  
handwriting. When children first learn to form letters, their l@+7:n4K0  
movements are awkward and they lack fine motor coordination. The ]<rkxgMW>  
distances between lines on a page are purposely wide so children can m\r@@!  
fit the letters into the space. If paper with narrow lines is initially T)TfB(  
introduced, students' etters would spill over the borders and ?6un4EVL{  
students might become frustrated. Once students can form letters yvH A7eq*"  
within the larger bordens, they can use paper with smaller borders ,\  
to help them refine their skills. RcM /!,B  
The fatigue method can be applied when disciplining disruptive iwp{%FF  
students who build paper airplanes and sail them across the room. The 4N zwE(  
teacher can remove the students from the classroom, give them a large *4+"Lh.KS  
stack of paper, and tell him to start making paper airplanes. After Xr$J9*Jk-  
the students have made several airplanes, the activity should lose -vR5BMy=  
its attraction and paper will become a cue for not building airplanes. ]#l/2V1  
Some students continually race around the gym when they first (SDr!!V<  
enter their physical education class. To employ the fatigue method, JedmaY06=  
the teacher might decide to have these students continue to run a few ?:8ido#-  
more laps after the class has begun. Avd ^  
The incompatible response method can be used with students who ,PuL{%PXu  
talk and misbehave in the media center. Reading is incompatible with )ufg 9"\  
talking. The media center teacher might ask the students to find !GLz)#SBl  
interesting books and read them while in the center. Assuming that (k) l= ]`}  
the students find the books enjoyable, the media center will, over Ov4y %Pj  
time, become a cue for selecting and reading books rather than for %Yicg6:  
talking with other students. t.&Od;\[/  
In a social studies class some students regularly fall asleep. BuWHX>H  
The teacher realized that using the board and overhead projector while 9S7 kUl{  
lecturing was very boring. Soon the teacher began to incorporate other cU@SIJ)  
elements into each lesson, such as experiments, and debates, in an "B4;,+4kR  
attempt to involve students and raise their interest in the course. 'EF9Zt8  
41. The purpose of this passage is to ________. lB4GU y$  
A. inform B. persuade C. debate D. narrate Nq` C.&  
42. Guthrie identified three methods for ________. Nz+9 49X  
A. educating students B. altering bad habits 8lb%eb] U  
C. avoiding undesired action D. forming good hobbies ang~<  
43. Which of the following is not the example of applying the #H{<gjs]  
threshold method? 2H6,'JK@F  
A. Parents introduce spinach in small bites or mixed with a food jbu8~\"  
that the child enjoys over time so that the child will not refuse to jm0- y%  
eat it. '0uh D.|G  
B. Teachers introduce academic content in short blocks of time `V"sOTb  
for young children and gradually increase session length but not to ("+}=*?OF3  
where students become frustrated or bored. W4e5Rb4~f"  
C. Paper with wider lines is first used and then paper with narrow iz?tu: \v&  
lines is introduced step by step to help children learn printing and Eu-RNrYh#  
handwriting. &f^l ^K 5:  
D. A child might be made to throw toys until it is no longer fun r'uGWW"w  
by his parents in order to change his behavior of repeatedly throwing 92d6U2T4&  
toys. k^%B5  
44. To stop snacking while watching television, people should ~r$jza~o(  
keep their hands busy by sewing, painting, working crossword puzzles, @` Eg (  
and so forth. Over time, watching TV becomes a cue for engaging in E3l> 3  
an activity other than snacking. What method is used in this example? 0=q;@OIf  
A. The threshold method. B. The fatigue method. RE=+ Dz{  
C. The incompatible response method. D. The punishment method. E%v?t1>/  
45. We can draw the conclusion from the passage that ________. 4e;y G>  
A. The incompatible response method is to force child to make f<*Js)k  
unwanted response repeatedly in presence of stimulus until he or she s^|.Zr;,>  
becomes exhausted nF4a-H&Fo  
B. The threshold method refers to introducing undesired behavior +sx 8t  
with a response incompatible with the undesired response so they L%$|^T=%  
cannot be performed simultaneously UH>F|3"d  
C. The fatigue method means that engaging in the behavior is PN<C=gAe  
transformed into avoiding it by introducing the stimulus at full Ppt2A6W  
strength so it becomes a cue for not performing it >'xGp7}y  
D. The fatigue method is that in presence of stimulus teachers ^1x*lLf  
have child make response incompatible with unwanted response nG, U>)  
Passage 2 3ZZV<SS  
The increase in global trade means that international companies %#Z/2<_  
cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes if they want to be ]I.n\2R]om  
competitive. kR@Yl Yo  
Understanding the language and culture of target markets in o/ mF #  
foreign countries is one of the keys to successful international K+)%KP  
marketing. Too many companies, however, have jumped into foreign ?D)<,  
markets with embarrassing results. #:|+XLL  
Translation mistakes are at the heart of many blunders in 9W>Y#V~|v!  
international advertising. u!U"N*Y"  
General Motors, the US auto manufacturer, got a costly lesson when {[t`j +J  
it introduced its Chevrolet Nova to the Puerto Rican market. “Nova” nL}5cPI  
is Latin for “new(star)” and means “star” in many languages, but c$,_>tcP  
in spoken Spanish it can sound like “nova”, meaning “it doesn't LrV{j?2@  
go”. Few people wanted to buy a car with that cursed meaning. When 9 ASb>A2~  
GM changed the name to Caribe, sales “picked up” dramatically. $hVYTy~}  
Marketing blunders have also been made by food and beverage NLe}Jqp  
companies. One American food company's friendly “Jolly Green Giant” >x@P|\  
(for advertising vegetables) became something quite different when L] hXp t  
it was translated into Arabic as “Intimidating Green Ogre”. LFp]7Dq  
When translated into German, Pepsi's popular slogan, “Come Alive \#x}q'BC4  
with Pepsi” came out implying “Come Alive from the Grave”. No 'QH1=$Su  
wonder customers in Germany didn't rush out to buy Pepsi.  (|fm6$  
Successful international marketing doesn't stop with good ZRUhAp'<qj  
translations—other aspects of culture must be researched and x2#qg>`l  
understood if marketers are to avoid blunders. 2~p[7?sp'  
When marketers do not understand and appreciate the values, -(JU d4#  
tastes, geography, climate, superstitions, religion, or economy of '69ZdP/xX  
a culture, they fail to capture their target market. ! sA_?2$  
For example, an American designer tried to introduce a new perfume X7|.T0{=x  
into the Latin American market but the product aroused little interest. 3%<C<(  
The main reason was that the camellia used in it was traditionally E}Xka1 Bn  
used for funerals in many South American countries. r\9TMg`C  
Having awakened to the special nature of foreign advertising, ? {F{;r  
companies are becoming much more conscientious in their translations w, jcm;  
and more sensitive to cultural distinctions. iY/KSX^~O  
The best way to prevent errors is to hire professional translators } i)$n(A)K  
who understand the target language and its idiomatic usage, or to use dj[apuiF  
a technique called “back translation” to reduce the possibility of E)t  
blunders. M`,XyIn  
The process used one person to translate a message into the target I7\ &Z q  
language and another to translate it back. Effective translators aim .Nx W=79t  
to capture the overall message of an advertisement because a H.J5i~s  
word-for-word duplication of the original rarely conveys the intended =ziy`#fm,  
meaning and often causes misunderstandings. 9 K  
In designing advertisements for other countries, messages need +ydm,aKk  
to be short and simple. kJ: 2;t=  
They should also avoid jokes, since what is considered funny in 2 6:evid  
one part of the world may not be so humorous in another. O'}l lo  
46. The best title of this passage might be ______. N^elVu4 K  
A. Culture Is Very Important in Advertising ,R-Y~+!  
B. Avoid Cultural Misunderstanding between Nations +~|AT+|iI  
C. Overcome Cultural Sock in Different Countries RyRqH:p)3  
D. Advertisements Reflect Various Life Styles LnMwx#^*  
47. What does the word “blunder” mean in this passage? _Nu` )m  
A. hesitation B. mistake C. stutter D. default G79C {|c\  
48. Which of the following statements can be used to summarize j=.g :&r)  
the gist from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 6? !J.rM5K  
A. Cultural shocks B. Faulty translations '=TTa  
C. Avoid cultural oversights D. Prevent blunders o*7yax  
49. We can learn from the context in Paragraph 9 that the word +6%7C C6  
“camellia” most probably mean ______. T~Yg5J  
A. an animal used in perfume for its smell .{N\<01  
B. a piece of fabric used both in perfume and at funerals lfMH1llx  
C. a flower used in perfume for its fragrance and used for (4)3W^/kk?  
funerals AZ8UXq  
D. an ornament used in perfume and at funerals mvf _@2^  
50. One way to prevent errors in advertising in different 712=rUI%!  
countries is to ______. A. fire the translators who don't know the rZ866\0  
target language j-P^Zv};u  
B. use the technique called “literal translation” to reduce the > I%zd/q?  
possibility of blunders ucFw,sB1  
C. avoid cultural oversights and avoid certain jokes A[Cg/ +Z  
D. explain in details when designing advertisement for other U~g@TfU;  
countries S 1>Z6  
Passage 3 )n7)}xy#z  
It is not unusual for chief executives to collect millions of KS>Fl->  
dollars a year in pay, stock options, and bonuses. In the last fifteen L9'-  
years, while executive remuneration rose, taxed in the highest income `1p?*9Ssn  
bracket went down. Millionaires are now commonplace. }@4| 7  
Amiability is not a prerequisite for rising to the top, and there T.euoFU{Z  
are a number of chief executive officers with legendary bad tempers. {1HB!@%,(  
It is not the boss's job to worry about the well-being of his vcD'~)G(*  
subordinates although the man with many enemies will be swept out more .??rqaZ=  
quickly in hard times; it is the company he worries about. His business K-Y* T}?  
savvy is supposed to be based on intimate knowledge of his company |x[$3R1@  
and the industry so he goes home nightly with a full briefcase. At h&'J+b  
the very top-and on the way up—executives are exceedingly dedicated. pgfu+K7?w  
The American executive must be capable of enough small talk to "x.88,T6  
get him through the social part of his schedule, but he is probably k%a?SU< f  
not a highly cultured individual or an intellectual. Although his wife 'XME?H:q a  
may be on the board of the symphony or opera, he himself has little 6 cr^<]v!  
time for such pursuits. His reading may largely concern business and \Em-.%c  
management, despite interests in other fields. Golf provides him with z+2u-jG  
a sportive outlet that combines with some useful socializing. A9.;>8!u  
These day, he probably attempts some form of aerobic exercise to -q|*M:R  
“keep the old heart in shape” and for the same reason goes easy on FRD<0o/`  
butter and alcohol, and substances thought to contribute to taking jS}'cm-  
highly stressed executives out of the running. But his doctor's \j/}rzo]  
admonition to “take it easy” falls on deaf ears. He likes to work. f@#w{W,3  
He knows there are younger men nipping at his heels. AzW%+ LUD  
Corporate head-hunting, carried on by “executive search >pJ6{Ip  
firms,” is a growing industry. America has great faith in individual L)=8mF.  
talent, and dynamic and aggressive executives are so in demand that =`ywd]\7  
companies regularly raid each other's managerial ranks. ] +sSg=N7i  
51. We can infer from the second paragraph that ______. \_)02ZT:  
A. promotion depends on amiability _;%.1H{N  
B. chief executives do not work hard enough at the to level .Lp Nm'=R  
C. it is the duty of the chief executive to look after the +KYxw^k}"7  
well-being of his subordinates ArLz;#AOn  
D. a chief executive is expected to know more about his company DPR;$yV  
and the industry /"g [Ay  
52. The term “aerobic exercise” (first line in second last +YkmLD  
paragraph) is a kind of ______. n^3NA| A  
A. hallucination exercise D6"~fjHh  
B. physical exercise (bM)Nd  
C. meditation exercise  [ ((h<e  
D. entertainment ]wJ}-#Kx  
53. From the last paragraph we can gather that ______. wCTcGsw W  
A. there are too many aggressive executives + 6i7,U  
B. individual talent is not essential for a company {yul.m  
C. the job of an “executive search firm” is corporate :%+^}   
head-hunting 00$ @0  
D. it is not common for companies to undermine each other's qBf wN1  
managerial ranks 1oXz[V  
54. For executives, according to the article, a golf course is ,k`YDy|#e  
a place where ______. $X{B* WF  
A. they can conduct their business :e5:\|5*5  
B. they can indulge themselves H-nFsJ(R!c  
C. they can cultivate their mind 7TMDZ*  
D. they can exercise as well as socialize \#IJ=+z   
55. What is NOT true according to the article? "^e} C@  
A. Executives tend to ignore doctors' advice and warnings. &Sa_%:*D(  
B. Executives are sensitive to pressure from the younger ~_/<PIm  
generation. D]LFX/hlH  
C. All chief executives can earn millions of dollars a year. 3> n2  
D. Executives are careful of what they eat. =DQdPA\K  
Passage 4 wh7i G8jCz  
In November 1970 Yukio Mishima, together with some of his M+;!]tbc3  
fanatical followers from the ultranationalistic Shield Society which UeK, q>i  
he had founded in 1966, broke into the headquarters of Japan's Eastern [TpA26#TTO  
Defense Forces armed with swords and daggers, overpowered some aides, Y3sNr)qss  
tied up the commanding general, and demanded that the troops be 7><* 9iOW  
assembled to hear a speech. Mishima addressed the troops for ten wXIe5  
minutes, inciting them to rebel against the constitutional government f0HV*%8  
imposed by the United States that had, in his words, “turned Japan k=d%.kg  
spineless.” Receiving only ridicule in response, he returned to the hhh: rmEZl  
general's office and there, before the general's unbelieving eyes, 0qotC6l~_w  
proceeded to kill himself in strict accordance with the traditional b@Mng6R  
samurai ritual of seppuku. After Mishima had driven a dagger deep into ><:lUt*N2  
left abdomen, one of his aides severed his head with a sword. The aide Cs6zv>SR  
likewise killed himself and was beheaded; the others surrendered. Jte:l:yjtA  
In 1936 there had been a similar revolt and, though equally ki][qvXJ  
unsuccessful, it had foreshadowed the repressive regime of General 66Cj=n5  
Tojo that was to stage the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. That earlier L2V $%*6  
revolt is the one referred to in “Patriotism,” one of Mishima's most sQ3ayB`  
powerful stories. Here life and fiction become joined. The act of "*H'bzK  
seppuku was for Mishima a fulfillment, “the ultimate dream of my VES4x%r=  
life.” Born of an ancient samurai family, he longed to die a hero's uq#h\p|  
death in accordance with the ancient samurai code; but his weak body sLpCWIy  
kept him from service in the war, and he had to compensate through k 0Vo  
body building (he became expert at karate and kendo) and, most b\e)PUm#u@  
important, through the discipline of writing. In his short lifetime l2KxZteXY0  
he turned out twenty novels, thirty plays, many essays, and more than 4'4s EjyA  
eighty stories: he also produced, directed, and acted in movies, and M$5%QM}  
even sang on stage. His first book of stories, A Forest in Flower, 5M.n'*   
appeared in 1943, but it was Confession of a Mask (1948), dealing with 9rvxp;  
the meditations of a young man of homosexual leanings in a repressive *"9)a6T t+  
society, that brought him fame. 5fDtSsW  
Mishima has been called “Japan's Hemingway,” while others have aK=3`q  
compared him to “aesthetic” writers like Walter Peter and Oscar Lq8Z!AIw>  
Wilde. +/UXy2VRt$  
56. The article implies that ______. KA* l6`(  
A. Mishima refused to join the army when he was young #+D mH  
B. Mishima has been regarded as a lunatic writer D 5wR?O  
C. Mishima is a person who is hard to define :tS>D5dz(  
D. Critics all agree that Mishima is an aesthetic writer PAWr1]DI  
57. The aim of the rebel led by Mishima was ______. < $?}^ 0R  
A. to capture the commanding general A ** M"T  
B. to urge the government to declare a war against America ah$7 Oudj  
C. to incite the soldiers to rebel against the constitutional vgbjvyfN  
government ZK_@.O+]  
D. to force the Emperor to give up the throne e.Q K%  
58. In the 1970 rebel, the speech made by Mishima ______. Ru\Lr=9  
A. was well received by the soldiers Pge}xKT  
B. was laughed at by the soldiers b)`#^uxxJ  
C. impressed the commanding general R{y{  
D. left a deep impression to the soldiers #1hz=~YO  
59. What is true according to article [^BUhm3a  
A. The general knew that Mishima had longed to die a hero's death. 3V!&y/c<  
B. The general was greatly taken aback by Mishima's suicide yt# ;3  
attempt. N#!1@!2BN  
C. Some soldiers surrendered after Mishima's speech. FveK|-  
D. One of Mishima's aides was killed by the soldiers. ex!w Y  
60. Mishima became a well-known writer after he had ______. z ex.0OT;  
A. written “Patriotism,” one of his most powerful stories l7y`$8Co  
B. written eighty short stories S aq>o.  
C. published “A Forest in Flower” 7,VWvmWJex  
D. published “Confession of a Mask” +dpj?  
主观题部分 Gqb-3n gH  
请用钢笔或圆珠将此部分的答案做在答题纸二上,否则无效! .w OLi Ms  
Ⅴ Translation (20 points) 'Mhdw}  
Part A. (10 points) G 9":z|  
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese on your /;m!>{({)  
One might ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real @[Qg}'i  
a danger of loss. The basic reason is that speculation can perform y:zT1I@>  
useful functions in the market equilibrium and encourages faster MQM y Z:  
entry of more suppliers. If the price change lagged until after an w/D m  
actual commodity shortage had occurred, the fluctuation would ##ea-"m8  
probably be sharper and more sudden. Remedial supply action could not 3t6'5{  
be further delayed. Similarly, if speculators foresee a surplus in "T[jQr  
some commodity, their selling of futures will help drive the price n.>'&<H>9  
down to some extent before the surplus actually occurs. When  ,qqV11P]  
speculators foresee a shortage and bid up the price, they are also 1h0ohW  
helping to conserve the present supply. As the price goes up, less Zpd>' ${4  
of the commodity is purchased; a rise in price encourages users to o*BI^4  
economize. Similarly, a lowering of price encourages users to buy more, `g1~ya(MC  
thus helping to sell the surplus which is developing. zX Pj7K*  
Part B. (10 points) 'J2P3t  
Directions: Translate the following into English on your ANSWER oob0^}^  
SHEET. 0t0:soZ x  
中国已经发展成为一个全球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。世界各国和 X*) :N]  
地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中获得 =D$r5D/xd  
了丰厚的回报。我相信,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国投资活动的机 tC~it U=V  
会将越来越多,自身发展的空间也越来越大。在中国的投资活动一定能成为 x"T^> Q  
沟通世界各国和地区的企业家与中国市场的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济 oABPGyv  
共同发展、共同繁荣。 bJ}+<##  
Ⅵ Writing (20 points) hY9u #3  
Directions: Write an essay in no less than 250 words with the title Lj,%pzJ  
“My Understanding of Globalization”. Your essay should be written =MLL-a1  
on the Answer Sheet. *r3vTgo$  
参考答案 y>PbYjuIU  
Ⅰ LISTENING TEST (20 points) (略) H:Le^WS  
Ⅱ Vocabulary (10 points) #O ]IXo(5z  
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. B I{bi3y0  
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. C r"{1H  
Ⅲ Cloze (10 points) mg]dKp  
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. C >fQN"(tf  
31. B 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. A ?F v(4g  
Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (20 points) ^f]pK&MAmN  
Passage 1 ?sE21m?b-  
41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. C #\QC%"%f  
Passage 2 Yd'ke,Je  
46. A 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. C !y.7"G*  
Passage 3 _aYQ(FO  
51. D 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. C *ni|I@8  
Passage 4 *^()el,d  
56. C 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. D ^lj>v}4fkW  
Ⅴ Translation (20 points) 4LLCb7/5lP  
参考译文 ^<-SW]x  
既然投机有很大的带来损失的风险,我们可能要问为什么还会允许进行 /8T{bJ5  
投机呢。根本原因在于投机能在经济发展中发挥有益的功能。由于相信价格 > { Q2S  
会上涨从而买商品或期货加快了市场均衡,并能鼓励更多的供应商更快地进 $-73}[UA 4  
入市场。如果价格变化滞后到商品短缺真正出现时才发生,那么价格波动很 ]vMft?  
可能更为剧烈、突然。采取补救措施增加供应将刻不容缓。类似的,如果投 iDr0_y*t  
机者预见到某商品将过剩,他们就会卖出期货,这样做有助于在过剩真正发 L\I/2aiE  
生之前在一定程度上降低价格。而当投机者预见到将会出现短缺的时候,就 _nUuiB>  
会哄抬物价,这样做也有助于保存当前的供给。物价上涨时,商品购买量就 *v&RGY[>  
会变少,因为价格上涨将促使消费者节约。同样的,物价下跌将促使消费者 Zlhr0itf  
增加购买,这样就有助于将正在增加的过剩商品出售出去。 ko$R%W&T  
参考译文 -L@=j  
China has developed into a big, extremely attractive and D@e:Fu1\R  
realistic market in the global context. Many farsighted entrepreneurs ND*5pRzvp  
from countries and regions all over the world have paid their 7JbrIdDl|  
attention to China and got generous profits in return from their rE 8-MB  
investment activities. I believe that, after China's entry into WTO, nM#\4Q[}Jh  
more opportunities will be created for the participation of foreign W;7cF8fu4  
entrepreneurs in the investment activities in China and lager space [/FIY!nC?  
for their own development. The investment activities in China will * -)aGL  
surely serve as a bridge connecting entrepreneurs from all the ^<c?Ire  
countries and regions in the world and the Chinese market, and promote TD'1L:mv  
the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world. WD<M U ]  
Ⅵ Writing (20 points) 3~ylBJJ  









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